Hispanic Voters in Florida Feel Election Was Stolen from Trump


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2020
Hispanic Voters in Florida Feel Election Was Stolen from Trump

In Florida, many Hispanic voters are worried this election was stolen from Donald Trump. They’ve seen this before, hence why they fled places like Cuba and Venezuela. They’re also not too keen on the media censorship and bias during this race, either. Some interviewed by USA Today also said that they never feared communism becoming entrenched on America's shores until this election year. Margarita De Castro, who fled Cuba two years after Fidel Castro took over, has voted Republican ever since she arrived in the United States, citing her persecution by Cuban communists as one of the main reasons. She also called Kamala Harris “another Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,” as well. She’s not wrong

I would never argue with my Cuban brothers and sisters
Hispanic Voters in Florida Feel Election Was Stolen from Trump

In Florida, many Hispanic voters are worried this election was stolen from Donald Trump. They’ve seen this before, hence why they fled places like Cuba and Venezuela. They’re also not too keen on the media censorship and bias during this race, either. Some interviewed by USA Today also said that they never feared communism becoming entrenched on America's shores until this election year. Margarita De Castro, who fled Cuba two years after Fidel Castro took over, has voted Republican ever since she arrived in the United States, citing her persecution by Cuban communists as one of the main reasons. She also called Kamala Harris “another Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,” as well. She’s not wrong

I would never argue with my Cuban brothers and sisters

Hispanic Voters in Florida Feel Election Was Stolen from Trump

In Florida, many Hispanic voters are worried this election was stolen from Donald Trump. They’ve seen this before, hence why they fled places like Cuba and Venezuela. They’re also not too keen on the media censorship and bias during this race, either. Some interviewed by USA Today also said that they never feared communism becoming entrenched on America's shores until this election year. Margarita De Castro, who fled Cuba two years after Fidel Castro took over, has voted Republican ever since she arrived in the United States, citing her persecution by Cuban communists as one of the main reasons. She also called Kamala Harris “another Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,” as well. She’s not wrong

I would never argue with my Cuban brothers and sisters
Of course they do, many who came from Cuba, saw how the Socialist down there always cheated with bullshit votes. The 180,000 mail in votes all in a row with one mark on them for the creeper Joe, the Cubans know what that means.

But what i want to know, is the prog slaves here, going to call the Cubans liars, thus proving once again, that the Progs are the true racists...

Well, the Cubans in South Florida see things differently. That's just life and history. Florida went for Trump. What applies there, doesn't necessarily apply in Hispanic communities elsewhere.
It just sounds more powerful to pretend that Cubans represent all hispanics
Well, the Cubans in South Florida see things differently. That's just life and history. Florida went for Trump. What applies there, doesn't necessarily apply in Hispanic communities elsewhere.
It just sounds more powerful to pretend that Cubans represent all hispanics

They know Commie history better than most Hispanics. Many of them lived it!
You mean Cubans.

Are you some sort of racist or something?
Damn beat me to the punch line...
Well, the Cubans in South Florida see things differently. That's just life and history. Florida went for Trump. What applies there, doesn't necessarily apply in Hispanic communities elsewhere.
Egad, you are such a racist, just like your Prog master Creepy Joe.

Joe Biden apologizes for comments on racial diversity among African Americans - YouTube
Well, the Cubans in South Florida see things differently. That's just life and history. Florida went for Trump. What applies there, doesn't necessarily apply in Hispanic communities elsewhere.
It just sounds more powerful to pretend that Cubans represent all hispanics
Most working American Latinos, voted for President Trump, because at least they were able to work, with very good wages. Not like you prog slaves who import other illegal slaves to increase their voting block, because most progs abort their babies, thus reducing their numbers by the millions.
You mean Cubans.

Are you some sort of racist or something?
Damn beat me to the punch line...
Well, the Cubans in South Florida see things differently. That's just life and history. Florida went for Trump. What applies there, doesn't necessarily apply in Hispanic communities elsewhere.
Egad, you are such a racist, just like your Prog master Creepy Joe.

Joe Biden apologizes for comments on racial diversity among African Americans - YouTube

Nice attempt at deflection. But as was already pointed out, Cubans don't represent all Hispanics.
Well, the Cubans in South Florida see things differently. That's just life and history. Florida went for Trump. What applies there, doesn't necessarily apply in Hispanic communities elsewhere.
It just sounds more powerful to pretend that Cubans represent all hispanics
The degree of authoritarianism is an eye opener. Many banana republics to degree in the Western Hemisphere. And many coming here wanting to repeat the same thing with the help of some of our own people that have been here for a few generations or more..
You mean Cubans.

Are you some sort of racist or something?
Damn beat me to the punch line...
Well, the Cubans in South Florida see things differently. That's just life and history. Florida went for Trump. What applies there, doesn't necessarily apply in Hispanic communities elsewhere.
Egad, you are such a racist, just like your Prog master Creepy Joe.

Joe Biden apologizes for comments on racial diversity among African Americans - YouTube

Creepy-Joe's black slaves harvested alot of ballots for him in Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Atlanta.
For the life of me, I don't understand how so many emancipated blacks still cannot shake their slave mentality after so many generations removed!
Creepy-Joe's black slaves harvested alot of ballots for him in Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Atlanta.
For the life of me, I don't understand how so many emancipated blacks still cannot shake their slave mentality after so many generations removed!

Thats a fact
Hispanic Voters in Florida Feel Election Was Stolen from Trump

In Florida, many Hispanic voters are worried this election was stolen from Donald Trump. They’ve seen this before, hence why they fled places like Cuba and Venezuela. They’re also not too keen on the media censorship and bias during this race, either. Some interviewed by USA Today also said that they never feared communism becoming entrenched on America's shores until this election year. Margarita De Castro, who fled Cuba two years after Fidel Castro took over, has voted Republican ever since she arrived in the United States, citing her persecution by Cuban communists as one of the main reasons. She also called Kamala Harris “another Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,” as well. She’s not wrong

I would never argue with my Cuban brothers and sisters

I would. This bitch needs to be deported as she is a moron. There was no censorship. Dremocrats are not communists. That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. I doubt this bitch has a clue what Cortez is. Being a liberal does not make you a communist. They are the ones who want to act just like communists and steal a election.
Hispanic Voters in Florida Feel Election Was Stolen from Trump

In Florida, many Hispanic voters are worried this election was stolen from Donald Trump. They’ve seen this before, hence why they fled places like Cuba and Venezuela. They’re also not too keen on the media censorship and bias during this race, either. Some interviewed by USA Today also said that they never feared communism becoming entrenched on America's shores until this election year. Margarita De Castro, who fled Cuba two years after Fidel Castro took over, has voted Republican ever since she arrived in the United States, citing her persecution by Cuban communists as one of the main reasons. She also called Kamala Harris “another Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,” as well. She’s not wrong

I would never argue with my Cuban brothers and sisters
Have they forgotten about non-hispanic forms of chicanery?

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