Hillary Regarding How To Fight Terrorism: "I Know How To Do This."

“I’m the only candidate in this race who’s been part of the hard decisions to take terrorists off the battlefield,” Clinton, a former secretary of state, told reporters. “I have sat at that table in the Situation Room.” She added: “I know how to do this.”

Hillary has vast amounts of experience dealing with terrorism, earned while sitting in the Situation / War Room in the White House watching SpecOps soldiers take out UBL, while coordinating with Al Qaeida on taking down Qadaffi, and while hiding in her 'safe place' waiting for the Benghazi attack to be over.

Looking Back on Hillary's Vast Experience With Terrorism & Command Decisions:

- Argued with Barry that she was more qualified to receive the critical 2am emergency phone call in the WH. (Turns out they were 'equally qualified' - when that call finally came in no one knew / knows where either one of them were)

- A brilliant political maneuver for which she is credited is the photo taken while in the WAR room with Obama and his Staff the moment UBL was killed. While others showed emotions of seriousness, strength, and joy Hillary purposefully feigned a GASP and covered her mouth, as if in shock. The calculated move was, knowing she would run for President later, to present an impression not of a 'war monger' but a thoughtful, caring leader concerned with balancing the decisions of life and death.

- A keen and cunning diplomat, upon taking over as Secretary of State, Hillary concocted a mission to fool Russia into thinking we were their friend while embarrassing them on the world stage. In a brilliant move, Hillary presented a Russian Ambassador with a token of 'friendship' - a 'Reset' button signaling the 'Reset' of the US-Russian relationship. The JOKE was on them, however - the plaque on the 'Reset' button did not read 'Reset' - it read 'Overcharge'. Boy did THEY look stupid!

- Later, faced with threats of a pending attack on 9/11/12 and the warned assassination plot against a US Ambassador AND the growing violence that forced every other nation to pull their people out of a hostile area, Hillary stood her ground and REFUSED to order Americans out of Harm's Way.

- Despite 2 terrorist attacks on that Ambassador's compound prior to 9/11/12 Hillary REFUSED to order Americans out - determined to show Americans don't run, DENIED requests for additional security forces more than 60 times - determined to demonstrate American resolve and fierceness in the face of danger, and STRIPPED the endangered Ambassador of 14 of his security personnel AFTER those 2 terrorist attacks and right before the forewarned terrorist attack on 9/11/12 - determined to demonstrate America's resourcefulness by doing MORE with LESS!

- After 4 Americans were killed on 9/11/12 - to include the 1st US Ambassador to be murdered in over 30 years - and while ex Qaddafi forces we had been trying to kill weeks earlier rescued the American survivors, Hillary demonstrated her expert understanding of Deception and Mis-Information Ops to confuse the enemy so they would not know what WE knew by claiming the terrorist attack was NOT a terrorist attack at all but was a 'protest' over a little-known Anti-Islamic video made by an American 'film-maker.
-- This tactic completely worked, throwing the enemy off, causing them to let their guard down, so that we could apprehend the 'Master mind' of the attack 1 year later.

- Hillary her masterful leadership abilities by leading the effort to unify the Obama administration and Al Qaeida in an effort to jointly militarily attack Qaddafi (who had been helping the US fight terrorism in Northern Africa), overthrow him, and had his entire country over to Al Qaeida.

Hillary has stared terrorists in the face...and has joined them, has helped supply them, fund them, arm them, train them, and take the US to war with them as their ally. Unlike Trump, she has fully gotten deep inside their minds - she KNOWS them! She knows how to take them on. As she declared, she KNOWS how to do this!

Clinton on Combatting Terrorism: ‘I Know How to Do This’

dumb Donald is a poster child for ISIS recruiters..... other than disrespect our legal system what does the nutter think he's going to do? bomb Michigan?

That wasn't her reaction. I saw those photos same as you did, and you are reading in all sorts of garbage that wasn't there. I'd rather someone show true concern, which she did, than brag about shooting someone on 5th Avenue.

View attachment 90315

Looks like she's either going to pee herself or throw up.

only to a paid shill like you
dumb Donald is a poster child for ISIS recruiters..... other than disrespect our legal system what does the nutter think he's going to do? bomb Michigan?
Except for the last 2 words you quoted the lib Talking Points perfectly.
That wasn't her reaction. I saw those photos same as you did, and you are reading in all sorts of garbage that wasn't there. I'd rather someone show true concern, which she did, than brag about shooting someone on 5th Avenue.

View attachment 90315

Looks like she's either going to pee herself or throw up.

only to a paid shill like you
Ouch! That's one helluva comeback, Jill. You're on your 'A' game this morning!

“I’m the only candidate in this race who’s been part of the hard decisions to take terrorists off the battlefield,” Clinton, a former secretary of state, told reporters. “I have sat at that table in the Situation Room.” She added: “I know how to do this.”

Hillary has vast amounts of experience dealing with terrorism, earned while sitting in the Situation / War Room in the White House watching SpecOps soldiers take out UBL, while coordinating with Al Qaeida on taking down Qadaffi, and while hiding in her 'safe place' waiting for the Benghazi attack to be over.

Looking Back on Hillary's Vast Experience With Terrorism & Command Decisions:

- Argued with Barry that she was more qualified to receive the critical 2am emergency phone call in the WH. (Turns out they were 'equally qualified' - when that call finally came in no one knew / knows where either one of them were)

- A brilliant political maneuver for which she is credited is the photo taken while in the WAR room with Obama and his Staff the moment UBL was killed. While others showed emotions of seriousness, strength, and joy Hillary purposefully feigned a GASP and covered her mouth, as if in shock. The calculated move was, knowing she would run for President later, to present an impression not of a 'war monger' but a thoughtful, caring leader concerned with balancing the decisions of life and death.

- A keen and cunning diplomat, upon taking over as Secretary of State, Hillary concocted a mission to fool Russia into thinking we were their friend while embarrassing them on the world stage. In a brilliant move, Hillary presented a Russian Ambassador with a token of 'friendship' - a 'Reset' button signaling the 'Reset' of the US-Russian relationship. The JOKE was on them, however - the plaque on the 'Reset' button did not read 'Reset' - it read 'Overcharge'. Boy did THEY look stupid!

- Later, faced with threats of a pending attack on 9/11/12 and the warned assassination plot against a US Ambassador AND the growing violence that forced every other nation to pull their people out of a hostile area, Hillary stood her ground and REFUSED to order Americans out of Harm's Way.

- Despite 2 terrorist attacks on that Ambassador's compound prior to 9/11/12 Hillary REFUSED to order Americans out - determined to show Americans don't run, DENIED requests for additional security forces more than 60 times - determined to demonstrate American resolve and fierceness in the face of danger, and STRIPPED the endangered Ambassador of 14 of his security personnel AFTER those 2 terrorist attacks and right before the forewarned terrorist attack on 9/11/12 - determined to demonstrate America's resourcefulness by doing MORE with LESS!

- After 4 Americans were killed on 9/11/12 - to include the 1st US Ambassador to be murdered in over 30 years - and while ex Qaddafi forces we had been trying to kill weeks earlier rescued the American survivors, Hillary demonstrated her expert understanding of Deception and Mis-Information Ops to confuse the enemy so they would not know what WE knew by claiming the terrorist attack was NOT a terrorist attack at all but was a 'protest' over a little-known Anti-Islamic video made by an American 'film-maker.
-- This tactic completely worked, throwing the enemy off, causing them to let their guard down, so that we could apprehend the 'Master mind' of the attack 1 year later.

- Hillary her masterful leadership abilities by leading the effort to unify the Obama administration and Al Qaeida in an effort to jointly militarily attack Qaddafi (who had been helping the US fight terrorism in Northern Africa), overthrow him, and had his entire country over to Al Qaeida.

Hillary has stared terrorists in the face...and has joined them, has helped supply them, fund them, arm them, train them, and take the US to war with them as their ally. Unlike Trump, she has fully gotten deep inside their minds - she KNOWS them! She knows how to take them on. As she declared, she KNOWS how to do this!

Clinton on Combatting Terrorism: ‘I Know How to Do This’

dumb Donald is a poster child for ISIS recruiters..... other than disrespect our legal system what does the nutter think he's going to do? bomb Michigan?


I'm sorry, but you are really too stupid to participate in this message board. If all you can do is repeat the lying talking points fed to you by far left drone websites, then you need to go away and crawl back under your rock. You are wasting time and band width here.
This is the photo that initially leaked out:


After berating the press for allowing THIS
photo to be shown, Hillary had the press
release THIS photo to make her and the
Obama team seem stronger, more heroic
(and hide the fact that she was about to pee
herself or throw up):


That wasn't her reaction. I saw those photos same as you did, and you are reading in all sorts of garbage that wasn't there. I'd rather someone show true concern, which she did, than brag about shooting someone on 5th Avenue.
He didn't say he shot someone and Hillary called 10s of millions of Americans deplorable and unredeamable. Your priorities are seriously out of whack.
Could you please stick to the subject for once, PLEASE? This is about her stance on terrorism. A worthy discussion.
That wasn't her reaction. I saw those photos same as you did, and you are reading in all sorts of garbage that wasn't there. I'd rather someone show true concern, which she did, than brag about shooting someone on 5th Avenue.
He didn't say he shot someone and Hillary called 10s of millions of Americans deplorable and unredeamable. Your priorities are seriously out of whack.
Could you please stick to the subject for once, PLEASE? This is about her stance on terrorism. A worthy discussion.
Hey asshole, you brought up Trump, not me. Could you PLEASE fake some integrity for a change?
Actually Trump has no record except his little boy cowboy games in the back yard rhetoric.

He is very dangerous.
That wasn't her reaction. I saw those photos same as you did, and you are reading in all sorts of garbage that wasn't there. I'd rather someone show true concern, which she did, than brag about shooting someone on 5th Avenue.

View attachment 90315

Looks like she's either going to pee herself or throw up.
No, nothing coming out either end, there, Easy. If you have gone so far into your political hole that you can no longer recognize genuine concern, I pity you.
No, nothing coming out either end, there, Easy. If you have gone so far into your political hole that you can no longer recognize genuine concern, I pity you.
I have served over 20 years, have been both in some missions similar to this and have watched them. I recognize shock and slight repulsion when I see it. That wasn't 'concern'.

Witnessing an operation like this was a complete shock to her, as you can (or should be able to) plainly see. It's not a knock on her - it would be to anyone, watching a helmet-cam view of someone being shot from the shooter's perspective, the contents of their target's cranium spewing out the back of their head. Not may people are ready for that graphic reality, and people handle things differently. My point here is much of her claim to be 'ready' is in part 'false bravado'.

I have witnessed many soldiers declare they were 'ready' only to find out for sure when the fecal matter hits the electrical-driven oscillator. Hillary and Barry both declared they were the best people to answer the 2am phone call; yet, when it came neither were truly prepared for it. 4 Americans died. Again, no serious knock on them. Few people would be / are ready for such an event. But Again, SAYING you are ready and 'the best' is a matter of perspective / is one thing...but you don't know until that moment hits.

Hillary has already had 1 of those moments...and 'it could have gone a lot better'.

Is Trump 'ready'? IMO, no. He can declare he is, but he has not served, and he has not seen anything like Hillary saw when she watched that live mission. Is he ready? We will see if / when he gets elected.
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No, nothing coming out either end, there, Easy. If you have gone so far into your political hole that you can no longer recognize genuine concern, I pity you.
I have served over 20 years, have been both in some missions similar to this and have watched them. I recognize shock and slight repulsion when I see it. That wasn't 'concern'.

Hillary is not a fan of the military. She may THINK she knows what it's like and how it works, but she has no clue.

Witnessing an operation like this was a complete shock to her, as you can (or should be able to) plainly see. It's not knock on her - it would be to anyone, watching a helmet-cam view of someone being shot from 1st hand view, the contents of their cranium spewing out the back of their head. My point here is much of her claim to be 'ready' is 'false bravado'.

I have witnessed many soldiers declare they were 'ready' only to find out for sure when the fecal matter hits the electrical-driven oscillator. Hillary and Barry both declared they were the best people to answer the 2am phone call; yet, when it came neither were truly prepared for it. 4 Americans died. Again, no serious knock on them. Few people would be / are ready for such an event. But Again, SAYING you are ready and 'the best' is a matter of perspective / is one thing...but you don't know until that moment hits.

Hillary has already had 1 of those moments...and 'it could have gone a lot better'.
Does that mean all Presidents must be seasoned war veterans in order to lead? Maybe you feel they should; maybe you're right.
The Benghazi thing SUCKED and I haven't heard a candidate say what I wanted to hear since Lindsay Graham, but Trump hasn't got anymore 'seasoning' than Clinton. Unless you're going to support Johnson and help him find Aleppo.
easy is suggesting that a president must be on missions like him.

Fallacy of false standards.

Neither HRC nor DJT need be a vet to be president.

Hillary knows now what it is to execute a downed enemy with a bullet to the forehead.

She needs to. I think Trump would have thrown up.
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Does that mean all Presidents must be seasoned war veterans in order to lead? Maybe you feel they should; maybe you're right.

The Benghazi thing SUCKED and I haven't heard a candidate say what I wanted to hear since Lindsay Graham, but Trump hasn't got anymore 'seasoning' than Clinton. Unless you're going to support Johnson and help him find Aleppo.

I appreciate your sarcasm / humor (Last sentence) - funny.

No, I do not think a President has to be a seasoned War Veteran; HOWEVER, if a President has little to no military / war experience it would damn-well serve them well to listen to his military EXPERTS...not always go with what they recommend but to LISTEN to them well! There have been times when Obama has ignored some very sound advice...and it has bitten him a time or two in the ass - like ignoring the recommendation to strike the ISIS mile-long convoys as they headed for Iraq. I think having military experience certainly is a bonus but not mandatory.

I absolutely, completely agree with you that Trump has no more 'seasoning' than Hillary has...which is why I personally feel that all these claims from supporters and the candidates themselves that one will be so much better than the other is 'cheerleading', 'speculation', false bravado' to win votes.... As they say we will see when the 'rubber meets the road'.
Last 8 years the obama admin has kept us safe from terror groups . Before that we had buildings falling down.

Yeah Ya get some kooky lone wolves . Even those were mostly on the radar .
Last 8 years the obama admin has kept us safe from terror groups . Before that we had buildings falling down.

Yeah Ya get some kooky lone wolves . Even those were mostly on the radar .
I want some of what you are smoking... :p
easy is suggesting that a president must be on missions like him.

Fallacy of false standards.

Neither HRC nor DJT need be a vet to be president.
easy is suggesting that a president must be on missions like him..
Nope, check out my last post.
Report for rules violation in slicing a post out of context.

What I wrote in full was: "easy is suggesting that a president must be on missions like him.

Fallacy of false standards.

Neither HRC nor DJT need be a vet to be president.

Hillary knows now what it is to execute a downed enemy with a bullet to the forehead.

She needs to. I think Trump would have thrown up."

You have also defined Trump's problem with ego. You wrote, "if a President has little to no military / war experience it would damn-well serve them well to listen to his military EXPERTS...not always go with what they recommend but to LISTEN to them well!"

He will do as he will.
“I’m the only candidate in this race who’s been part of the hard decisions to take terrorists off the battlefield,” Clinton, a former secretary of state, told reporters. “I have sat at that table in the Situation Room.” She added: “I know how to do this.”

Hillary has vast amounts of experience dealing with terrorism, earned while sitting in the Situation / War Room in the White House watching SpecOps soldiers take out UBL, while coordinating with Al Qaeida on taking down Qadaffi, and while hiding in her 'safe place' waiting for the Benghazi attack to be over.

Looking Back on Hillary's Vast Experience With Terrorism & Command Decisions:

- Argued with Barry that she was more qualified to receive the critical 2am emergency phone call in the WH. (Turns out they were 'equally qualified' - when that call finally came in no one knew / knows where either one of them were)

- A brilliant political maneuver for which she is credited is the photo taken while in the WAR room with Obama and his Staff the moment UBL was killed. While others showed emotions of seriousness, strength, and joy Hillary purposefully feigned a GASP and covered her mouth, as if in shock. The calculated move was, knowing she would run for President later, to present an impression not of a 'war monger' but a thoughtful, caring leader concerned with balancing the decisions of life and death.

- A keen and cunning diplomat, upon taking over as Secretary of State, Hillary concocted a mission to fool Russia into thinking we were their friend while embarrassing them on the world stage. In a brilliant move, Hillary presented a Russian Ambassador with a token of 'friendship' - a 'Reset' button signaling the 'Reset' of the US-Russian relationship. The JOKE was on them, however - the plaque on the 'Reset' button did not read 'Reset' - it read 'Overcharge'. Boy did THEY look stupid!

- Later, faced with threats of a pending attack on 9/11/12 and the warned assassination plot against a US Ambassador AND the growing violence that forced every other nation to pull their people out of a hostile area, Hillary stood her ground and REFUSED to order Americans out of Harm's Way.

- Despite 2 terrorist attacks on that Ambassador's compound prior to 9/11/12 Hillary REFUSED to order Americans out - determined to show Americans don't run, DENIED requests for additional security forces more than 60 times - determined to demonstrate American resolve and fierceness in the face of danger, and STRIPPED the endangered Ambassador of 14 of his security personnel AFTER those 2 terrorist attacks and right before the forewarned terrorist attack on 9/11/12 - determined to demonstrate America's resourcefulness by doing MORE with LESS!

- After 4 Americans were killed on 9/11/12 - to include the 1st US Ambassador to be murdered in over 30 years - and while ex Qaddafi forces we had been trying to kill weeks earlier rescued the American survivors, Hillary demonstrated her expert understanding of Deception and Mis-Information Ops to confuse the enemy so they would not know what WE knew by claiming the terrorist attack was NOT a terrorist attack at all but was a 'protest' over a little-known Anti-Islamic video made by an American 'film-maker.
-- This tactic completely worked, throwing the enemy off, causing them to let their guard down, so that we could apprehend the 'Master mind' of the attack 1 year later.

- Hillary her masterful leadership abilities by leading the effort to unify the Obama administration and Al Qaeida in an effort to jointly militarily attack Qaddafi (who had been helping the US fight terrorism in Northern Africa), overthrow him, and had his entire country over to Al Qaeida.

Hillary has stared terrorists in the face...and has joined them, has helped supply them, fund them, arm them, train them, and take the US to war with them as their ally. Unlike Trump, she has fully gotten deep inside their minds - she KNOWS them! She knows how to take them on. As she declared, she KNOWS how to do this!

Clinton on Combatting Terrorism: ‘I Know How to Do This’
Hildabeast don't know jack shit... Even under sniperfire

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