Hillary’s Security Clearance Should Be Rescinded


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Hillary’s Security Clearance Should Be Rescinded

Earlier this week a former chairman of the House intelligence committee, former Rep. Pete Hoekstra, charged thatMrs. Clintonhad to have known that the information she was emailing was classified, even if it wasn’t so marked at the time.

Bart Bechtel, a former CIA clandestine service officer, said he considers Mrs. Clinton’s security breach greater than that of retired Gen. David Petraeus. The former CIA director pled guilty to mishandling classified material.

“In my opinion, not only should she have any clearances rescinded, she should be prosecuted to a greater extent than Petraeus,” Mr. Bechtel said. “This blatant disregard for regulations and security is egregious. If she does not suffer severe consequences, it will demonstrate how corrupt the entire Obama administration is.”

A self-styled grass-roots group, Special Operations OPSEC, has written to Secretary of State John F. Kerry demanding he suspend any clearances forMrs. Clintonand three former aides: Jake Sullivan, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin.

Hillary Clinton emails Intelligence community wants security clearance suspended - Washington Times

It appears appropriate for Hillary's clearance to top security material to be taken away. If she cannot recognize TOP SECRET material when it crosses her desk, she can't be of any use to the Intelligence Departments, or anybody for that matter.

Why did she wipe clean the server before handing it over after 5 months of ignoring the requests for it?

What was she hiding? It's a good chance she was hiding Top Secret material, her Benghazi e mails, foreign donors to the Clinton Foundation...not just Chelsea's wedding. How stupid does she think the public is?

The least that should be done is her security clearance be taken away. Then prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for obstruction of justice.
It is obvious Clinton cannot be trusted with our vital, secret information any longer. Is that because she is incompetent or hiding criminal activity. Regardless of which reason it is, she's hardly presidential material.
Given that Hillary has been out of office for two and a half years

Does she even have an active security clearance?
Given that Hillary has been out of office for two and a half years

Does she even have an active security clearance?

She has to retain that level clearance because of her former position.

She is still in possession of top secret information, unless you're under the impression she has nothing between her ears.
Hillary’s Security Clearance Should Be Rescinded

It appears appropriate for Hillary's clearance to top security material to be taken away. If she cannot recognize TOP SECRET material when it crosses her desk, she can't be of any use to the Intelligence Departments, or anybody for that matter.

Like I said should she be elected if she's to stoopid to recognize sensitive material

The libs went absolutely bonkers in circling the wagons
As Secretary of State Clinton required a TS Security Clearance. Security clearances are good for several years, when they expire. To maintain her security clearance, prior to or after her existing clearance expires, another government security background investigation must be accomplished.

Seeing as she had 'SCI/TK/NOFORN' documents she was obviously 'read in' to those programs, which she also needed to have access to as SoS. Once the individual is no longer in the position / job that requires access to these programs, all associated data must be turned over / detroyed, the individual is 'read OUT' of the programs, and they no longer have access to that information. For example, Hillary is now a civilian and should NOT have access to any or those programs or associated information because she no longer has a 'need to know'. She should, however, still have her TS security clearance.

Anyone having such a security clearance is required to have periodic / annual signed and documented security, opsec, comsec, etc security training. No exceptions. Hillary's excuses that she could not recognize secret documents / info when she saw them is BS. Her claim that she had no idea special TS Satelite imagery derived from TS+ Satelites was classified is like claiming she had no idea the sun is too hot to walk on.

There is NO WAY she could have been 1st Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State for so many years and NOT have a working knowledge and understanding of Classified material. The only 2 viable options are to either believe (and know) she is lying her arse off and trying her best NOT to go to jail OR she is a complete and utter MORON with the IQ just above plant-life.

The OBVIOUS answer is that Hillary has been caught dead-to-rights trying to conduct State Department Business in secrecy using multiple personal e-mail accounts, computer devices (phones/tablets/PCs), hard drives, and Server - giving her the ability to hide data she did not want to be exposed (like Benghazhi - missing e-mails/files) and the ability to avoid having to release information as required under the FOIA. In doing so, she has violated MANY laws, rules, and regulations regarding the handling, storage, transfer, and destruction of classified information, has perpetrated numerous counts of perjury, and has committed (if they want to charge her with such) crimes such as Conspiracy to impede an official investigation, impeding an official investigation, Conspriacy to obstruct justice, obstruction of justice, etc...

In any fair and impartial scenario where true justice is carried out accordng to the letter of the law there is NO WAY Hillary Rodham Clinton avoids being charged with crimes, is NOT found guilty, and does NOT go to jail. We are already seeing, however, the Obama admiistration, his puppet Justice Department, the media, etc trying to down-play her crimes and protect her from prosecution (as Eric Holder was from prosecution for his 4 Felony counts of Perjury). 2 Americas? Here it is...Hillary should already be in handcuffs or at least have had to post bail by now.
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She should be prosecuted for treason and executed in public to dissuade other traitors.
Muhammed, we don't execute in public in the US.

I beg to differ, character assassination is a very public crime.

Character Assassination is FAR from a 'crime' but is instead a vital part of the Liberal practice of the 'Politics of Personal Destruction'. The case of Herman Cain in 2012 is a prime example. Cain, a very successful black 2012 GOP Presidential candidate, posed a threat to Obama, and he was hit with a wave of accusations of marital infidelity and scandal. He finally was forced to step aside...and if anyone noticed as soon as he did every single accusation and accuser disappeared. Another example is easily seen whenever anyone criticizes one of Obama's failed policies they are personally attacked and called a 'racist'.

If character assassination was a prosecutable crime there would be a lot of Democrats in jail right now. (Of course there would be a lot of politicians PERIOD in jail right now.)
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She should be prosecuted for treason and executed in public to dissuade other traitors.
Muhammed, we don't execute in public in the US.

I beg to differ, character assassination is a very public crime.

Wow, so they made up that she ran her e-mail on her own server? It was just character assasination? I did not know that, thanks for clearing that up

Whatever. You're such a dope, you continue to build straw men out of wet straw and asbestos.
She should be prosecuted for treason and executed in public to dissuade other traitors.
Muhammed, we don't execute in public in the US.

I beg to differ, character assassination is a very public crime.

Wow, so they made up that she ran her e-mail on her own server? It was just character assasination? I did not know that, thanks for clearing that up

Whatever. You're such a dope, you continue to build straw men out of wet straw and asbestos.

So now her running her e-mail on her own server is just a strawman? You are a black hole of knowledge, aren't you?
As Secretary of State Clinton required a TS Security Clearance. Security clearances are good for several years, when they expire. To maintain her security clearance, prior to or after her existing clearance expires, another government security background investigation must be accomplished.

Seeing as she had 'SCI/TK/NOFORN' documents she was obviously 'read in' to those programs, which she also needed ot have access to as SoS. Once the individual is no longer in the position / job that required access to these programs, all associated data must be turned over / detroyed, and the individual is 'read OUT' of the programs and no longer have access to that information. For example, Hillary is now a civilian and should NOT have access to any or those programs or associated information because she no longer has a 'need to know'. She should, however, still have her TS security clearance.

Anyone having such a security clearance is required to have periodic / annual signed and documented security, opsec, comsec, etc security training. No exceptions. Hillary's excuses that she could not recognize secret documents / info when she saw them is BS. Her claim that she had no idea special TS Satelite imagery derived from TS+ Satelites was classified is like claiming she had no idea the sun is too hot to walk on.

There is NO WAY she could have been 1st Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State for so many years and NOT have a working knowledge and understanding of Classified material. The only 2 viable options are to either believe (and know) she is lying her arse off and trying her best NOT to go to jail OR she is a complete and utter MORON with the IQ just above plant-life.

The OBVIOUS answer is that Hillary has been caught dead-to-rights trying to conduct State Department Business in secrecy using multiple personal e-mail accounts, computer devices (phones/tablets/PCs), hard drives, and Server - giving her the ability to hide data she did not want to be exposed (like Benghazhi - missing e-mails/files) and the ability to avoid having to release information as required under the FOIA. In doing so, she has violated MANY laws, rules, and regulations regarding the handling, storage, transfer, and destruction of classified information, has perpetrated numerous counts of perjury, and has committed (if they want to charge her with such) crimes such as Conspiracy to impede an official investigation, impeding an official investigation, Conspriacy to obstruct justice, obstruction of justice, etc...

In any fair and impartial scenario where true justice is carried out accordng to the letter of the law there is NO WAY Hillary Rodham Clinton avoids being charged with crimes, is found guilty, and goes to jail. We are already seeing, however, the Obama admiistration, his Justice Puppet Department, the media, etc trying to down-play her crimes and protect her from prosecution (as Eric Holder was from prosecution for his 4 Felony counts of Perjury). 2 Americas? Here it is...Hillary should already be in handcuffs or at least have had to post bail by now.
I'm not sure, has the Obama administration or the Justice Dept. come out and defend her?
She should be prosecuted for treason and executed in public to dissuade other traitors.
Muhammed, we don't execute in public in the US.

I beg to differ, character assassination is a very public crime.

Wow, so they made up that she ran her e-mail on her own server? It was just character assasination? I did not know that, thanks for clearing that up

Whatever. You're such a dope, you continue to build straw men out of wet straw and asbestos.

So now her running her e-mail on her own server is just a strawman? You are a black hole of knowledge, aren't you?

You're not only dumb, you're dishonest.
Muhammed, we don't execute in public in the US.

I beg to differ, character assassination is a very public crime.

Wow, so they made up that she ran her e-mail on her own server? It was just character assasination? I did not know that, thanks for clearing that up

Whatever. You're such a dope, you continue to build straw men out of wet straw and asbestos.

So now her running her e-mail on her own server is just a strawman? You are a black hole of knowledge, aren't you?

You're not only dumb, you're dishonest.

I'm not dumb or dishonest enough to get your posts.

You just keep saying the Hillary server thing is a strawman and it's character assassination. Maybe you could clarify what you are referring to.
I beg to differ, character assassination is a very public crime.

Wow, so they made up that she ran her e-mail on her own server? It was just character assasination? I did not know that, thanks for clearing that up

Whatever. You're such a dope, you continue to build straw men out of wet straw and asbestos.

So now her running her e-mail on her own server is just a strawman? You are a black hole of knowledge, aren't you?

You're not only dumb, you're dishonest.

I'm not dumb or dishonest enough to get your posts.

You just keep saying the Hillary server thing is a strawman and it's character assassination. Maybe you could clarify what you are referring to.

I've said nothing about the E-Mai allegations, only about people like you who - the other dishonest and dumb jerks who parrot each other.

I don't support Clinton for the nomination, though she is more experienced and more qualified than any Republican currently announced, with the possible exception of the Gov. of Ohio. The rest are clowns, and no different than clowns like you - they parrot each other with total disregard for the truth and evidence.

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