Hillary's campaign is based on emotional pandering.

The American people are going to in about 100 days there sonny boy.
When you look at her record, you won’t find perfection but you will find the best qualified person to seek the office since Bush 41.
Mocking a person with disability is 1000 times worse. You’d have to be intellectually honest to admit it.
She allowed 4(?) people to die.
Total Lie on your part. As Trey Gowdy's commission found; twice. You should quit while you're behind.

No, mocking a disabled person is not worse.
Yes it is dumbfuck. Unlike a terrorist attack, you are totally in charge of whether you mock a person with disability. Your messiah was totally in charge of his faculties and proceeded to do one of the most shocking acts of unprovoked cruelty we have witnessed.
No, she is no qualified, she has no qualifications whatsoever, every position she held, she did absolutely nothing, until Secretary of State, where she failed miserably. I don't call that qualified, I call it UNQUALIFIED, she's not even qualified to run a McDonald's, much less America.
Few outside of your crack house give a shit what you think She will win an electoral landslide and all you can do is sit there and watch your messiah go down in flames
Without the Sanders supporters, not a chance. Your blind support will win you nothing in the end.

8 out of 10 will vote for Clinton
0 out of 10 will vote for your messiah

Watch and learn fuck stain.
I already told you I don't support Trump, you're just incapable of learning. Also, link for statistics?

Does it bother you that I call him your messiah?

Too bad.
Donald Trump made mocked a man with a physical disability:


If your waiter had done that or someone applying for a job with you had done that, you wouldn’t give them a tip or a position in your company.

But somehow you’re willing to overlook it and vote for him for President.

No, he didn't. He tends to use that same exact motion when dissing people for saying something he finds stupid. He did the same thing when talking about Cruz. No difference. Plus. he is moving both hands and it doesn't even remotely resemble the disabled guy. You guys just don't like him disagreeing with a liberal.

Donald Trump made mocked a man with a physical disability:


If your waiter had done that or someone applying for a job with you had done that, you wouldn’t give them a tip or a position in your company.

But somehow you’re willing to overlook it and vote for him for President.
hillary clinton laughed about a 12 year old girl being raped,.
whats worse in your mind.
They're BOTH pandering to emotions...

Attila the Hun is pandering to Whites...

Boss Tweed is pandering to Blacks and Hispanics...

The Ruling Elites are playing ALL of you...
Trump filed for Bankruptcy 6 times. That makes him a failure. We don’t need a failure for President.

Actually it was 4 times, but in your world it will be at least 12 times by the end of next month.

So he’s a 4 time failure. At running a casino. he he he….

Three other casino's went bankrupt in Atlantic City and Trump's made it four. I could give you the reasons the failed, but you are too dumb to understand them.

So Trump is not better than 3 other casino owners and much worse than those still in operation. Got it. Thanks.
White guys should say out of the casino business.

If you are not Italian or Native American you are not good at scalping others.
native americans were kinda pussies when it came to that too. totally got their asses whipped and put in their place. As a matter of fact, they got such an ass whipping that to this day their spawn are still on lockdown on reservations. Now thats an ass whoopin to remember.
Hillary is treating the American people like they have the collective mentality of a 10 year old. Trump is the boogeyman, Scaaaaaaarrrreeeee! Trump is a meeeeeeaaaannnniiieeee! Boo Hoo. Trump a Raaaaaaaaccccccciiisssstttt!!
She has not laid out any specifics other than what she stole from Bernie Sanders. Her track record especially as Secretary of State was dismal which included ignoring repeated requests for added security at Benghazi, lying to the faces of the mothers who lost their sons and her physical collapse and subsequent resignation. FAIL. That's who you want for President? She is a failure and we don't need a failure for President.

Trump filed for Bankruptcy 6 times. That makes him a failure. We don’t need a failure for President.
How does that impact Hillary's emotional, deceptive candidacy?
I have noticed a trend the last several elections. democrats have been running emotion laden, fact lite candidacies. They expect their true believers to accept wild charges and flailing desperation as true leadership. It's entertaining to watch.

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