Hillary won't have a parade of family members honoring her

uhh, donny dangerous has a big family alright, he has children from all 3 wives and mistresses! whoot whoot!! :rolleyes:

So, no abortions?

We don't know how many abortions Trump has paid for.

Is there any way for you to find out?

We will never know how many abortions Trump has paid for.

After all- until he decided to become President- he was very pro-choice

Donald Trump took 5 different positions on abortion in 3 days

By Philip Bump April 3
Donald Trump's 'evolving' stance on abortion
Play Video3:01
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stirred up controversy when he said there should be "some sort of punishment" for women who have abortions. Here's a look back at how he "evolved" into his pro-life views. (Jenny Starrs/The Washington Post)
You can see the exact moment last week that Donald Trump made up his mind on whether women would face criminal punishment once he signed new restrictions into law. He is at a town hall with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, and, after Matthews badgers him for a while, he finally answers the question.

“The answer is ... that,” Trump says, eyes looking to the side in thought, “there has to be some form of punishment.” He punctuates “has” with a hand gesture. Done. Final.

But as it turns out — and as it has turned out repeatedly over the course of his life — that was not, in fact, Trump’s final position on the subject. This past week alone, he has held multiple contradicting positions, including that one. So we figured that a timeline was in order, so that you could see the date and time and know, concretely, what Trump’s abortion position was at that moment.

Though he might deny it.

April 1989
Trump co-sponsored a dinner at the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan (which he then owned) honoring Robin Chandler Duke, a former president of NARAL. He chose not to attend, the New York Times reported, after his family was threatened by anti-abortion activists.

Oct. 24, 1999
Ten years later, Trump appeared on NBC in an interview with Tim Russert. In a clip that has received newfound life during this election cycle, Trump defends his broadly liberal positions by explaining that he grew up in Manhattan, not Iowa.

Asked about abortion, he’s clear.

“I’m very pro-choice,” Trump says. “I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything it stands for. I cringe when I listen to people debating the subject. But you still — I just believe in choice.”
Trump of course has a large and solid family who can declare to the world that their dad has been a great father.

Hillary on the other hand has just Chelsea, and in her case she better hope Chelsea doesn't tell the truth.

The reason for trump family speaking at the RNC is because they couldn't get very many republican politicians to speak.

I did some research on republican conventions and who spoke at past conventions. Guess what?

romney has something like 5 kids none of them spoke at the convention.

mccain has some kids and none of them spoke at that convention.

The bush boy has 2 daughters, they didn't speak at his conventions.

I can go on and on back with conventions and show you that republicans in the past didn't have to parade their family members on stage because they couldn't get the leaders or heavy hitters of their party to be at the convention.

The tradition is for the wife of the candidate to speak. Which is what mccain and romney did. The bush boy didn't even have laura speak for him in 2004 that I can see. If she did, she's not listed as a speaker.

You're just to partisan to see what's happening to the republican party. A party that I used to respect. A party of Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt who in my opinion was the last decent republican president. Or even Dwight Eisenhower who had many flaws but also did many good things for our nation.

So what if Hillary has one child? What is the crime in that?

What Hillary will have is heavy hitters from the democratic party. Something that the heavy hitters in the republican party didn't do for their convention this year.
This is a different kind of convention. It was clearly orchestrated by the Trump campaign. Trump and family were there everyday. Trump was there to congratulate every speaker, except of course Cruz for their glowing endorsement. Even the convention became the Trump show which explains the low attendance and boycott by party leaders.

Trump has successful stole the party. Now he has it, the question is what is he going to do with it?

I believe he will be rebranding it
View attachment 82424
But what will be the ideology of the new party? Trump is not much on ideology. In fact, listening to him it's hard to tell what he believes in other than himself.
Donald's only "crime" is he enjoys making love to beautiful, independent women. HOW DARE HE BE A MAN!!

So you expect that Donald will continue to cheat on his wives after he is President- because that is what you think a man should do?

It sure didn't bother you when Clinton was getting BJ's in the oval office.

Actually I was pissed off when Clinton did that.
I am still pissed off. Clinton was a great President who let his dick derail much of his success. It was stupidity- even more stupid than Trump cheating on Ivanka.

But both cases you had powerful men letting their dicks lead them to do stupid things that harmed their families.

Two main differences.
1. Trump settled his divorces in a reasonable fashion and Clinton had Hillary do a hatchet job on his girl friends.
2. Clinton was President and Trump was a private citizen.

Two other main differences.
1. Trump is a candidate for President- and he is an adulterer- Hillary Clinton is the other candidate- and she is not an adulterer
2. Trump settled his divorces with strict confidentiality clauses to prevent his ex-wives from saying anything negative about him- Hillary Clinton has never been divorced.

How many women do you know that would not only tolerate a husband that screwed everything with a hole and a heartbeat, but would then blame the women and destroy them?
I love liberals bitch about ideology and partisanship.then hate on Trump because he's neither........fuck these leftwing tards
Two main differences.
1. Trump settled his divorces in a reasonable fashion and Clinton had Hillary do a hatchet job on his girl friends.
2. Clinton was President and Trump was a private citizen.

Two other main differences.
1. Trump is a candidate for President- and he is an adulterer- Hillary Clinton is the other candidate- and she is not an adulterer
2. Trump settled his divorces with strict confidentiality clauses to prevent his ex-wives from saying anything negative about him- Hillary Clinton has never been divorced.

Hillary Clinton supports and adulterer and tried to annihilate the many women her husband sexually abused. The Clintons have not lived together since leaving the White House, and as far as divorce, she uses her husband's name to keep the money flowing.

Trump is an adulterer and has used the law to silence the women he cheated on. He dumped his first two wives as soon as their warranties expired, and wrote tight confidentiality clauses to ensure that they would not say anything negative about him.

Hillary Clinton on the other hand is not an adulterer- and has stood by her husband.

Which represents 'family values' more?

Did Marla Maples have an agenda when she intruded on Ivana's family in Aspen? Marla didn't have any money and was going to have to leave New York, so she became pregnant and Donald married her. Did Marla have an affair while she and Trump were separated? She has the freedom to say what she pleases, but how does she justify her behavior?

You mean Marla Maples- the woman Donald was cheating on Ivanka with?

You mean the woman Trump had sex with and got pregnant while he was married to another woman?

Not sure what you think attacking Trump's second wife is accomplishing- other than to remind us all that Trump cheated on this first wife and is on wife number 3

And to point out that the only candidate for President who is an adulterer is Donald Trump.

Did trump hold a gun to Marla's head or did Marla hold a gun to Trump's head?
She did say it was the best sex of her life, and now she wants Ivana to forgive her.
Two main differences.
1. Trump settled his divorces in a reasonable fashion and Clinton had Hillary do a hatchet job on his girl friends.
2. Clinton was President and Trump was a private citizen.

Two other main differences.
1. Trump is a candidate for President- and he is an adulterer- Hillary Clinton is the other candidate- and she is not an adulterer
2. Trump settled his divorces with strict confidentiality clauses to prevent his ex-wives from saying anything negative about him- Hillary Clinton has never been divorced.

Hillary Clinton supports and adulterer and tried to annihilate the many women her husband sexually abused. The Clintons have not lived together since leaving the White House, and as far as divorce, she uses her husband's name to keep the money flowing.

And she trashed a 12 year old rape victim....to get a guy she knew was guilty off...cold bitch

She would do anything to become POTUS.

Donnie will do anything to become President.

Including lying about Cruz's wife and father.

I wouldn't be mentioning anyone LYING and supporting Hillary in the same thread.
How in the fuck does someone ignore clintons sexual indiscretions while attacking tump for three marriages in the same post?
Loony toon mother fuckers

The Presidential candidate Donald Trump has had his own sexual indiscretions which led him to be married 3 times.
The Presidential candidate Hilary Clinton has had no known sexual indiscretions, and has been married once.
Putting up with adultery,lies and cigars is just as bad. But I was talking about her sexual predator husband.

Why do you want to compare a candidate's husband to a candidate?

Or do you think that Bill Clinton is running against the sexual predator Donald Trump?
Republicans have hated the Clinton for over 20 years, particularly Hillary who stepped out of the role of First Lady to lead the fight in congress over healthcare. Thus began a battle to destroy the Clinton which continues to this day. When Bill Clinton survived both the real and phony sex scandals, it made a national hero out of Hillary which was just too much for the Republicans. They had to get Hillary no matter how long it took or what it cost the tax payers. Well they got her, but now it looks like voters are going to ignore all their hard work. Republican attacks on the Clinton's seem to roll off like water off a ducks back.

There was a reason they called him "Slick Willy" when he was the Governor of Arkansas.
So you expect that Donald will continue to cheat on his wives after he is President- because that is what you think a man should do?

It sure didn't bother you when Clinton was getting BJ's in the oval office.

Actually I was pissed off when Clinton did that.
I am still pissed off. Clinton was a great President who let his dick derail much of his success. It was stupidity- even more stupid than Trump cheating on Ivanka.

But both cases you had powerful men letting their dicks lead them to do stupid things that harmed their families.

Two main differences.
1. Trump settled his divorces in a reasonable fashion and Clinton had Hillary do a hatchet job on his girl friends.
2. Clinton was President and Trump was a private citizen.

Two other main differences.
1. Trump is a candidate for President- and he is an adulterer- Hillary Clinton is the other candidate- and she is not an adulterer
2. Trump settled his divorces with strict confidentiality clauses to prevent his ex-wives from saying anything negative about him- Hillary Clinton has never been divorced.

How many women do you know that would not only tolerate a husband that screwed everything with a hole and a heartbeat, but would then blame the women and destroy them?
who did she destroy?
It sure didn't bother you when Clinton was getting BJ's in the oval office.

Actually I was pissed off when Clinton did that.
I am still pissed off. Clinton was a great President who let his dick derail much of his success. It was stupidity- even more stupid than Trump cheating on Ivanka.

But both cases you had powerful men letting their dicks lead them to do stupid things that harmed their families.

Two main differences.
1. Trump settled his divorces in a reasonable fashion and Clinton had Hillary do a hatchet job on his girl friends.
2. Clinton was President and Trump was a private citizen.

Two other main differences.
1. Trump is a candidate for President- and he is an adulterer- Hillary Clinton is the other candidate- and she is not an adulterer
2. Trump settled his divorces with strict confidentiality clauses to prevent his ex-wives from saying anything negative about him- Hillary Clinton has never been divorced.

How many women do you know that would not only tolerate a husband that screwed everything with a hole and a heartbeat, but would then blame the women and destroy them?
who did she destroy?

Only 4 or 5 of them. If you don't know the names you weren't paying attention.
Actually I was pissed off when Clinton did that.
I am still pissed off. Clinton was a great President who let his dick derail much of his success. It was stupidity- even more stupid than Trump cheating on Ivanka.

But both cases you had powerful men letting their dicks lead them to do stupid things that harmed their families.

Two main differences.
1. Trump settled his divorces in a reasonable fashion and Clinton had Hillary do a hatchet job on his girl friends.
2. Clinton was President and Trump was a private citizen.

Two other main differences.
1. Trump is a candidate for President- and he is an adulterer- Hillary Clinton is the other candidate- and she is not an adulterer
2. Trump settled his divorces with strict confidentiality clauses to prevent his ex-wives from saying anything negative about him- Hillary Clinton has never been divorced.

How many women do you know that would not only tolerate a husband that screwed everything with a hole and a heartbeat, but would then blame the women and destroy them?
who did she destroy?

Only 4 or 5 of them. If you don't know the names you weren't paying attention.
Again, who did she destroy and exactly how did she destroy them? Was it in a public way, where I should know this destruction that took place?

Please give us hint on what this destruction was.... or are you just repeating the talking points the Right Wing is regurgitating and making money off it while doing so?

What did Hillary do to destroy these women you can't even name?
Two main differences.
1. Trump settled his divorces in a reasonable fashion and Clinton had Hillary do a hatchet job on his girl friends.
2. Clinton was President and Trump was a private citizen.

Two other main differences.
1. Trump is a candidate for President- and he is an adulterer- Hillary Clinton is the other candidate- and she is not an adulterer
2. Trump settled his divorces with strict confidentiality clauses to prevent his ex-wives from saying anything negative about him- Hillary Clinton has never been divorced.

How many women do you know that would not only tolerate a husband that screwed everything with a hole and a heartbeat, but would then blame the women and destroy them?
who did she destroy?

Only 4 or 5 of them. If you don't know the names you weren't paying attention.
Again, who did she destroy and exactly how did she destroy them? Was it in a public way, where I should know this destruction that took place?

Please give us hint on what this destruction was.... or are you just repeating the talking points the Right Wing is regurgitating and making money off it while doing so?

What did Hillary do to destroy these women you can't even name?

Read the book "The Clintons' war on women" by Roger Stone and Robert Morrow and you will have the answers to you questions.
Trump of course has a large and solid family who can declare to the world that their dad has been a great father.

Hillary on the other hand has just Chelsea, and in her case she better hope Chelsea doesn't tell the truth.

The reason for trump family speaking at the RNC is because they couldn't get very many republican politicians to speak.

I did some research on republican conventions and who spoke at past conventions. Guess what?

romney has something like 5 kids none of them spoke at the convention.

mccain has some kids and none of them spoke at that convention.

The bush boy has 2 daughters, they didn't speak at his conventions.

I can go on and on back with conventions and show you that republicans in the past didn't have to parade their family members on stage because they couldn't get the leaders or heavy hitters of their party to be at the convention.

The tradition is for the wife of the candidate to speak. Which is what mccain and romney did. The bush boy didn't even have laura speak for him in 2004 that I can see. If she did, she's not listed as a speaker.

You're just to partisan to see what's happening to the republican party. A party that I used to respect. A party of Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt who in my opinion was the last decent republican president. Or even Dwight Eisenhower who had many flaws but also did many good things for our nation.

So what if Hillary has one child? What is the crime in that?

What Hillary will have is heavy hitters from the democratic party. Something that the heavy hitters in the republican party didn't do for their convention this year.
This is a different kind of convention. It was clearly orchestrated by the Trump campaign. Trump and family were there everyday. Trump was there to congratulate every speaker, except of course Cruz for their glowing endorsement. Even the convention became the Trump show which explains the low attendance and boycott by party leaders.

Trump has successful stole the party. Now he has it, the question is what is he going to do with it?

I believe he will be rebranding it
View attachment 82424
But what will be the ideology of the new party? Trump is not much on ideology. In fact, listening to him it's hard to tell what he believes in other than himself.


What do they need beyond "Trump is GREAT"?
So you expect that Donald will continue to cheat on his wives after he is President- because that is what you think a man should do?

It sure didn't bother you when Clinton was getting BJ's in the oval office.

Actually I was pissed off when Clinton did that.
I am still pissed off. Clinton was a great President who let his dick derail much of his success. It was stupidity- even more stupid than Trump cheating on Ivanka.

But both cases you had powerful men letting their dicks lead them to do stupid things that harmed their families.

Two main differences.
1. Trump settled his divorces in a reasonable fashion and Clinton had Hillary do a hatchet job on his girl friends.
2. Clinton was President and Trump was a private citizen.

Two other main differences.
1. Trump is a candidate for President- and he is an adulterer- Hillary Clinton is the other candidate- and she is not an adulterer
2. Trump settled his divorces with strict confidentiality clauses to prevent his ex-wives from saying anything negative about him- Hillary Clinton has never been divorced.

How many women do you know that would not only tolerate a husband that screwed everything with a hole and a heartbeat, but would then blame the women and destroy them?

Apparently Trump's wives wouldn't tolerate that.

Hilary Clinton cared more about her family than they did.
I love liberals bitch about ideology and partisanship.then hate on Trump because he's neither........fuck these leftwing tards

True- Trump has no ideology and is hardly a Republican or a Conservative.
He sure is fooling the gullible retarded right wing nut jobs.
Two other main differences.
1. Trump is a candidate for President- and he is an adulterer- Hillary Clinton is the other candidate- and she is not an adulterer
2. Trump settled his divorces with strict confidentiality clauses to prevent his ex-wives from saying anything negative about him- Hillary Clinton has never been divorced.

Hillary Clinton supports and adulterer and tried to annihilate the many women her husband sexually abused. The Clintons have not lived together since leaving the White House, and as far as divorce, she uses her husband's name to keep the money flowing.

Trump is an adulterer and has used the law to silence the women he cheated on. He dumped his first two wives as soon as their warranties expired, and wrote tight confidentiality clauses to ensure that they would not say anything negative about him.

Hillary Clinton on the other hand is not an adulterer- and has stood by her husband.

Which represents 'family values' more?

Did Marla Maples have an agenda when she intruded on Ivana's family in Aspen? Marla didn't have any money and was going to have to leave New York, so she became pregnant and Donald married her. Did Marla have an affair while she and Trump were separated? She has the freedom to say what she pleases, but how does she justify her behavior?

You mean Marla Maples- the woman Donald was cheating on Ivanka with?

You mean the woman Trump had sex with and got pregnant while he was married to another woman?

Not sure what you think attacking Trump's second wife is accomplishing- other than to remind us all that Trump cheated on this first wife and is on wife number 3

And to point out that the only candidate for President who is an adulterer is Donald Trump.

Did trump hold a gun to Marla's head or did Marla hold a gun to Trump's head?.
You mean Marla Maples- the woman Donald was cheating on Ivanka with?

You mean the woman Trump had sex with and got pregnant while he was married to another woman?

Not sure what you think attacking Trump's second wife is accomplishing- other than to remind us all that Trump cheated on this first wife and is on wife number 3

And to point out that the only candidate for President who is an adulterer is Donald Trump
Two other main differences.
1. Trump is a candidate for President- and he is an adulterer- Hillary Clinton is the other candidate- and she is not an adulterer
2. Trump settled his divorces with strict confidentiality clauses to prevent his ex-wives from saying anything negative about him- Hillary Clinton has never been divorced.

Hillary Clinton supports and adulterer and tried to annihilate the many women her husband sexually abused. The Clintons have not lived together since leaving the White House, and as far as divorce, she uses her husband's name to keep the money flowing.

And she trashed a 12 year old rape victim....to get a guy she knew was guilty off...cold bitch

She would do anything to become POTUS.

Donnie will do anything to become President.

Including lying about Cruz's wife and father.

I wouldn't be mentioning anyone LYING and supporting Hillary in the same thread.

You will just support Trump and his lies and his Konspiracy theories.
How in the fuck does someone ignore clintons sexual indiscretions while attacking tump for three marriages in the same post?
Loony toon mother fuckers

The Presidential candidate Donald Trump has had his own sexual indiscretions which led him to be married 3 times.
The Presidential candidate Hilary Clinton has had no known sexual indiscretions, and has been married once.
Putting up with adultery,lies and cigars is just as bad. But I was talking about her sexual predator husband.

Why do you want to compare a candidate's husband to a candidate?

Or do you think that Bill Clinton is running against the sexual predator Donald Trump?
Republicans have hated the Clinton for over 20 years, particularly Hillary who stepped out of the role of First Lady to lead the fight in congress over healthcare. Thus began a battle to destroy the Clinton which continues to this day. When Bill Clinton survived both the real and phony sex scandals, it made a national hero out of Hillary which was just too much for the Republicans. They had to get Hillary no matter how long it took or what it cost the tax payers. Well they got her, but now it looks like voters are going to ignore all their hard work. Republican attacks on the Clinton's seem to roll off like water off a ducks back.

There was a reason they called him "Slick Willy" when he was the Governor of Arkansas.

Yep- Conservatives were trying to smear him then and still are.

The most they managed to get on Bill Clinton was lying about getting a blow job.

Trump managed to cheat without getting caught lying on the stand.
Hillary Clinton supports and adulterer and tried to annihilate the many women her husband sexually abused. The Clintons have not lived together since leaving the White House, and as far as divorce, she uses her husband's name to keep the money flowing.

Trump is an adulterer and has used the law to silence the women he cheated on. He dumped his first two wives as soon as their warranties expired, and wrote tight confidentiality clauses to ensure that they would not say anything negative about him.

Hillary Clinton on the other hand is not an adulterer- and has stood by her husband.

Which represents 'family values' more?

Did Marla Maples have an agenda when she intruded on Ivana's family in Aspen? Marla didn't have any money and was going to have to leave New York, so she became pregnant and Donald married her. Did Marla have an affair while she and Trump were separated? She has the freedom to say what she pleases, but how does she justify her behavior?

You mean Marla Maples- the woman Donald was cheating on Ivanka with?

You mean the woman Trump had sex with and got pregnant while he was married to another woman?

Not sure what you think attacking Trump's second wife is accomplishing- other than to remind us all that Trump cheated on this first wife and is on wife number 3

And to point out that the only candidate for President who is an adulterer is Donald Trump.

Did trump hold a gun to Marla's head or did Marla hold a gun to Trump's head?.
You mean Marla Maples- the woman Donald was cheating on Ivanka with?

You mean the woman Trump had sex with and got pregnant while he was married to another woman?

Not sure what you think attacking Trump's second wife is accomplishing- other than to remind us all that Trump cheated on this first wife and is on wife number 3

And to point out that the only candidate for President who is an adulterer is Donald Trump

In an interview with the New York Post in March, Ivana said, "[Maples] asked to apologize to me in the Daily Mail in London. They asked if I accepted the apology and I said no. Why should I? She broke my marriage!"
Trump is an adulterer and has used the law to silence the women he cheated on. He dumped his first two wives as soon as their warranties expired, and wrote tight confidentiality clauses to ensure that they would not say anything negative about him.

Hillary Clinton on the other hand is not an adulterer- and has stood by her husband.

Which represents 'family values' more?

Did Marla Maples have an agenda when she intruded on Ivana's family in Aspen? Marla didn't have any money and was going to have to leave New York, so she became pregnant and Donald married her. Did Marla have an affair while she and Trump were separated? She has the freedom to say what she pleases, but how does she justify her behavior?

You mean Marla Maples- the woman Donald was cheating on Ivanka with?

You mean the woman Trump had sex with and got pregnant while he was married to another woman?

Not sure what you think attacking Trump's second wife is accomplishing- other than to remind us all that Trump cheated on this first wife and is on wife number 3

And to point out that the only candidate for President who is an adulterer is Donald Trump.

Did trump hold a gun to Marla's head or did Marla hold a gun to Trump's head?.
You mean Marla Maples- the woman Donald was cheating on Ivanka with?

You mean the woman Trump had sex with and got pregnant while he was married to another woman?

Not sure what you think attacking Trump's second wife is accomplishing- other than to remind us all that Trump cheated on this first wife and is on wife number 3

And to point out that the only candidate for President who is an adulterer is Donald Trump

In an interview with the New York Post in March, Ivana said, "[Maples] asked to apologize to me in the Daily Mail in London. They asked if I accepted the apology and I said no. Why should I? She broke my marriage!"

I agree- why should Ivanka apologize to the woman Donald Trump cheated with?

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