Hillary Testimony


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton defended the Muslim religion in her opening remarks at the House Benghazi Committee hearing Thursday. Clinton pointedly cited the existence of some signs at a rally in Libya after the Benghazi attack that read “Thugs don’t represent Islam” and “This is not the behavior of our Islam or our prophet.”
- Even NOW after the murder of 4 Americans Hillary, at the very start of the hearing, defends the Muslim religion and shows she is concerned about offending them rather than worrying about 4 dead Americans and offending their families and the American people.

"Clinton also acknowledged in her response that terrorism was responsible for the four Benghazi deaths"

"Cummings gave his best performance, railing about the political travesty which was this hearing. Both Cummings and Hillary mentioned the Accountability Review Board (ARB) as having found nothing."
- (Easy) ACTUALLY, the ARB found 4 State Department Employees 'at fault' in their final report; yet, those 4 employees were never held accountable - never received punishment of any kind.

(Easy) Gowdy Responded to Cummings' and Hillary's statements (accusations) by pointing out the following in his own opening remarks:

“Secretary Clinton mentioned the ARB more than 70 times in her previous testimony before Congress. But when you hear about the ARB you should also know State Department leadership handpicked members of the ARB, the ARB never interviewed Secretary Clinton (Easy: ONE OF THE KEY PEOPLE INVOLVED WITH BENGHAZI), the ARB never reviewed her emails, and Secretary Clinton’s top advisor was allowed to review and suggest changes to the ARB report before the public ever saw it. There is no transcript of ARB interviews, so it is impossible to know whether all relevant questions were asked and answered. And because there is no transcript it is impossible to cite ARB interviews with any particularity at all. That is not independent. That is not accountability. That is not a serious investigation.

“You will hear there were previous congressional investigations into Benghazi. That is true. It should make you wonder why those previous investigations failed to interview so many witnesses and failed to access so many documents. If those previous congressional investigations really were serious and thorough, how did they miss Ambassador Stevens’ emails? If those investigations were serious and thorough, how did they miss Secretary Clinton’s emails? If those previous congressional investigations were serious and thorough, why did they fail to interview dozens of key State Department witnesses including agents on the ground, who experienced the terrorist attacks firsthand?”

(Easy) In his opening remarks Gowdy NAILS the Liberals while answering the question WHY another investigation is required by pointing how piss-poor, incompetent, and inept the ARB had been in what THEY called an 'investigation' (what should have been called a 'Whitewash')! Gowdy appropriately and accurately showed how the previous committee investigations were a JIKE, a complete sham, because they did not look at e-mails and did not even interview witnesses who were there on the ground. (NOTE: At the time the CIA and State Department reportedly would not ALLOW those witnesses to testify.)

10: 50 AM: Rep. Pete Roskam (R-IL) points out that Vice President Joe Biden disagreed with Clinton regarding military intervention in Libya. He says “our Libya policy couldn’t have happened without you because you were its chief architect.” He says Libya is a “disaster” because of Clinton.
- The Secretary of State is responsible for the Libyan Policy and the handling of that policy, to include the over-sight of Stevens and his protection. As Libya began to instable and disintegrate, as Stevens was reporting was happening, it was HER job to handle it. So, as Roskam seems to be pointing out, she was either so inept and failed so miserable that she got 4 Americans killed, OR she was completely ignorant about what was going on and entrusted someone else with dealing with it while she traveled around wining and dining with other dignitaries.

10: 56 AM: Cummings gives Clinton a chance to again defend the Accountability Review Board, which did not even ask for her emails or those of the late Chris Stevens.
- 4 of the 5 members of the ARB were HAND-PICKED BY CLINTON!

11: 00 AM: Clinton tries to absolve herself of any responsibility regarding rejecting Chris Stevens’s requests for more security. She claims she was not an expert on diplomatic security and had to rely on State Department experts that she would not “second-guess.” But she is being called out for “misleading.” "Clinton is misleading here. The requests for more security went up to her Undersecretary for Management Patrick Kennedy. — Josh Rogin (@joshrogin) October 22, 2015
-- You don't have to be an expert to know what the MINIMUM Standard level of State Department protection for Ambassadors is. Not only was Stevens' request for additional security denied, but it was also reduced to a level BELOW State Department minimum standards. Those requests and actions were also brought to her Under-Secretary.

1115 AM:11:15 AM: Clinton refers to Chris Stevens’s mission in Libya as “expeditionary diplomacy” when asked if she was briefed about his security plans. Former U.N. Spokesman Richard Grenell calls out Clinton and Cummings’s questioning about her “stamp” on the cables and points out Clinton never saw relevant the cables because she had a private email account and could not access the cables without a State Department government email account:
- (R-I) Susan Brooks points out that Hillary was pretty clueless about what was going on in Benghazi (NOT receiving Intel cables) because she was using a personal e-mail account and the cables only went to her official State Dept acct.

11: 47 AM: (After talking about how many times Stevens had requested additional security, how his security detail was instead cut below State Department Standards) Clinton concedes Ambassador Stevens did not get “everything they requested” regarding security measures.

1117 AM: Rep. Susan Brooks (R-IN) says that Stevens was falling off of Clintons radar in 2012 when the situation was getting much worse. She says “there is not one e-mail to you or from you in 2012 when an explosive device went off in our compound in April.” “What kind of culture was created in the State Department where your folks couldn’t tell you in an email about a bomb in April of 2012?” Clinton says she did not conduct most of the country’s business on emails and says she made secure phone calls and had tons of meetings. “I did not do the vast majority of my work on emails,” Clinton claims. Clinton hypes up her White House meetings, but one of her emails that the State Department released showed she was once clueless about a meeting that was being held in the White House.

12: 05 PM: Clinton says the CIA had a “much bigger presence” than the State Department and stayed in Libya despite the overall decline in stability. (She seems to be now be passing the buck to the CIA.)

1205PM: Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (D-GA) asks Clinton how many major security instances would it have taken for Clinton to take extra security measures
- Clinton did not answer the question.
- At least 50 incidents occurred in the last year before the attack on 9/11/12. A month earlier Stevens reported a gathering of approximately 1,000 Al Qaeida fighters in a square in Benghazi for a 'rally', Two terrorist attacks were conducted against Stevens' compound, the last one leaving a 4 foot hole in the compound wall, in the weeks leading up to 9/11/12.

"12: 35 PM: Jordan calls out Clinton for telling her family and world leaders one thing while falsely telling the American public another and insisting that the Benghazi attacks were a spontaneous response to a YouTube video."
- Clinton is reminded how the CIA testified they had informed the Secretary of State of the terrorist attack within the 1st hour of it beginning but how she had claimed in the very 1st committee hearing how she had no idea it was a terrorist attack.

"Jordan says he is troubled because he thinks Clinton knew the truth about the attacks (cites an email Clinton sent to her family about officers being killed by an Al Qaeda-like group and a phone call with the Libyan president claiming that that Ansar al-Sharia was claiming responsibility along with a call with the Egyptian Prime Minister in which Clinton claimed that she knew that it was a terrorist attack and had nothing to do with a video."

12: 32: Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH): "The False Narrative “Started with You, Madam Secretary.”


That is all that has been reported from within the hearing so far.....

LINK: ***Live Updates*** Hillary Testifies Before Benghazi Committee - Breitbart
This arrogant, condescending bi@tch, in answer to a question, answered that what she knew about Benghazi was in her book and that she could send Jordan a copy if he wanted.

It must not be a very long chapter because she is using the term 'I do not recall' a whole lot...
One should note Cummings is the highest ranking MUSLIM on the board. That's right, not only democrat but MUSLIM.
"Clinton says it is “personally painful” to be accused of interfering with security requests that led to the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens. "...it is “deeply distressing” … I have “lost more sleep” than “all of you put together”...I "been “racking my brain” about what more could or should have been done". She speaks in her patented “feel sorry for me” voice that many Americans find to be phony"

POOR BABY! And those selfish family members of the victims of 9/11/12 thought THEY have it bad!
1:03 PM: Gowdy points out that Blumenthal was Clinton’s most prolific e-mailer on Libya and Benghazi and Clinton insists that Blumenthal was not a formal adviser.

1:10 PM: Gowdy asked Clinton whether she recalls when Blumenthal asked her to help him with a business venture. Clinton tries her best to avoid answering the question. Gowdy states Blumenthal’s emails were relevant because Amb. Stevens had to respond to his 'drivel'.
- Cummings steps in out of turn at this point to de-rail Gowdy's question by demanding Gowdy release the transcripts of Blumenthal's e-mails. The ploy works as Hillary never answers Gowdy's question. (The reason for Cummings being on the committee is being seen...)

1: 45 PM: Cummings tells MSNBC he does not understand why Republicans want to question Clinton about Blumenthal. When it is pointed out that he has not asked Clinton hardly any questions but HAS 'come to her defense' several times he responded by declaring he "is not here to defend Hillary Clinton” and claims he is at the hearing just to defend the truth “so help me God.”
- I'm surprise he didn't get struck with a lightning bolt at this point...

2:20 PM:
- Gowdy asks Clinton again how Blumenthal had so much access to Clinton while Chris Stevens did not.

- Clinton responded by saying she did not deal with 'security' matters....that Stevens knew he was supposed to talk to the 'security experts'.

- Gowdy then asks if she (Hillary) did not deal with 'security matters' then WHY did she respond to Huma Abedin’s email requesting help for the Libyan people (needing gasoline and milk) in four minutes but requests for more security for Ambassador Stevens did not even make it to her inbox.

- Hillary repeated the obvious talking points about how it was the the security professionals' job to deal with Stevens' security.
*** This Benghazi Committee's job is to question Hillary Clinton during this session in which she is there to testify; yet instead of participating as investigative committee members, Democrats are asking few questions but running to Hillary's defense when she IS asked questions from GOP members. Case in point:

"2:36: Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA) again plays the role of Clinton defense lawyer and tries to debunk the Gowdy’s point that Blumenthal had unfettered access to her, even though he had access to her personal e-mail account but Stevens did not."

*** The partisanship on the Democratic Party member's side could not be more obvious while Gowdy continues to ask legitimate questions. Hillary had no need for her own personal legal counsel as the fact that she has it all over the room in the form of elected DNC Reps is obvious!
This arrogant, condescending bi@tch, in answer to a question, answered that what she knew about Benghazi was in her book and that she could send Jordan a copy if he wanted.

It must not be a very long chapter because she is using the term 'I do not recall' a whole lot...

there ya go, THERE YA GO !!

calling names and pointing fingers like 3rd graders .... RW's are professionals

actually proving anything about Clinton ... not so much.

CLUELESS: HILLARY WAS NOT EVEN AWARE 'WE' WERE STILL IN BENGHAZI (R-Al) Martha Roby asked Hillary about testimony given by State Department staffers regarding a conversation between 2 staffers in which one of the staffers declared Clinton asked aloud whether the U.S. still had a presence in Benghazi, and said that Clinton would be “upset” to know that we were still there but that security was very weak.

Hillary Clinton Responded by Saying, "Someone ‘Misheard’ Me When I Said I Didn’t Know We Were Still In Benghazi"

FUNNY: She said "they mis-heard me WHEN I SAID I DIDN'T KNOW WE WERE STILL IN BENGHAZI. Thank you Hillary for just now ADMITTING that you DID say you didn't know we were still in Benghazi!

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One should note Cummings is the highest ranking MUSLIM on the board. That's right, not only democrat but MUSLIM.
A perfect example of what WORTHLESS LYING SCUM the Right are.
They just make up lie after lie after lie.
Cummings is a BAPTIST.
calling names and pointing fingers like 3rd graders .... RW's are professionals

actually proving anything about Clinton ... not so much.


You're right, Siete. While Gowdy is handling himself and the investigation professionally, I am calling Hillary out as an arrogant, condescending arrogant bit@h who just mouthed off to a Senator asking questions during her testimony. She is making light of the investigation into the deaths of 4 Americans.
2:50 PM:
- When asked about Stevens REPEATED reports of a lack of security at the Compound in Benghazi, not knowing how much longer they could keep it open, and the need for additional security Clinton suggests Stevens was joking and praises his “great sense of humor” regarding emails about not shaving adequate ecurity at the Benghazi compound and not knowing whether it would remain open.
- So according to HER she thought Stevens reports / warnings and pleas for additional security were a JOKE?! Holy $H!T....yeah, THIS is exactly who we need as President! NOT!

Senator Brooks then asked about Stevens having to buy / use barricades being left behind from the Britts who were pulling their people out of Benghazi due to the danger because the State Department wasn't providing them with the necessary security equipment to keep them safe, Hillary completely ignored the point being made about the State Department making little to no effort to protect Stevens and instead praised him for his “entrepreneurial spirit.”

ONCE AGAIN a Democratic Party Member who is on the committee to aid in the discovery of what happened in Benghazi ASKS NO QUESTIONS but goes on a long DIATRIBE, spewing the Liberal talking points repeated over and over again by every Democratic Party member on the Committee!

3:09 PM: Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA) doesn’t ask a question, instead helping Clinton run out the clock by saying the Benghazi investigation is a prosecution and not uncovering new facts. He says the Committee is not doing justice to the four Americans who died.

(Democrats seen checking their watches to determine how much more time is left...)

Smith, proving he is as dumb as a box of rocks, ignorantly declares this hearing to be a 'prosecution' even though the committee has no prosecutorial authority. He is just carrying out the DNC orders which are to protect Hillary today. The fact that none of them actually cared about trying to get answers to the many questions left Un-answered by the ARB which was SO COMPLETELY exposed as bogus was evident today. NONE of them actually asked a question but instead read from the same talking points memo.


Accountability should start at the top, and what was discovered today is that Hillary Clinton is completely incompetent, inept, could not even lead / run her own AGENCY let alone a country. She had no idea what was going on in Benghazi because she was too busy partying with Ambassadors elsewhere and collecting donations for her 'Foundation', did not even know 'we were still in Benghazi', and - unbelievably - Hillary claims she thought Ambassador Stevens' reports informing her of the threat in Benghazi and his pleas for additional security was a JOKE- his sense of humor! She gave no excuse / justification for the State Department not even providing him / his compound with simple traffic barricades for added protection but instead praised his ability to 'scrounge' items from other embassies / nations who were pulling their people out!

Good Lord....and SHE is the Democratic party's best candidate for President? :confused:

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