Hindsight is 2020 Don Jr.


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
He said if he had to do it all over again he would handle it differently but hindsight is 2020. Voters agree. See you in 2020 Don Jr. you stupid little daddy's boy. See what happens when you take the silver spoon out of their mouth what they do? Not smart.

Don Trump Jr.’s Emails Are the Smoking Gun

How to Lie: Donald Trump, Jr. fails in the family trade | Ben Schwartz

WHAT A GIFT IS AN IDIOT who does not know he’s an idiot. This weekend, Donald Trump, Jr., one of the more colossally stupid individuals to touch the highest levels of our government, set some new records in the service of a president. First, in going public without the benefit of an attorney or media consultant, he admitted he had lied and did indeed meet with Russian operatives in June 2016 in hopes of using high-level Russian government intelligence against the Clinton campaign. Donnie the Younger, Donnie the Elder, and the Trump White House have repeatedly denied that any such sit-down took place. Yesterday, he topped even that, providing proof in the form of an email chain that put not only himself in the room with a Russian operative, but also Trump senior campaign staffers Paul Manafort and his own brother-in-law, Jared Kushner.

And now that they are caught it's no big deal? I fear we are in an age of new normal. These guys should not be running the country but it seems that they can do anything they want and their supporters will keep supporting them. And that means Republicans will keep defending them or at least provide them with cover.
Is he apologizing for not granting you a burger with some meat in it?
While it is difficult even to imagine how it could have been planned in advance, the whole sequence of events - especially the wording of the emails - seems too contrived to be simply the playing out of a random event.

Anyone looking at this campaign from its beginnings a couple years ago would know that the Trump campaign (like all the other Presidential campaigns) would jump at the chance to get some TRUTHFUL NEGATIVE INFORMATION on any opponent, regardless of the source. If you look at the events and emails with the pre-conceived notion that it was a set-up, then nothing is surprising.

And by the way, nothing illegal happened, or even would have happened, if the sort of information DJT-Jr wanted had been produced. The publication of truthful information about an opposing candidate is no crime, regardless of who publishes it, or who knew about it, or who encouraged it.

What is lost in all of this is that regardless of the Leftists' hope to overturn the results of November's election, there is no evidence that any votes were tampered with, any false information was published, anyone was prevented from voting, or so on. To again use the hackneyed phrase: Nothing. Burger.
He said if he had to do it all over again he would handle it differently but hindsight is 2020. Voters agree. See you in 2020 Don Jr. you stupid little daddy's boy. See what happens when you take the silver spoon out of their mouth what they do? Not smart.

Don Trump Jr.’s Emails Are the Smoking Gun

How to Lie: Donald Trump, Jr. fails in the family trade | Ben Schwartz

WHAT A GIFT IS AN IDIOT who does not know he’s an idiot. This weekend, Donald Trump, Jr., one of the more colossally stupid individuals to touch the highest levels of our government, set some new records in the service of a president. First, in going public without the benefit of an attorney or media consultant, he admitted he had lied and did indeed meet with Russian operatives in June 2016 in hopes of using high-level Russian government intelligence against the Clinton campaign. Donnie the Younger, Donnie the Elder, and the Trump White House have repeatedly denied that any such sit-down took place. Yesterday, he topped even that, providing proof in the form of an email chain that put not only himself in the room with a Russian operative, but also Trump senior campaign staffers Paul Manafort and his own brother-in-law, Jared Kushner.

And now that they are caught it's no big deal? I fear we are in an age of new normal. These guys should not be running the country but it seems that they can do anything they want and their supporters will keep supporting them. And that means Republicans will keep defending them or at least provide them with cover.

Remember Kushner and Manafort also went to the meeting...

Manafort knew who he was meeting, he had history with this lot...
He said if he had to do it all over again he would handle it differently but hindsight is 2020. Voters agree. See you in 2020 Don Jr. you stupid little daddy's boy. See what happens when you take the silver spoon out of their mouth what they do? Not smart.

Don Trump Jr.’s Emails Are the Smoking Gun

How to Lie: Donald Trump, Jr. fails in the family trade | Ben Schwartz

WHAT A GIFT IS AN IDIOT who does not know he’s an idiot. This weekend, Donald Trump, Jr., one of the more colossally stupid individuals to touch the highest levels of our government, set some new records in the service of a president. First, in going public without the benefit of an attorney or media consultant, he admitted he had lied and did indeed meet with Russian operatives in June 2016 in hopes of using high-level Russian government intelligence against the Clinton campaign. Donnie the Younger, Donnie the Elder, and the Trump White House have repeatedly denied that any such sit-down took place. Yesterday, he topped even that, providing proof in the form of an email chain that put not only himself in the room with a Russian operative, but also Trump senior campaign staffers Paul Manafort and his own brother-in-law, Jared Kushner.

And now that they are caught it's no big deal? I fear we are in an age of new normal. These guys should not be running the country but it seems that they can do anything they want and their supporters will keep supporting them. And that means Republicans will keep defending them or at least provide them with cover.

Remember Kushner and Manafort also went to the meeting...

Manafort knew who he was meeting, he had history with this lot...

There is long history between Russia, Manafort and now I'm hearing Oliver Stone is involved. He's been involved in politics for years. They have a lobbying firm that is known for working with some of the shadiest governments that other lobbying firms won't take on.

Documentary Reveals The 'Dirty Tricks' Of One Of Trump's Closest Political Advisers
He said if he had to do it all over again he would handle it differently but hindsight is 2020. Voters agree. See you in 2020 Don Jr. you stupid little daddy's boy. See what happens when you take the silver spoon out of their mouth what they do? Not smart.

Don Trump Jr.’s Emails Are the Smoking Gun

How to Lie: Donald Trump, Jr. fails in the family trade | Ben Schwartz

WHAT A GIFT IS AN IDIOT who does not know he’s an idiot. This weekend, Donald Trump, Jr., one of the more colossally stupid individuals to touch the highest levels of our government, set some new records in the service of a president. First, in going public without the benefit of an attorney or media consultant, he admitted he had lied and did indeed meet with Russian operatives in June 2016 in hopes of using high-level Russian government intelligence against the Clinton campaign. Donnie the Younger, Donnie the Elder, and the Trump White House have repeatedly denied that any such sit-down took place. Yesterday, he topped even that, providing proof in the form of an email chain that put not only himself in the room with a Russian operative, but also Trump senior campaign staffers Paul Manafort and his own brother-in-law, Jared Kushner.

And now that they are caught it's no big deal? I fear we are in an age of new normal. These guys should not be running the country but it seems that they can do anything they want and their supporters will keep supporting them. And that means Republicans will keep defending them or at least provide them with cover.
Highest level of government? Could you explain? TIA
He said if he had to do it all over again he would handle it differently but hindsight is 2020. Voters agree. See you in 2020 Don Jr. you stupid little daddy's boy. See what happens when you take the silver spoon out of their mouth what they do? Not smart.

Don Trump Jr.’s Emails Are the Smoking Gun

How to Lie: Donald Trump, Jr. fails in the family trade | Ben Schwartz

WHAT A GIFT IS AN IDIOT who does not know he’s an idiot. This weekend, Donald Trump, Jr., one of the more colossally stupid individuals to touch the highest levels of our government, set some new records in the service of a president. First, in going public without the benefit of an attorney or media consultant, he admitted he had lied and did indeed meet with Russian operatives in June 2016 in hopes of using high-level Russian government intelligence against the Clinton campaign. Donnie the Younger, Donnie the Elder, and the Trump White House have repeatedly denied that any such sit-down took place. Yesterday, he topped even that, providing proof in the form of an email chain that put not only himself in the room with a Russian operative, but also Trump senior campaign staffers Paul Manafort and his own brother-in-law, Jared Kushner.

And now that they are caught it's no big deal? I fear we are in an age of new normal. These guys should not be running the country but it seems that they can do anything they want and their supporters will keep supporting them. And that means Republicans will keep defending them or at least provide them with cover.

Remember Kushner and Manafort also went to the meeting...

Manafort knew who he was meeting, he had history with this lot...

There is long history between Russia, Manafort and now I'm hearing Oliver Stone is involved. He's been involved in politics for years. They have a lobbying firm that is known for working with some of the shadiest governments that other lobbying firms won't take on.

Documentary Reveals The 'Dirty Tricks' Of One Of Trump's Closest Political Advisers
What's going to make blood spurt out of the LIB MSM's eyes is having to tell their audiences that Mueller has found fuck all evidence of anyone in the Trump orbit 'colliding' with the russians during the campaign.
Remember. That was the reason for Mueller's investigation.
It's going to be hilarious to witness the LIB's reaction and their hundreds of 'conspiracy theories' as to how Mueller got "bought off" by PRESIDENT TRUMP!
He said if he had to do it all over again he would handle it differently but hindsight is 2020. Voters agree. See you in 2020 Don Jr. you stupid little daddy's boy. See what happens when you take the silver spoon out of their mouth what they do? Not smart.

Don Trump Jr.’s Emails Are the Smoking Gun

How to Lie: Donald Trump, Jr. fails in the family trade | Ben Schwartz

WHAT A GIFT IS AN IDIOT who does not know he’s an idiot. This weekend, Donald Trump, Jr., one of the more colossally stupid individuals to touch the highest levels of our government, set some new records in the service of a president. First, in going public without the benefit of an attorney or media consultant, he admitted he had lied and did indeed meet with Russian operatives in June 2016 in hopes of using high-level Russian government intelligence against the Clinton campaign. Donnie the Younger, Donnie the Elder, and the Trump White House have repeatedly denied that any such sit-down took place. Yesterday, he topped even that, providing proof in the form of an email chain that put not only himself in the room with a Russian operative, but also Trump senior campaign staffers Paul Manafort and his own brother-in-law, Jared Kushner.

And now that they are caught it's no big deal? I fear we are in an age of new normal. These guys should not be running the country but it seems that they can do anything they want and their supporters will keep supporting them. And that means Republicans will keep defending them or at least provide them with cover.

Remember Kushner and Manafort also went to the meeting...

Manafort knew who he was meeting, he had history with this lot...

There is long history between Russia, Manafort and now I'm hearing Oliver Stone is involved. He's been involved in politics for years. They have a lobbying firm that is known for working with some of the shadiest governments that other lobbying firms won't take on.

Documentary Reveals The 'Dirty Tricks' Of One Of Trump's Closest Political Advisers
What's going to make blood spurt out of the LIB MSM's eyes is having to tell their audiences that Mueller has found fuck all evidence of anyone in the Trump orbit 'colliding' with the russians during the campaign.
Remember. That was the reason for Mueller's investigation.
It's going to be hilarious to witness the LIB's reaction and their hundreds of 'conspiracy theories' as to how Mueller got "bought off" by PRESIDENT TRUMP!

We're already seeing that nothing is going to come of this. Republicans won't do anything about it. So we just care that this is one of many bad things Republicans do that hurts them in 2018 and 2020.

The court of public opinion already found the Trumps are guilty. The right wingers say who cares and we say lets see who cares in 2018 and 2020. Hope the Republicans get punished for not keeping an eye on the most corrupt administration since Cheney/Bush.
There are like a gazillion threads on this nothing burger

Give it a rest

Team Trump's Latest Defense: Collusion Is Good | HuffPost

RWNJ talking points. See you in 2020 bitches.
On November 26, 2016 you said:
"I'm a Republican now"
"I am declaring it here and now."
I'm a Republican now
Easy there with the forecasting buddy. Based on your history...My guess is that by 2018-2020 you will have gone from Democrat to Republican and back many times over....who really knows what you'll wish for in 2018. Right?
There are like a gazillion threads on this nothing burger

Give it a rest

On June 7, in a speech to his supporters that night, candidate Trump said something that is getting a lot of attention now: "I am going to give a major speech on, probably Monday of next week, and we are going to be discussing all of the things that have taken place with the Clintons," Trump said. "I think you are going to find it very informative and very, very interesting."

Then Don Jr. met with the Russians and they gave him nothing and his father ended up not giving this major speech.

Keep in mind when asked whether this had anything to do with what was promised in the email chain, a spokesman for President Trump's outside legal team said the candidate "was not aware of and did not attend the meeting."

Sure liars.
There are like a gazillion threads on this nothing burger

Give it a rest

Team Trump's Latest Defense: Collusion Is Good | HuffPost

RWNJ talking points. See you in 2020 bitches.
On November 26, 2016 you said:
"I'm a Republican now"
"I am declaring it here and now."
I'm a Republican now
Easy there with the forecasting buddy. Based on your history...My guess is that by 2018-2020 you will have gone from Democrat to Republican and back many times over....who really knows what you'll wish for in 2018. Right?
99% I'm voting straight (Democratic) ticket in 2018 and 2020.

I can't lose. I'm not poor, don't have kids in school, make pretty good money, home and car paid off. If we lose the only people who lose are these people. If they don't care enough to bother showing up to vote, why should I care? I will still argue with Republicans because they are wrong and they suck but I hope they win me over. I don't want to be right so bad that I'll lie and say things aren't better when they are.

You know what's funny? Trump told you all Hillary was the Wallstreet Candidate but Wallstreet loves Trump. But now you will spin that so it's a good thing. But when it was Hillary Wallstreet was bad. Trump wallstreet good, Hillary bad.

Same with russia and the rest of the world. Conservatives don't care what the rest of the world thinks except Russia and Israel.
Who Will Protect Them?

A few days ago, I predicted that we would soon arrive at the stage where Trump supporters would be arguing that “The Trump’s deserve our pity rather than our contempt. Where was Obama to help them? They are a family of mentally challenged individuals with no experience following the law.”

It seems we’re getting close to that.

Trump lawyer Jay Sekulow now says the Secret Service, in addition to ensuring the physical security of candidates, should protect the candidate, the candidate’s advisors and even the candidate’s family from their own potential criminal wrongdoing – a seriously expanded brief!

Who Will Protect Them?
Something else happened that weekend that didn't seem all that significant at the time. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange made an announcement.

"We have upcoming leaks in relation to Hillary Clinton, which is great," he said, in an interview with Britain's ITV. "We actually have, WikiLeaks has, a very big year ahead."

Assange and WikiLeaks have long had an ideological affinity and close ties with Russia.

Is Trump connected to Wikileaks?
What is lost in all of this is that regardless of the Leftists' hope to overturn the results of November's election, there is no evidence that any votes were tampered with, any false information was published, anyone was prevented from voting, or so on. To again use the hackneyed phrase: Nothing. Burger.

Bullshit........we are NOT talking about "overturning" the results (actually, from my perspective, having Trump destroy the GOP name brand, is very helpful)......and NO ONE is stating that a single vote was "changed" or altered......What we ARE stating is that propaganda DOES work rather well, especially among that group of people who.....as Trump himself says he "loves" and loves him back.....is the poorly or UNeducated.
What is lost in all of this is that regardless of the Leftists' hope to overturn the results of November's election, there is no evidence that any votes were tampered with, any false information was published, anyone was prevented from voting, or so on. To again use the hackneyed phrase: Nothing. Burger.

Bullshit........we are NOT talking about "overturning" the results (actually, from my perspective, having Trump destroy the GOP name brand, is very helpful)......and NO ONE is stating that a single vote was "changed" or altered......What we ARE stating is that propaganda DOES work rather well, especially among that group of people who.....as Trump himself says he "loves" and loves him back.....is the poorly or UNeducated.

Amen. This is all in hopes of winning back seats in 2018 and beyond. It's up to the Republicans to keep the votes they got in 2016 and get those people to show up in 2018 and 2020, just like Obama Pelosi & Reed had to do.

And no one can say the GOP made it easy for them. Not for one second. Just go back to July 17 2009 on USMB Politics and see what assholes Republicans were being back then. Thank God for USMB archives.

Republicans can't blame us they can't get anything done. They have a supermajority. Nothing we can do to stop them. THey are stopping themselves. Now they're blaming John McCain. Sure, blame one guy for why nothing is getting done.

And now Republicans are making a lame old argument they always use when they suck. "That government is best which governs least...",

was actually found in Thoreau'sCivil Disobedience.
And now Republicans are making a lame old argument they always use when they suck. "That government is best which governs least...",

was actually found in Thoreau'sCivil Disobedience.

Thoreau's "disobedience" in not paying some taxes, was based on his not wanting to help fund both aggressive U.S. wars and the perpetuation of slavery......

That said, those GOP bastards right now planning to screw all those poor, uninsured people on HC insurance, have plotted to have those impacts be felt AFTER the 2018 elections....relying on the stupidity of their base to "accept" a repeal of the ACA, while "replacing" the ACA with a plan to royally screw their sorry asses.
What is lost in all of this is that regardless of the Leftists' hope to overturn the results of November's election, there is no evidence that any votes were tampered with, any false information was published, anyone was prevented from voting, or so on. To again use the hackneyed phrase: Nothing. Burger.

Bullshit........we are NOT talking about "overturning" the results (actually, from my perspective, having Trump destroy the GOP name brand, is very helpful)......and NO ONE is stating that a single vote was "changed" or altered......What we ARE stating is that propaganda DOES work rather well, especially among that group of people who.....as Trump himself says he "loves" and loves him back.....is the poorly or UNeducated.

And you can't say this negative stuff is helping Trump.

President Trump’s approval rating after six months in office is the lowest of any president in the past 70 years, according to a new poll. Just 36 percent of Americans approve 58 percent disapprove. Trump’s approval rating has fallen 6 points since a similar survey 100 days into his presidency, pollsters noted, which was also a low.

The latest results follow news that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer offering damaging information about Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Republicans didn't care what bad news was in the headlines, they blamed everything on Obama back then. Remember the BP oil spill? Yes sir Republicans said that was Obama's fault. So fuck the snowflakes who want us to act better than they did. And we all know the BP oil spill wasn't Obama's fault but what we aren't sure about is did Trump collude with our enemy to win an election? What promises were given?
And now Republicans are making a lame old argument they always use when they suck. "That government is best which governs least...",

was actually found in Thoreau'sCivil Disobedience.

Thoreau's "disobedience" in not paying some taxes, was based on his not wanting to help fund both aggressive U.S. wars and the perpetuation of slavery......

That said, those GOP bastards right now planning to screw all those poor, uninsured people on HC insurance, have plotted to have those impacts be felt AFTER the 2018 elections....relying on the stupidity of their base to "accept" a repeal of the ACA, while "replacing" the ACA with a plan to royally screw their sorry asses.
Maybe those poor people will show up and vote in 2018. If not they don't matter and the government should repeal their free healthcare. That's whats at stake.

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