Hillary: We need to have more empathy for ISIS (Warning: Images may be disturbing to some viewers)

Clinton Derangement Syndrome sissyboys lie about Hillary. Film at 11.

Now, the lying certainly will make them more popular with their fellow liars. The CDS boys now spend their days licking each others' keisters and then proclaiming how great it tastes. And then they get so delightfully angry at anyone who tells them such behavior isn't normal.
Come guys, just admit it will be Hillary against an unknown Republican. This is the best scenario for the GOP, even if the Republicans lose, they win with Hillary. Hillary is an insider when it comes to Wall St. And they will easily manipulate her.
Don't worry, no one will force you to do anything. You will still be free to bash the country that gives you the freedom to bash your country.

If you are "Free", it because I was one of the guys out defending your freedom.
How about paying the $1 Trillion in Veterans bills from the last war first
40? Guess. Again, it goes back a lot further than that, of course I realize you have mental impairments.

No, I realize you are some kind of retard, but the fact is, before 1973, we tried to be even handed. When the Zionists conspired with the British to steal the Suez Canal, Eisenhower slapped their asses back.

It wasn't until 1973 the Zionists got as much control of our government as they did.
Then take it seriously; the military is filled with rw'ers, dude.

Meh, not really. Most of them are guys who joined up to get benefits. They won't subscribe to your libertard nuttiness.

Fitting that you cut off the other quotes; it covers up well how terrible you are at following a train of conversation. Cos this shiz is not about military benefits....
Then take it seriously; the military is filled with rw'ers, dude.

Meh, not really. Most of them are guys who joined up to get benefits. They won't subscribe to your libertard nuttiness.

Fitting that you cut off the other quotes; it covers up well how terrible you are at following a train of conversation. Cos this shiz is not about military benefits....

I'm just making fun or your stupidity that you think that folks in the military agree with your nuttiness.

They don't.
First off, Hillary never once said that she supports ISIS. I know the rubes cannot make that distinction and that's unfortunate. She said that we we need to try and better understand what makes them tick.

Thanks for the links to decapitated human beings. Using their horrible murders to make a point on a fucking message board should make your day.

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