Hillary releases Homosexual Ad

The crappy porn most detractors think of when dissing porn is not in my library.

It's not even that it's crappy, dude. It's just that . . . well, you DID know that women are not interchangeable, right? We're all, like, different and stuff, and we like different things? We're not actually extruded from an industrial cookie cutter somewhere.

I hope I'm not bursting any bubbles here, but women are *whisper* human beings. :ack-1:

Mechanics are identical, timings are different to use a car mechanics metaphor. :)

Unless of course it's a rotary engine....

Or a combustion engine.

There are the spontaneous combustion ones also.

Did you drive a Ford Explorer?
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

There is nothing wrong with someone kissing or holding hands in public and because they are Gay or Lesbian makes no difference to me, but you did bring up YOUR CHRISTIAN VALUES, and how wonderful that you did!

The fact you're a Christian should not allow you to demand certain segments of our population go into the closet because you can not handle the fact that some find the same sex appealing and find love with each other.

Because you are Christian does not give you the right to dictate how others should act in public, and if you are uncomfortable then turn your head away, and if it is on TV then change the channel, DVR your show and fast forward the commercials, or better yet just watch Fox News and you will never see her commercial.

In the end you can proclaim your Christian religion all you want, but just those in ISIL screaming about how they're Muslim, well I don't care about your religion because I live in the United States of America and everyone should be treated equal, and your religion does not dictate what is proper or not proper in our society!
I don't like tatoos or piercing but omg you lot are conformists.

I'd have no problem giving a job to a person with tatoos.

Second thought, yes I would. But that's only out of spite.

I have a tattoo, I've got a red devil on my right buttock....:dev2:

I have scars. That's all the distinguishing marks I require.

I got plenty of those for damn sure.

I think of them as the times when life had lousy aim.
I don't like tatoos or piercing but omg you lot are conformists.

I'd have no problem giving a job to a person with tatoos.

Second thought, yes I would. But that's only out of spite.

I have a tattoo, I've got a red devil on my right buttock....:dev2:

I had a buddy in my youth who had a rooster from his crotch to his knee.
I'll leave it up to you to figure out what he used to claim....

I don't like tatoos or piercing but omg you lot are conformists.

I'd have no problem giving a job to a person with tatoos.

Second thought, yes I would. But that's only out of spite.

I have a tattoo, I've got a red devil on my right buttock....:dev2:

No tats, no piercings. Think the natural state of the human body is pretty enough.

My right buttock is exceptionally pretty I'll have you know :)

Bare tushy's hard to mess up. :)
I don't like tatoos or piercing but omg you lot are conformists.

I'd have no problem giving a job to a person with tatoos.

Second thought, yes I would. But that's only out of spite.

I have a tattoo, I've got a red devil on my right buttock....:dev2:

I have scars. That's all the distinguishing marks I require.

I got plenty of those for damn sure.

I think of them as the times when life had lousy aim.

Why do I feel like the firing squad target of life?:lol:
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

There is nothing wrong with someone kissing or holding hands in public and because they are Gay or Lesbian makes no difference to me, but you did bring up YOUR CHRISTIAN VALUES, and how wonderful that you did!

The fact you're a Christian should not allow you to demand certain segments of our population go into the closet because you can not handle the fact that some find the same sex appealing and find love with each other.

Because you are Christian does not give you the right to dictate how others should act in public, and if you are uncomfortable then turn your head away, and if it is on TV then change the channel, DVR your show and fast forward the commercials, or better yet just watch Fox News and you will never see her commercial.

In the end you can proclaim your Christian religion all you want, but just those in ISIL screaming about how they're Muslim, well I don't care about your religion because I live in the United States of America and everyone should be treated equal, and your religion does not dictate what is proper or not proper in our society!

Dude, did you notice that everyone was having a good, friendly time, chatting along and teasing each other across political lines, and you just shit on the whole thing with your strident vitriol?

You're connected to the Internet. See if you can find a site that sells some perspective so you can lighten the fuck up.
I don't like tatoos or piercing but omg you lot are conformists.

I'd have no problem giving a job to a person with tatoos.

Second thought, yes I would. But that's only out of spite.

I have a tattoo, I've got a red devil on my right buttock....:dev2:

I have scars. That's all the distinguishing marks I require.

I got plenty of those for damn sure.

I think of them as the times when life had lousy aim.

Why do I feel like the firing squad target of life?:lol:

Sometimes life shits on you, sometimes it comes after you with an Uzi.
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

There is nothing wrong with someone kissing or holding hands in public and because they are Gay or Lesbian makes no difference to me, but you did bring up YOUR CHRISTIAN VALUES, and how wonderful that you did!

The fact you're a Christian should not allow you to demand certain segments of our population go into the closet because you can not handle the fact that some find the same sex appealing and find love with each other.

Because you are Christian does not give you the right to dictate how others should act in public, and if you are uncomfortable then turn your head away, and if it is on TV then change the channel, DVR your show and fast forward the commercials, or better yet just watch Fox News and you will never see her commercial.

In the end you can proclaim your Christian religion all you want, but just those in ISIL screaming about how they're Muslim, well I don't care about your religion because I live in the United States of America and everyone should be treated equal, and your religion does not dictate what is proper or not proper in our society!

Dude, did you notice that everyone was having a good, friendly time, chatting along and teasing each other across political lines, and you just shit on the whole thing with your strident vitriol?

You're connected to the Internet. See if you can find a site that sells some perspective so you can lighten the fuck up.

When I saw who posted I just passed it on by because I knew what was coming....
No need to harsh my buzz.
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

There is nothing wrong with someone kissing or holding hands in public and because they are Gay or Lesbian makes no difference to me, but you did bring up YOUR CHRISTIAN VALUES, and how wonderful that you did!

The fact you're a Christian should not allow you to demand certain segments of our population go into the closet because you can not handle the fact that some find the same sex appealing and find love with each other.

Because you are Christian does not give you the right to dictate how others should act in public, and if you are uncomfortable then turn your head away, and if it is on TV then change the channel, DVR your show and fast forward the commercials, or better yet just watch Fox News and you will never see her commercial.

In the end you can proclaim your Christian religion all you want, but just those in ISIL screaming about how they're Muslim, well I don't care about your religion because I live in the United States of America and everyone should be treated equal, and your religion does not dictate what is proper or not proper in our society!

They are forcing the Homosexual Agenda upon society, it's they who have no tolerance, the whole of society is just supposed to accept it and that's it and if you disagree, well then they start screaming like banshees.

I said, if they want to live an alternative lifestyle, why not keep it within their houses....why do they publically have to flaunt it.

Gosh maybe Mr. Lucy and I should go out tomorrow and start openly feeling each other up....we'll get arrested for lewd behaviour certainly....afterall we're heterosexual....we're we gays or lesbians would we get arrested OR wouldn't they arrest us as we'd scream:

"Homophobia....bigot....discrimination" and then they'd immediately back down.
I don't like tatoos or piercing but omg you lot are conformists.

I'd have no problem giving a job to a person with tatoos.

Second thought, yes I would. But that's only out of spite.

I have a tattoo, I've got a red devil on my right buttock....:dev2:

I had a buddy in my youth who had a rooster from his crotch to his knee.
I'll leave it up to you to figure out what he used to claim....


Your not even gonna guess?
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

There is nothing wrong with someone kissing or holding hands in public and because they are Gay or Lesbian makes no difference to me, but you did bring up YOUR CHRISTIAN VALUES, and how wonderful that you did!

The fact you're a Christian should not allow you to demand certain segments of our population go into the closet because you can not handle the fact that some find the same sex appealing and find love with each other.

Because you are Christian does not give you the right to dictate how others should act in public, and if you are uncomfortable then turn your head away, and if it is on TV then change the channel, DVR your show and fast forward the commercials, or better yet just watch Fox News and you will never see her commercial.

In the end you can proclaim your Christian religion all you want, but just those in ISIL screaming about how they're Muslim, well I don't care about your religion because I live in the United States of America and everyone should be treated equal, and your religion does not dictate what is proper or not proper in our society!

Dude, did you notice that everyone was having a good, friendly time, chatting along and teasing each other across political lines, and you just shit on the whole thing with your strident vitriol?

You're connected to the Internet. See if you can find a site that sells some perspective so you can lighten the fuck up.

Oh, did I need to ask permission to respond in here?

Is this invite only?

I do apologize that you believe that my right to respond need to be first checked by you, and I did not read the other responses but the OP, so I do not need to act a certain damn way for you!

Want it to be friendly then put it in the Clean Debate Zone and if not, well guess I will write whatever I want and you can complain to someone that cares!
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

There is nothing wrong with someone kissing or holding hands in public and because they are Gay or Lesbian makes no difference to me, but you did bring up YOUR CHRISTIAN VALUES, and how wonderful that you did!

The fact you're a Christian should not allow you to demand certain segments of our population go into the closet because you can not handle the fact that some find the same sex appealing and find love with each other.

Because you are Christian does not give you the right to dictate how others should act in public, and if you are uncomfortable then turn your head away, and if it is on TV then change the channel, DVR your show and fast forward the commercials, or better yet just watch Fox News and you will never see her commercial.

In the end you can proclaim your Christian religion all you want, but just those in ISIL screaming about how they're Muslim, well I don't care about your religion because I live in the United States of America and everyone should be treated equal, and your religion does not dictate what is proper or not proper in our society!

Dude, did you notice that everyone was having a good, friendly time, chatting along and teasing each other across political lines, and you just shit on the whole thing with your strident vitriol?

You're connected to the Internet. See if you can find a site that sells some perspective so you can lighten the fuck up.

When I saw who posted I just passed it on by because I knew what was coming....
No need to harsh my buzz.

Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

There is nothing wrong with someone kissing or holding hands in public and because they are Gay or Lesbian makes no difference to me, but you did bring up YOUR CHRISTIAN VALUES, and how wonderful that you did!

The fact you're a Christian should not allow you to demand certain segments of our population go into the closet because you can not handle the fact that some find the same sex appealing and find love with each other.

Because you are Christian does not give you the right to dictate how others should act in public, and if you are uncomfortable then turn your head away, and if it is on TV then change the channel, DVR your show and fast forward the commercials, or better yet just watch Fox News and you will never see her commercial.

In the end you can proclaim your Christian religion all you want, but just those in ISIL screaming about how they're Muslim, well I don't care about your religion because I live in the United States of America and everyone should be treated equal, and your religion does not dictate what is proper or not proper in our society!

Dude, did you notice that everyone was having a good, friendly time, chatting along and teasing each other across political lines, and you just shit on the whole thing with your strident vitriol?

You're connected to the Internet. See if you can find a site that sells some perspective so you can lighten the fuck up.

When I saw who posted I just passed it on by because I knew what was coming....
No need to harsh my buzz.

I heard that. These tantrum-throwing brats don't seem to realize that their screeching to be "treated like everyone else" is more of a reason that people shun them than the actual gayness.
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

Never mind gays and lesbians publicly kissing. I'd be mightily obliged if EVERYONE would stop making out in public. It seriously grosses me out, watching two people going at each other, tongues a-twirl, in a public place. And it borders on non-consensual sexual activity, since they're making me take part in their sex life as an unwilling voyeur.

Yeah...they should at least get naked and put on a real show!!!
Problem being it's usually two fat dikes no one wants to see naked...
Do tell us all about it.
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

There is nothing wrong with someone kissing or holding hands in public and because they are Gay or Lesbian makes no difference to me, but you did bring up YOUR CHRISTIAN VALUES, and how wonderful that you did!

The fact you're a Christian should not allow you to demand certain segments of our population go into the closet because you can not handle the fact that some find the same sex appealing and find love with each other.

Because you are Christian does not give you the right to dictate how others should act in public, and if you are uncomfortable then turn your head away, and if it is on TV then change the channel, DVR your show and fast forward the commercials, or better yet just watch Fox News and you will never see her commercial.

In the end you can proclaim your Christian religion all you want, but just those in ISIL screaming about how they're Muslim, well I don't care about your religion because I live in the United States of America and everyone should be treated equal, and your religion does not dictate what is proper or not proper in our society!

Dude, did you notice that everyone was having a good, friendly time, chatting along and teasing each other across political lines, and you just shit on the whole thing with your strident vitriol?

You're connected to the Internet. See if you can find a site that sells some perspective so you can lighten the fuck up.

Oh, did I need to ask permission to respond in here?

Is this invite only?

I do apologize that you believe that my right to respond need to be first checked by you, and I did not read the other responses but the OP, so I do not need to act a certain damn way for you!

Want it to be friendly then put it in the Clean Debate Zone and if not, well guess I will write whatever I want and you can complain to someone that cares!

Thats cool,and I'm free to ignore you.
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

There is nothing wrong with someone kissing or holding hands in public and because they are Gay or Lesbian makes no difference to me, but you did bring up YOUR CHRISTIAN VALUES, and how wonderful that you did!

The fact you're a Christian should not allow you to demand certain segments of our population go into the closet because you can not handle the fact that some find the same sex appealing and find love with each other.

Because you are Christian does not give you the right to dictate how others should act in public, and if you are uncomfortable then turn your head away, and if it is on TV then change the channel, DVR your show and fast forward the commercials, or better yet just watch Fox News and you will never see her commercial.

In the end you can proclaim your Christian religion all you want, but just those in ISIL screaming about how they're Muslim, well I don't care about your religion because I live in the United States of America and everyone should be treated equal, and your religion does not dictate what is proper or not proper in our society!

They are forcing the Homosexual Agenda upon society, it's they who have no tolerance, the whole of society is just supposed to accept it and that's it and if you disagree, well then they start screaming like banshees.

I said, if they want to live an alternative lifestyle, why not keep it within their houses....why do they publically have to flaunt it.

Gosh maybe Mr. Lucy and I should go out tomorrow and start openly feeling each other up....we'll get arrested for lewd behaviour certainly....afterall we're heterosexual....we're we gays or lesbians would we get arrested OR wouldn't they arrest us as we'd scream:

"Homophobia....bigot....discrimination" and then they'd immediately back down.

So kissing is feeling someone up?

No, you do not have the right to tell someone to go back in the closet because it make you uncomfortable. In fact why don't you mind your own business and stop worrying about if Jack and Jon kissed in public because that is their business and not yours!

Also do not like the commercial flip the channel, but I am guessing you're too lazy to do that!
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

There is nothing wrong with someone kissing or holding hands in public and because they are Gay or Lesbian makes no difference to me, but you did bring up YOUR CHRISTIAN VALUES, and how wonderful that you did!

The fact you're a Christian should not allow you to demand certain segments of our population go into the closet because you can not handle the fact that some find the same sex appealing and find love with each other.

Because you are Christian does not give you the right to dictate how others should act in public, and if you are uncomfortable then turn your head away, and if it is on TV then change the channel, DVR your show and fast forward the commercials, or better yet just watch Fox News and you will never see her commercial.

In the end you can proclaim your Christian religion all you want, but just those in ISIL screaming about how they're Muslim, well I don't care about your religion because I live in the United States of America and everyone should be treated equal, and your religion does not dictate what is proper or not proper in our society!

Dude, did you notice that everyone was having a good, friendly time, chatting along and teasing each other across political lines, and you just shit on the whole thing with your strident vitriol?

You're connected to the Internet. See if you can find a site that sells some perspective so you can lighten the fuck up.

Oh, did I need to ask permission to respond in here?

Is this invite only?

I do apologize that you believe that my right to respond need to be first checked by you, and I did not read the other responses but the OP, so I do not need to act a certain damn way for you!

Want it to be friendly then put it in the Clean Debate Zone and if not, well guess I will write whatever I want and you can complain to someone that cares!

Thats cool,and I'm free to ignore you.

That is right, and what was so wonderful writing about dykes in this thread?
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

I even find it irritating when a lesbian is all cuddly, touchy feely with a gay man. Homosexual women have a way of lewdly projecting their sexuality on to innocent bystanders.

You can tell when someone is making public displays of affection for the SAKE of making the display.

If someone is genuinely homo then they shouldnt need an audience.

I wasn't aware that lesbians HAD sexuality. Mostly, they just seem to have anger. Lots and lots of anger.

Yes, why I'm not sure, they do seem angry....maybe it's because they hate themselves in some way?

My ex-husband says it's because they're ugly and they can't get the D, and they resent it.

Of course, he WOULD say that.

Myself, I am not equipped to understand people who treat their sexual preferences like a crusade, so I couldn't say.

'Um....the D, you mean Coburger Bratwurst....I chose that wurst as it's really LARGE.

Is that the "D" :confused-84:

'Um, if it is, well I've never understood why a woman goes with another woman who's wearing a strap-on....WHAT IS THAT all about? Why not just sleep with a man, as he's got the genuine thing.
Do tell us about women with "strap-ons".
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

There is nothing wrong with someone kissing or holding hands in public and because they are Gay or Lesbian makes no difference to me, but you did bring up YOUR CHRISTIAN VALUES, and how wonderful that you did!

The fact you're a Christian should not allow you to demand certain segments of our population go into the closet because you can not handle the fact that some find the same sex appealing and find love with each other.

Because you are Christian does not give you the right to dictate how others should act in public, and if you are uncomfortable then turn your head away, and if it is on TV then change the channel, DVR your show and fast forward the commercials, or better yet just watch Fox News and you will never see her commercial.

In the end you can proclaim your Christian religion all you want, but just those in ISIL screaming about how they're Muslim, well I don't care about your religion because I live in the United States of America and everyone should be treated equal, and your religion does not dictate what is proper or not proper in our society!

Dude, did you notice that everyone was having a good, friendly time, chatting along and teasing each other across political lines, and you just shit on the whole thing with your strident vitriol?

You're connected to the Internet. See if you can find a site that sells some perspective so you can lighten the fuck up.

When I saw who posted I just passed it on by because I knew what was coming....
No need to harsh my buzz.

Yeah, because your responses are actually intelligent at all!

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