Hillary reminds us why we are happy that she is NOT the President

I really didn't take you for a delusional fool.

Maybe I misjudged.

You'll need to explain how my posting to a message board means anything.

But speaking of batts**t crazy....

You should stop posting here and start celebrating your “victory” of getting 3 million fewer votes.
If you can let it go….that is.

Why should I stop posting ?

I have already celebrated.........

Let go of what. That Trump won 306 EV's......

Good for you.
Did you know HRC got 3 million more votes than he did?

Did you know popular votes don't win elections? Did you know Hillary lost?

Did you know 3M more voters preferred HRC over your messiah?

Yes, we did. Three million wasted votes. Just as the Founders intended.
You should stop posting here and start celebrating your “victory” of getting 3 million fewer votes.
If you can let it go….that is.

Why should I stop posting ?

I have already celebrated.........

Let go of what. That Trump won 306 EV's......

Good for you.
Did you know HRC got 3 million more votes than he did?

Did you know popular votes don't win elections? Did you know Hillary lost?

Did you know 3M more voters preferred HRC over your messiah?

Yes, we did. Three million wasted votes. Just as the Founders intended.

Well, I’ll split hairs. Every state Trump won by more than 1 vote was “wasted” too since only one vote more than anyone else is required.
I would prefer to say that those votes and the ones Ms. Clinton received in California were not “wasted” because people did cast them…I would prefer to say those surplus votes were not counted. I know they were counted in the PV contest but as far as mattering toward the outcome; not counted.

Still the Electoral College is, perhaps, the best idea the framers had.

Then Paul Schrader calls for violence against the right.

I'd love to be in that fight.

Tell the cops to stay home.

Then, let's meet up.

Better be there Paul......but make sure your will is up to date....cause you won't get out alive.

Thanks for another reason to laugh at you.

You can sit on the sidelines with the rest of the left (not liberals...you assholes are not liberals) and watch the right run the show.

Go fuck yourself.

Then Paul Schrader calls for violence against the right.

I'd love to be in that fight.

Tell the cops to stay home.

Then, let's meet up.

Better be there Paul......but make sure your will is up to date....cause you won't get out alive.

Thanks for another reason to laugh at you.

You can sit on the sidelines with the rest of the left (not liberals...you assholes are not liberals) and watch the right run the show.

Go fuck yourself.

Poor little angry man…did you know Trump lost by 3 million votes?

Then Paul Schrader calls for violence against the right.

I'd love to be in that fight.

Tell the cops to stay home.

Then, let's meet up.

Better be there Paul......but make sure your will is up to date....cause you won't get out alive.

Thanks for another reason to laugh at you.

You can sit on the sidelines with the rest of the left (not liberals...you assholes are not liberals) and watch the right run the show.

Go fuck yourself.

Poor little angry man…did you know Trump lost by 3 million votes?

He got three million less....but, he didn't lose.

Ah...reality bites.

I hope you stadium blanket keeps you warm as you watch while others run the show.
"Poor little angry man…did you know Trump lost by 3 million votes?"

Do you know that and a $10 bill will get you dinner at McDonald's? I think YOU are the angry man. Amazing how people keep trying to bring up the "popular vote" as though the nation were a big basket and that somehow delegitimizes his win! How many of those votes were by voter fraud, DNC corruption and illegal aliens? Elections are held by state not nation, and Trump won the popular vote in 30 states to Hillary's 20, six of those tiny states in New England plus DC. Hillary won mainly in a few very big cities like LA, Chicago and NYC, and Trump basically won everywhere else. Here is a clear picture of the voting outcome and if you want to try to count all of the red counties vs. the blue counties, clearly, the vast area of the nation did NOT want Hillary Clinton back in the Whitehouse! Welcome to the sea of red!

Thank you Hitlery for reminding us we didn't vote for you. Because like Obama, you would throw money around and run up our already unsustainable $20 trillion debt further.
Trump proposed a 28% cut for U.S. diplomacy and foreign aid next year, including reducing funding for the United Nations, climate change and cultural exchange programs, Reuters reports.
The fact that Hitlery just wants to throw money around instead of cutting as much as possible and spending only what is necessary on the U.S. and our own defense is a reminder of why the American people didn't elect her. The nation is tired of failed left-wing policy.

Clinton Warns Trump of 'Grave Mistake' on Foreign Aid

Well Trump has to pay for his golf weekends, and Melania's security in Trump Tower. More travel expenses in a month than the Obama's had for a year.

But tell us again what respect Trump has for the deficit.

I suggest that you Do Your Homework instead of just repeating Fake News...
Clearly this thread is well above your right winger's heads.
Um...how could it be "above our head's" when I'm the one who started the thread? :uhh:
Grab your crayons and coloring books and head back into your romper room politics.
This coming from the side that issued coloring books, play-doh, crayons, and dogs to their loyal followers simply because Hitlery lost an election. :lmao:
Thank you Hitlery for reminding us we didn't vote for you. Because like Obama, you would throw money around and run up our already unsustainable $20 trillion debt further.
Trump proposed a 28% cut for U.S. diplomacy and foreign aid next year, including reducing funding for the United Nations, climate change and cultural exchange programs, Reuters reports.
The fact that Hitlery just wants to throw money around instead of cutting as much as possible and spending only what is necessary on the U.S. and our own defense is a reminder of why the American people didn't elect her. The nation is tired of failed left-wing policy.

Clinton Warns Trump of 'Grave Mistake' on Foreign Aid

says a minority of the country....... more of whom voted for her than Donald.

she isn't wrong. but you keep on deluding yourself .snooks.....

nice troll thread though
Thank you Hitlery for reminding us we didn't vote for you. Because like Obama, you would throw money around and run up our already unsustainable $20 trillion debt further.
Trump proposed a 28% cut for U.S. diplomacy and foreign aid next year, including reducing funding for the United Nations, climate change and cultural exchange programs, Reuters reports.
The fact that Hitlery just wants to throw money around instead of cutting as much as possible and spending only what is necessary on the U.S. and our own defense is a reminder of why the American people didn't elect her. The nation is tired of failed left-wing policy.

Clinton Warns Trump of 'Grave Mistake' on Foreign Aid

says a minority of the country....... more of whom voted for her than Donald.

she isn't wrong. but you keep on deluding yourself .snooks.....

nice troll thread though
Hillary is a loser. She joins Al Gore who also won the popular vote and lost the Presidency. There is a God.
I don't need a reminder. Donald Trump saved us from the PsychoBitch so all the great things he is doing for America is just cool whip on the pie.
she isn't wrong
She isn’t? So then logically you would be more than happy to sell all of your frivolous assets and send all of that foreign yourself, right?

Oh wait...that’s right...you’re a progressive. That means you’re a hypocrite who hoards wealth while mumbling about the “wonders” of socialism. It’s a prime example of why nobody takes the left seriously.
she isn't wrong
She isn’t? So then logically you would be more than happy to sell all of your frivolous assets and send all of that foreign yourself, right?

Oh wait...that’s right...you’re a progressive. That means you’re a hypocrite who hoards wealth while mumbling about the “wonders” of socialism. It’s a prime example of why nobody takes the left seriously.
Wow...8 days and Jillian has been DEAD SILENT. Yeah, it's no wonder. She's a selfish little hoarder. She just expects you to live in poverty for the "good" of "society".
Thank you Hitlery for reminding us we didn't vote for you. Because like Obama, you would throw money around and run up our already unsustainable $20 trillion debt further.
Trump proposed a 28% cut for U.S. diplomacy and foreign aid next year, including reducing funding for the United Nations, climate change and cultural exchange programs, Reuters reports.
The fact that Hitlery just wants to throw money around instead of cutting as much as possible and spending only what is necessary on the U.S. and our own defense is a reminder of why the American people didn't elect her. The nation is tired of failed left-wing policy.

Clinton Warns Trump of 'Grave Mistake' on Foreign Aid

You may want to reexamine your opinions. I suggest you get your GED and then enroll in a Jr. College talking primarily history classes. Once you've taken the remedial courses and prerequisites you will be allowed to take serious courses and study serious issues, thus you might discover what a fool you appear to be.

The Diplomatic History of the American People examines US Foreign Policy from the perspective of the Sect. of State. My textbook, first written in 1940, and revised several times (my copy was revised in 1970), which you can buy from Amazon (Author is Thomas A. Bailey, Stanford U.) is enlightening, something you and others need, including Trump, Sessions and Tillerson.

From Chap. I: Factors, Forces, and Functions

Since the time when Thomas Jefferson insisted upon a "decent respect to the opinions of mankind" public opinion has controlled foreign policy in all democracies"
Sect. of State Hull (1936)

We can be assured that Mr. Jefferson is spinning in his grave by the actions of Trump and his minions.

Jefferson and every other Sect's. of State may very well arise now that the war monger Bolton is the brain behind the brainless Trump.

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