Hillary reminds us why we are happy that she is NOT the President

No but 3 million is. Good harbinger of things to come. I know it will be lost on you but Americans are very fond of switching parties that control the oval after 2 term Presidents. HRC wasn't supposed to do anywhere as well as she did; and she ended up willing the popular vote. That it drives Trump enablers batshit crazy...just and added bonus.
LMFAO she should of won in a landslide


Yeah, it drives Trumpeters crazy....that he won !!!!

They have what they want......

HIllary and her Butthurt Brigade are looking forward to Lizzy Warren in 2020.

your presence here is the proof.

I really didn't take you for a delusional fool.

Maybe I misjudged.

You'll need to explain how my posting to a message board means anything.

But speaking of batts**t crazy....

You should stop posting here and start celebrating your “victory” of getting 3 million fewer votes.
If you can let it go….that is.

Why should I stop posting ?

I have already celebrated.........

Let go of what. That Trump won 306 EV's......
Sure sounds like you're the one obsessed with skin color.

Oh and by the way, Queen Hillary is still not President.

He brought it up; as conserve-hate-ives always do. Are you still pretending you didn’t hate Obama because he was black?

You have to be kidding ?

Hate Obama because he was black ?

How about we don't like him because he was a pretty poor President.

Seems like we heard on end how much time the black president spent golfing from RWNJs
The white president spends at least as much time per capita; not a peep from RWNJs

Has nothing to do with policy; just skin color.

Bush was white.....he was a moron.....

Obama was black......he was a moron.....

Trump is white.....he is a moron......

And we want to put these people in charge of our health care.

he he he….nice sidestep. Didn’t know they made ballerina shoes in your size there Shirley

Wow....have you thought of seeking help ?
LMFAO she should of won in a landslide


Yeah, it drives Trumpeters crazy....that he won !!!!

They have what they want......

HIllary and her Butthurt Brigade are looking forward to Lizzy Warren in 2020.

your presence here is the proof.

I really didn't take you for a delusional fool.

Maybe I misjudged.

You'll need to explain how my posting to a message board means anything.

But speaking of batts**t crazy....

You should stop posting here and start celebrating your “victory” of getting 3 million fewer votes.
If you can let it go….that is.

Why should I stop posting ?

I have already celebrated.........

Let go of what. That Trump won 306 EV's......

Good for you.
Did you know HRC got 3 million more votes than he did?
Yeah, it drives Trumpeters crazy....that he won !!!!

They have what they want......

HIllary and her Butthurt Brigade are looking forward to Lizzy Warren in 2020.

your presence here is the proof.

I really didn't take you for a delusional fool.

Maybe I misjudged.

You'll need to explain how my posting to a message board means anything.

But speaking of batts**t crazy....

You should stop posting here and start celebrating your “victory” of getting 3 million fewer votes.
If you can let it go….that is.

Why should I stop posting ?

I have already celebrated.........

Let go of what. That Trump won 306 EV's......

Good for you.
Did you know HRC got 3 million more votes than he did?

I did.

Does not bother me at all.

I woke up on November 8th, fully accepting that by that night it would be President Elect Clinton.

I never dreamed Trump would win.
Last edited:
Yeah, it drives Trumpeters crazy....that he won !!!!

They have what they want......

HIllary and her Butthurt Brigade are looking forward to Lizzy Warren in 2020.

your presence here is the proof.

I really didn't take you for a delusional fool.

Maybe I misjudged.

You'll need to explain how my posting to a message board means anything.

But speaking of batts**t crazy....

You should stop posting here and start celebrating your “victory” of getting 3 million fewer votes.
If you can let it go….that is.

Why should I stop posting ?

I have already celebrated.........

Let go of what. That Trump won 306 EV's......

Good for you.
Did you know HRC got 3 million more votes than he did?

We don't care about the ilegal votes she received in California

Hitlery isn't the only one reminding us why we're so lucky she isn't President...
"Hillary is a lovely lady, but she couldn’t fill the function room at the Olive Garden, and there was a 74-year-old man who was getting crowds of 20,000 young people to come see him.” - Bill Maher
Clinton ‘couldn’t fill the function room at the Olive Garden’: Bill Maher
Clinton is so senile, that if she was president, she would of been asking who were in all of those presidential paintings,,,like al gore did when he didnt recognize georgy w
Thank you Hitlery for reminding us we didn't vote for you. Because like Obama, you would throw money around and run up our already unsustainable $20 trillion debt further.
Trump proposed a 28% cut for U.S. diplomacy and foreign aid next year, including reducing funding for the United Nations, climate change and cultural exchange programs, Reuters reports.
The fact that Hitlery just wants to throw money around instead of cutting as much as possible and spending only what is necessary on the U.S. and our own defense is a reminder of why the American people didn't elect her. The nation is tired of failed left-wing policy.

Clinton Warns Trump of 'Grave Mistake' on Foreign Aid
And this...

Yeah, it drives Trumpeters crazy....that he won !!!!

They have what they want......

HIllary and her Butthurt Brigade are looking forward to Lizzy Warren in 2020.

your presence here is the proof.

I really didn't take you for a delusional fool.

Maybe I misjudged.

You'll need to explain how my posting to a message board means anything.

But speaking of batts**t crazy....

You should stop posting here and start celebrating your “victory” of getting 3 million fewer votes.
If you can let it go….that is.

Why should I stop posting ?

I have already celebrated.........

Let go of what. That Trump won 306 EV's......

Good for you.
Did you know HRC got 3 million more votes than he did?

Did you know popular votes don't win elections? Did you know Hillary lost?
Thank you Hitlery for reminding us we didn't vote for you. Because like Obama, you would throw money around and run up our already unsustainable $20 trillion debt further.
Trump proposed a 28% cut for U.S. diplomacy and foreign aid next year, including reducing funding for the United Nations, climate change and cultural exchange programs, Reuters reports.
The fact that Hitlery just wants to throw money around instead of cutting as much as possible and spending only what is necessary on the U.S. and our own defense is a reminder of why the American people didn't elect her. The nation is tired of failed left-wing policy.

Clinton Warns Trump of 'Grave Mistake' on Foreign Aid

The Senate (Mitch McConnell and several others have already stated they will not cut Foriegn aid funding.) So I doubt they'll make cuts on the UN either. You have NOT elected a king or dictator. Congress is in charge of the purse strings, and they'll decide where to make cuts--and where they're going to spend money. The President does not have the authority to do that.
Trump Plan to Slash State, Foreign Aid Spending Has Foes in Congress

But it's a good thing that Trump is "trying" to save a little money though. At least that will help pay for his weekly trips down to his resort at Mar a Lago--at a cost of 700K taxpayer dollars per trip to drag down White House staff, equipment and a ton of Security agents with him. Trump refers to his resort as the Southern Whitehouse--(who knew?) Apparently Camp David doesn't appeal to Trump's lavish taste.
Trump's Mar-a-Lago trips cost taxpayers about $10M so far


Mar a Lago is doing just wonderful--wonderful--they recently doubled their membership fees to 200K per year. Now that's what I call "the Art of the Deal."
Trump's Mar-a-Lago club just doubled its new membership fee to $200,000

Of course his adult kids have been having a great time on the taxpayer tab also. They went to Aspen, CO for a ski trip with 100 security agents in tow, and the tab for the ski rental alone was 12K. That didn't include lodging, food and ski lift tickets for 100 security agents.
Trump Family Photo Sparks Outrage (Photo)

Then we're paying for Trump's sons, Eric & Donald Jr. to fly all over the world to expand the Trump empire. Like that new Golf Course they just opened up in Dubai.
Trump sons open Dubai golf club as namesake now US president


Melania Trump is refusing to live at the White House--she's staying at the Trump tower--which we have to provide security for also. That could run up to about 300 million a year.
FACT CHECK: Does Melania Trump's NYC Security Cost Twice the NEA's Budget?


Ivanka now has her own office in the White House. Of course, she is also working for FREE--(bless her heart.) I don't know if she is planning a new dress code for White House staffers--(with her lable of course) or if she is there to make all these travel plans. But we will be paying for a secretary and staff for her also.
Ivanka Trump gets new White House title

So in one year Trump & family is on track to outspend Obama's 8 year term in office for travel and vacations.
Trump Set to Outspend 8 Years of Obama's Travel Within the Year

Last edited:
You have NOT elected a king or dictator.
Wow....what a 180° turn around. While Barack Insane Obama was in office - you insisted we did have a king or dictator. You insisted that he had unlimited power. Now you suddenly want to limit the power of the presidency???
your presence here is the proof.

I really didn't take you for a delusional fool.

Maybe I misjudged.

You'll need to explain how my posting to a message board means anything.

But speaking of batts**t crazy....

You should stop posting here and start celebrating your “victory” of getting 3 million fewer votes.
If you can let it go….that is.

Why should I stop posting ?

I have already celebrated.........

Let go of what. That Trump won 306 EV's......

Good for you.
Did you know HRC got 3 million more votes than he did?

Did you know popular votes don't win elections? Did you know Hillary lost?

Did you know 3M more voters preferred HRC over your messiah?
your presence here is the proof.

I really didn't take you for a delusional fool.

Maybe I misjudged.

You'll need to explain how my posting to a message board means anything.

But speaking of batts**t crazy....

You should stop posting here and start celebrating your “victory” of getting 3 million fewer votes.
If you can let it go….that is.

Why should I stop posting ?

I have already celebrated.........

Let go of what. That Trump won 306 EV's......

Good for you.
Did you know HRC got 3 million more votes than he did?

I did.

Does not bother me at all.

I woke up on November 8th, fully accepting that by that night it would be President Elect Clinton.

I never dreamed Trump would win.
I really didn't take you for a delusional fool.

Maybe I misjudged.

You'll need to explain how my posting to a message board means anything.

But speaking of batts**t crazy....

You should stop posting here and start celebrating your “victory” of getting 3 million fewer votes.
If you can let it go….that is.

Why should I stop posting ?

I have already celebrated.........

Let go of what. That Trump won 306 EV's......

Good for you.
Did you know HRC got 3 million more votes than he did?

Did you know popular votes don't win elections? Did you know Hillary lost?

Did you know 3M more voters preferred HRC over your messiah?

Did you know HRC lost the election?
You should stop posting here and start celebrating your “victory” of getting 3 million fewer votes.
If you can let it go….that is.

Why should I stop posting ?

I have already celebrated.........

Let go of what. That Trump won 306 EV's......

Good for you.
Did you know HRC got 3 million more votes than he did?

Did you know popular votes don't win elections? Did you know Hillary lost?

Did you know 3M more voters preferred HRC over your messiah?

Did you know HRC lost the election?

….and so it goes.
Why should I stop posting ?

I have already celebrated.........

Let go of what. That Trump won 306 EV's......

Good for you.
Did you know HRC got 3 million more votes than he did?

Did you know popular votes don't win elections? Did you know Hillary lost?

Did you know 3M more voters preferred HRC over your messiah?

Did you know HRC lost the election?

….and so it goes.

Of course, you are both correct.

Hillary got 3 Million more and lost.

Now we have this all over youtube....

I particularly love 0:33. I'd give a 1000 for a poster of that face.

Then Paul Schrader calls for violence against the right.

I'd love to be in that fight.

Tell the cops to stay home.

Then, let's meet up.

Better be there Paul......but make sure your will is up to date....cause you won't get out alive.
It is all imploding on the Left now. The death blow has been struck and the structure is now lisping beyond recovery. Only a matter of time. New revelations are surfacing now that what drove last October's FBI investigation was over how Loretta Lynch met privately with Little Willie a week before the conclusion of her investigation! And now it has been revealed that Loretta was running cover for Hillary protecting her from prosecution. The Attorney General! The Attorney General under Obama was running cover, protecting a woman from prosecution who had stolen and destroyed government emails covering up theft and sale of national secrets to foreign interests for personal profit so she could be the next president? It doesn't get any worse than that. Is it any wonder they keep trying to run with this faux story about there being some connection between Trump and Russia. Pure smoke. Do not think that this stuff is going to go away.

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