Hillary running....away from Obama


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Hillary running....away from Obama

President Barack Obama's approval rating hit a new low this week as fallout from the disastrous health care rollout mounted.

The plummeting job rating could limit the president's ability to get much done the last three years of his term. But it has even bigger ramifications for the most prominent Democrat who hopes to succeed him in 2016: Hillary Clinton.

Hillary running....away from Obama
Running away? I guess. Don't see this whole website debacle as anything more than any other half-baked, under planed, government crap-sandwich....

Why would Hillary cut and run when Libs typically gather round to protect their own?

Bill Clinton, anyone?

That being said, Bush's polls were terible ... much worse than Obama's, but polls didn't matter, right?

That's about all I heard from my republican friends.
Luckily for Hillary, she gets to run against a Republican
Luckily for Hillary, she gets to run against a Republican

That's if she runs. Pretty big if.

Not really

Remember her testimony on Benghazi? She seemed very defiant, much like a person who doesn't care anymore. That's the impression I get from her now a days. In any case she hasn't said she will or won't so it's just speculation. I think if she does run she'd have to be considered the favorite. To which you would say that's why she's running. Still I don't see it. She's too old, and I don't think she wants to go through the hell of another presidential campaign. The last time around wasn't easy for her.
That's if she runs. Pretty big if.

Not really

Remember her testimony on Benghazi? She seemed very defiant, much like a person who doesn't care anymore. That's the impression I get from her now a days. In any case she hasn't said she will or won't so it's just speculation. I think if she does run she'd have to be considered the favorite. To which you would say that's why she's running. Still I don't see it. She's too old, and I don't think she wants to go through the hell of another presidential campaign. The last time around wasn't easy for her.

i dunno ... she seemed more annoyed at the stupidity of the accusations.
Hillary can't run away from Hussein anymore than she can run from Bill. She is a liberal democrat and a world class enabler for her husband's often criminal sexual adventures and she is stuck with it.
Hillary running....away from Obama

President Barack Obama's approval rating hit a new low this week as fallout from the disastrous health care rollout mounted.

The plummeting job rating could limit the president's ability to get much done the last three years of his term. But it has even bigger ramifications for the most prominent Democrat who hopes to succeed him in 2016: Hillary Clinton.

Hillary running....away from Obama

Running away? No, running away was McCain running from any thing associated with Bush. That was running away.
Hillary can't run away from Hussein anymore than she can run from Bill. She is a liberal democrat and a world class enabler for her husband's often criminal sexual adventures and she is stuck with it.

"criminal sexual adventures"? He got a blow job. Big woop. He was a far better president than Bush ever was. EVER.

Bush killed over 4k americans. Clinton got a blow job. You people are fucked in the head.

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