Hillary won't have a parade of family members honoring her

Did Marla Maples have an agenda when she intruded on Ivana's family in Aspen? Marla didn't have any money and was going to have to leave New York, so she became pregnant and Donald married her. Did Marla have an affair while she and Trump were separated? She has the freedom to say what she pleases, but how does she justify her behavior?

You mean Marla Maples- the woman Donald was cheating on Ivanka with?

You mean the woman Trump had sex with and got pregnant while he was married to another woman?

Not sure what you think attacking Trump's second wife is accomplishing- other than to remind us all that Trump cheated on this first wife and is on wife number 3

And to point out that the only candidate for President who is an adulterer is Donald Trump.

Did trump hold a gun to Marla's head or did Marla hold a gun to Trump's head?.
You mean Marla Maples- the woman Donald was cheating on Ivanka with?

You mean the woman Trump had sex with and got pregnant while he was married to another woman?

Not sure what you think attacking Trump's second wife is accomplishing- other than to remind us all that Trump cheated on this first wife and is on wife number 3

And to point out that the only candidate for President who is an adulterer is Donald Trump

In an interview with the New York Post in March, Ivana said, "[Maples] asked to apologize to me in the Daily Mail in London. They asked if I accepted the apology and I said no. Why should I? She broke my marriage!"

I agree- why should Ivanka apologize to the woman Donald Trump cheated with?

Ouch! I didn't know you couldn't read. Sorry!
Trump of course has a large and solid family who can declare to the world that their dad has been a great father.

Hillary on the other hand has just Chelsea, and in her case she better hope Chelsea doesn't tell the truth.

"Wire hangers, wire hangers, wire hangers, no more wire hangers Chelsea!!"
why? did she have all of them murdered too? :badgrin:

I heard Hillary had some of her unborn children murdered, yes.

Having Chelsea was just to try and show the world she was human.....I think.

Shame, it didn't work.
Two other main differences.
1. Trump is a candidate for President- and he is an adulterer- Hillary Clinton is the other candidate- and she is not an adulterer
2. Trump settled his divorces with strict confidentiality clauses to prevent his ex-wives from saying anything negative about him- Hillary Clinton has never been divorced.

How many women do you know that would not only tolerate a husband that screwed everything with a hole and a heartbeat, but would then blame the women and destroy them?
who did she destroy?

Only 4 or 5 of them. If you don't know the names you weren't paying attention.
Again, who did she destroy and exactly how did she destroy them? Was it in a public way, where I should know this destruction that took place?

Please give us hint on what this destruction was.... or are you just repeating the talking points the Right Wing is regurgitating and making money off it while doing so?

What did Hillary do to destroy these women you can't even name?

Read the book "The Clintons' war on women" by Roger Stone and Robert Morrow and you will have the answers to you questions.
Yeah, you will get an accurate picture from Roger Stone, long term friend and advisory to Trump. And Morrow posted bizarre sexual writings about the former secretary of state; called Chelsea Clinton a "slut" and imagined how she would "have sex one day" with Bill Clinton; posted about "*******" and "pro-faggot JUDICIAL ACTIVISM"; and claimed the Bush and Clinton families were involved in murder.

I'm sure you'll enjoyed the book.

Anti-Clinton Author Robert Morrow Posted Bizarre Sexual Writings About Clintons, Wished Death On Hillary
You mean Marla Maples- the woman Donald was cheating on Ivanka with?

You mean the woman Trump had sex with and got pregnant while he was married to another woman?

Not sure what you think attacking Trump's second wife is accomplishing- other than to remind us all that Trump cheated on this first wife and is on wife number 3

And to point out that the only candidate for President who is an adulterer is Donald Trump.

Did trump hold a gun to Marla's head or did Marla hold a gun to Trump's head?.
You mean Marla Maples- the woman Donald was cheating on Ivanka with?

You mean the woman Trump had sex with and got pregnant while he was married to another woman?

Not sure what you think attacking Trump's second wife is accomplishing- other than to remind us all that Trump cheated on this first wife and is on wife number 3

And to point out that the only candidate for President who is an adulterer is Donald Trump

In an interview with the New York Post in March, Ivana said, "[Maples] asked to apologize to me in the Daily Mail in London. They asked if I accepted the apology and I said no. Why should I? She broke my marriage!"

I agree- why should Ivanka apologize to the woman Donald Trump cheated with?

Ouch! I didn't know you couldn't read. Sorry!

LOL.....don't be sorry for your failures.

I am happy to point out once again that the only adulterer running for President is Donald Trump.

Not that there is anything wrong with that.......
Trump is going to say this tonight:

"My Dad, Fred Trump, was the smartest and hardest working man I ever knew. I wonder sometimes what he’d say if he were here to see this tonight.

It’s because of him that I learned, from my youngest age, to respect the dignity of work and the dignity of working people. He was a guy most comfortable in the company of bricklayers, carpenters, and electricians and I have a lot of that in me also."

Uhhhhhh. Working black families just could not live in Fred Trump's properties.

The smartest man Trump knows is a racist. Trump will pick off a scab on the Trump family name and reveal the racist puss that infected his very soul.

It's no wonder Trump is loved by the White Supremacist Movement. His father is an icon to their hatred of non-whites.

Bigotry and racism are in the Trump family genetic code and we know Trump was not a self made millionaire.

Fred Trump

Born Frederick Christ Trump
October 11, 1905
Woodhaven, New York, U.S.
Died June 25, 1999 (aged 93)
New Hyde Park, New York, U.S.
Occupation Founder of Elizabeth Trump & Son Co.
Net worth
$250–$300 million (1999)

. In 1973, the U.S. Justice Department's Civil Rights Division filed a civil rights suit against the Trump organization charging that it refused to rent to black people. The Urban League had sent black and white testers to apply for apartments in Trump-owned complexes; the whites got the apartments, the blacks did not. According to court records, four superintendents or rental agents reported that applications sent to the central office for acceptance or rejection were coded by race. A 1979 Village Voice article quoted a rental agent who said Trump instructed him not to rent to black people and to encourage existing black tenants to leave. In 1975, a consent decreedescribed by the head of DOJ’s housing division as "one of the most far-reaching ever negotiated," required Trump to advertise vacancies in minority papers and list vacancies with the Urban League. The Justice Department subsequently complained that continuing "racially discriminatory conduct by Trump agents has occurred with such frequency that it has created a substantial impediment to the full enjoyment of equal opportunity."[13]

Fred Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why did Trump ever go bankrupt with a head start in life like that?

The Donald took his racist daddy's money didn't he.
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Trump of course has a large and solid family who can declare to the world that their dad has been a great father.

Hillary on the other hand has just Chelsea, and in her case she better hope Chelsea doesn't tell the truth.

Well, she couldn't get Chachi either. Amazingly, you encapsulate why Drumpf will lose. He got his kids to speak for him. I guess his daughter didn't need to worry about her creepy old man while on the dias. Of course 2 of these kids couldn't figure out how to register to vote for their creepy old man in the primary. Meanwhile, the other political party--the Democrats--will certainly highlight and honor Ms. Clinton but at the same time, use the precious time at the convention to further their (and America's) political goals. Which are rapidly becoming one and the same.
Hillary Clinton supports and adulterer and tried to annihilate the many women her husband sexually abused. The Clintons have not lived together since leaving the White House, and as far as divorce, she uses her husband's name to keep the money flowing.

And she trashed a 12 year old rape victim....to get a guy she knew was guilty off...cold bitch

She would do anything to become POTUS.

Donnie will do anything to become President.

Including lying about Cruz's wife and father.

I wouldn't be mentioning anyone LYING and supporting Hillary in the same thread.

You will just support Trump and his lies and his Konspiracy theories.

He won't put national security at risk like the lying POS did.
Donald's only "crime" is he enjoys making love to beautiful, independent women. HOW DARE HE BE A MAN!!

So you expect that Donald will continue to cheat on his wives after he is President- because that is what you think a man should do?

It sure didn't bother you when Clinton was getting BJ's in the oval office.

Actually I was pissed off when Clinton did that.
I am still pissed off. Clinton was a great President who let his dick derail much of his success. It was stupidity- even more stupid than Trump cheating on Ivanka.

But both cases you had powerful men letting their dicks lead them to do stupid things that harmed their families.

Two main differences.
1. Trump settled his divorces in a reasonable fashion and Clinton had Hillary do a hatchet job on his girl friends.
2. Clinton was President and Trump was a private citizen.

Two other main differences.
1. Trump is a candidate for President- and he is an adulterer- Hillary Clinton is the other candidate- and she is not an adulterer
2. Trump settled his divorces with strict confidentiality clauses to prevent his ex-wives from saying anything negative about him- Hillary Clinton has never been divorced.

Hillary participated in trying to destroy the women raped by her husband. She has also been very good at covering up her lesbian lifestyle.

The Clintons never had a marriage, it was and is a corrupt political partnership.

The Clintons are Arkansas pond slime, nothing more.
The Presidential candidate Donald Trump has had his own sexual indiscretions which led him to be married 3 times.
The Presidential candidate Hilary Clinton has had no known sexual indiscretions, and has been married once.
Putting up with adultery,lies and cigars is just as bad. But I was talking about her sexual predator husband.

Why do you want to compare a candidate's husband to a candidate?

Or do you think that Bill Clinton is running against the sexual predator Donald Trump?
Republicans have hated the Clinton for over 20 years, particularly Hillary who stepped out of the role of First Lady to lead the fight in congress over healthcare. Thus began a battle to destroy the Clinton which continues to this day. When Bill Clinton survived both the real and phony sex scandals, it made a national hero out of Hillary which was just too much for the Republicans. They had to get Hillary no matter how long it took or what it cost the tax payers. Well they got her, but now it looks like voters are going to ignore all their hard work. Republican attacks on the Clinton's seem to roll off like water off a ducks back.

There was a reason they called him "Slick Willy" when he was the Governor of Arkansas.

Yep- Conservatives were trying to smear him then and still are.

The most they managed to get on Bill Clinton was lying about getting a blow job.

Trump managed to cheat without getting caught lying on the stand.

Clinton was lying under oath to deprive another woman of her day in court. He was impeached for doing so.
I can't wait to see Hillary and Webb Hubble's daughter standing side by side on the convention stage.
The 'nose job' and 'eyelid tuck' didn't help you any Chelsea. You're still are the spitting image of your father.
I watched a video of Chelsea at her book signing. Someone asked her why she hadn't admitted to being Webb's daughter.
She must have blinked twenty times. Her mouth tightened. Her throat muscles tightened.
She almost jumped up and run out of the bookstore.
She's be a piss-poor poker player.
Trump of course has a large and solid family who can declare to the world that their dad has been a great father.

Hillary on the other hand has just Chelsea, and in her case she better hope Chelsea doesn't tell the truth.
I know that people cannot control how they look--------------------------but, can Hillary really open beer bottles with that overbite?
Will Chelsea Hubble be part of the Clown show?

Ok that's pretty creepy but she looks like Bill too.

If they did a dna test they'd probably all have the same great great grandfather anyway.

Beauty comes from the inside that come with decency and dignity ............ You don't have both.

Beauty can be from the inside...but the feminist baby killing democrats......who want to impose global socialism on people...are not it.

What in the world are you talking about?? Read vigilante and kg post....... Tell me how disgusting these people are....... Then get back to me.....
Will Chelsea Hubble be part of the Clown show?

Ok that's pretty creepy but she looks like Bill too.

If they did a dna test they'd probably all have the same great great grandfather anyway.

Beauty comes from the inside that come with decency and dignity ............ You don't have both.

Beauty can be from the inside...but the feminist baby killing democrats......who want to impose global socialism on people...are not it.

What in the world are you talking about?? Read vigilante and kg post....... Tell me how disgusting these people are....... Then get back to me.....
Yes, Chelsea is the product of Hubble fucking the Hildebeast....he had NO PRIDE!
Will Chelsea Hubble be part of the Clown show?

Ok that's pretty creepy but she looks like Bill too.

If they did a dna test they'd probably all have the same great great grandfather anyway.

Beauty comes from the inside that come with decency and dignity ............ You don't have both.

Beauty can be from the inside...but the feminist baby killing democrats......who want to impose global socialism on people...are not it.

What in the world are you talking about?? Read vigilante and kg post....... Tell me how disgusting these people are....... Then get back to me.....

sorry killing babies for sport...like the feminazis do......and her record of lying is legendary......not even close to being beautiful on the inside.

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