Hillary Will Inherit Some Historic Accomplishments from Obama


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2013
Read this:

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments by Paul Glastris, Ryan Cooper, and Siyu Hu | The Washington Monthly

OBAMA'S Top 50 Accomplishments

01. Passed Health Care Reform:
02. Passed the Stimulus:
03. Passed Wall Street Reform:
04. Ended the War in Iraq:
05. Began Drawdown of War in Afghanistan:
06. Eliminated Osama bin laden:
07. Turned Around U.S. Auto Industry:
08. Recapitalized Banks:
09. Repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”:
10. Toppled Moammar Gaddafi:
11. Told Mubarak to Go:
12. Reversed Bush Torture Policies:
13. Improved America’s Image Abroad:
14. Kicked Banks Out of Federal Student Loan Program, Expanded Pell Grant Spending:
15. Created Race to the Top:
16. Boosted Fuel Efficiency Standards:
17. Coordinated International Response to Financial Crisis:
18. Passed Mini Stimuli:
19. Began Asia “Pivot”:
20. Increased Support for Veterans:
22. Created Conditions to Begin Closing Dirtiest Power Plants:
23. Passed Credit Card Reforms:
24. Eliminated Catch-22 in Pay Equality Laws:
25. Protected Two Liberal Seats on the U.S. Supreme Court:
26. Improved Food Safety System:
27. Achieved New START Treaty:
28. Expanded National Service:
29. Expanded Wilderness and Watershed Protection:
30. Gave the FDA Power to Regulate Tobacco:
31. Pushed Federal Agencies to Be Green Leaders:
32. Passed Fair Sentencing Act:
33. Trimmed and Reoriented Missile Defense:
34. Began Post-Post-9/11 Military Builddown:
35. Let Space Shuttle Die and Killed Planned Moon Mission:
36. Invested Heavily in Renewable Technology:
37. Crafting Next-Generation School Tests:
38. Cracked Down on Bad For-Profit Colleges:
39. Improved School Nutrition: .
40. Expanded Hate Crimes Protections:
41. Avoided Scandal:
42. Brokered Agreement for Speedy Compensation to Victims of Gulf Oil Spill:
43. Created Recovery.gov:
44. Pushed Broadband Coverage:
45. Expanded Health Coverage for Children:
46. Recognized the Dangers of Carbon Dioxide:
47. Expanded Stem Cell Research:
48. Provided Payment to Wronged Minority Farmers:
49. Helped South Sudan Declare Independence:
50. Killed the F-22:
The Effects of OBAMA'S Top 50 Accomplishments on America that Hillary will Inherit:

* Created 9.2 million Jobs
* Cut Jobless Claims to Pre-Recession Levels
* Recovered the Economy from the worst Recession in U.S. history
* Caused the Equity Markets to Double to Historic Highs
* Restored Middle Class Wealth to Pre-Recession Levels
* Cut Oil Imports by Increasing U.S. Crude Production
* Restored U.S. Auto Industry to No.1 in the World
* Achieved a $1.4 Trillion Deficit Reduction

From the creator's hands to the improver's hands ....

Hillary will be super for building on Obama's accomlishments, but could never have done what Obama has done in getting the country out of the tragic Bush/Republican economic hole.

And she will likely have a Democrat House and Senate to work with.

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Hawaii is in Asia
Passing on the keystone pipeline.
Touts a Green Energy Company as exemplary that fails a year later.
Using the Gulf Oil Spill to promote Green Energy – instead of cleaning it up.
Thinking the Tea Party is a passing fad – or that they are racists.
Pulling out of Iraq with no clear victory over insurgent forces.
Trying to re-write history through speeches – with inaccurate information (i.e. Statue of Liberty)
Getting a Nobel Prize for being the most ineffective President in the history of the United States, though some say it was for his pigment.
Putting all legislation on the Internet for five days before it comes to a vote.
Returning the bust of Churchill to the Brits.
Giving a collection of DVDs to the British PM.
Denying the notion of American Exceptionalism.
Promising to close Gitmo — failing to do so.
Securing the Olympics for Chicago in 2016.
Naming numerous Communists/Socialists/Progressives to his various Czar positions and then watching them scurry for cover when Beck begins to call them out, forcing them to resign.
Government races for NJ, VA and the Senate Seat in Mass.
The midterm elections, which Obama himself called a shellacking.
Prediction that stimulus would ensure that unemployment doesn’t exceed 8%.
Bowing to just about everybody.
Proposing amnesty for illegal aliens to increase the population of voters for Democrat elections.
He said, I have visited 57 states. Now there is just 1 left to visit.
Obama to Medvedev…give me space I will have more flexibility after my election.
Read this:

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments by Paul Glastris, Ryan Cooper, and Siyu Hu | The Washington Monthly

OBAMA'S Top 50 Accomplishments

01. Passed Health Care Reform:
02. Passed the Stimulus:
03. Passed Wall Street Reform:
04. Ended the War in Iraq:
05. Began Drawdown of War in Afghanistan:
06. Eliminated Osama bin laden:
07. Turned Around U.S. Auto Industry:
08. Recapitalized Banks:
09. Repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”:
10. Toppled Moammar Gaddafi:
11. Told Mubarak to Go:
12. Reversed Bush Torture Policies:
13. Improved America’s Image Abroad:
14. Kicked Banks Out of Federal Student Loan Program, Expanded Pell Grant Spending:
15. Created Race to the Top:
16. Boosted Fuel Efficiency Standards:
17. Coordinated International Response to Financial Crisis:
18. Passed Mini Stimuli:
19. Began Asia “Pivot”:
20. Increased Support for Veterans:
22. Created Conditions to Begin Closing Dirtiest Power Plants:
23. Passed Credit Card Reforms:
24. Eliminated Catch-22 in Pay Equality Laws:
25. Protected Two Liberal Seats on the U.S. Supreme Court:
26. Improved Food Safety System:
27. Achieved New START Treaty:
28. Expanded National Service:
29. Expanded Wilderness and Watershed Protection:
30. Gave the FDA Power to Regulate Tobacco:
31. Pushed Federal Agencies to Be Green Leaders:
32. Passed Fair Sentencing Act:
33. Trimmed and Reoriented Missile Defense:
34. Began Post-Post-9/11 Military Builddown:
35. Let Space Shuttle Die and Killed Planned Moon Mission:
36. Invested Heavily in Renewable Technology:
37. Crafting Next-Generation School Tests:
38. Cracked Down on Bad For-Profit Colleges:
39. Improved School Nutrition: .
40. Expanded Hate Crimes Protections:
41. Avoided Scandal:
42. Brokered Agreement for Speedy Compensation to Victims of Gulf Oil Spill:
43. Created Recovery.gov:
44. Pushed Broadband Coverage:
45. Expanded Health Coverage for Children:
46. Recognized the Dangers of Carbon Dioxide:
47. Expanded Stem Cell Research:
48. Provided Payment to Wronged Minority Farmers:
49. Helped South Sudan Declare Independence:
50. Killed the F-22:

.... All the while battling an historic record number of Republican filibusters ....

Decimating Al Qaeda, then closing every embassy in the middle east, then give another speech about how Al Qaeda has been destroy except they can still attack us, so we'll close our embassies to protect against a defeated enemy?

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