History Of Gingrich Ethics Violations

well that's your right. I have the same trepidations about milk toast romney.

Personally, I think the priority right now has to be getting Americans back to work. The rest will follow if we can get that happening. And, without question, Romney is the most experienced to do that.

I don't have a quarrel with romney's business experience. I doubt he has the grit and determination that it will take to beat obummer's dirty machine.

I wouldn't bet on that, Willy. He's a tough negotiator, he's used to playing hard ball in business... and that will transfer very easily to DC.
Personally, I think the priority right now has to be getting Americans back to work. The rest will follow if we can get that happening. And, without question, Romney is the most experienced to do that.

I don't have a quarrel with romney's business experience. I doubt he has the grit and determination that it will take to beat obummer's dirty machine.

I wouldn't bet on that, Willy. He's a tough negotiator, he's used to playing hard ball in business... and that will transfer very easily to DC.

Well, as you know.. I'm an "anybody but obama" type of girl. so if romney wins the nomination I'll back him. I just cannot figure out who to vote for in the Florida Primaries. my gut tells me to go with the Newt. Oh well I have til the 31st to decide.
Joe Morning Fucking Scarboro led the ethics charge against Newt.. what does that tell you?
I don't have a quarrel with romney's business experience. I doubt he has the grit and determination that it will take to beat obummer's dirty machine.

I wouldn't bet on that, Willy. He's a tough negotiator, he's used to playing hard ball in business... and that will transfer very easily to DC.

Well, as you know.. I'm an "anybody but obama" type of girl. so if romney wins the nomination I'll back him. I just cannot figure out who to vote for in the Florida Primaries. my gut tells me to go with the Newt. Oh well I have til the 31st to decide.

As you are more than aware, I'm a tricky bitch when it comes to backing a candidate. It takes a substantial amount of convincing to get my 'vote'... I've studied both Gingrich and Romney as the two that I figured for 'front runners'. I find Gingrich to be a typical politician - he'll say anything, do anything, be anything for votes - but he is at heart an amoral being who cares only for himself. I can't in good conscience vote for that. Romney, I started out as a 'meh, he's just the lesser of two evils'... but, the more I study the man, the more I find I can support him in good conscience. I don't agree with him on a lot of what he says.... but, at the end of the day, he's got the best record on economics and business. He's quite a caring individual, not at all the 'cut throat bastard' I was expecting him to be.

Newt is 'on a roll' because of SC.... but bear in mind one thing... if you want to have someone that is not Obama... the national polls don't point to Newt as that guy. They just don't. Too much baggage for the Independents.
I wouldn't bet on that, Willy. He's a tough negotiator, he's used to playing hard ball in business... and that will transfer very easily to DC.

Well, as you know.. I'm an "anybody but obama" type of girl. so if romney wins the nomination I'll back him. I just cannot figure out who to vote for in the Florida Primaries. my gut tells me to go with the Newt. Oh well I have til the 31st to decide.

As you are more than aware, I'm a tricky bitch when it comes to backing a candidate. It takes a substantial amount of convincing to get my 'vote'... I've studied both Gingrich and Romney as the two that I figured for 'front runners'. I find Gingrich to be a typical politician - he'll say anything, do anything, be anything for votes - but he is at heart an amoral being who cares only for himself. I can't in good conscience vote for that. Romney, I started out as a 'meh, he's just the lesser of two evils'... but, the more I study the man, the more I find I can support him in good conscience. I don't agree with him on a lot of what he says.... but, at the end of the day, he's got the best record on economics and business. He's quite a caring individual, not at all the 'cut throat bastard' I was expecting him to be.

Newt is 'on a roll' because of SC.... but bear in mind one thing... if you want to have someone that is not Obama... the national polls don't point to Newt as that guy. They just don't. Too much baggage for the Independents.

Romney is in bad need of a speech coach.
well that's your right. I have the same trepidations about milk toast romney.

Personally, I think the priority right now has to be getting Americans back to work. The rest will follow if we can get that happening. And, without question, Romney is the most experienced to do that.

As president, how would he do that? What history does he have of getting two sides of Congress to work together?

Zackly my question.

He has no experience creating jobs. Even he finally admitted that the only jobs created by Mormon-funded Bain were AFTER he left. While he was working there, there were ONLY corporate raiders.

Fact is, Mittens hasn't worked at all since the 90s. (Has anyone noticed that neither of the front runners have actually WORKED since the 90s? They just write books and give speeches. Not what I would call appropriate experience for much of anything except used car salesmen.)

As for Newt, Karl Rove rescued his fat buhind and it only cost him $300HUNDRED THOUSAND to get Rove to arrange for all but one violation to be dropped. Now, its payback time and Rove is one happy little corrupt camper.
I wouldn't bet on that, Willy. He's a tough negotiator, he's used to playing hard ball in business... and that will transfer very easily to DC.

Well, as you know.. I'm an "anybody but obama" type of girl. so if romney wins the nomination I'll back him. I just cannot figure out who to vote for in the Florida Primaries. my gut tells me to go with the Newt. Oh well I have til the 31st to decide.

As you are more than aware, I'm a tricky bitch when it comes to backing a candidate. It takes a substantial amount of convincing to get my 'vote'... I've studied both Gingrich and Romney as the two that I figured for 'front runners'. I find Gingrich to be a typical politician - he'll say anything, do anything, be anything for votes - but he is at heart an amoral being who cares only for himself. I can't in good conscience vote for that. Romney, I started out as a 'meh, he's just the lesser of two evils'... but, the more I study the man, the more I find I can support him in good conscience. I don't agree with him on a lot of what he says.... but, at the end of the day, he's got the best record on economics and business. He's quite a caring individual, not at all the 'cut throat bastard' I was expecting him to be.

Newt is 'on a roll' because of SC.... but bear in mind one thing... if you want to have someone that is not Obama... the national polls don't point to Newt as that guy. They just don't. Too much baggage for the Independents.

Mittens said he wants the presidency "in the worst way". Neither of them have a shred of integrity or honesty. Mittens acts all kinds of innocent while his super pac slings nasty mud.

They're proof that the GObP/tepubs have NO standards. They lie, steal and cheat and call it "business as usual".
Well, as you know.. I'm an "anybody but obama" type of girl. so if romney wins the nomination I'll back him. I just cannot figure out who to vote for in the Florida Primaries. my gut tells me to go with the Newt. Oh well I have til the 31st to decide.

As you are more than aware, I'm a tricky bitch when it comes to backing a candidate. It takes a substantial amount of convincing to get my 'vote'... I've studied both Gingrich and Romney as the two that I figured for 'front runners'. I find Gingrich to be a typical politician - he'll say anything, do anything, be anything for votes - but he is at heart an amoral being who cares only for himself. I can't in good conscience vote for that. Romney, I started out as a 'meh, he's just the lesser of two evils'... but, the more I study the man, the more I find I can support him in good conscience. I don't agree with him on a lot of what he says.... but, at the end of the day, he's got the best record on economics and business. He's quite a caring individual, not at all the 'cut throat bastard' I was expecting him to be.

Newt is 'on a roll' because of SC.... but bear in mind one thing... if you want to have someone that is not Obama... the national polls don't point to Newt as that guy. They just don't. Too much baggage for the Independents.

Mittens said he wants the presidency "in the worst way". Neither of them have a shred of integrity or honesty. Mittens acts all kinds of innocent while his super pac slings nasty mud.

They're proof that the GObP/tepubs have NO standards. They lie, steal and cheat and call it "business as usual".

and you suck the hind tit, that's just the way it is. deal with it. :lol:
Well, as you know.. I'm an "anybody but obama" type of girl. so if romney wins the nomination I'll back him. I just cannot figure out who to vote for in the Florida Primaries. my gut tells me to go with the Newt. Oh well I have til the 31st to decide.

As you are more than aware, I'm a tricky bitch when it comes to backing a candidate. It takes a substantial amount of convincing to get my 'vote'... I've studied both Gingrich and Romney as the two that I figured for 'front runners'. I find Gingrich to be a typical politician - he'll say anything, do anything, be anything for votes - but he is at heart an amoral being who cares only for himself. I can't in good conscience vote for that. Romney, I started out as a 'meh, he's just the lesser of two evils'... but, the more I study the man, the more I find I can support him in good conscience. I don't agree with him on a lot of what he says.... but, at the end of the day, he's got the best record on economics and business. He's quite a caring individual, not at all the 'cut throat bastard' I was expecting him to be.

Newt is 'on a roll' because of SC.... but bear in mind one thing... if you want to have someone that is not Obama... the national polls don't point to Newt as that guy. They just don't. Too much baggage for the Independents.

Mittens said he wants the presidency "in the worst way". Neither of them have a shred of integrity or honesty. Mittens acts all kinds of innocent while his super pac slings nasty mud.

They're proof that the GObP/tepubs have NO standards. They lie, steal and cheat and call it "business as usual".

And Obama said in 2004 that he absolutely would not run for POTUS in 08 because he wouldn't be experienced enough. He said it again in 2006. He was right.... he didn't have the experience... and we're all paying for that inexperience.

Your own team are just as corrupt as any GOPer. But you don't give a crap about honesty.... you elect liars, thieves and cheaters as standard.
Eighty-four ethics charges were filed against Gingrich during his term as speaker, all by Democrats.[65] Eighty-three of the charges were later dropped.[65] After extensive investigation and negotiation by the House Ethics Committee, Gingrich was reprimanded and penalized $300,000 by a 395–28 House vote. It was the first time in the history of the House that a speaker was disciplined for an ethics violation.[66]

Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gingrich wasn't "penalized." He agreed to pay the costs of the investigation as part of the settlement.

In those days it was much easier to file ethics charges against a member. The committee was evenly divided and all you needed was half the committee members to agree to file a charge. Since the Democrats hated Gingrich, they Dims simply filed charge after charge.

All this episode shows is how stupid and naive Republicans are when dealing with Democrat reptiles. They keep imagining they are going to get fair and honorable treatment from the Dims.
Eighty-four ethics charges were filed against Gingrich during his term as speaker, all by Democrats.[65] Eighty-three of the charges were later dropped.[65] After extensive investigation and negotiation by the House Ethics Committee, Gingrich was reprimanded and penalized $300,000 by a 395–28 House vote. It was the first time in the history of the House that a speaker was disciplined for an ethics violation.[66]

Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gingrich wasn't "penalized." He agreed to pay the costs of the investigation as part of the settlement.

In those days it was much easier to file ethics charges against a member. The committee was evenly divided and all you needed was half the committee members to agree to file a charge. Since the Democrats hated Gingrich, they Dims simply filed charge after charge.

All this episode shows is how stupid and naive Republicans are when dealing with Democrat reptiles. They keep imagining they are going to get fair and honorable treatment from the Dims.

80% of his own damned side voted to remove him. That's hardly the Democrats, is it?

The man is a snake. It's beyond me how anyone would elect him for anything. He is not a conservative, he has no honor, no integrity, no values. He may as well be a Democrat. :lol:
I would urge the GOP to remember that they are nominating someone as President of the United States. As Biden would say "That's a big fucking deal". Please don't nominate a scum bag.

How the hell anyone can look at his record and call him a conservative is fucking laughable.
80% of his own damned side voted to remove him. That's hardly the Democrats, is it?

It was pure politics. The Dims succeeded in smearing him, so he became damaged goods. It didn't matter what the facts are. All that mattered is what public perception was.

The man is a snake. It's beyond me how anyone would elect him for anything. He is not a conservative, he has no honor, no integrity, no values. He may as well be a Democrat. :lol:

Sorry, I disagree. I have my problems with Gringrich, but he's not guilty of anything other than trading up for a better wife. Half the politicians in Congress have done that. McCain is one of them. So is Reagan.
80% of his own damned side voted to remove him. That's hardly the Democrats, is it?

It was pure politics. The Dims succeeded in smearing him, so he became damaged goods. It didn't matter what the facts are. All that mattered is what public perception was.

The man is a snake. It's beyond me how anyone would elect him for anything. He is not a conservative, he has no honor, no integrity, no values. He may as well be a Democrat. :lol:

Sorry, I disagree. I have my problems with Gringrich, but he's not guilty of anything other than trading up for a better wife. Half the politicians in Congress have done that. McCain is one of them. So is Reagan.

Reagan was before my time and I didn't vote for McCain.

I personally find the 'mommy he did it too' excuse unacceptable. I don't care if half of congress have done it. I will not support these people.

For (insert optional deity here) sake, you're talking about a potential President of the United States. Is it not about time we demanded that the person match the office?
Eighty-four ethics charges were filed against Gingrich during his term as speaker, all by Democrats.[65] Eighty-three of the charges were later dropped.[65] After extensive investigation and negotiation by the House Ethics Committee, Gingrich was reprimanded and penalized $300,000 by a 395–28 House vote. It was the first time in the history of the House that a speaker was disciplined for an ethics violation.[66]

Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gingrich wasn't "penalized." He agreed to pay the costs of the investigation as part of the settlement.

In those days it was much easier to file ethics charges against a member. The committee was evenly divided and all you needed was half the committee members to agree to file a charge. Since the Democrats hated Gingrich, they Dims simply filed charge after charge.

All this episode shows is how stupid and naive Republicans are when dealing with Democrat reptiles. They keep imagining they are going to get fair and honorable treatment from the Dims.
Only a CON$ervative revisionist would call a 7 to 1 committee vote "evenly divided." :cuckoo:

Washingtonpost.com: House Reprimands, Penalizes Speaker
[SIZE=+2] House Reprimands, Penalizes Speaker [/SIZE] [SIZE=-1] By John E. Yang
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, January 22 1997; Page A01[/SIZE]
The House voted overwhelmingly yesterday to reprimand House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and order him to pay an unprecedented $300,000 penalty, the first time in the House's 208-year history it has disciplined a speaker for ethical wrongdoing.
The ethics case and its resolution leave Gingrich with little leeway for future personal controversies, House Republicans said. Exactly one month before yesterday's vote, Gingrich admitted that he brought discredit to the House and broke its rules by failing to ensure that financing for two projects would not violate federal tax law and by giving the House ethics committee false information.
"Newt has done some things that have embarrassed House Republicans and embarrassed the House," said Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-Mich.). "If [the voters] see more of that, they will question our judgment."
House Democrats are likely to continue to press other ethics charges against Gingrich and the Internal Revenue Service is looking into matters related to the case that came to an end yesterday.
The 395 to 28 vote closes a tumultuous chapter...

At a closed-door meeting of House Republicans yesterday morning, the speaker noted his agreement to accept the sanction, which the ethics committee approved on a 7 to 1 vote Friday night, and said he wanted to get the matter behind him, according to lawmakers who attended.
Newt Gingrich was punished, period.

To call it anything else is a lie.
The heart of the ethics committee case against House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) involves his use of charitable organizations to subsidize his partisan political activities -- a practice he suggests he could have avoided had he consulted a lawyer and not been so "naive" about the intricacies of the tax code.

Washingtonpost.com: Use of Tax-Exempt Groups Integral to Political Strategy

NOt understanding the tax code is hardly a horrid crime, because NO ONE really understands the tax code, and if you call the IRS for advice, they make the disclaimer that following their advice may not excuse you from an audit or subsequent penalties.

But after this one charge out of 84 was sustained, the IRS reviewed the matter and found that Newt actually hadn't done anything wrong.

So, I'm sorry, comparing immoralities.

Newt didn't understand a tax code in a college course he was trying to teach. And apparenlty the IRS didn't understand it, either. NOt a big moral thing to me.

Mitten Romney looted companies, put thousands out of good paying jobs, moved jobs overseas, stuffed money into Cayman Island Bank accounts, and that's okay, somehow.
Reagan was before my time and I didn't vote for McCain.

I personally find the 'mommy he did it too' excuse unacceptable. I don't care if half of congress have done it. I will not support these people.

For (insert optional deity here) sake, you're talking about a potential President of the United States. Is it not about time we demanded that the person match the office?

So, you're going to vote for Obama?

If you're expecting perfection, then you should look somewhere besides politicians. We are electing a president, not an angel.

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