Hillary requested book containing advice on deleting emails "that stay deleted"


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Hillary wanted a book on how to delete emails? Particularly emails that might land her in jail?

Now, why would she want such a book?

Say it ain't so!


No Really Hillary Wanted a Book With Advice About How To Delete Emails That Stay Deleted - Katie Pavlich

No, really: Hillary requested book containing advice on deleting emails "that stay deleted"

by Katie Pavlich
Aug. 13, 2015

Now why in the world would Hillary Clinton want a book about how to permanently delete emails?

According to a new report from ABC's Jon Karl, the former Secretary of State requested a book about how to delete email before leaving her position in early 2013. Bolding below is mine.

The last batch of Hillary Clinton emails released by the State Department included one from Clinton asking to borrow a book called “Send: Why People Email So Badly and How to Do It Better,” by David Shipley and Will Schwalbe.

Clinton has not said why she requested the book, but it includes some advice that is particularly interesting in light of the controversy over her unconventional email arrangement at the State Department and her decision to delete tens of thousands of emails she deemed to be purely personal.

The copy that ABC downloaded for $9.99 had some interesting revelations.

Take, for example, Chapter Six: “The Email That Can Land You In Jail.” The chapter includes a section entitled “How to Delete Something So It Stays Deleted.”

“Some people are hoarders, some are checkers,” the authors write. “The main thing to consider is that once you do decide to delete, it’s like taking the garbage from your kitchen and putting it in your hallway. It’s still there.”

The chapter advised that to truly delete emails may require a special rewriting program “to make sure that it’s not just elsewhere on the drive but has in fact been written over sixteen or twenty times and rendered undefinable.”

You realize that she has an IT department for this kind of shit. I guarantee she didn't delete anything - she paid someone who knows what they are doing to do so.

You realize that she has an IT department for this kind of shit. I guarantee she didn't delete anything - she paid someone who knows what they are doing to do so.
So.... why did she ask for a book containing advice on about deleting emails? And making sure they were really gone?

You realize that she has an IT department for this kind of shit. I guarantee she didn't delete anything - she paid someone who knows what they are doing to do so.
So.... why did she ask for a book containing advice on about deleting emails? And making sure they were really gone?
Don't even know if I trust the report. It sounds like sensationalist garbage.

We don't need an asinine request for a smoking book - we KNOW Hillary deleted the emails. What is the point of the book? It shows nothing. THis looks like a dumb attempt to grab headlines.

Hillary is a multi millionaire with deep political ties. Only a completely incompetent moron on an epic scale would try and take care of something like the scale of deleting thousands of emails on a book you can take off of amazon. They would, instead, hire actual professionals to take care of it. Like the ones already designated to upkeep the server in the first place.

The book is a distraction.
i wonder if Bill had a book on how to cover up white house sex scandals.

You realize that she has an IT department for this kind of shit. I guarantee she didn't delete anything - she paid someone who knows what they are doing to do so.

Unless she wanted to keep it secret that she was going to delete the emails. Why would you tell an IT dept. that you plan to destroy evidence? Hillary isn't that stupid.
Hillary is a reasonably intelligent woman. She could likely handle a data dump and overwrite.
Were I her, I would have have Huma delete the emails while I played with her boobs. Hmmm, maybe that's how it went down.

You realize that she has an IT department for this kind of shit. I guarantee she didn't delete anything - she paid someone who knows what they are doing to do so.

Unless she wanted to keep it secret that she was going to delete the emails. Why would you tell an IT dept. that you plan to destroy evidence? Hillary isn't that stupid.
? Because she told EVERYONE.

You do know that it was never a secret that she destroyed those emails. She told us she was going to do it.
Anyone with half a brain would know that Hillary wouldn't have turned the server over unless she had scoured that thing clean.

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