Hillary releases Homosexual Ad

When our youngest daughter was about four two guys lip locked and she had this look and said "stop that!!!"

Smart little girl she was.

She has no filter, none. She's going to get me pounded some day...well not by a snowflake though

My daughter once gave total strangers a temperance lecture at a company picnic. *sigh* It's embarassing, but at least you know they're listening to you.

I stopped for coffee one morning and this huge lady with purple hair came in and our daughter looked at her and asked her if she worked for the circus and the lady laughed and said no why would you think that and our daughter, w/o missing a beat, said "cause you look like a clown"....ugh

Seriously!? How the hell did you not collapse on the floor in hysterical laughter??
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

I even find it irritating when a lesbian is all cuddly, touchy feely with a gay man. Homosexual women have a way of lewdly projecting their sexuality on to innocent bystanders.

You can tell when someone is making public displays of affection for the SAKE of making the display.

If someone is genuinely homo then they shouldnt need an audience.

I wasn't aware that lesbians HAD sexuality. Mostly, they just seem to have anger. Lots and lots of anger.

Yes, why I'm not sure, they do seem angry....maybe it's because they hate themselves in some way?

My ex-husband says it's because they're ugly and they can't get the D, and they resent it.

Of course, he WOULD say that.

Myself, I am not equipped to understand people who treat their sexual preferences like a crusade, so I couldn't say.

'Um....the D, you mean Coburger Bratwurst....I chose that wurst as it's really LARGE.

Is that the "D" :confused-84:

'Um, if it is, well I've never understood why a woman goes with another woman who's wearing a strap-on....WHAT IS THAT all about? Why not just sleep with a man, as he's got the genuine thing.
When our youngest daughter was about four two guys lip locked and she had this look and said "stop that!!!"

Smart little girl she was.

She has no filter, none. She's going to get me pounded some day...well not by a snowflake though

My daughter once gave total strangers a temperance lecture at a company picnic. *sigh* It's embarassing, but at least you know they're listening to you.

I stopped for coffee one morning and this huge lady with purple hair came in and our daughter looked at her and asked her if she worked for the circus and the lady laughed and said no why would you think that and our daughter, w/o missing a beat, said "cause you look like a clown"....ugh

Seriously!? How the hell did you not collapse on the floor in hysterical laughter??

Sadly I'm used to it, no filter and she's a realist LOL
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.
Nonsense. It's not a gay thing to kiss in public. It's usually a YOUNG thing, gay or straight.

It's not just kissing, in public they're often basically feeling each other up as well, who cares if they're gay or lesbian, it's like they have some bizarre need to flaunt it in front of everyone.
Listen toots, it's young people. I have the same issue with hetero flaunting. More hets, more of that behavior than with gays.

Get a room!
Smart little girl she was.

She has no filter, none. She's going to get me pounded some day...well not by a snowflake though

better not let her read the Bible then huh.

Judas kissed Jesus on the lips

"(Darby) Matthew 26:49 And immediately coming up to Jesus he said, Hail, Rabbi, and covered him with kisses.

Judas covered Jesus with kisses enthusiastiaclly so some of them had to of landed on his lips. the Greek word is kataphelema which literally means kiss down that is to say to kiss repeatedly. Shotgun effect of kisses is that some are gonna land on Jesus lips."

That wasn't homo kissing you idiot

Love is love. If two guys enthusiastically kissing each other 'love one another' what difference does it make?

You're on a fishing trip w/o bait

Yep...two poles and only mud holes to fish in.
Smart little girl she was.

She has no filter, none. She's going to get me pounded some day...well not by a snowflake though

better not let her read the Bible then huh.

Judas kissed Jesus on the lips

"(Darby) Matthew 26:49 And immediately coming up to Jesus he said, Hail, Rabbi, and covered him with kisses.

Judas covered Jesus with kisses enthusiastiaclly so some of them had to of landed on his lips. the Greek word is kataphelema which literally means kiss down that is to say to kiss repeatedly. Shotgun effect of kisses is that some are gonna land on Jesus lips."

That wasn't homo kissing you idiot

Love is love. If two guys enthusiastically kissing each other 'love one another' what difference does it make?

You're on a fishing trip w/o bait

Fishing is fishing, catching is catching, but fishing is not catching. :)
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

I even find it irritating when a lesbian is all cuddly, touchy feely with a gay man. Homosexual women have a way of lewdly projecting their sexuality on to innocent bystanders.

You can tell when someone is making public displays of affection for the SAKE of making the display.

If someone is genuinely homo then they shouldnt need an audience.

I wasn't aware that lesbians HAD sexuality. Mostly, they just seem to have anger. Lots and lots of anger.

the young ones take out that anger on bystanders by making lewd displays. Its aggression.

I think people just have no clue how to act like civilized human beings any more. They just mill around, doing whatever comes into their blank little heads, like a herd of sheep in a pasture.

Yes and because of this society is going down the toilet.
When our youngest daughter was about four two guys lip locked and she had this look and said "stop that!!!"

Smart little girl she was.

She has no filter, none. She's going to get me pounded some day...well not by a snowflake though

better not let her read the Bible then huh.

Judas kissed Jesus on the lips

"(Darby) Matthew 26:49 And immediately coming up to Jesus he said, Hail, Rabbi, and covered him with kisses.

Judas covered Jesus with kisses enthusiastiaclly so some of them had to of landed on his lips. the Greek word is kataphelema which literally means kiss down that is to say to kiss repeatedly. Shotgun effect of kisses is that some are gonna land on Jesus lips."

That wasn't homo kissing you idiot

Love is love. If two guys enthusiastically kissing each other 'love one another' what difference does it make?

I'd rather they do it somewhere where I'm not present.

Just FYI, people kissing for real looks nothing like it does in movies (which can be kinda embarrassing in and of itself). In real life, it looks kinda gross, like a pair of boa constrictors trying to eat each other for lunch.
When our youngest daughter was about four two guys lip locked and she had this look and said "stop that!!!"

Smart little girl she was.

She has no filter, none. She's going to get me pounded some day...well not by a snowflake though

My daughter once gave total strangers a temperance lecture at a company picnic. *sigh* It's embarassing, but at least you know they're listening to you.

I stopped for coffee one morning and this huge lady with purple hair came in and our daughter looked at her and asked her if she worked for the circus and the lady laughed and said no why would you think that and our daughter, w/o missing a beat, said "cause you look like a clown"....ugh

And sadly, it IS illegal to gag them.
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

Never mind gays and lesbians publicly kissing. I'd be mightily obliged if EVERYONE would stop making out in public. It seriously grosses me out, watching two people going at each other, tongues a-twirl, in a public place. And it borders on non-consensual sexual activity, since they're making me take part in their sex life as an unwilling voyeur.
You do know that looking away is an option, right?
When our youngest daughter was about four two guys lip locked and she had this look and said "stop that!!!"

Smart little girl she was.

She has no filter, none. She's going to get me pounded some day...well not by a snowflake though

My daughter once gave total strangers a temperance lecture at a company picnic. *sigh* It's embarassing, but at least you know they're listening to you.

I stopped for coffee one morning and this huge lady with purple hair came in and our daughter looked at her and asked her if she worked for the circus and the lady laughed and said no why would you think that and our daughter, w/o missing a beat, said "cause you look like a clown"....ugh

Seriously!? How the hell did you not collapse on the floor in hysterical laughter??

You have a kid like that, you learn self-control FAST.
Smart little girl she was.

She has no filter, none. She's going to get me pounded some day...well not by a snowflake though

better not let her read the Bible then huh.

Judas kissed Jesus on the lips

"(Darby) Matthew 26:49 And immediately coming up to Jesus he said, Hail, Rabbi, and covered him with kisses.

Judas covered Jesus with kisses enthusiastiaclly so some of them had to of landed on his lips. the Greek word is kataphelema which literally means kiss down that is to say to kiss repeatedly. Shotgun effect of kisses is that some are gonna land on Jesus lips."

That wasn't homo kissing you idiot

Love is love. If two guys enthusiastically kissing each other 'love one another' what difference does it make?

I'd rather they do it somewhere where I'm not present.

Just FYI, people kissing for real looks nothing like it does in movies (which can be kinda embarrassing in and of itself). In real life, it looks kinda gross, like a pair of boa constrictors trying to eat each other for lunch.

Yeah...I dont mind a quick kiss in public,it's when they're playing tonsil hockey that bothers me.
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.
Nonsense. It's not a gay thing to kiss in public. It's usually a YOUNG thing, gay or straight.

It's not just kissing, in public they're often basically feeling each other up as well, who cares if they're gay or lesbian, it's like they have some bizarre need to flaunt it in front of everyone.
Listen toots, it's young people. I have the same issue with hetero flaunting. More hets, more of that behavior than with gays.

Get a room!

I'm 25, so I'm a young person also.
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

I even find it irritating when a lesbian is all cuddly, touchy feely with a gay man. Homosexual women have a way of lewdly projecting their sexuality on to innocent bystanders.

You can tell when someone is making public displays of affection for the SAKE of making the display.

If someone is genuinely homo then they shouldnt need an audience.

I wasn't aware that lesbians HAD sexuality. Mostly, they just seem to have anger. Lots and lots of anger.

Yes, why I'm not sure, they do seem angry....maybe it's because they hate themselves in some way?

My ex-husband says it's because they're ugly and they can't get the D, and they resent it.

Of course, he WOULD say that.

Myself, I am not equipped to understand people who treat their sexual preferences like a crusade, so I couldn't say.

'Um....the D, you mean Coburger Bratwurst....I chose that wurst as it's really LARGE.

Is that the "D" :confused-84:

'Um, if it is, well I've never understood why a woman goes with another woman who's wearing a strap-on....WHAT IS THAT all about? Why not just sleep with a man, as he's got the genuine thing.

He didn't splurge on the "deluxe model"? :eusa_whistle:

That's right, I went there.
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

I even find it irritating when a lesbian is all cuddly, touchy feely with a gay man. Homosexual women have a way of lewdly projecting their sexuality on to innocent bystanders.

You can tell when someone is making public displays of affection for the SAKE of making the display.

If someone is genuinely homo then they shouldnt need an audience.

I wasn't aware that lesbians HAD sexuality. Mostly, they just seem to have anger. Lots and lots of anger.

Yes, why I'm not sure, they do seem angry....maybe it's because they hate themselves in some way?

Allow me to explain my theory. It's a tragedy, really.

it came to me when I saw a television documentry on "female aggression".

they did a study, whereby they gave 3 toddler boys a toy panda. The instant one took it from the bag they all started to fight over it. They asked for it directly, tried to take it from one another etc.

Then they put 3 toddler girls in the same situation. As soon as the middle girl pulled the panda toy from the bag, her face shone with delight. But iMMEDIATELY, the other two pull away from her. They started playing with each other, crawling round her in a circle.

After a bit of consternation, the girl with the toy suddenly realized, that it was the toy that got her ostrasized. So she put it down.

This is how women compete over a desired object, by devaluing the object in the eyes of the competition. It even works with men. If you pull away, it engages THEIR aggression and they chase yu harder, more directly.

when I was a teenager, I thought men were so dumb, when it came to sex/romance, but I didn't know then, that they had no choice, than to all compete over the same girl.

The nature of homosexualiy in women, is one of confusion. I think the problem lies in women who cannot submit to men and therefore their aggression and hostility toward the object of desire (a man), overrides their ability to surrender to him and forsake the female social group. Hence the tragedy.

They become dryhumpers.
Smart little girl she was.

She has no filter, none. She's going to get me pounded some day...well not by a snowflake though

My daughter once gave total strangers a temperance lecture at a company picnic. *sigh* It's embarassing, but at least you know they're listening to you.

I stopped for coffee one morning and this huge lady with purple hair came in and our daughter looked at her and asked her if she worked for the circus and the lady laughed and said no why would you think that and our daughter, w/o missing a beat, said "cause you look like a clown"....ugh

Seriously!? How the hell did you not collapse on the floor in hysterical laughter??

Sadly I'm used to it, no filter and she's a realist LOL

On a related subject, don't you just love the people with neon hair, tattoos like a walking comic book, and enough piercings to whistle six different tunes when they ride a bike, who go, "What are YOU looking at?!" Seriously? You did all that to yourself because you wanted to blend in and be inconspicuous?
She has no filter, none. She's going to get me pounded some day...well not by a snowflake though

better not let her read the Bible then huh.

Judas kissed Jesus on the lips

"(Darby) Matthew 26:49 And immediately coming up to Jesus he said, Hail, Rabbi, and covered him with kisses.

Judas covered Jesus with kisses enthusiastiaclly so some of them had to of landed on his lips. the Greek word is kataphelema which literally means kiss down that is to say to kiss repeatedly. Shotgun effect of kisses is that some are gonna land on Jesus lips."

That wasn't homo kissing you idiot

Love is love. If two guys enthusiastically kissing each other 'love one another' what difference does it make?

You're on a fishing trip w/o bait

Yep...two poles and only mud holes to fish in.

I just spit apple cider on my keyboard. I hope you're happy.
She has no filter, none. She's going to get me pounded some day...well not by a snowflake though

My daughter once gave total strangers a temperance lecture at a company picnic. *sigh* It's embarassing, but at least you know they're listening to you.

I stopped for coffee one morning and this huge lady with purple hair came in and our daughter looked at her and asked her if she worked for the circus and the lady laughed and said no why would you think that and our daughter, w/o missing a beat, said "cause you look like a clown"....ugh

Seriously!? How the hell did you not collapse on the floor in hysterical laughter??

Sadly I'm used to it, no filter and she's a realist LOL

On a related subject, don't you just love the people with neon hair, tattoos like a walking comic book, and enough piercings to whistle six different tunes when they ride a bike, who go, "What are YOU looking at?!" Seriously? You did all that to yourself because you wanted to blend in and be inconspicuous?

Or complain they can't get a job
I even find it irritating when a lesbian is all cuddly, touchy feely with a gay man. Homosexual women have a way of lewdly projecting their sexuality on to innocent bystanders.

You can tell when someone is making public displays of affection for the SAKE of making the display.

If someone is genuinely homo then they shouldnt need an audience.

I wasn't aware that lesbians HAD sexuality. Mostly, they just seem to have anger. Lots and lots of anger.

Yes, why I'm not sure, they do seem angry....maybe it's because they hate themselves in some way?

My ex-husband says it's because they're ugly and they can't get the D, and they resent it.

Of course, he WOULD say that.

Myself, I am not equipped to understand people who treat their sexual preferences like a crusade, so I couldn't say.

'Um....the D, you mean Coburger Bratwurst....I chose that wurst as it's really LARGE.

Is that the "D" :confused-84:

'Um, if it is, well I've never understood why a woman goes with another woman who's wearing a strap-on....WHAT IS THAT all about? Why not just sleep with a man, as he's got the genuine thing.

He didn't splurge on the "deluxe model"? :eusa_whistle:

That's right, I went there.


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