Hillary releases Homosexual Ad

Fortunately, prudes' opinion of gay men kissing is not the majority opinion. No. 1 porn search for straight women is gay porn. :)

I'm so not a prude darling! I'm exceptionally open-minded....gosh, my birth nation, public nakedness isn't illegal neither is it illegal next door. Public nakedness has been legal for more than 100 years.

Seriously we've seen more naked people than you could even imagine.

Don't assume, makes an otherwise good post look ridiculous.

Am a dues paying member of the ASA. :)
Fortunately, prudes' opinion of gay men kissing is not the majority opinion. No. 1 porn search for straight women is gay porn. :)

I'm so not a prude darling! I'm exceptionally open-minded....gosh, my birth nation, public nakedness isn't illegal neither is it illegal next door. Public nakedness has been legal for more than 100 years.

Seriously we've seen more naked people than you could even imagine.

I professionally produced a fetish ball, so I'm going to say I'm probably well out of prude-hood.

However, because of my ties to the BDSM community, I'm very sensitive to the issue of non-consensual play. It is not okay to involve other people in your fetish without their agreement. Take your scene home and act it out there.

And don't even try to tell me that these people aren't playing public tonsil hockey because, on some level, they get off on the fact that other people are present and being made uncomfortable.
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.
It is a good thing that supporting gay equal rights is a positive thing now. :clap:
Fortunately, prudes' opinion of gay men kissing is not the majority opinion. No. 1 porn search for straight women is gay porn. :)

Not me, it's repulsive.

Oh ya? What kinda porn do you look for? :)

I don't.

The thing is, there's nothing wrong with porn, people tend to watch porn at home, people don't tend to want to be subjected to random stuff in the middle of the street or when they're getting a cup of coffee.

Every female lover of mine has porn to thank for my knowing how her body works and achieves orgasm. :) Not like they taught it in school.

Yeah, depending on which porn you watch, it's not like they taught it in the movies, either.

Just sayin', I've seen some porn where, if you did that to me IRL, I'd slap you until your eyes switched sockets.
Seriously!? How the hell did you not collapse on the floor in hysterical laughter??

Sadly I'm used to it, no filter and she's a realist LOL

On a related subject, don't you just love the people with neon hair, tattoos like a walking comic book, and enough piercings to whistle six different tunes when they ride a bike, who go, "What are YOU looking at?!" Seriously? You did all that to yourself because you wanted to blend in and be inconspicuous?

I think the people with all the tattoos must really dislike themselves, I'm talking about the one's who even have them covering their faces....why destroy yourself like that, unless you just dislike yourself.

The piercings, some people have some very uncomfortable looking ones, maybe it's a Masochistic thing.

While I dont have any tatts,I really dont have a problem with em when done in good taste and they aren't on display in normal work clothes.
But lets face it,it you're wearing shorts at work? Go ahead and tatt up because you're probably cutting grass for a living anyway.

In all fairness, a lot of people wear long shorts to work in Tucson in the hotter months. It's 110 outside; can you blame them?

I'll see your 110 and raise you 108 with 90% humidity.:lol:
But again,if you're doing the type of work that allows shorts of any kind tatts are probably not an issue with your employer.
Not me, it's repulsive.

Oh ya? What kinda porn do you look for? :)

I don't.

The thing is, there's nothing wrong with porn, people tend to watch porn at home, people don't tend to want to be subjected to random stuff in the middle of the street or when they're getting a cup of coffee.

Every female lover of mine has porn to thank for my knowing how her body works and achieves orgasm. :) Not like they taught it in school.

Yeah, depending on which porn you watch, it's not like they taught it in the movies, either.

Just sayin', I've seen some porn where, if you did that to me IRL, I'd slap you until your eyes switched sockets.

The crappy porn most detractors think of when dissing porn is not in my library.
Seriously!? How the hell did you not collapse on the floor in hysterical laughter??

Sadly I'm used to it, no filter and she's a realist LOL

On a related subject, don't you just love the people with neon hair, tattoos like a walking comic book, and enough piercings to whistle six different tunes when they ride a bike, who go, "What are YOU looking at?!" Seriously? You did all that to yourself because you wanted to blend in and be inconspicuous?

I think the people with all the tattoos must really dislike themselves, I'm talking about the one's who even have them covering their faces....why destroy yourself like that, unless you just dislike yourself.

The piercings, some people have some very uncomfortable looking ones, maybe it's a Masochistic thing.

While I dont have any tatts,I really dont have a problem with em when done in good taste and they aren't on display in normal work clothes.
But lets face it,it you're wearing shorts at work? Go ahead and tatt up because you're probably cutting grass for a living anyway.

In all fairness, a lot of people wear long shorts to work in Tucson in the hotter months. It's 110 outside; can you blame them?

Gosh, in Austria and Germany, and also Norway and Denmark, if it gets to 80 degrees, thousands of people will just be completely naked at the local park....what's THIS about SHORTS in 110 degrees....are they afraid of catching cold?

:popcorn: :wink:
Sadly I'm used to it, no filter and she's a realist LOL

On a related subject, don't you just love the people with neon hair, tattoos like a walking comic book, and enough piercings to whistle six different tunes when they ride a bike, who go, "What are YOU looking at?!" Seriously? You did all that to yourself because you wanted to blend in and be inconspicuous?

I think the people with all the tattoos must really dislike themselves, I'm talking about the one's who even have them covering their faces....why destroy yourself like that, unless you just dislike yourself.

The piercings, some people have some very uncomfortable looking ones, maybe it's a Masochistic thing.

While I dont have any tatts,I really dont have a problem with em when done in good taste and they aren't on display in normal work clothes.
But lets face it,it you're wearing shorts at work? Go ahead and tatt up because you're probably cutting grass for a living anyway.

In all fairness, a lot of people wear long shorts to work in Tucson in the hotter months. It's 110 outside; can you blame them?

I'll see your 110 and raise you 108 with 90% humidity.:lol:
But again,if you're doing the type of work that allows shorts of any kind tatts are probably not an issue with your employer.

My husband has an associate in the law firm that has tats all over his arms, you'd never know it to see him at the office
As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.
oh, but if you have children, they likely don't feel uncomfortable seeing such ads. This acts like you maybe do not feel uncomfortable seeing men doing fornication in movies and real life. After that you grandchildren will accept phedophilia and will be used to gays... And the end is hard to predict.

Actually, my 6-year-old dislikes watching people kissing on TV and movies. His response is usually, "Do they have to make sex in front of me?"
he is too young and by 20 will be ok with it. If even not, then the majority will be.

I doubt it. My older son IS 20, and he always goes to the bathroom or to get a drink when the smooching starts on the movie.
Oh ya? What kinda porn do you look for? :)

I don't.

The thing is, there's nothing wrong with porn, people tend to watch porn at home, people don't tend to want to be subjected to random stuff in the middle of the street or when they're getting a cup of coffee.

Every female lover of mine has porn to thank for my knowing how her body works and achieves orgasm. :) Not like they taught it in school.

Yeah, depending on which porn you watch, it's not like they taught it in the movies, either.

Just sayin', I've seen some porn where, if you did that to me IRL, I'd slap you until your eyes switched sockets.

The crappy porn most detractors think of when dissing porn is not in my library.

Wait a minute...you have a porn library?
What the hell for,the internet is full of it?
Fortunately, prudes' opinion of gay men kissing is not the majority opinion. No. 1 porn search for straight women is gay porn. :)

Not me, it's repulsive.

Oh ya? What kinda porn do you look for? :)

I don't.

The thing is, there's nothing wrong with porn, people tend to watch porn at home, people don't tend to want to be subjected to random stuff in the middle of the street or when they're getting a cup of coffee.

Every female lover of mine has porn to thank for my knowing how her body works and achieves orgasm. :) Not like they taught it in school.

US made porn after about 1985 sucks generally speaking. Want good porn Europe makes the best. Though even they have waned as the problem porn's always had hit them too - only so many ways to photograph or film people having sex. Hence the 'gonzo' genre. Gonzo's probably what most porn detractors have in mind, and at least there they're right.
On a related subject, don't you just love the people with neon hair, tattoos like a walking comic book, and enough piercings to whistle six different tunes when they ride a bike, who go, "What are YOU looking at?!" Seriously? You did all that to yourself because you wanted to blend in and be inconspicuous?

I think the people with all the tattoos must really dislike themselves, I'm talking about the one's who even have them covering their faces....why destroy yourself like that, unless you just dislike yourself.

The piercings, some people have some very uncomfortable looking ones, maybe it's a Masochistic thing.

While I dont have any tatts,I really dont have a problem with em when done in good taste and they aren't on display in normal work clothes.
But lets face it,it you're wearing shorts at work? Go ahead and tatt up because you're probably cutting grass for a living anyway.

In all fairness, a lot of people wear long shorts to work in Tucson in the hotter months. It's 110 outside; can you blame them?

I'll see your 110 and raise you 108 with 90% humidity.:lol:
But again,if you're doing the type of work that allows shorts of any kind tatts are probably not an issue with your employer.

My husband has an associate in the law firm that has tats all over his arms, you'd never know it to see him at the office

Yep..and thats fine. It's the idiots with all the face work that doom themselves.
Can you see it..
Your Honor I object!!!
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

Never mind gays and lesbians publicly kissing. I'd be mightily obliged if EVERYONE would stop making out in public. It seriously grosses me out, watching two people going at each other, tongues a-twirl, in a public place. And it borders on non-consensual sexual activity, since they're making me take part in their sex life as an unwilling voyeur.
You do know that looking away is an option, right?

You can still hear them. Like a cow squelching through a swamp.

You do know getting sexual at home is an option, right?
Umm, yeah, stepping away is also an option. You know, it's just a jump to the left and then a step to the right.

Um, yeah, no it's not. Last couple I saw with the dueling tongues, I was on the bus, headed to work. Are you seriously suggesting that I should be expected to get off and take another bus and be late to work, rather than them being expected to behave like civilized people who are in public? Yeah, take that conundrum to the bus driver, and see which one HE thinks is more reasonable.

I shouldn't be obligated to change my normal, everyday activities to accommodate someone engaging in inappropriate public behavior. Only a leftist would think it's rational to expect someone to skip their lunch just so they can walk away from the couple two seconds away from fornicating in the McDonald's line, rather than expecting them to GET A ROOM.

I keep mentioning the McDonald's line because that actually happened once, too. That particular time, I had some time to kill, though, so I took a step closer, leaned in a little, and began staring intently and obviously at what they were doing, as though I was studying them for a test later, until THEY got uncomfortable and walked away. Then I proceeded forward and ordered my cheeseburger.
Can think of some 70s softcore much more arrousing than any hardcore porn. Sometimes leaving something to the imagination is a lot hotter.
Oh ya? What kinda porn do you look for? :)

I don't.

The thing is, there's nothing wrong with porn, people tend to watch porn at home, people don't tend to want to be subjected to random stuff in the middle of the street or when they're getting a cup of coffee.

Every female lover of mine has porn to thank for my knowing how her body works and achieves orgasm. :) Not like they taught it in school.

Yeah, depending on which porn you watch, it's not like they taught it in the movies, either.

Just sayin', I've seen some porn where, if you did that to me IRL, I'd slap you until your eyes switched sockets.

The crappy porn most detractors think of when dissing porn is not in my library.

It's not even that it's crappy, dude. It's just that . . . well, you DID know that women are not interchangeable, right? We're all, like, different and stuff, and we like different things? We're not actually extruded from an industrial cookie cutter somewhere.

I hope I'm not bursting any bubbles here, but women are *whisper* human beings. :ack-1:
I don't like tatoos or piercing but omg you lot are conformists.

I'd have no problem giving a job to a person with tatoos.

Second thought, yes I would. But that's only out of spite.
Sadly I'm used to it, no filter and she's a realist LOL

On a related subject, don't you just love the people with neon hair, tattoos like a walking comic book, and enough piercings to whistle six different tunes when they ride a bike, who go, "What are YOU looking at?!" Seriously? You did all that to yourself because you wanted to blend in and be inconspicuous?

I think the people with all the tattoos must really dislike themselves, I'm talking about the one's who even have them covering their faces....why destroy yourself like that, unless you just dislike yourself.

The piercings, some people have some very uncomfortable looking ones, maybe it's a Masochistic thing.

While I dont have any tatts,I really dont have a problem with em when done in good taste and they aren't on display in normal work clothes.
But lets face it,it you're wearing shorts at work? Go ahead and tatt up because you're probably cutting grass for a living anyway.

In all fairness, a lot of people wear long shorts to work in Tucson in the hotter months. It's 110 outside; can you blame them?

Gosh, in Austria and Germany, and also Norway and Denmark, if it gets to 80 degrees, thousands of people will just be completely naked at the local park....what's THIS about SHORTS in 110 degrees....are they afraid of catching cold?

:popcorn: :wink:

Most employers tend to object if you come in to work naked. They're quirky that way.

Also, this is Tucson. There's 110 degrees, and then there's OUR 110 degrees, which feels a lot like holding your skin against a stove burner. Trust me, there are some parts you do NOT want sunburned.

The thing is, there's nothing wrong with porn, people tend to watch porn at home, people don't tend to want to be subjected to random stuff in the middle of the street or when they're getting a cup of coffee.

Every female lover of mine has porn to thank for my knowing how her body works and achieves orgasm. :) Not like they taught it in school.

Yeah, depending on which porn you watch, it's not like they taught it in the movies, either.

Just sayin', I've seen some porn where, if you did that to me IRL, I'd slap you until your eyes switched sockets.

The crappy porn most detractors think of when dissing porn is not in my library.

It's not even that it's crappy, dude. It's just that . . . well, you DID know that women are not interchangeable, right? We're all, like, different and stuff, and we like different things? We're not actually extruded from an industrial cookie cutter somewhere.

I hope I'm not bursting any bubbles here, but women are *whisper* human beings. :ack-1:

Mechanics are identical, timings are different to use a car mechanics metaphor. :)

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