Hillary: "What difference does it make?"

Bullshit. The election was a little over 3 weeks after the attack. Susan Rice was still claiming it was a "spontaneous event about the video" and the media played along. And then the pattern I described earlier in this thread went into aciton. You're a known liar, a fraud, and a coward.....in other words a typical prog who thinks somehow you benefit by keeping these jackals in power. How about a couple new Palin jokes....something about cutting off her tits maybe?

The attacks were Sept 11 the election was Nov 6

By the 2012 election the public had already moved past it....just like we do on all terrorist attacks

And in my opinion that is proof positive of the stupidity of the electorate. NOTHING matters anymore. 4 men, and one of them gay, are sacrificed on the alter of political correction and NO one was brought to justice, either on the side of those who murdered them or on the side of those who failed, FAILED, to protect them. Sad state of affairs.

We have had terrorist attacks for 35 years. We have had dozens of embassy attacks and an attack on 9-11 that killed 3000 people. An embassy attack that killed four people is off the radar

To try to make it a major tragedy is not going to cut it
a Fox News Exclusive

Probably from this guy:

Yeah, you know what the left wing liberal Obama apologist remind me of? They remind me of Richard Nixon who covered up Watergate for a good many months before he was forced out. They remind me of his minions that said it was much to do over nothing. Minimize and isolate that is the statergy of the guilty. Anyway even the Huffington Post, CNN, thinks there is something to be investigated. Certainly the CIA thinks so because they are repeatidly polographing their employees.

Is the CIA trying to silence its Benghazi operatives?

That's the question brought forth by CNN in a bombshell report alleging that the spy agency has been subjecting its employees to unusually frequent polygraph tests in an attempt to keep its operations in Libya a secret. According to the news outlet's unnamed sources, the purpose of the almost monthly examinations is to reveal possible leaks to Congress or the media.

Bombshell Report On Benghazi Attack Alleges CIA Presence, Possible Cover-Up

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