Hillary Regarding How To Fight Terrorism: "I Know How To Do This."

Does that mean all Presidents must be seasoned war veterans in order to lead? Maybe you feel they should; maybe you're right.

The Benghazi thing SUCKED and I haven't heard a candidate say what I wanted to hear since Lindsay Graham, but Trump hasn't got anymore 'seasoning' than Clinton. Unless you're going to support Johnson and help him find Aleppo.

I appreciate your sarcasm / humor (Last sentence) - funny.

No, I do not think a President has to be a seasoned War Veteran; HOWEVER, if a President has little to no military / war experience it would damn-well serve them well to listen to his military EXPERTS...not always go with what they recommend but to LISTEN to them well! There have been times when Obama has ignored some very sound advice...and it has bitten him a time or two in the ass - like ignoring the recommendation to strike the ISIS mile-long convoys as they headed for Iraq. I think having military experience certainly is a bonus but not mandatory.

I absolutely, completely agree with you that Trump has no more 'seasoning' than Hillary has...which is why I personally feel that all these claims from supporters and the candidates themselves that one will be so much better than the other is 'cheerleading', 'speculation', false bravado' to win votes.... As they say we will see when the 'rubber meets the road'.
Thanks for making that more clear. One thing I'd like to point out is that your (I think valid) criticism of OBAMA should not be automatically equated with Hillary, as if she made those mistakes herself. Yes, I know she was SoS but he was her BOSS at the time and she has admitted she would have done a bit differently (maybe a lot differently) I think Hillary is much more likely to take advice from her generals than Obama has done. Obama has been something of a know-it-all peacenik with his preconceived notions of how the US should behave. She does not strike me as having that kind of temperament.
That wasn't her reaction. I saw those photos same as you did, and you are reading in all sorts of garbage that wasn't there. I'd rather someone show true concern, which she did, than brag about shooting someone on 5th Avenue.

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Looks like she's either going to pee herself or throw up.
No, nothing coming out either end, there, Easy. If you have gone so far into your political hole that you can no longer recognize genuine concern, I pity you.

Genuine concern for a terrorist?
Hmmmm...i think you nailed it.
Hildabeast don't know jack shit... Even under sniperfire
So you have nothing of worth to add.
Dear Hillary

If you "know how to do this" why haven't you done it for the last 30 years. You have been a leech on the ass of America for 30+ years. You suck. Go away.
Dear Hillary

If you "know how to do this" why haven't you done it for the last 30 years. You have been a leech on the ass of America for 30+ years. You suck. Go away.
Really, redfish?
And what have your folks been doing on the other side.

We need Johnson, not HRC or DJT.
Dear Hillary

If you "know how to do this" why haven't you done it for the last 30 years. You have been a leech on the ass of America for 30+ years. You suck. Go away.
Really, redfish?
And what have your folks been doing on the other side.

We need Johnson, not HRC or DJT.

I am as pissed at the do-nothing pubs as the do-nothing dems. But Johnson has zero chance, ZERO. The next president will be either the hildebeast or Trump. If you see them as equal or prefer Hillary, then you are totally out of touch with reality, history, and the USA.

Trump is our best option. You need to get on board.
Dear Hillary

If you "know how to do this" why haven't you done it for the last 30 years. You have been a leech on the ass of America for 30+ years. You suck. Go away.
Really, redfish?
And what have your folks been doing on the other side.

We need Johnson, not HRC or DJT.

I am as pissed at the do-nothing pubs as the do-nothing dems. But Johnson has zero chance, ZERO. The next president will be either the hildebeast or Trump. If you see them as equal or prefer Hillary, then you are totally out of touch with reality, history, and the USA.

Trump is our best option. You need to get on board.

think this is funny jakey boi? Whats funny is you wasting your vote on a pothead with zero chance of winning anything. Why not write in Bill Mahr or Whoopi Goldberg? They would have as much change as Johnson and think how good it would make you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel

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