Historically, no Antarctic ice shelf when CO2 is above 400 ppm

Gosh, how many times do I have to tell you?

What was the date of the conditions you keep specifiying in your claim to have refuted the greenhouse effect?
You have never told me. And your response still didn’t tell me. You claimed my belief violates physical laws, right?

So which physical laws do they violate?
When you said the last interglacial, you didn't mean the interglacial 120,000 years ago, you meant the current interglacial, didn't you. And when you said 2C cooler, you didn't mean 2C cooler than the present but 2C cooler than previous interglacial peaks, didn't you. And you think this refutes the greenhouse effect?
When you said the last interglacial, you didn't mean the interglacial 120,000 years ago, you meant the current interglacial, didn't you. And when you said 2C cooler, you didn't mean 2C cooler than the present but 2C cooler than previous interglacial peaks, didn't you. And you think this refutes the greenhouse effect?
I noticed you didn’t use the reply button so I wouldn’t get an alert. No doubt you were hoping I would miss this.

Apparently you believe the warming effect of CO2 only exists today and not in the past. Did the laws of radiative forcing not apply to the past?
When you said the last interglacial, you didn't mean the interglacial 120,000 years ago, you meant the current interglacial, didn't you. And when you said 2C cooler, you didn't mean 2C cooler than the present but 2C cooler than previous interglacial peaks, didn't you. And you think this refutes the greenhouse effect?
The earth’s present temperature is 2C cooler with 120 ppm more atmospheric CO2 than the peak temperature of the previous interglacial cycle.

And yes, I believe this destroys your argument that CO2 drives the planet’s temperature.
According to the greenie doomsday prophet 400 ppm is the drop dead point and we are above that now

So the end should be pretty soon
Ask him what radiative forcing component was responsible for the previous interglacial cycle being 2C warmer than today with 120 ppm less atmospheric CO2 than today. Then watch his head explode.
I like the rise in temperature combined with more CO2

It give me a longer growing season and bigger plants in my garden

I picked my last watermelon on the 1st of November and it was delicious
Ask him what radiative forcing component was responsible for the previous interglacial cycle being 2C warmer than today with 120 ppm less atmospheric CO2 than today. Then watch his head explode.
He’ll think of something stupid to say

Greenies have and endless supply of gibberish to spread around
He’ll think of something stupid to say

Greenies have and endless supply of gibberish to spread around
Most of it neatly summarized in the massive IPCC Assessment Reports. They'll be terribly hurt to hear you think the published studies of thousands of scientists on which their reports are based is all "gibberish".

Are you sure this isn't sort of a language problem? I mean, if I tried to read a second grade text on George Washington written in Finnish, it would be gibberish to me. Perhaps the language used in the IPCC assessment reports is gibberish to you for the same reason. Are you, by chance, Finnish?
Most of it neatly summarized in the massive IPCC Assessment Reports. They'll be terribly hurt to hear you think the published studies of thousands of scientists on which their reports are based is all "gibberish".

Are you sure this isn't sort of a language problem? I mean, if I tried to read a second grade text on George Washington written in Finnish, it would be gibberish to me. Perhaps the language used in the IPCC assessment reports is gibberish to you for the same reason. Are you, by chance, Finnish?
Textbook example of the dunning effect.
Most of it neatly summarized in the massive IPCC Assessment Reports. They'll be terribly hurt to hear you think the published studies of thousands of scientists on which their reports are based is all "gibberish".

Are you sure this isn't sort of a language problem? I mean, if I tried to read a second grade text on George Washington written in Finnish, it would be gibberish to me. Perhaps the language used in the IPCC assessment reports is gibberish to you for the same reason. Are you, by chance, Finnish?
Libs are already demonizing George Washington so as I said they are capable of endless nonsense

Employees at the international organizations know they better endorse the doomsday narrative or they will be out of a job
Libs are already demonizing George Washington so as I said they are capable of endless nonsense

Employees at the international organizations know they better endorse the doomsday narrative or they will be out of a job
The conclusions of the IPCC are based on the work of thousands of scientists from just about every country on the planet. The idea of the giant, flawless conspiracy fails the most basic smell test. How many employees have TOLD you that they only endorsed the IPCC conclusions because they feared they would lose their jobs?
The conclusions of the IPCC are based on the work of thousands of scientists from just about every country on the planet. The idea of the giant, flawless conspiracy fails the most basic smell test. How many employees have TOLD you that they only endorsed the IPCC conclusions because they feared they would lose their jobs?
IPCC employees dont speak to me

What I can say is that greenies have been predicting doomsday for 40-50 years and its always 15-20 years away

I’m wise to their tricks
IPCC employees dont speak to me

What I can say is that greenies have been predicting doomsday for 40-50 years and its always 15-20 years away

I’m wise to their tricks
I'm not predicting doomsday. Based on what thousands of scientists are saying, I would predict that we will see sea levels up by a meter or more by the year 2100, and that temperatures by then will be up over 4C from the preindustrial values. There would be radical consequences from those two changes that will take many lives and will cost the rest of us many trillions of dollars to deal with. But it won't be doomsday. Do you think that's a trick?
I'm not predicting doomsday. Based on what thousands of scientists are saying, I would predict that we will see sea levels up by a meter or more by the year 2100, and that temperatures by then will be up over 4C from the preindustrial values. There would be radical consequences from those two changes that will take many lives and will cost the rest of us many trillions of dollars to deal with. But it won't be doomsday. Do you think that's a trick?
I think the left dramatizes natural climate change as a means of seizing power

Even as we speak biden is pledging trillions of taxpayer dollars to backward 3rd world countries

Most of that money will end up in a dictators Swiss bank account

But giving it to them makes gullible libs feel better
I think the left dramatizes natural climate change as a means of seizing power
The warming we are seeing is not natural climate change.
Even as we speak biden is pledging trillions of taxpayer dollars to backward 3rd world countries
And you think Biden is doing that to help liberals seize power in the US
Most of that money will end up in a dictators Swiss bank account
I highly doubt any of that money is going to go to countries run by dictators.
But giving it to them makes gullible libs feel better
And gives you an excuse to hate.
The warming we are seeing is not natural climate change.

And you think Biden is doing that to help liberals seize power in the US

I highly doubt any of that money is going to go to countries run by dictators.

And gives you an excuse to hate.
I dont think average Joe’s like you and I are conspiring for or against the climate change doomsday hoax

We are the targets of the initiative to save the world from fossil fuel

But it certainly does empower the fat cats who gather at international conferences in their private jets to set the rules for everyone else

And yes, most of the money biden is taking from Americans and promising to give away to the world will be wasted or stolen
I dont think average Joe’s like you and I are conspiring for or against the climate change doomsday hoax

We are the targets of the initiative to save the world from fossil fuel

But it certainly does empower the fat cats who gather at international conferences in their private jets to set the rules for everyone else

And yes, most of the money biden is taking from Americans and promising to give away to the world will be wasted or stolen
What rules are being set for us at these conferences?

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