Hillary's First Term


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Hillary's First Term
by Billy Roper

Hillary's first term, or, depending on just how thoroughly one thinks she ran her husband's office while he chased skirts, her third term, will be important not just because of its novelty. Electing Obama simply because he fit into a category which hadn't been elected before didn't turn out so well for America, after all, but there are a lot of other potential firsts Democrats can trot out to interest low-information voters in future campaigns. The first openly gay male President. The first lesbian President. The first Latrino President. The first Asian President. The first Jewish President. After Obama's mullato-tude, the first full-blooded black President. Then, female combinations of every featherless biped. Next, transsexual combinations of all of the above. The possibilities for the nonWhite coalition's identity politics are practically endless in terms of their permutations, like gender and orientation fluidity itself. Just imagine the diversity! Diversity, for the sake of diversity!

However, her sex isn't her strongest identifier, except for when it comes to niche polling. Hillary, to her credit, has more testosterone going on than virtually any man of either gender or any race, who would vote for her. That's just the packaging. What's inside is the same establishment corruption and insider elitism that has partnered with globalism for a full generation, and longer. Knowing that George Soros is her biggest campaign contributor, as just one example, what does that tell us that we can expect from a Hillary presidency?

I was seven years old when I first heard Hillary's name, as she became First Lady (using the traditional honorific generously) of my home state of Arkansas. Of course, back then she hadn't yet taken Bill's last name, which conflicted with his attempt to pose as a conservative Southern Democrat, and that largely cost him his re-election bid. She pivoted, and he won a second term on the rebound. But even then, most people knew better than to trust her. She hasn't sprouted any more integrity, since.

So, what are her real priorities, aside from personal enrichment and the accumulation of power? What does she, and those around her, really believe? Are they truly Social Justice Warriors, or simply cynical puppetmasters on the Democratic plantation? Does she want more than just to be the U.S.'s version of Angela Merkel?

Does it matter? To me, and most Americans, her likely actions are more important than her motivations. Kind of like "hate crimes"...it doesn't hurt any more or less, depending on why she does what she's told us she will do. And, here's what she's told us we can expect, in so many words:

The first and second amendments will suffer erosion through Executive Orders, judicial appointments, Congressional pressure, and administrative initiatives by Hillary and her henchpersons within her first year in office. All of the clamor against the "Citizens United" ruling, which for the non-political is an attempt to control the freedom of speech of people who belong to labor or political organizations which might wish to make a campaign contribution, is just a snarl to show her teeth. The DNC platform suggesting that "divisive" or "hate" speech is more dangerous than those who wish to censor it, leads inevitably to the suggestion that, as Canada and some European nations have done, Federal speech laws won't be long in coming. This will be more than just a formalization of the social and political pressure which now sees people fired from jobs, blacklisted, and smeared publicly for expressing politically incorrect thought out loud. It will mean fines and imprisonment, as well as "enhanced" charges for alleged crimes which may be unrelated to one's political point of view. People like me will be fined and imprisoned, if we don't shut up. And, many of us won't. If that makes you happy to anticipate, just remember that you could be next. Somebody cue Martin Niemoller.

The attack on the Second Amendment will be multi-pronged. Moves to make gun manufacturers liable for shootings, accidental or otherwise, in an attempt to bankrupt them through class action lawsuits. The further regulation of private firearm sells through restrictions on gun shows and online and catalog purchases. Expanded background checks, including new categories of disqualification for purchasing firearms for those who, for example, violate the new hate speech laws above, or who have been investigated by law enforcement because someone reports them for expressing dissent. Federal taxes on ammunition and firearms, to make them prohibitively expensive. Banning certain classifications of firearms based more on their appearance than their function, but also of capacity and operational mechanisms. All of these laws will be written by liberals who literally don't know the difference between semi-automatic and automatic, nor do they care. Just as they don't care what the original meaning and intent of the second amendment was. Then, "common sense" national firearm registration, and national firearm owner registration. We've already seen what happens, next.

Underlying the assaults on our first two amendments will be wave after wave of Muslim refugees from Syria and whatever third-world cesspool boils over next, be it in Africa or Asia or Central America. Border control will be slashed, financially and in terms of personnel and enforcement, and illegal immigrant amnesty, by whatever pretty name they dress it up in, will create twenty million, or more, new Democrats. Obamacare will stay in place, and swell with more bureaucracy and overreach. Millions more babies will be slaughtered before they draw their first breath. If they somehow avoid being aborted, from their first day of school children will be indoctrinated with rainbow-colored prophylactic demonstrations and lectures on tolerance and diversity. Indeed, look for the homosexual lobby's judicial victories to expand LGBTQ (RSTUV) initiatives towards their next step...no, not polygamy, though that would be preferable, but rather, "intergenerational love". They'll want to abolish laws establishing a legal age of consent. If you doubt me, hold your breath and watch.

A new cold war with Russia will be balanced by more indebted servitude to China, and more bungling brushfire wars against Iran, maybe, or some other adversary to distract people into a fit of flag-waving, pick one. But don't worry, Israel will still continue to be the largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid, raking in billions every year, so the Jewish (and shabbos goy) influence over our foreign policy, our news and entertainment media, our banking industry, and our monetary policy will remain monumentally above the rising waters of balkanization, no matter which party is in power, just like always, for a few years longer. They hope. Of course, they've overreached before. They even have a word for it. It's called 'Chutzpah'.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

That is, until the parasite, bloated by the blood it has sucked from us for years, is either shaken and scratched loose, or weakens the host- until the host dies. More and more people, especially those people whose ancestors founded the U.S., will feel disenfranchised and frustrated. Many will come to believe, as some have already expressed, that the electoral process is corrupted and rigged past the point of repair. Embittered and disillusioned, the cracks between our diverging interests as a nation will widen further, to the breaking point.

But maybe we'll save that for her second term.

From a friend of mine.
Hillary is no Bill Clinton, she's no Obama either. The harping old bat is in no way qualified for the job it will be a fiasco from day one.
the jury's still out on what kind of term.
Your post-apocalyptic nightmare might make a good movie, but it's nothing like reality. I'm truly sorry that you suffer from such silly fears. Life must be terrifying for you. It;s good that you are finally coming to terms that Hillary will be our next president though. Any connection to reality that you can make is good for you even if it's not what you might want it to be.
One thing that's certain is that she will be moving to the left and trying to repair her image and standing with progressives.

Why do I know that?

Because she wants to be re-elected.

With the Republican Party teetering on disaster, she won't have to worry about republicans .. who will be desperately trying to remake themselves.

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