Hillary's Muslim Brotherhood Baggage


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
For those who thought Hillary Clinton's close connection to Huma Abedin was her only connection to the Muslim Brotherhood, this will provide a more full picture. There's actually been so many, it's hard to know where to begin.

I'll start with the somewhat hilarious story of Hillary's donations from Muslim Brotherhood bad guys, Abdurhaman Alamoudi (American Muslim Council) and Agha Saeed (American Muslim Alliance), during her senate campaign in 2000. She took $1,000 from Abdurhaman Alamoudi of the (US Justice Dept designated) Muslim Brotherhood organization, the American Muslim Council. Alamoudi now sits in a US federal prison, serving a 23 year stretch, convicted on terrorism charges.

She also took $50,000 from Agha Saeed, the founder & chairman of the American Muslim Alliance, who is known for supporting Palestinian terrorists, and endorsing war against Israel. During the 1990s, the AMA co-hosted a series of conferences with the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Islamic Association for Palestine, the American Muslim Council, and the Muslim Public Affairs Council. 3 0f the 4 are officially designated as Muslim Brotherhood orgs by the US Justice Dept. The 4th one , the Muslim Public Affairs Council, has a history as dark and shady as any designated org. MPAC’s founders were members of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and were close to its founder, Hassan al-Banna. A U.S. Muslim Brotherhood document from 1989 instructed members to reach out to one of MPAC’s founders, though the group did not appear in a1991 list of U.S. Muslim Brotherhood fronts.

Its leadership praised Hezbollah and Islamist leaders like al-Banna in the 1990s, opposed the designations of Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist groups in 2003, and promoted the Brotherhood as a moderate force and potential U.S. ally in 2010. In a debate between MPAC and the Clarion Project in December 2012, its leader dismissed the suggestion that MPAC take a stand against the Brotherhood as “ridiculous.”

When word got out of the jihadist donations, Hillary was forced to return the donations. But don't think she didn't try to keep the money. Her returns of the donations clearly had nothing to do with an opposition to the groups on her part. She actually thought she could launder Alamoudi's blood money by renaming his group the (don't laugh) "the American Museum Council", in her donor report to the Federal Election Commission, thereby disguising Alamoudi as a museum curator, rather than a terrorist supporter. Pheeeeww!!

No one was fooled. She ended up remitting the terror-tinged dough 2 days after scathing New York press reports exposed that she had invited Alamoudi to Muslim holiday receptions at the White House, where he argued in support of Hamas, even though it had been officially designated a terrorist group.

Regarding Saeed, Hillary attended a $500 a ticket fundraiser sponsored by his group, which also gave her a plaque. Once exposed and embarrassed, she refunded the money the group raised for her, along with Alamoudi's check.

Hillary also tried to cover her silly "Museum" ploy by saying the word "museum" was a typographical error. Yet no other politician who received money from Alamoudi and the AMC mistook "Muslim" for "Museum" in filing their FEC disclosure form. By camaflouging the identity of Alamoudi and his group, Hillary gave cause to think she knew they were trouble, and took the money anyway.

In another pander to the Muslim community, Hillary is noted as inflating the American Muslim population from its actual, meager 1.8 Million (Pew Research Center) to a magic Jew-surpassing number of "7 Million Muslim Americans."

Ever hear of "Eid in America" ? This is the video produced by Hillary and Huma in the State Dept in 2009, which focuses on the feast that ends "the Holy month of Ramadan" as they, and Obama, take pains to call it.
In it, the Virginia imam, Johari-Abdul Malik proclaims the false Muslim population numbers, common spoken by Islamists in America. What is NOT shown in Hillary's (the State Dept's) flick is Malik's calls for "sabatoge" terrorist attacks against Israel. Since this part of the video was never shown, and only ended up as trash on the cutting room floor, Hillary was spared the embarrassment of having to admit she was promoting a video that glorified jihadists.

She was also spared the embarrassment of having to explain why the State Dept issued a video that the conference that the video's star character, Malik, spoke at, was hosted by the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP), the epicenter of support for Hamas, itself the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Also, cut from the Hillary video was Malik's 2004 promise of Islamic supremacy in America, made at his notoious Dar al-Hijrah mosque, in Falls Church, VA, a radical Muslim Brotherhood mosque, long under FBI surveillence, and which was home and comfort to some of the 9-11 highjackers, in 2001.The Dar al-Hijrah mosque has the distinction of an entire paragraph devoted to it in Paul Sperry's expose' book, Infiltration. The title of the paragraph is THE 9/11 MOSQUE.

Hillary's Muslim Brotherhood connections, with or without Huma Abedin, could go on forever, but this OP has length limits. Additional stuff (plenty) can be added through the course of this thread.

American Muslim Alliance - SourceWatch

Muslim Public Affairs Council | Clarion Project

Infiltration by Paul Sperry, pg. 110-118, 269.

The Grand Jihad by Andrew C. McCarthy, pg. 255, 265-267.

Muslim Mafia by P. David Gaubatz & Paul Sperry. pg. 7, 235.

Last edited: 1 minute ago
yeah, we can't have people like that in charge of us anymore.
People need to stop supporting neo-cons, whatever party they are in.
It's amazing who that family will take money from.... The level of corruption is absurd. I can only imagine how much Iranian money Obama's foundation will be getting from Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood.

ya...isn't it though :rolleyes:



Trump blames Saudi Arabia for 9/11 but still does business there
It's amazing who that family will take money from.... The level of corruption is absurd. I can only imagine how much Iranian money Obama's foundation will be getting from Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood.

ya...isn't it though :rolleyes:



Trump blames Saudi Arabia for 9/11 but still does business there
And that is exactly why Bush and their cronies were left in the dust. GO TRUMP!!!!
You idiots elected Bush and his cronies twice. I'm glad you've disowned him now (over a decade too late), but it's only because your handlers were given new orders about what to make you think.
It means your OP is complete bullshit. Same as all the others.
NO, it it does NOT mean that, and when you have any way whatsoever, of disproving any of the OP, with substance, rather than a stupid, empty hit & run job, you're free to post it, and maybe redeem yourself as not the idiot you have shown yourself to be.

And the real BULLSHIT is that phony Khizr Khan, you stupidly put in your post.
You idiots elected Bush and his cronies twice. I'm glad you've disowned him now (over a decade too late), but it's only because your handlers were given new orders about what to make you think.
Still babbling about Bush. Pitiful. :rolleyes-41:
It's amazing who that family will take money from.... The level of corruption is absurd. I can only imagine how much Iranian money Obama's foundation will be getting from Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood.

ya...isn't it though :rolleyes:



Trump blames Saudi Arabia for 9/11 but still does business there
And that is exactly why Bush and their cronies were left in the dust. GO TRUMP!!!!
You idiots elected Bush and his cronies twice. I'm glad you've disowned him now (over a decade too late), but it's only because your handlers were given new orders about what to make you think.
Hell you wanna keep them in there with Shillary. What does that make you?
You idiots elected Bush and his cronies twice. I'm glad you've disowned him now (over a decade too late), but it's only because your handlers were given new orders about what to make you think.
Still babbling about Bush. Pitiful. :rolleyes-41:
Lol it was one of you rubes that brought him up. You fail again.
It's amazing who that family will take money from.... The level of corruption is absurd. I can only imagine how much Iranian money Obama's foundation will be getting from Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood.

ya...isn't it though :rolleyes:



Trump blames Saudi Arabia for 9/11 but still does business there
And that is exactly why Bush and their cronies were left in the dust. GO TRUMP!!!!
You idiots elected Bush and his cronies twice. I'm glad you've disowned him now (over a decade too late), but it's only because your handlers were given new orders about what to make you think.
Hell you wanna keep them in there with Shillary. What does that make you?
Lol so dumb. Hey next time, if you want something in your imagination to become true, I think you're supposed to click your heels 3 times as you type it. :thup:
It's amazing who that family will take money from.... The level of corruption is absurd. I can only imagine how much Iranian money Obama's foundation will be getting from Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood.

ya...isn't it though :rolleyes:



Trump blames Saudi Arabia for 9/11 but still does business there
And that is exactly why Bush and their cronies were left in the dust. GO TRUMP!!!!
You idiots elected Bush and his cronies twice. I'm glad you've disowned him now (over a decade too late), but it's only because your handlers were given new orders about what to make you think.
Hell you wanna keep them in there with Shillary. What does that make you?
Lol so dumb. Hey next time, if you want something in your imagination to become true, I think you're supposed to click your heels 3 times as you type it. :thup:
Hillary kisses Saudi ass better than Bush ever did.
It's amazing who that family will take money from.... The level of corruption is absurd. I can only imagine how much Iranian money Obama's foundation will be getting from Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood.

ya...isn't it though :rolleyes:



Trump blames Saudi Arabia for 9/11 but still does business there
And that is exactly why Bush and their cronies were left in the dust. GO TRUMP!!!!
You idiots elected Bush and his cronies twice. I'm glad you've disowned him now (over a decade too late), but it's only because your handlers were given new orders about what to make you think.
Hell you wanna keep them in there with Shillary. What does that make you?
Hillary has gotten 20% of her campaign money from the Saudis (tens of Million$$) That is a violation of the US Constitution.

Article 1, Section 9

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

She's doing it now, and she did it when she was a senator, and Sect of State.
It's amazing who that family will take money from.... The level of corruption is absurd. I can only imagine how much Iranian money Obama's foundation will be getting from Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood.

ya...isn't it though :rolleyes:



Trump blames Saudi Arabia for 9/11 but still does business there

What part of my response makes you believe that I support the progressive agenda in either party?

Trump isn't a true conservative either, but he is by far the safest choice. Hillary has sold out to the Arabs, Russians, etc.

I supported Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. Not a progressive.
And that is exactly why Bush and their cronies were left in the dust. GO TRUMP!!!!
You idiots elected Bush and his cronies twice. I'm glad you've disowned him now (over a decade too late), but it's only because your handlers were given new orders about what to make you think.
Hell you wanna keep them in there with Shillary. What does that make you?
Lol so dumb. Hey next time, if you want something in your imagination to become true, I think you're supposed to click your heels 3 times as you type it. :thup:
Hillary kisses Saudi ass better than Bush ever did.
The Bush family was business partners with the Bin Laden's. The middle east/Saudi Arabia = oil. They want another republican.

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