Hillary Will Inherit Some Historic Accomplishments from Obama

Tea party puts up trivia against the Greatest Economic Recovery in U.S. history from the Worst Recession in U.S. history ....

The Effects of OBAMA'S Top 50 Accomplishments on America that Hillary will Inherit:

* Created 9.2 million Jobs
* Cut Jobless Claims to Pre-Recession Levels
* Recovered the Economy from the worst Recession in U.S. history
* Caused the Equity Markets to Double to Historic Highs
* Restored Middle Class Wealth to Pre-Recession Levels
* Cut Oil Imports by Increasing U.S. Crude Production
* Restored U.S. Auto Industry to No.1 in the World
* Achieved a $1.4 Trillion Deficit Reduction

From the creator's hands to the improver's hands ....


Big stuff, big time!

It will be funny if she did win, then who they going to BLAME for all the wrongs in the country...

give me an O-B-A-M-A....Obama's FAULT....wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

now that will historically hilarious..
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u need fuckin help
reality is not good to u

You know, we really saw how connected you people were with reality right up to 6Nov12. Seems you are still in the business of denial of reality at present.

would that be like you all are about who the people gave the HOUSE too in 2010 and again in 2012?


Obama is a LAME DUCKEY at this time of his Presidency and his DISAPPROVALS are now more than approvals...that is the reality you people want to DENIE..
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1. Passed Health Care Reform: After five presidents over a century failed to create universal health insurance, signed the Affordable Care Act (2010). It will cover 32 million uninsured Americans beginning in 2014 and mandates a suite of experimental measures to cut health care cost growth, the number one cause of America’s long-term fiscal problems.
2012, Dems take the Executive, retain the Senate with gains, and make gains in the House. That is the reality of that year. 2014? Guess we will see.
Not one thing historic that Obama has shoved on the people against their will...

and I believe one day he will be hated for all of it...wait till ObamaCare hits the young people who voted for him...they are now slaves to the Federal Government so they can pay for everyone else...

I doubt historic will be the word they have for him...
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Hillary will be super for building on Obama's accomlishments, but could never have done what Obama has done in getting the country out of the tragic Bush/Republican economic hole.

And she will likely have a Democrat House and Senate to work with.


Everything you are saying is true but hopefully history will just say, the dems saved us from 2004-2024. :)
2012, Dems take the Executive, retain the Senate with gains, and make gains in the House. That is the reality of that year. 2014? Guess we will see.
Jack off to it now Old Cocks, but one the GOP retakes the Senate in '14 and bolsters their majority in the House, you'll be the one pissing in your tighty whites when impeachment hearings begin!!
Hillary will be super for building on Obama's accomlishments, but could never have done what Obama has done in getting the country out of the tragic Bush/Republican economic hole.

And she will likely have a Democrat House and Senate to work with.


Everything you are saying is true but hopefully history will just say, the dems saved us from 2004-2024. :)

So Zona, will there ever be a time you don't want one party Democrat rule??
1. Passed Health Care Reform: After five presidents over a century failed to create universal health insurance, signed the Affordable Care Act (2010). It will cover 32 million uninsured Americans beginning in 2014 and mandates a suite of experimental measures to cut health care cost growth, the number one cause of America’s long-term fiscal problems.

Personal example of what the ACA will mean to a lot of people. I will be 70 before the year is out. My wife is 60. On SS and the small pension I will get, I could not afford the 9K+
it would cost for my wife for health insurance. After 1Jan14, that insurance will cost 17 hundred. That leaves me and the wife an option were my health to change, and I were no longer able to work. Yes, I think the ACA is a very good thing.
2012, Dems take the Executive, retain the Senate with gains, and make gains in the House. That is the reality of that year. 2014? Guess we will see.
Jack off to it now Old Cocks, but one the GOP retakes the Senate in '14 and bolsters their majority in the House, you'll be the one pissing in your tighty whites when impeachment hearings begin!!

That's not going to happen.

They may retain a majority in the house due to gerrymandering and voter suppression.

But if 2012 was any indication..it's going to be a slight majority.
2012, Dems take the Executive, retain the Senate with gains, and make gains in the House. That is the reality of that year. 2014? Guess we will see.
Jack off to it now Old Cocks, but one the GOP retakes the Senate in '14 and bolsters their majority in the House, you'll be the one pissing in your tighty whites when impeachment hearings begin!!

You mean as effective as the 40 votes on the ACA? You silly goofs are setting yourselves up for another gaffe like your trumpeting of how you were going to stomp on Obama in 2012.
2012, Dems take the Executive, retain the Senate with gains, and make gains in the House. That is the reality of that year. 2014? Guess we will see.
Jack off to it now Old Cocks, but one the GOP retakes the Senate in '14 and bolsters their majority in the House, you'll be the one pissing in your tighty whites when impeachment hearings begin!!

That's not going to happen.

They may retain a majority in the house due to gerrymandering and voter suppression.

But if 2012 was any indication..it's going to be a slight majority.
I see old Swallow is another support of Democrat one party rule, arencha?
Will Hillary or Biden or the Rodeo Clown campaign on "we're not Boooooooooooooooooooooosh"?

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