Hippies and "soft" Eastern martial arts


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Has it ever seemed to you that useless martial arts such as Tai Chi, Aikido, etc. that don't typically include much hard sparring and grueling physical conditioning tend to attract tofu eating hippy types with an anti-Western fetish? They practice techniques that you would think would work in theory. They don't test them in actual physical sparring. They don't insist that their instructor show them videotaped evidence of him beating people up in fair and square one-on-one fights. You know, actual "a priori" evidence based on what the martial arts are actually all about. They simply dance around in pajamas and play hypothetical grab ass. When was the last time you saw some Tai Chi grandmaster busting people up in bar fights? There is very little competition to bring the cream to the top.

It seems the more useless something is, the more hippies it attracts.

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