Hillary Takes Responsibility For Loss...But Then Says She Coulda..Shoulda....Woulda. 20-20 Hindsight


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Hillary Clinton: "I Was On The Way To Winning Until Comey And 'Russian' WikiLeaks" | Zero Hedge

Hillary Clinton: "I Was On The Way To Winning Until Comey And 'Russian' WikiLeaks"

Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

Speaking during an interview on CNN, losing presidential candidate Hillary Clinton explained why she thinks she lost the election...

"I was on the way to winning before Jim Comey's letter and 'Russian' Wikileaks... scared off late voters."

So to be clear - until the head of the FBI admitted to the world that many of your actions were under investigation for potentially breaking law and WikiLeaks published 'proof' of multiple mis-dealings and relationships - you were on the way to winning? So, other than that how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?

All of this is ironic given Democratic Party strategists recent comments:

After crunching numbers for months, a group of Democratic strategists have finally figured out why Hillary lost the 2016 election: "her base didn't turn out." Sure, it probably had absolutely nothing to do with all those criminal FBI investigations or the fact that Trump was able to flip some Midwest states that haven't gone Red since Ronald Reagan. Per McClatchy:

A select group of top Democratic Party strategists have used new data about last year’s presidential election to reach a startling conclusion about why Hillary Clinton lost. Now they just need to persuade the rest of the party they’re right.

Many Democrats have a shorthand explanation for Clinton’s defeat: Her base didn’t turn out, Donald Trump’s did and the difference was too much to overcome.

Ironically, while offering up the most ridiculous explanation possible for the outcome of the 2016 election, undoubtedly in an effort to erase all blame from Hillary herself (it wasn't Hillary's fault, her team just didn't turn out the voters...they failed her), one strategist noted it's important to "learn the right lesson from 2016" and not just the one "that makes us feel good at night."

And as The Washington Post's most recent poll shows, two-thirds of Americans think the Democrats are out of touch - including nearly half of Democrats themselves.

It’s worth highlighting that last point. While the political opposition generally views Trump or either party as about equally out of touch - with about 80 to 90 percent saying so - the Democratic Party is viewed as far more out of touch by Democrats than Trump or the GOP are by Republicans.

And finally, as CNN reports, former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday indirectly knocked Hillary Clinton's failed 2016 campaign at a Thursday event, suggesting that the former secretary of state failed to talk to middle-class voters.

"What happened was that this was the first campaign that I can recall where my party did not talk about what it always stood for -- and that was how to maintain a burgeoning middle class," Biden said during an appearance at the University of Pennsylvania.

"You didn't hear a single solitary sentence in the last campaign about that guy working on the assembly line making $60,000 bucks a year and a wife making $32,000 as a hostess in restaurant."

"And they are making $90,000 and they have two kids and they can't make it and they are scared, they are frightened."

Despite calling half the nation 'deplorable' and beyond help, Clinton did attempt to speak to working class voters on the campaign trail, including through multiple bus trips through Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia. But the overarching message of her campaign, especially at the end, (and The Democrats since), was more often anti-Donald Trump than policy messaging toward these voters.

Other highlight from Hillary's interview (via Axios)

  • "I take absolute personal responsibility. I was the candidate. I was the person on the ballot."
  • "I am writing a book, and it is a painful process reliving the campaign."
  • Putin "certainly interfered...to hurt me."
  • Electing the first female president "would have been a really big deal...There were important messages that could have sent."
  • "I'm back to being an activist citizen...part of the resistance."

Once again....Hillary takes responsibility.......BUT!!!!!
Last edited:
Clinton Staffer: Hillary Was Speaking “Her Truth” That Russia, Comey Cost Her the Election

The Clinton campaign has a name for its “alternative facts,” and it’s “her truth”


Facebook Twitter Mail
May 2, 2017
5:01 pm
Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton came under fire Tuesday for once again blaming WikiLeaks and FBI Director James Comey for her shocking loss in November’s election.

Hillary Clinton on Tuesday attributed her defeat in the 2016 presidential election to interference by Russian hackers and FBI Director James B. Comey, and declared herself to be “part of the resistance” to Donald Trump’s presidency.

“If the election had been on October 27, I would be your president,” Clinton told moderator Christiane Amanpour, the CNN anchor, at a Women for Women event in New York.

Many criticized Clinton for not taking more responsibility for the loss. Former Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri came to her boss’s defense on Twitter, arguing Clinton was speaking “her truth”:

Clinton Staffer: Hillary Was Speaking “Her Truth” That Russia, Comey Cost Her the Election | Need To Know Network
I just saw the clip on Anderson Cooper.

I can't laugh any harder.

Let's hope she runs again in 2020.
For most people, hindsight is 20/20, provided they bother to rigorously analyze the past. I have to say "most people" because it's clear Trump's hindsight is not 20/20, not even when he's given "multi-focal glasses" to see the error of his past ways.

as The Washington Post's most recent poll shows, two-thirds of Americans think the Democrats are out of touch - including nearly half of Democrats themselves.
Insofar as two-thirds of the nation was born into the middle class and only about a quarter of the nation's citizens/households marshalled their resources to increase their standing in that regard, I don't put much credence in what 2/3rds of people think. They clearly don't think clearly enough about the world in which they live to boost their own state in life, there's no way in hell anyone in their right mind would accept they they have an accurate understanding of how "in touch" be Democrats, Republicans or anyone else.


It's interesting, even entertaining at times, in the abstract to know what "lots" of folks think, but unless and until it's also established that there is valid reason to accept that the "lots" of people, majority, etc. of people who've responded to a poll have a credible basis for responding, nevermind responding as they did, to the question they were asked, I don't care what they think. For instance, were I asked which party is most "in touch with the concerns of most people," I would have to respond "I don't know" because I don't correspond with most people, and I've not the untempered temerity to think that, varied as they may be, the people with whom I do interact comprise a representationally faithful cross section of the ideas and attitudes espoused by "most people."

Quite simply, I, like almost everyone else, is in no credible position to know and in turn, therefore, speak to what most other people think, believe or feel. On the other hand, I can look at poll responses to questions the respondents are qualified to answer and draw sound inferences and conclusions based on the answers; however, the question noted in the Post's graphic and asked, presumably, of "regular" individuals is not such a question. Thus the responses the question obtained are of little value in the context in which the OP attempts to apply and asks us to consider them.

That's not to say that leaning "so many" people think "this or that" is of no value. There's value to discovering that, but the value isn't what the OP would like it to be or has tried to make of it.

What are some valuable things to take away from that piece of information?
  • Seeing that 2/3rd of the people polled answered as they did, it's clear that further study is needed to understand how they can possibly think that when the fact is that the Democrat POTUS candidate received more people's votes than did the Republican one. That should not have happened were it indeed so that Democrats are actually more "out of touch" than are other parties. After all, the POTUS election is about the only instance in which citizens across the nation are asked to vote on their preference for the personage and policies of one party or another.
  • For individuals tasked with doing so, the information also provides insight into the nature and extent of learning outcomes they must aim to help the populace realize.
Hillary Clinton: "I Was On The Way To Winning Until Comey And 'Russian' WikiLeaks" | Zero Hedge

Hillary Clinton: "I Was On The Way To Winning Until Comey And 'Russian' WikiLeaks"

Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

Speaking during an interview on CNN, losing presidential candidate Hillary Clinton explained why she thinks she lost the election...

"I was on the way to winning before Jim Comey's letter and 'Russian' Wikileaks... scared off late voters."

So to be clear - until the head of the FBI admitted to the world that many of your actions were under investigation for potentially breaking law and WikiLeaks published 'proof' of multiple mis-dealings and relationships - you were on the way to winning? So, other than that how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?

All of this is ironic given Democratic Party strategists recent comments:

After crunching numbers for months, a group of Democratic strategists have finally figured out why Hillary lost the 2016 election: "her base didn't turn out." Sure, it probably had absolutely nothing to do with all those criminal FBI investigations or the fact that Trump was able to flip some Midwest states that haven't gone Red since Ronald Reagan. Per McClatchy:

A select group of top Democratic Party strategists have used new data about last year’s presidential election to reach a startling conclusion about why Hillary Clinton lost. Now they just need to persuade the rest of the party they’re right.

Many Democrats have a shorthand explanation for Clinton’s defeat: Her base didn’t turn out, Donald Trump’s did and the difference was too much to overcome.

Ironically, while offering up the most ridiculous explanation possible for the outcome of the 2016 election, undoubtedly in an effort to erase all blame from Hillary herself (it wasn't Hillary's fault, her team just didn't turn out the voters...they failed her), one strategist noted it's important to "learn the right lesson from 2016" and not just the one "that makes us feel good at night."

And as The Washington Post's most recent poll shows, two-thirds of Americans think the Democrats are out of touch - including nearly half of Democrats themselves.

It’s worth highlighting that last point. While the political opposition generally views Trump or either party as about equally out of touch - with about 80 to 90 percent saying so - the Democratic Party is viewed as far more out of touch by Democrats than Trump or the GOP are by Republicans.

And finally, as CNN reports, former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday indirectly knocked Hillary Clinton's failed 2016 campaign at a Thursday event, suggesting that the former secretary of state failed to talk to middle-class voters.

"What happened was that this was the first campaign that I can recall where my party did not talk about what it always stood for -- and that was how to maintain a burgeoning middle class," Biden said during an appearance at the University of Pennsylvania.

"You didn't hear a single solitary sentence in the last campaign about that guy working on the assembly line making $60,000 bucks a year and a wife making $32,000 as a hostess in restaurant."

"And they are making $90,000 and they have two kids and they can't make it and they are scared, they are frightened."

Despite calling half the nation 'deplorable' and beyond help, Clinton did attempt to speak to working class voters on the campaign trail, including through multiple bus trips through Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia. But the overarching message of her campaign, especially at the end, (and The Democrats since), was more often anti-Donald Trump than policy messaging toward these voters.

Other highlight from Hillary's interview (via Axios)

  • "I take absolute personal responsibility. I was the candidate. I was the person on the ballot."
  • "I am writing a book, and it is a painful process reliving the campaign."
  • Putin "certainly interfered...to hurt me."
  • Electing the first female president "would have been a really big deal...There were important messages that could have sent."
  • "I'm back to being an activist citizen...part of the resistance."

Once again....Hillary takes responsibility.......BUT!!!!!
It's never her fault. The lies, corruption, election rigging, arrogance, entitled attitude, miserable demeaner, demonizing, endangering our national security, deceptiveness, not having a platform other than "Trump is bad", etc. had nothing to do with her losing.

I don't think there's ever been a politician that has been so out of touch with reality and the people. But then again, so is today's Democratic Party.
Comey takes a lot of flak, deservedly so

But he may well have saved the Republic
Clinton Staffer: Hillary Was Speaking “Her Truth” That Russia, Comey Cost Her the Election

The Clinton campaign has a name for its “alternative facts,” and it’s “her truth”


Facebook Twitter Mail
May 2, 2017
5:01 pm
Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton came under fire Tuesday for once again blaming WikiLeaks and FBI Director James Comey for her shocking loss in November’s election.

Hillary Clinton on Tuesday attributed her defeat in the 2016 presidential election to interference by Russian hackers and FBI Director James B. Comey, and declared herself to be “part of the resistance” to Donald Trump’s presidency.

“If the election had been on October 27, I would be your president,” Clinton told moderator Christiane Amanpour, the CNN anchor, at a Women for Women event in New York.

Many criticized Clinton for not taking more responsibility for the loss. Former Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri came to her boss’s defense on Twitter, arguing Clinton was speaking “her truth”:

Clinton Staffer: Hillary Was Speaking “Her Truth” That Russia, Comey Cost Her the Election | Need To Know Network

and declared herself to be “part of the resistance” to Donald Trump’s presidency.

For most people, hindsight is 20/20, provided they bother to rigorously analyze the past. I have to say "most people" because it's clear Trump's hindsight is not 20/20, not even when he's given "multi-focal glasses" to see the error of his past ways.

as The Washington Post's most recent poll shows, two-thirds of Americans think the Democrats are out of touch - including nearly half of Democrats themselves.
Insofar as two-thirds of the nation was born into the middle class and only about a quarter of the nation's citizens/households marshalled their resources to increase their standing in that regard, I don't put much credence in what 2/3rds of people think. They clearly don't think clearly enough about the world in which they live to boost their own state in life, there's no way in hell anyone in their right mind would accept they they have an accurate understanding of how "in touch" be Democrats, Republicans or anyone else.


It's interesting, even entertaining at times, in the abstract to know what "lots" of folks think, but unless and until it's also established that there is valid reason to accept that the "lots" of people, majority, etc. of people who've responded to a poll have a credible basis for responding, nevermind responding as they did, to the question they were asked, I don't care what they think. For instance, were I asked which party is most "in touch with the concerns of most people," I would have to respond "I don't know" because I don't correspond with most people, and I've not the untempered temerity to think that, varied as they may be, the people with whom I do interact comprise a representationally faithful cross section of the ideas and attitudes espoused by "most people."

Quite simply, I, like almost everyone else, is in no credible position to know and in turn, therefore, speak to what most other people think, believe or feel. On the other hand, I can look at poll responses to questions the respondents are qualified to answer and draw sound inferences and conclusions based on the answers; however, the question noted in the Post's graphic and asked, presumably, of "regular" individuals is not such a question. Thus the responses the question obtained are of little value in the context in which the OP attempts to apply and asks us to consider them.

That's not to say that leaning "so many" people think "this or that" is of no value. There's value to discovering that, but the value isn't what the OP would like it to be or has tried to make of it.

What are some valuable things to take away from that piece of information?
  • Seeing that 2/3rd of the people polled answered as they did, it's clear that further study is needed to understand how they can possibly think that when the fact is that the Democrat POTUS candidate received more people's votes than did the Republican one. That should not have happened were it indeed so that Democrats are actually more "out of touch" than are other parties. After all, the POTUS election is about the only instance in which citizens across the nation are asked to vote on their preference for the personage and policies of one party or another.
  • For individuals tasked with doing so, the information also provides insight into the nature and extent of learning outcomes they must aim to help the populace realize.
Dude, polls are simply a measure to gauge the mood of the masses
Clinton Staffer: Hillary Was Speaking “Her Truth” That Russia, Comey Cost Her the Election

The Clinton campaign has a name for its “alternative facts,” and it’s “her truth”


Facebook Twitter Mail
May 2, 2017
5:01 pm
Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton came under fire Tuesday for once again blaming WikiLeaks and FBI Director James Comey for her shocking loss in November’s election.

Hillary Clinton on Tuesday attributed her defeat in the 2016 presidential election to interference by Russian hackers and FBI Director James B. Comey, and declared herself to be “part of the resistance” to Donald Trump’s presidency.

“If the election had been on October 27, I would be your president,” Clinton told moderator Christiane Amanpour, the CNN anchor, at a Women for Women event in New York.

Many criticized Clinton for not taking more responsibility for the loss. Former Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri came to her boss’s defense on Twitter, arguing Clinton was speaking “her truth”:

Clinton Staffer: Hillary Was Speaking “Her Truth” That Russia, Comey Cost Her the Election | Need To Know Network

and declared herself to be “part of the resistance” to Donald Trump’s presidency.


Hillary Clinton: "I Was On The Way To Winning Until Comey And 'Russian' WikiLeaks" | Zero Hedge

Hillary Clinton: "I Was On The Way To Winning Until Comey And 'Russian' WikiLeaks"

Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

Speaking during an interview on CNN, losing presidential candidate Hillary Clinton explained why she thinks she lost the election...

"I was on the way to winning before Jim Comey's letter and 'Russian' Wikileaks... scared off late voters."

So to be clear - until the head of the FBI admitted to the world that many of your actions were under investigation for potentially breaking law and WikiLeaks published 'proof' of multiple mis-dealings and relationships - you were on the way to winning? So, other than that how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?

All of this is ironic given Democratic Party strategists recent comments:

After crunching numbers for months, a group of Democratic strategists have finally figured out why Hillary lost the 2016 election: "her base didn't turn out." Sure, it probably had absolutely nothing to do with all those criminal FBI investigations or the fact that Trump was able to flip some Midwest states that haven't gone Red since Ronald Reagan. Per McClatchy:

A select group of top Democratic Party strategists have used new data about last year’s presidential election to reach a startling conclusion about why Hillary Clinton lost. Now they just need to persuade the rest of the party they’re right.

Many Democrats have a shorthand explanation for Clinton’s defeat: Her base didn’t turn out, Donald Trump’s did and the difference was too much to overcome.

Ironically, while offering up the most ridiculous explanation possible for the outcome of the 2016 election, undoubtedly in an effort to erase all blame from Hillary herself (it wasn't Hillary's fault, her team just didn't turn out the voters...they failed her), one strategist noted it's important to "learn the right lesson from 2016" and not just the one "that makes us feel good at night."

And as The Washington Post's most recent poll shows, two-thirds of Americans think the Democrats are out of touch - including nearly half of Democrats themselves.

It’s worth highlighting that last point. While the political opposition generally views Trump or either party as about equally out of touch - with about 80 to 90 percent saying so - the Democratic Party is viewed as far more out of touch by Democrats than Trump or the GOP are by Republicans.

And finally, as CNN reports, former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday indirectly knocked Hillary Clinton's failed 2016 campaign at a Thursday event, suggesting that the former secretary of state failed to talk to middle-class voters.

"What happened was that this was the first campaign that I can recall where my party did not talk about what it always stood for -- and that was how to maintain a burgeoning middle class," Biden said during an appearance at the University of Pennsylvania.

"You didn't hear a single solitary sentence in the last campaign about that guy working on the assembly line making $60,000 bucks a year and a wife making $32,000 as a hostess in restaurant."

"And they are making $90,000 and they have two kids and they can't make it and they are scared, they are frightened."

Despite calling half the nation 'deplorable' and beyond help, Clinton did attempt to speak to working class voters on the campaign trail, including through multiple bus trips through Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia. But the overarching message of her campaign, especially at the end, (and The Democrats since), was more often anti-Donald Trump than policy messaging toward these voters.

Other highlight from Hillary's interview (via Axios)

  • "I take absolute personal responsibility. I was the candidate. I was the person on the ballot."
  • "I am writing a book, and it is a painful process reliving the campaign."
  • Putin "certainly interfered...to hurt me."
  • Electing the first female president "would have been a really big deal...There were important messages that could have sent."
  • "I'm back to being an activist citizen...part of the resistance."

Once again....Hillary takes responsibility.......BUT!!!!!


And finally, as CNN reports, former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday indirectly knocked Hillary Clinton's failed 2016 campaign at a Thursday event, suggesting that the former secretary of state failed to talk to middle-class voters.

"What happened was that this was the first campaign that I can recall where my party did not talk about what it always stood for -- and that was how to maintain a burgeoning middle class," Biden said during an appearance at the University of Pennsylvania.

"You didn't hear a single solitary sentence in the last campaign about that guy working on the assembly linemaking $60,000 bucks a year and a wife making $32,000 as a hostess in restaurant."

"And they are making $90,000 and they have two kids and they can't make it and they are scared, they are frightened."
Clinton Staffer: Hillary Was Speaking “Her Truth” That Russia, Comey Cost Her the Election

The Clinton campaign has a name for its “alternative facts,” and it’s “her truth”


Facebook Twitter Mail
May 2, 2017
5:01 pm
Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton came under fire Tuesday for once again blaming WikiLeaks and FBI Director James Comey for her shocking loss in November’s election.

Hillary Clinton on Tuesday attributed her defeat in the 2016 presidential election to interference by Russian hackers and FBI Director James B. Comey, and declared herself to be “part of the resistance” to Donald Trump’s presidency.

“If the election had been on October 27, I would be your president,” Clinton told moderator Christiane Amanpour, the CNN anchor, at a Women for Women event in New York.

Many criticized Clinton for not taking more responsibility for the loss. Former Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri came to her boss’s defense on Twitter, arguing Clinton was speaking “her truth”:

Clinton Staffer: Hillary Was Speaking “Her Truth” That Russia, Comey Cost Her the Election | Need To Know Network

and declared herself to be “part of the resistance” to Donald Trump’s presidency.


God damn.. now she is admitting it in public?

Clinton Staffer: Hillary Was Speaking “Her Truth” That Russia, Comey Cost Her the Election

The Clinton campaign has a name for its “alternative facts,” and it’s “her truth”


Facebook Twitter Mail
May 2, 2017
5:01 pm
Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton came under fire Tuesday for once again blaming WikiLeaks and FBI Director James Comey for her shocking loss in November’s election.

Hillary Clinton on Tuesday attributed her defeat in the 2016 presidential election to interference by Russian hackers and FBI Director James B. Comey, and declared herself to be “part of the resistance” to Donald Trump’s presidency.

“If the election had been on October 27, I would be your president,” Clinton told moderator Christiane Amanpour, the CNN anchor, at a Women for Women event in New York.

Many criticized Clinton for not taking more responsibility for the loss. Former Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri came to her boss’s defense on Twitter, arguing Clinton was speaking “her truth”:

Clinton Staffer: Hillary Was Speaking “Her Truth” That Russia, Comey Cost Her the Election | Need To Know Network

and declared herself to be “part of the resistance” to Donald Trump’s presidency.

So she outed herself...........she's at least one of the people behind all of these riots.
Another is Obama.
Clinton Staffer: Hillary Was Speaking “Her Truth” That Russia, Comey Cost Her the Election

The Clinton campaign has a name for its “alternative facts,” and it’s “her truth”


Facebook Twitter Mail
May 2, 2017
5:01 pm
Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton came under fire Tuesday for once again blaming WikiLeaks and FBI Director James Comey for her shocking loss in November’s election.

Hillary Clinton on Tuesday attributed her defeat in the 2016 presidential election to interference by Russian hackers and FBI Director James B. Comey, and declared herself to be “part of the resistance” to Donald Trump’s presidency.

“If the election had been on October 27, I would be your president,” Clinton told moderator Christiane Amanpour, the CNN anchor, at a Women for Women event in New York.

Many criticized Clinton for not taking more responsibility for the loss. Former Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri came to her boss’s defense on Twitter, arguing Clinton was speaking “her truth”:

Clinton Staffer: Hillary Was Speaking “Her Truth” That Russia, Comey Cost Her the Election | Need To Know Network

and declared herself to be “part of the resistance” to Donald Trump’s presidency.

So she outed herself...........she's at least one of the people behind all of these riots.
Another is Obama.

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