Hillary's Violent Intolerant Army Threatens Synagogue Survivor Rabi For Welcoming Trump Visit

but what does that have to do with this particular article? i never saw her name in there as i skimmed through it.
You did not see Hillary's name in the article about the vandalizing GOP HQs, the attack on the female candidate, etc the next day after Hillary's call for violence, either.....

You really think the Fake News pro-DNC/Hillary media would tie her in any way to this?
You are a scared little snowflake. trump has you and your fellow gullible nitwits well-trained. LOL.

Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.
Everything Republican, good, good, good.

Your side is ALWAYS wrong.
My side is ALWAYS right.

SSDD from the gullible, bootlicking partisan hack.


Absolute projection.
Fruitcake are to blame but violent rhetoric can and offer does inspire / incite them.

Agree with Hillary that civility is not required if you want...
then fine - you must admit that trumps rhetoric is doing the same. you can't do this just one way. both of the extremes on the left and right keep doing that and it's fucking shit up for the rest of us in the middle.
Sorry, but President Trump is not openly called for an end of Civility, and increase in violence, and an increase in violent intolerance. That simply is not the case. The only one who is on record as officially having done show is Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton is the only candidate and politician whose team was caught hiring thugs to go to Trump rallies and beat and bloody Trump supporters.

Get your lips off of her backside, use some common sense, and come back to reality. Now the speech he is engaged in has not been helpful and bringing about more civility but his speech is far far from that of Hillary Clinton who, again, has openly called for violence and an end to civility.
Fruitcake are to blame but violent rhetoric can and offer does inspire / incite them.

Agree with Hillary that civility is not required if you want...
then fine - you must admit that trumps rhetoric is doing the same. you can't do this just one way. both of the extremes on the left and right keep doing that and it's fucking shit up for the rest of us in the middle.
Sorry, but President Trump is not openly called for an end of Civility, and increase in violence, and an increase in violent intolerance. That simply is not the case. The only one who is on record as officially having done show is Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton is the only candidate and politician whose team was caught hiring thugs to go to Trump rallies and beat and bloody Trump supporters.

Get your lips off of her backside, use some common sense, and come back to reality. Now the speech he is engaged in has not been helpful and bringing about more civility but his speech is far far from that of Hillary Clinton who, again, has openly called for violence and an end to civility.
ah. the old liberal "but this is different...".


my lips on the bitches backside? look homeslice, just because i don't invent reasons to bag on her does not mean i care for the bitch one iota. if you can't see that difference then yes, it does explain quite a bit.
Ah, the loving liberals.

The Dimms and the MEDIA LIE about Trump colluding with Russia. He defends himself and calls out the media, therefore, he is bad.

So hilarious.

The media had lied repeatedly about Trump.

The Dimms are trying to sow dischord.

If Trump DID NOT go to Pittsburgh, they said he didn’t care.

Fuck them. Trump should do what he feels is right. The President should visit the site fo a mass shooting. There were plenty of mourners, no problem with him going there to pay his respects.

Dimms are fucking soulless cvnts.
ah. the old liberal "but this is different...".
If you don't know / can't see the difference between someone who hired thugs to beat and bloody political opposition supporters openly calling for an end to civility, an increase in violence, and an increase in violent intolerance until she and her party regains power (a version of extortion / a threat to the peace in this country) and someone who is not then that's your problem.

It's very akin to the Left's problem of declaring anything and everything Conservatives / those who don't agree with them is 'offensive', 'threatening', 'hostile'.

Again, the Democrat who hired thugs to beat and bloody political opposition supporters and openly called for an end to civility, an increase in violence, and an increase in violent intolerance until she and her party regains power now declares the President to be 'Racist' and a 'white Supremacist' because that President has pointed out the Left's violence and advocating violence, because he believes in a sovereign nation securing its borders, controlling who comes in, and being able to keep murderers, rapists, violent gangs, Mexican Drug Cartels, and terrorists out of the country...for upholding Section 4 Article 4 of the Constitution...for pointing out that Democrats continue to violate existing Immigration Laws as well as aid and abet others in doing so by acting on behalf of illegals instead of Americans, by supporting Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities.

We are supposed to hate / oppose the President for wanting yo uphold the Constitution and Rule of Law by enforcing existing US Law, something the previous President was not willing to do...…

We are supposed to ignore anything that happened more than 5 minutes ago, especially if it involves the Democrats, their violent rhetoric, their open calls for a lack of civility and an increase in violence against Conservatives, daily violent attacks against Conservative candidates, Conservative Americans, vandalizing / destroying GOP HQs, attempts to assassinate GOP politicians....

We are supposed to ignore the open, widespread personal attacks, attempts at personal destruction, the calls for the assassination of the President, the calls for the President's son to be stripped from the 1st Lady's arms and rape by pedophiles, the call for female members of the Trump team to be kidnapped, caged, beaten and raped on camera 'for posterity' BECAUSE THE LEFT IS EASILY OFFENDED BY BEING REMINDED OF ALL OF THIS - THEIR ACTIONS - AND THEY INSIST WE FOCUS ONLY ON THE PRESIDENT WHO THEY HATE AND NOT ON ANYTHING THEY HAVE DONE, DO, AND / OR WILL DO IN THE FUTURE....BECAUSE DOING SO IS ENGAGING IN 'WHAT ABOUT...'.

It's NOT 'what about' - it is an honest discussion of what has been going on, what is going on, what continues to go on, what Democrats like Hillary have CALLED for, what they WANT to happen - from their own words / mouth...

If you are offended that no one agrees to follow your 'rules' and agrees to ONLY say / bring up THEIR / YOUR hate-filled talking points and point fingers at Conservatives / the President, who the F* cares?! Get over it, SNOWFLAKE!

There is not ONE (1) side / ONE (1) problem, ONE (1) source of a lack of civility, of violence, of violent intolerance - but don't let Hillary openly calling for it sway you from your narrative that it is the President who is the problem.

no one said i was "offended". i'm just saying i keep hearing the "it's different" from the left and then this.

and your now attacking me saying that i believe the president is the problem is kinda cementing it for me as i've supported trump since his election. all i'm saying is if the left's calling for violence is a root cause, then trump needs to look at what he is saying as well.

but hey - black or white - ignore the billion shades of gray.

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