Hillary supporters, what is her best accomplishment in government to date?

The hildabeasts greatest accomplishment appears to be lining her pockets and amassing millions and millions of dollars whilst working in 'public service'.
Really? And when/how did she do this?

Heard of the Clinton Foundation, you know the one under FBI investigation? Here is a link since you missed it-
FBI Said To Move To "Likely Indictment" Of Clinton Foundation, Fox News Reports | Zero Hedge
Wanna be more specific about what Hillary did to get paid while SOS?

Have you really not heard, or are you just playing dumb? Let me bring you up to speed. We will KNOW what is true and what isn't Sometime after the FBI release their findings, but the suspicion is there was a pay to play scheme going on while she was SOS. Essentially, if you wanted access to Hillary and the powers of her office you could "donate" to the Clinton Foundation. The donations came from some of the wealthiest people around the world, including Arab Sheiks, Eastern Europe tycoons, mining magnates, hedge funds, and Wall Street firms. It is claimed that many of the donors met with Hillary in her official capacity as SOS, and the donations surrounded these meetings.

To be fair, the Foundation gets very high marks for the level of money used for charitable work relative to the overhead, but it also should be noted that those ratings are based on the finacial statements provided by the foundation and are not audited by the rating agencies.

So there you have it. And before you jump and say "there is no evidence, or nothing has been proven", sit down and relax. That is why there is an investigation- to see what evidence there is and does it prove any wrong doing.
I appreciate the explanation. I wasn't trying to play dumb, but was curious if you had other evidence. It being a presidential election and all people are attacking Hillery left and right. You said yourself that nothing is proven and that the FBI is investigating. I also know that they are investigating Trump university and the Trump foundation. Speculation and accusations can be thrown at both candidates, but without any hard evidence is hard to believe any of the rhetoric.

From what I've seen, the Clinton foundation has done some great work around the world, I think it's very easy to look at relationships that both Bill and Hillary have through their political history which I'm sure they used to help grow the Clinton foundation, and pull a pay to play accusation from that. Every business, charity, political campaign, is built upon the network and relationships that the managers have. This doesn't necessarily mean there's pay to play. If money was taken and moves were made politically that were not in the best interest of the country then correction can be claimed. But access? I think that's our world works. And I don't see any crime in that.

Actually it is a crime. I can't site the legal statutes, but the last thing we want is our elected or appointed officials being bought. And yes, the big orange clown has some pretty dirty laundry it seems as well. We have two horribly flawed canidates, and it is nearly impossible to defend either of them. That is why the attacks are so vicious. You can either build up the canidate you want or tear down their opponent, and tearing down in this election is the low hanging fruit. Libs will vote for the bulldyke, Cons will vote for the orange clown, and the election will be decided by those with the least conviction in either direction, so at least that hasn't changed.
What are her foreign policy victories?

"SHE" got Bin Ladin.

She helped to clean up the mess her husband left for the world. BILL CLINTON WAS OFFERED BIN LADIN AND TURNED DOWN THE OFFER IN 1998.

Bill could have taken out bin ladin, but he was worried about "COLLATERAL DAMAGE".

The reasons varied why a particular attack did not go forward — fear of civilian casualties, uncertainty in the intelligence, diplomatic fallout, bureaucratic inertia. During Clinton’s presidency, al-Qaeda attacked U.S. targets overseas, not in the homeland. Media attention was fleeting. When the CIA suddenly withdrew its support for one operation, the commission wrote: “It was the duty of [George] Tenet and the CIA leadership to balance the risks of inaction against jeopardizing the lives of their operatives and agents. And they had reason to worry about failure: millions of dollars down the drain; a shoot-out that could be seen as an assassination; and, if there were repercussions in Pakistan, perhaps a coup.”

I wonder how the 3,000 people who died on 9-11 feel about BILL CLINTON'S DECISION.
Politicizing the Dead of September 11? Typical scumbag LibTard vote-whoring.
I think it's when she helped 8 million children get health care. Of course, the GOP would never agree. They only want to help the fetus. They don't care about the born.
So what's Trumps accomplishments. And did he do it without stiffing any workers?
I think it's when she helped 8 million children get health care. Of course, the GOP would never agree. They only want to help the fetus. They don't care about the born.

When did she do this? What specifically are you referring to? How did she help 8 million children get healthcare?
Hillary was First Lady when CHIP was passed. She may have supported it, but she was not a legislator or a cabinet member.

I guess you can thank her for that as much as you can blame Trump for the Iraq war.
What has Hillary accomplished?

Children's healthcare SCHIP
Aid to 9-11 responders
Restored strained relations with our allies
START treaty
Organized economic sanctions against Iran

SCHIP is good.

Everyone else did too so that's nothing.

That's laughable.

I'll let your buddies at FACTCHECK refute that bit of BS
"Hillary Clinton overstates the impact of a 2011 nuclear agreement with Russia in a TV ad that says she was responsible for “securing a massive reduction in nuclear weapons.”

The agreement, known as New START, limits the number of deployed strategic nuclear warheads — that is, nuclear weapons that are deployed on long-range (or strategic) launchers. But it does not require either side to destroy nuclear weapons or reduce their nuclear stockpile, and it doesn’t place limits on shorter-range nuclear weapons.

Also, Russia was below the limit for deployed strategic nuclear warheads when the treaty took effect in 2011, and it has increased them since then. So there hasn’t even been a reduction in Russia’s deployed strategic nuclear warheads under the agreement."
Clinton Overstates Nuclear Achievement

She did? Really? She WAS instrumental in them being able to get an atomic weapon within 10 years. That she did. The rest is hyperbole.
I think it's when she helped 8 million children get health care. Of course, the GOP would never agree. They only want to help the fetus. They don't care about the born.

When did she do this? What specifically are you referring to? How did she help 8 million children get healthcare?
Children's Health Insurance Program
Republicans don't want that. Because they are only for the fetus. Shortly after it's born, they quickly lose interest.
Not getting a shoe thrown at her while rebuilding America’s image after the Bush administration trashed it.

Can you imagine we actually developed a relationship with France after all Bush had done?

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