Hillary supporters, what is her best accomplishment in government to date?

What are her foreign policy victories?

"SHE" got Bin Ladin.

She helped to clean up the mess her husband left for the world. BILL CLINTON WAS OFFERED BIN LADIN AND TURNED DOWN THE OFFER IN 1998.

Bill could have taken out bin ladin, but he was worried about "COLLATERAL DAMAGE".

The reasons varied why a particular attack did not go forward — fear of civilian casualties, uncertainty in the intelligence, diplomatic fallout, bureaucratic inertia. During Clinton’s presidency, al-Qaeda attacked U.S. targets overseas, not in the homeland. Media attention was fleeting. When the CIA suddenly withdrew its support for one operation, the commission wrote: “It was the duty of [George] Tenet and the CIA leadership to balance the risks of inaction against jeopardizing the lives of their operatives and agents. And they had reason to worry about failure: millions of dollars down the drain; a shoot-out that could be seen as an assassination; and, if there were repercussions in Pakistan, perhaps a coup.”

I wonder how the 3,000 people who died on 9-11 feel about BILL CLINTON'S DECISION.
What is the most significant victory achieved by your favorite secretary of state in the last 30 years? Just curious. Try and answer without looking anything up.
She is currently running for President.

What Secretary of State has run for POTUS in the past 30 years? Try and answer without looking anything up.

She has nothing noteworthy from her time in government at all?
You are dodging my question.... what was your favorite accomplishment of Bush before he got elected? Or Pick any president?? Don't look anything up.

Bush wasn't found to make inappropriate ssxual advances toward women while HE was governor, unlike another president. Apparently that's the most important issue for some during this election cycle.
Are you not capable of answering a simple question? If you don't want to answer then you can just concede the point that this accomplishment question is loaded BS
Hillary was not dealing with Putin in 2009. She was dealing with President Mededev

If she didn't realize Putin was in charge in 2009, she's as naïve as you.

It was Putin who slapped away the offer of a reset

In 2009.
Didn't stop Obama from telling Medvedev in 2012 he'd be more flexible for Putin after the election.

It was Putin who blew his chance of a reset with the west

His once prosperous nation paid the price

What price did Hillary pay for the failure of reset

It was Putin who blew his chance of a reset with the west

Yes, he laughed at Obama's and Clinton's naivety.

His once prosperous nation paid the price.

Nah, they've always been a craphole.

What price did Hillary pay for the failure of reset

It showed her claim of foreign policy expertise was a joke.

Russia had an economy that was among the best in the world until Putin

Clinton gave him a chance to establish firm economic ties with the west. Putin blew it and his economy is in shambles

How was the U.S. Hurt by the failure of the reset?

Russia had an economy that was among the best in the world until Putin

Yeah, Yeltsin ran a great economy.
You really don't know much about Russia.

How was the U.S. Hurt by the failure of the reset?

US weakness, not just with Russia, hurts the US.

How are we weak by forcing Russia into economic failure?

How are we strong by letting Putin make Obama look silly in Syria?
How's that red line? Or taking out Assad for using chem weapons?
Or letting the MB win in Egypt? And then whining when the military overthrew them?
Or letting Libya slide into anarchy? Or letting ISIS, the JV team, control a huge chunk of territory?

Where has he done a good job? Shown strength?
What is the most significant victory achieved by your favorite secretary of state in the last 30 years? Just curious. Try and answer without looking anything up.
She is currently running for President.

What Secretary of State has run for POTUS in the past 30 years? Try and answer without looking anything up.

She has nothing noteworthy from her time in government at all?
You are dodging my question.... what was your favorite accomplishment of Bush before he got elected? Or Pick any president?? Don't look anything up.

Bush wasn't found to make inappropriate ssxual advances toward women while HE was governor, unlike another president. Apparently that's the most important issue for some during this election cycle.
Who cares?

Tell that to Hillary. That's precisely my point.
Tell it to Trumps three wives

It was Putin who blew his chance of a reset with the west

His once prosperous nation paid the price

What price did Hillary pay for the failure of reset

It was Putin who blew his chance of a reset with the west

Yes, he laughed at Obama's and Clinton's naivety.

His once prosperous nation paid the price.

Nah, they've always been a craphole.

What price did Hillary pay for the failure of reset

It showed her claim of foreign policy expertise was a joke.

Russia had an economy that was among the best in the world until Putin

Clinton gave him a chance to establish firm economic ties with the west. Putin blew it and his economy is in shambles

How was the U.S. Hurt by the failure of the reset?

Russia had an economy that was among the best in the world until Putin

Yeah, Yeltsin ran a great economy.
You really don't know much about Russia.

How was the U.S. Hurt by the failure of the reset?

US weakness, not just with Russia, hurts the US.

How are we weak by forcing Russia into economic failure?

How are we strong by letting Putin make Obama look silly in Syria?
How's that red line? Or taking out Assad for using chem weapons?
Or letting the MB win in Egypt? And then whining when the military overthrew them?
Or letting Libya slide into anarchy? Or letting ISIS, the JV team, control a huge chunk of territory?

Where has he done a good job? Shown strength?
Syria was Putins ally not ours. Putin talked Syria out of their chemical weapons because of the threat of U.S. Military intervention.
Egypt and Libya were in revolution. The situation was not going to be stable regardless of the side we chose. If we chose to prop up unpopular dictators in Egypt, Syria and Libya we would end up just like we did when we propped up Batista in Cuba and the Shah in Iran
POLITICS | Fri Nov 4, 2016 | 8:12pm EDT
Clinton's charity confirms Qatar's $1 million gift while she was at State Dept

By Jonathan Allen | NEW YORK
The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of state without informing the State Department, even though she had promised to let the agency review new or significantly increased support from foreign governments.

Clinton's charity confirms Qatar's $1 million gift while she was at State Dept
What are her foreign policy victories?

"SHE" got Bin Ladin.

She helped to clean up the mess her husband left for the world. BILL CLINTON WAS OFFERED BIN LADIN AND TURNED DOWN THE OFFER IN 1998.

Bill could have taken out bin ladin, but he was worried about "COLLATERAL DAMAGE".

The reasons varied why a particular attack did not go forward — fear of civilian casualties, uncertainty in the intelligence, diplomatic fallout, bureaucratic inertia. During Clinton’s presidency, al-Qaeda attacked U.S. targets overseas, not in the homeland. Media attention was fleeting. When the CIA suddenly withdrew its support for one operation, the commission wrote: “It was the duty of [George] Tenet and the CIA leadership to balance the risks of inaction against jeopardizing the lives of their operatives and agents. And they had reason to worry about failure: millions of dollars down the drain; a shoot-out that could be seen as an assassination; and, if there were repercussions in Pakistan, perhaps a coup.”

I wonder how the 3,000 people who died on 9-11 feel about BILL CLINTON'S DECISION.
What is the most significant victory achieved by your favorite secretary of state in the last 30 years? Just curious. Try and answer without looking anything up.
She is currently running for President.

What Secretary of State has run for POTUS in the past 30 years? Try and answer without looking anything up.

She has nothing noteworthy from her time in government at all?
You are dodging my question.... what was your favorite accomplishment of Bush before he got elected? Or Pick any president?? Don't look anything up.

Bush wasn't found to make inappropriate ssxual advances toward women while HE was governor, unlike another president. Apparently that's the most important issue for some during this election cycle.
Are you not capable of answering a simple question? If you don't want to answer then you can just concede the point that this accomplishment question is loaded BS

If Hillary's campaign is indicative of the views and posts shared by liberals, then I know better than to think that democrats like yourself are serious about interjecting into a real dialogue over those "actual issues" many of the American family voters are facing.

Now I mentioned a truth that President Bush never made inappropriate advancements towards women as governor (unlike a certain predecessor) for a reason, because that is the main focus Hillary Clinton wants to make the election about - not issues. Liberal Democrats in presidential elections are well known for going after the ACTIONS of their opponent, in hopes to make the waters so murky that voters are no longer focusing on the actual issues themselves that face this nation. Im sure this is the driving point behind what prior accomplishment, while serving in Washington DC as senator and Secretary of State, can she name ..... what "issue".

Now if Hillary were to talk about her accomplishments and issues, she might have to face the terrorists attack at Benghazi and the death of those Americans while under her position. She would also have to face the real issue that Obamacare is crumbling with major insurance providers leaving, with premiums going up by 24%. Then there is the economy, where a majority of Americans are having to work multiple part-time jobs according to USAToday, just to name a few real issues our nation faces.

Instead all her discussion on the campaign trail, as well as her ads, will only be about Trump and what was said in a discussion about women. She may even hide behind her belief that Americans simply don't want to see a woman as president, any emotion she can create as her momentum ... but it won't be on the issues. Obviously the democrats haven't done very good at handling the job after eight years under President Obama, which is why it's not a ta
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Another one of those "I don't understand why anyone would vote for Clinton"-type threads. Here:

1. They agree with her on the issues, or at least more of the issues.

2. They feel that Trump is a buffoon, a boor, a fraud and a national embarrassment.

3. They don't buy at least some of the non-stop tidal wave of accusations from talk radio and conservative internet.

4. They know that Hillary is terrible but they feel that TRUMP. IS. EVEN. WORSE.

5. Some combination therein.

Why in the world is this such a freakin' mystery?
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She is currently running for President.

What Secretary of State has run for POTUS in the past 30 years? Try and answer without looking anything up.

She has nothing noteworthy from her time in government at all?
You are dodging my question.... what was your favorite accomplishment of Bush before he got elected? Or Pick any president?? Don't look anything up.

Bush wasn't found to make inappropriate ssxual advances toward women while HE was governor, unlike another president. Apparently that's the most important issue for some during this election cycle.
Who cares?

Tell that to Hillary. That's precisely my point.
Tell it to Trumps three wives

Trumps wives is not an issue that's going to effect the personal lives of the voters
You are dodging my question.... what was your favorite accomplishment of Bush before he got elected? Or Pick any president?? Don't look anything up.

Bush wasn't found to make inappropriate ssxual advances toward women while HE was governor, unlike another president. Apparently that's the most important issue for some during this election cycle.
Who cares?

Tell that to Hillary. That's precisely my point.
Tell it to Trumps three wives

Trumps wives is not an issue that's going to effect the personal lives of the voters
Neither are Bill Clinton's attempts to get laid
She is the best at producing scandals for sure... Experienced!

Imaginary scandals from the right wing conspiracy theorists

Having a private server was not a "scandal" until Hillary did it
A terrorist attack was not a "scandal" until it happened under Hillary's watch
She is the best at producing scandals for sure... Experienced!

Imaginary scandals from the right wing conspiracy theorists

That's what she would have the drones believe:


Meanwhile making up her own conspiracies about Putin and the Alt-Right.
She is the best at producing scandals for sure... Experienced!

Imaginary scandals from the right wing conspiracy theorists

That's what she would have the drones believe:


Meanwhile making up her own conspiracies about Putin and the Alt-Right.

If the alt right isn't real, why do members of the alt right refer to themselves as the alt right?

I said CONSPIRACY THEORIES, not existence theories. Learn to read... No one is denying the existence of Putin either.
ANY of Hillary Clinton's accomplishments in government put her ahead of Donald Trump, who has never served a day in government.
She is the best at producing scandals for sure... Experienced!

Imaginary scandals from the right wing conspiracy theorists

That's what she would have the drones believe:


Meanwhile making up her own conspiracies about Putin and the Alt-Right.

If the alt right isn't real, why do members of the alt right refer to themselves as the alt right?

I said CONSPIRACY THEORIES, not existence theories. Learn to read... No one is denying the existence of Putin either.

You're denying the existence of a vast rightwing propaganda machine in the media?

Are you retarded?
She is the best at producing scandals for sure... Experienced!

Imaginary scandals from the right wing conspiracy theorists

That's what she would have the drones believe:


Meanwhile making up her own conspiracies about Putin and the Alt-Right.

If the alt right isn't real, why do members of the alt right refer to themselves as the alt right?

I said CONSPIRACY THEORIES, not existence theories. Learn to read... No one is denying the existence of Putin either.

You're denying the existence of a vast rightwing propaganda machine in the media?

Are you retarded?

Do we ever get anything except straw mans from this person? I didn't mention propaganda or the media anywhere, but yes the mainstream media is a vast Clinton propaganda machine.

This person is cognitively challenged, that's always an issue when discussing anything with him.

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