Hillary’s Media Swan Song

Hillary isn't even a good liar. Obama is a great liar. He looks straight into the camera and smooths out those lies like a pro con man. Hillary's eyebrows go up, she mugs, she makes snarky stupid jokes about wiping servers with a cloth. What a loser.
The noose tightens...

How long until the Hildebeast actually stretches the rope? Better be a thick one or fatso might snap it.
The noose tightens...

How long until the Hildebeast actually stretches the rope? Better be a thick one or fatso might snap it.

To blastoff: You can bet there will be more spectators at her hanging than at her coronation!
Since we know the server contained classified information, it is valid to ask WHO did the wiping, WHERE they did it, and who was guarding them while they did it. I mean, Hillary wouldn't knowingly let anyone without the proper clearances have access to classified information while she was not present, would she?
Since we know the server contained classified information, it is valid to ask WHO did the wiping, WHERE they did it, and who was guarding them while they did it. I mean, Hillary wouldn't knowingly let anyone without the proper clearances have access to classified information while she was not present, would she?

To hadit: Maybe she is smarter than Bill. He had to be present so Monica could nibble on his joint like an ear of corn:

Since we know the server contained classified information, it is valid to ask WHO did the wiping, WHERE they did it, and who was guarding them while they did it. I mean, Hillary wouldn't knowingly let anyone without the proper clearances have access to classified information while she was not present, would she?

To hadit: Maybe she is smarter than Bill. He had to be present so Monica could nibble on his joint like an ear of corn:


Smarter? Sure. As able to get away with it? Not so much. I've noticed a singular lack of interest from the Hillary sycophants to talk about matters such as who had access to classified documents when they were printed and when they were electronically destroyed. And what IT guy in his right mind would set up an email server for the SOS and NOT have an offsite backup? This whole thing stinks and the sooner she backs out of the race the better for all of us.

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