Historic Jewish wedding performed on Temple Mount

When this couple's children are adults, 30, 40 years from now:

1 - The Palestinian Authority will be long gone, having collapsed under the weight of its own illegitimacy in the eyes of the palestinian people and the two state illusion will be a distant memory.

2 - The number of israeli settlers in the West Bank will be in the millions and people all over the world will have pieces of the apartheid wall in their homes bought as souvenirs just like the Berlin Wall.

3 - Palestinians will have abandoned the armed struggle and will replace a political struggle for civil rights in their homeland for their fight for the territory lost to Israel.

4 - The world will have discarded the grotesque, contradictory notions of "jewish democracy", "beacon of democracy" and the country will be seen as the jewish supremacist state it has always been since 1948 with the inevitable global isolation and economic sanctions.

5 - The israeli society itself will be openly discussing extending civil rights to all people in the territories.

6 - And the jewish racial dictatorship will be finally relegated to the garbage can of human history where it rightly belongs.

Good riddance to bad trash.
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When this couple's children are adults, 30, 40 years from now:
1 - The Palestinian Authority will be long gone, having collapsed under the weight of its own illegitimacy in the eyes of the palestinian people and the two state illusion will be a distant memory.
2 - The number of israeli settlers in the West Bank will be in the millions and people all over the world will have pieces of the apartheid wall in their homes bought as souvenirs just like the Berlin Wall.
3 - Palestinians will have abandoned the armed struggle and will replace a political struggle for civil rights in their homeland for their fight for the territory lost to Israel.
4 - The world will have discarded the grotesque, contradictory notions of "jewish democracy", "beacon of democracy" and the country will be seen as the jewish supremacist state it has always been since 1948 with the inevitable global isolation and economic sanctions.
5 - The israeli society itself will be openly discussing extending civil rights to all people in the territories.
6 - And the jewish racial dictatorship will be finally relegated to the garbage can of human history where it rightly belongs.
Good riddance to bad trash.
An indirect confirmation that, palistanians are a clueless bunch unable to do anything useful in life, and would rather remain a chewing gum, stuck to a jewish shoe. Pathetic.
Bunch of backward thinkers who need any other person before they can make a pact with another Human, or even with their invisible ruler in the Sky
All. Over. Your. Face.

Your way is so much better isn't it, just drag them behind a bush wiggle for 3 seconds and say you are now my property. Then when you get sick cut their heads off and claim it was because your honour was blighted when another man looked at them. Worse morals than an alley cat
And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide, and he lifted up his eyes, and saw, and, behold, there were camels coming. And Rebecca lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she alighted from the camel. And she said unto the servant, "What man is this that walketh in the field to meet us?" And the servant said, "It is my master." And she took her veil and covered herself. And the servant told Isaac all the things that he had done. And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent, and took Rebecca and she became his wife, and he loved her. And Isaac was comforted for his mother (who had died). Genesis, Chapter 24, verses 63-67

Jewish legend (Midrash) says that Isaac and Rebecca met on the Temple Mount, so it's an appropriately romantic setting for a Jewish wedding.

Legend has it hey. Fake stories, from one who lives in reality.
I hope it wasn't an orthodox couple , they procreate like rabbits. That was rather nasty if I must say so myself but its true , but you probably did a fake wedding just to get a rise out of the Palestinians. Is it too quiet on the homefront, you need more action.

Anything to rile the Palestinians. Israelites are just so downright dirty, in thought, word and deed.
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Disassemble The Dome of the Rock and move it to the Gaza Strip and rebuild it. Arabs have no business on the Temple Mount.
Better yet, disassemble it, and ship it to Saudi Arabia, for reconstruction on Islam's own soil.
Disassemble The Dome of the Rock and move it to the Gaza Strip and rebuild it. Arabs have no business on the Temple Mount.

well, it has always interested me that every group that has jerusalem is able to place their own place of worship on the temple mount..... until, of course, jerusalem was returned to jews.

then suddenly there's a problem. but during the crusades, the christians made it a church. and when the arabs took it over they made it a mosque.
Disassemble The Dome of the Rock and move it to the Gaza Strip and rebuild it. Arabs have no business on the Temple Mount.

well, it has always interested me that every group that has jerusalem is able to place their own place of worship on the temple mount..... until, of course, jerusalem was returned to jews.

then suddenly there's a problem. but during the crusades, the christians made it a church. and when the arabs took it over they made it a mosque.
Both seizures and constructions were wrong.

One is still extant, and can be corrected.
Disassemble The Dome of the Rock and move it to the Gaza Strip and rebuild it. Arabs have no business on the Temple Mount.

well, it has always interested me that every group that has jerusalem is able to place their own place of worship on the temple mount..... until, of course, jerusalem was returned to jews.

then suddenly there's a problem. but during the crusades, the christians made it a church. and when the arabs took it over they made it a mosque.
Both seizures and constructions were wrong.

One is still extant, and can be corrected.

i agree. i think that was my point. sorry i didn't make myself clear. i was pointing out the double standard.
Doesn't matter.

The so-called Palestinians haven't got enough land left to stand on, never mind live on, as a separate and sustainable nation-state.

Time to begin annexing and dismantling what's left of Arab -controlled Jerusalem, including disassembling and relocatin the Muslim fairy-tale structures on the Temple Mount...
Disassemble The Dome of the Rock and move it to the Gaza Strip and rebuild it. Arabs have no business on the Temple Mount.

well, it has always interested me that every group that has jerusalem is able to place their own place of worship on the temple mount..... until, of course, jerusalem was returned to jews.

then suddenly there's a problem. but during the crusades, the christians made it a church. and when the arabs took it over they made it a mosque.

Because those who want it
Disassemble The Dome of the Rock and move it to the Gaza Strip and rebuild it. Arabs have no business on the Temple Mount.

well, it has always interested me that every group that has jerusalem is able to place their own place of worship on the temple mount..... until, of course, jerusalem was returned to jews.

then suddenly there's a problem. but during the crusades, the christians made it a church. and when the arabs took it over they made it a mosque.

Disassemble The Dome of the Rock and move it to the Gaza Strip and rebuild it. Arabs have no business on the Temple Mount.
Better yet, disassemble it, and ship it to Saudi Arabia, for reconstruction on Islam's own soil.

Its the fake jews that have no right to any of the land there really.

quiet, anti-semite, loon.

Perhaps they should go back up to Turkey were they are from, before the invaded Canaan, the Palestinians are most likely the Canaanite descendants that never left or Samaritan who converted to Islam, Christianity and some to Jews.
The Temple Institute announced Tuesday it had played an active part in an actual wedding ceremony on the Temple Mount "one recent morning", adding that this was only the second time a Jewish wedding was carried out on the Mount in over 2,000 years.

"It was a great blessing for this couple to begin their new life together at the holiest place on earth for the people of Israel, the location of the Holy Temple," said the Institute on Facebook. "This was a great achievement, in the face of the extreme anti-Jewish discrimination of the Muslim Waqf and the Israel Police which quashes all Jewish expression at the sacred site".

An engaged couple recently approached Rabbi Chaim Richman of the Institute and asked him if he would supervise their marriage on the Temple Mount. "After scrupulously examining the detailed halachot (Jewish law) concerning the marriage ceremony, and consulting with other rabbinical authorities, Rabbi Richman happily accepted the task upon himself".

'Historic' secret Jewish wedding performed on Temple Mount


What a beautiful blessing! May this couple be granted joy and love and many tender children

Herods temple and before that Persia's. What a hoot. It takes a lot of intermarriage to live in such a fantasy.
Disassemble The Dome of the Rock and move it to the Gaza Strip and rebuild it. Arabs have no business on the Temple Mount.
Better yet, disassemble it, and ship it to Saudi Arabia, for reconstruction on Islam's own soil.

Its the fake jews that have no right to any of the land there really.

quiet, anti-semite, loon.

Thank you, I take that as a compliment.:laugh2:
Disassemble The Dome of the Rock and move it to the Gaza Strip and rebuild it. Arabs have no business on the Temple Mount.

well, it has always interested me that every group that has jerusalem is able to place their own place of worship on the temple mount..... until, of course, jerusalem was returned to jews.

then suddenly there's a problem. but during the crusades, the christians made it a church. and when the arabs took it over they made it a mosque.

Because those who want it
Disassemble The Dome of the Rock and move it to the Gaza Strip and rebuild it. Arabs have no business on the Temple Mount.

well, it has always interested me that every group that has jerusalem is able to place their own place of worship on the temple mount..... until, of course, jerusalem was returned to jews.

then suddenly there's a problem. but during the crusades, the christians made it a church. and when the arabs took it over they made it a mosque.

Disassemble The Dome of the Rock and move it to the Gaza Strip and rebuild it. Arabs have no business on the Temple Mount.
Better yet, disassemble it, and ship it to Saudi Arabia, for reconstruction on Islam's own soil.

Its the fake jews that have no right to any of the land there really.

quiet, anti-semite, loon.

Perhaps they should go back up to Turkey were they are from, before the invaded Canaan, the Palestinians are most likely the Canaanite descendants that never left or Samaritan who converted to Islam, Christianity and some to Jews.
Possession is nine-tenths of the law...

The Jews win...

You lose...
Disassemble The Dome of the Rock and move it to the Gaza Strip and rebuild it. Arabs have no business on the Temple Mount.

well, it has always interested me that every group that has jerusalem is able to place their own place of worship on the temple mount..... until, of course, jerusalem was returned to jews.

then suddenly there's a problem. but during the crusades, the christians made it a church. and when the arabs took it over they made it a mosque.

Because those who want it
Disassemble The Dome of the Rock and move it to the Gaza Strip and rebuild it. Arabs have no business on the Temple Mount.

well, it has always interested me that every group that has jerusalem is able to place their own place of worship on the temple mount..... until, of course, jerusalem was returned to jews.

then suddenly there's a problem. but during the crusades, the christians made it a church. and when the arabs took it over they made it a mosque.

Disassemble The Dome of the Rock and move it to the Gaza Strip and rebuild it. Arabs have no business on the Temple Mount.
Better yet, disassemble it, and ship it to Saudi Arabia, for reconstruction on Islam's own soil.

Its the fake jews that have no right to any of the land there really.

quiet, anti-semite, loon.

Perhaps they should go back up to Turkey were they are from, before the invaded Canaan, the Palestinians are most likely the Canaanite descendants that never left or Samaritan who converted to Islam, Christianity and some to Jews.
Possession is nine-tenths of the law...

The Jews win...

You lose...

No money and weapons is, and they have both thanks to the US, we have to part from Israel, we need to, its a matter of preservation. They will get us killed in the end and they will turn on us in a heartbeat. They are lowlifes.
...No money and weapons is, and they have both thanks to the US, we have to part from Israel, we need to, its a matter of preservation. They will get us killed in the end and they will turn on us in a heartbeat. They are lowlifes.
How's that 'Divide and Conquer' strategy workin' out for ya'll so far, Achmed?

And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide, and he lifted up his eyes, and saw, and, behold, there were camels coming. And Rebecca lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she alighted from the camel. And she said unto the servant, "What man is this that walketh in the field to meet us?" And the servant said, "It is my master." And she took her veil and covered herself. And the servant told Isaac all the things that he had done. And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent, and took Rebecca and she became his wife, and he loved her. And Isaac was comforted for his mother (who had died). Genesis, Chapter 24, verses 63-67

Jewish legend (Midrash) says that Isaac and Rebecca met on the Temple Mount, so it's an appropriately romantic setting for a Jewish wedding.

Legend has it hey. Fake stories, from one who lives in reality.

Then that's you out as you live in an islamonazi fantasy world
And international law says you are a LIAR, at the same time as saying the arab muslims have no right to any of the land.

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