History has proven that separatists who attempted to split China never met a good end, a Chinese military spokesperson said Sunday.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Keep the eyes open folks, they are ramping up the language, including Xi saying in private during a Commie meeting that "America is our biggest enemy" and to the effect that "we have to remain strong for the upcoming struggle".

They are ramping this up, and a Cold War could become hot. Quite frankly, as much as war isn't wanted by most civilized people, from the standpoint of blunting China, since the West will NOT squeeze them economically as Trump did, war may be the only way to rally the West to take a stance.
China has eyes on controlling the entire South China Sea, required for a large percentage of world trade, their line in the sand is Taiwan and they showed through going into HK they have no respect for Western leaders. I don't blame them in their assessment, only Trump showed otherwise.

Mark my words, even worse than the failures of the West in Hong Kong (which was really, really bad), if Taiwan falls, all of the nations in the Pacific will be directly squeezed into Chinas orbit and all of these nations may rapidly side with China. At the very least, out of necessity. That would not be good for global prospects.

The E.U is telling America "we view you very much the same as China, so we will just hedge our bets and side with them now, rather than later". Will Asia one day do the same? Seeing and hearing U.S companies, media, Wall Street and politicians defend China, on top of the "woke" movement to decimate American patriotism cannot be conveying confidence in Americas future vs Chinas rise.

BEIJING, March 8 (Xinhua) -- History has proven that separatists who attempted to split China never met a good end, a Chinese military spokesperson said Sunday.

Taiwan is an inseparable part of China and the Taiwan question is China's internal affair, said Wu Qian, a spokesperson for the delegation of the People's Liberation Army and armed police force at the fourth session of the 13th National People's Congress, China's national legislature.

"We will show maximum sincerity and do our very utmost to promote peaceful reunification of China," Wu said. "But we will never tolerate any 'Taiwan independence' separatist forces attempting to split China."

"We do not renounce the use of force, and reserve the option of taking all necessary measures," he said. "This is to guard against external interference and a tiny number of separatists and their separatist activities for 'Taiwan independence'. It does in no way target our compatriots in Taiwan."

Stressing the complex and challenging situation in relations across the Taiwan Strait, Wu warned against the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authority's attempt to borrow strength from foreign forces and seek "Taiwan independence" by military means.
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Mark my words, even worse than the failures of the West in Hong Kong (which was really, really bad), if Taiwan falls, all of the nations in the Pacific will be directly squeezed into Chinas orbit and all of these nations may rapidly side with China. At the very least, out of necessity. That would not be good for global prospects.

Actually, the Chinese have show amazing restraint with Hong Kong and Taiwan. If they crack down on them, they have every legal right to do so under international law. Those places are recognized as territories of China.

They probably won't move on them because economically, they give them access to outside markets.

Unless someone does something stupid and defies their authority.

The E.U is telling America "we view you very much the same as China, so we will just hedge our bets and side with them now, rather than later". Will Asia one day do the same? Seeing and hearing U.S companies, media, Wall Street and politicians defend China, on top of the "woke" movement to decimate American patriotism cannot be conveying confidence in Americas future vs Chinas rise.

I think we need to clean up our own act before we start telling other countries how to run their affairs.
China retook Hong Kong as per a treaty between them and the UK. There was no aggression involved or anything illegal.
If you want to have a go then at least be factual because making stuff up undermines your central point.
China retook Hong Kong as per a treaty between them and the UK. There was no aggression involved or anything illegal.
If you want to have a go then at least be factual because making stuff up undermines your central point.

You mean the International treaty between Mainland China and the UK regarding Hong Kong being independent from China until 2047?

What they did was commit a permanent breach of this agreement, and they have now banned Democracy candidates from running, after the Beijing loyalist were beaten soundly in the last election.

Before you accuse me of "making stuff up", get your own facts straight. I've become somewhat of a scholar of that region, much as I learned about the U.S system a few years ago. All of it new to me and I'm a nobody except someone who firmly believes in liberty and freedom of humanity. I've done my best to spread the truth about Commonwealth Canada, and now, Communist China.

This won't be like Alexander The Great, the technology now is too advanced, the methods, too evil (consider the possibility of another virus-on-demand, if one needs to shut down the West again). If China takes over the world, it will be for good and there will be many willing assistants.

Furthermore, you might consider how many mi6 assets and pro-Western citizens have their thrown in prison. You can bet the Cantonese language will be next on the Commies chopping block. Hong Kong is he poster Boy of Western weakness and China is flaunting it with glee.

Unfortunately, whether you understand it or not, your position is assisting them in their objectives.

Canada News | National Canadian News | The Star
Hong Kong was supposed to be autonomous from China until 2047. Here’s why that could all change now

“I expected to be older when 2047 came,” is the darkly humorous meme that has circulated among youth in Hong Kong over the last week.

Teenagers here have grown up knowing that in their middle age, the Sino-British Joint Declaration safeguarding their city’s high degree of autonomy from mainland China would expire in the year 2047.

Suddenly, this could happen at any time.

A pro-democracy protester in Hong Kong told the Star via text: “It’s sinking in that for those of us who are still quite young, we won’t even have the next few decades to live our lives without fear. Now, we’re facing the reality that 2047 is here.

“There’s no more, ‘We’ll deal with that later,’ or ‘We’ll worry about that when we’re older.’ ”

In the last year, the young woman, who requested anonymity because of her fear of persecution, has been joining street demonstrations with her mother, donning masks and makeshift body coverings as their only protection against police tear gas, rubber bullets, bean bag rounds, water hoses and in some cases, live ammunition.

Protests have been part of life for Hong Kongers, ever since the former British colony returned to Chinese rule in 1997 under a “one country, two systems” agreement, which requires Beijing to respect the autonomy of Hong Kong’s rule-of-law legal system for 50 years.

But China’s Parliament voted last week to bypass Hong Kong’s legislature to develop and enact national security legislation on its own for the semi-autonomous territory. The law would criminalize acts including “secession,” “subversion” and activities by “foreign forces” to interfere with Hong Kong.

Jennifer Creery, a Hong Kong-born British reporter for the Hong Kong Free Press, said her first reaction to the national security law was “an overwhelming sense of shoc”

“It was always seen as something that would happen in the future, so clearly last year’s protests had sped up the process,” she told the Star in a phone interview.

“Now, journalists are worried that press freedom in Hong Kong will get worse as more may self-censor by avoiding topics that might land them in trouble.”

In a joint statement, Canada, Britain, the U.S. and Australia said the new legislation would “curtail the Hong Kong people’s liberties, and in doing so, dramatically erode Hong Kong’s autonomy and the system that made it so prosperous.”
China retook Hong Kong as per a treaty between them and the UK. There was no aggression involved or anything illegal.
If you want to have a go then at least be factual because making stuff up undermines your central point.

You mean the International treaty between Mainland China and the UK regarding Hong Kong being independent from China until 2047?

What they did was commit a permanent breach of this agreement, and they have now banned Democracy candidates from running, after the Beijing loyalist were beaten soundly in the last election.

Before you accuse me of "making stuff up", get your own facts straight. I've become somewhat of a scholar of that region, much as I learned about the U.S system a few years ago. All of it new to me and I'm a nobody except someone who firmly believes in liberty and freedom of humanity. I've done my best to spread the truth about Commonwealth Canada, and now, Communist China.

This won't be like Alexander The Great, the technology now is too advanced, the methods, too evil (consider the possibility of another virus-on-demand, if one needs to shut down the West again). If China takes over the world, it will be for good and there will be many willing assistants.

Furthermore, you might consider how many mi6 assets and pro-Western citizens have their thrown in prison. You can bet the Cantonese language will be next on the Commies chopping block. Hong Kong is he poster Boy of Western weakness and China is flaunting it with glee.

Unfortunately, whether you understand it or not, your position is assisting them in their objectives.

Canada News | National Canadian News | The Star
Hong Kong was supposed to be autonomous from China until 2047. Here’s why that could all change now

“I expected to be older when 2047 came,” is the darkly humorous meme that has circulated among youth in Hong Kong over the last week.

Teenagers here have grown up knowing that in their middle age, the Sino-British Joint Declaration safeguarding their city’s high degree of autonomy from mainland China would expire in the year 2047.

Suddenly, this could happen at any time.

A pro-democracy protester in Hong Kong told the Star via text: “It’s sinking in that for those of us who are still quite young, we won’t even have the next few decades to live our lives without fear. Now, we’re facing the reality that 2047 is here.

“There’s no more, ‘We’ll deal with that later,’ or ‘We’ll worry about that when we’re older.’ ”

In the last year, the young woman, who requested anonymity because of her fear of persecution, has been joining street demonstrations with her mother, donning masks and makeshift body coverings as their only protection against police tear gas, rubber bullets, bean bag rounds, water hoses and in some cases, live ammunition.

Protests have been part of life for Hong Kongers, ever since the former British colony returned to Chinese rule in 1997 under a “one country, two systems” agreement, which requires Beijing to respect the autonomy of Hong Kong’s rule-of-law legal system for 50 years.

But China’s Parliament voted last week to bypass Hong Kong’s legislature to develop and enact national security legislation on its own for the semi-autonomous territory. The law would criminalize acts including “secession,” “subversion” and activities by “foreign forces” to interfere with Hong Kong.

Jennifer Creery, a Hong Kong-born British reporter for the Hong Kong Free Press, said her first reaction to the national security law was “an overwhelming sense of shoc”

“It was always seen as something that would happen in the future, so clearly last year’s protests had sped up the process,” she told the Star in a phone interview.

“Now, journalists are worried that press freedom in Hong Kong will get worse as more may self-censor by avoiding topics that might land them in trouble.”

In a joint statement, Canada, Britain, the U.S. and Australia said the new legislation would “curtail the Hong Kong people’s liberties, and in doing so, dramatically erode Hong Kong’s autonomy and the system that made it so prosperous.”
Hong Kong is chinese. Its up to them what they do with it. All of the locals can leave if they dont like it.
Keep the eyes open folks, they are ramping up the language, including Xi saying in private during a Commie meeting that "America is our biggest enemy" and to the effect that "we have to remain strong for the upcoming struggle".

They are ramping this up, and a Cold War could become hot. Quite frankly, as much as war isn't wanted by most civilized people, from the standpoint of blunting China, since the West will NOT squeeze them economically as Trump did, war may be the only way to rally the West to take a stance.
China has eyes on controlling the entire South China Sea, required for a large percentage of world trade, their line in the sand is Taiwan and they showed through going into HK they have no respect for Western leaders. I don't blame them in their assessment, only Trump showed otherwise.

Mark my words, even worse than the failures of the West in Hong Kong (which was really, really bad), if Taiwan falls, all of the nations in the Pacific will be directly squeezed into Chinas orbit and all of these nations may rapidly side with China. At the very least, out of necessity. That would not be good for global prospects.

The E.U is telling America "we view you very much the same as China, so we will just hedge our bets and side with them now, rather than later". Will Asia one day do the same? Seeing and hearing U.S companies, media, Wall Street and politicians defend China, on top of the "woke" movement to decimate American patriotism cannot be conveying confidence in Americas future vs Chinas rise.

BEIJING, March 8 (Xinhua) -- History has proven that separatists who attempted to split China never met a good end, a Chinese military spokesperson said Sunday.

Taiwan is an inseparable part of China and the Taiwan question is China's internal affair, said Wu Qian, a spokesperson for the delegation of the People's Liberation Army and armed police force at the fourth session of the 13th National People's Congress, China's national legislature.

"We will show maximum sincerity and do our very utmost to promote peaceful reunification of China," Wu said. "But we will never tolerate any 'Taiwan independence' separatist forces attempting to split China."

"We do not renounce the use of force, and reserve the option of taking all necessary measures," he said. "This is to guard against external interference and a tiny number of separatists and their separatist activities for 'Taiwan independence'. It does in no way target our compatriots in Taiwan."

Stressing the complex and challenging situation in relations across the Taiwan Strait, Wu warned against the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authority's attempt to borrow strength from foreign forces and seek "Taiwan independence" by military means.
Do you know when Hong Kong was returned to China?
Keep the eyes open folks, they are ramping up the language, including Xi saying in private during a Commie meeting that "America is our biggest enemy" and to the effect that "we have to remain strong for the upcoming struggle".

They are ramping this up, and a Cold War could become hot. Quite frankly, as much as war isn't wanted by most civilized people, from the standpoint of blunting China, since the West will NOT squeeze them economically as Trump did, war may be the only way to rally the West to take a stance.
China has eyes on controlling the entire South China Sea, required for a large percentage of world trade, their line in the sand is Taiwan and they showed through going into HK they have no respect for Western leaders. I don't blame them in their assessment, only Trump showed otherwise.

Mark my words, even worse than the failures of the West in Hong Kong (which was really, really bad), if Taiwan falls, all of the nations in the Pacific will be directly squeezed into Chinas orbit and all of these nations may rapidly side with China. At the very least, out of necessity. That would not be good for global prospects.

The E.U is telling America "we view you very much the same as China, so we will just hedge our bets and side with them now, rather than later". Will Asia one day do the same? Seeing and hearing U.S companies, media, Wall Street and politicians defend China, on top of the "woke" movement to decimate American patriotism cannot be conveying confidence in Americas future vs Chinas rise.

BEIJING, March 8 (Xinhua) -- History has proven that separatists who attempted to split China never met a good end, a Chinese military spokesperson said Sunday.

Taiwan is an inseparable part of China and the Taiwan question is China's internal affair, said Wu Qian, a spokesperson for the delegation of the People's Liberation Army and armed police force at the fourth session of the 13th National People's Congress, China's national legislature.

"We will show maximum sincerity and do our very utmost to promote peaceful reunification of China," Wu said. "But we will never tolerate any 'Taiwan independence' separatist forces attempting to split China."

"We do not renounce the use of force, and reserve the option of taking all necessary measures," he said. "This is to guard against external interference and a tiny number of separatists and their separatist activities for 'Taiwan independence'. It does in no way target our compatriots in Taiwan."

Stressing the complex and challenging situation in relations across the Taiwan Strait, Wu warned against the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authority's attempt to borrow strength from foreign forces and seek "Taiwan independence" by military means.
Please take the following statement to heart...

The idea that China or Russia pose a threat to you is so self-evidently ridiculous, so transparently absurd, that the only way to make you believe it would be to propagandize you, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
Reagan crushed the soviets and Trump was doing well against the Chinese until they left the virus out. Trumps going to win big in 2024 if he decides to run. Let the idiots learn a lesson with inflation like the Carter years.
you want to have a go then at least be factual because making stuff up undermines your central point.
You should try not withholding key information

That is assuming you know that the CCP agreed to
maintain Hong Kong special status till 2047

Which you should know

So this takeover is not legal

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