History Reveals Progressives as Dupes!


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Historian and tireless researcher, Dr. Paul Kangor has written another book destined to be a NYTimes blockbuster: “DUPES: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century.”

The following is from an interview he did with the Daily Caller:

1. Why did you write the book?
I know people will think I wrote it to be polemical or sensational, but the fact is that I would have never had this idea if I hadn’t been regularly reading Soviet archives for previous projects, and especially the Soviet Comintern Archives on CPUSA— that is, Communist Party USA. There are hundreds of reels of microfiche from this archive just sitting on shelves at the Library of Congress: This material is shocking, fully vindicating the worst fears and claims of anti-communists throughout the 20th century. It shows not only that American communists were secretly serving the Soviet Union, but that they considered themselves loyal Soviet patriots. They were absolutely, unequivocally dedicated to the goal of worldwide communism, headquartered in Moscow, with the United States itself becoming a communist state.

2. I have all of the weekly columns written by Obama’s mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, for the 1949-50 Honolulu Record, which was the CPUSA organ in Hawaii. These columns are unbelievably outrageous. Davis toed the Stalinist line unerringly, perfectly parroting every talking point of the Communist Party. This means that Davis demonized the Democratic Party leadership opposing Stalin at the time. Davis turned Harry Truman into a monster, … Our current president’s mentor in Hawaii in the 1970s was a pro-Soviet communist. Americans, voting for “change,” voted Davis’s pupil president in November 2008.

3. Beyond Davis, the material on Ted Kennedy is likewise shocking. I include the entire May 1983 KGB document on Kennedy’s private offer to Yuri Andropov — an offer to work against Ronald Reagan. The letter has since been resealed in Russian archives. We publish it in its entirety in both Russian and English.

4. …John Dewey’s deep admiration for the Soviet Union in the late 1920s, and the fact that the Bolsheviks were busy translating Dewey’s education works into Russian even before they swept American public schools and trained a century of American public-school teachers. Dewey is the father of modern American public education. The Soviets adored his work, believing it was perfect for a communist state

We also have documents and testimonies and quotes on all sorts of other figures: Upton Sinclair, Benjamin Spock, H.G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, Arthur Miller, Lillian Hellman, Howard Zinn, Walter Cronkite, and a rich cast of dupes from Hollywood — Katharine Hepburn, Gene Kelly, Judy Garland—among others.

5. . The book discusses Jimmy Carter’s record of dealing with Communism and Islamism. Impressive record, right?

Horrible. Jimmy Carter is the bridge between those two threats, making a seamless transition from being duped during the Cold War to being duped into the War on Terror. Carter’s actions and comments regarding Leonid Brezhnev (USSR) and the Ayatollah (Iran) in 1979 — the latter’s Islamic revolution basically birthing modern Islamic terrorism — were repeated again and again by Carter well after his presidency. For instance, see his post-Cold War comments on the likes of Kim in North Korea, Hamas, Iraq, the Palestinians. It’s no coincidence that the cover of this book features Carter kissing Leonid Brezhnev in June 1979 — just a few months before the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, incidentally.

5. Who are the biggest dupes in government today?
Those would be politicians like Dick Durbin, John Kerry, Pete Stark, Barbara Lee, and Maxine Waters. The duping in the War on Terror, however, is quite different. ... It’s an unwitting form of assistance. That’s what a dupe does: unwittingly, unknowingly helps the adversary.

That said, there has been some deliberate manipulation by the enemy in the War on Terror. For instance, the way that Congressman Jim McDermott was rolled by Saddam Hussein’s crew in Baghdad in late 2002 is disturbing. I detail that at length in the book.

6. Your research uncovers Soviet records that show that it was a specific policy of the Soviet Union to target liberals, especially academics and the leftwing religious figures. Can you explain this further?

Those were the two groups most successfully targeted by communists. On page 65, I include a 1920 letter from the Comintern listing four pages of “liberal” college professors to be targeted with communist materials. Among them, by the way, is Dr. Harry F. Ward, the liberal Methodist who was one of the founding members of the ACLU. Ward was one of the biggest dupes I encountered in all of my research.

Generally, the Religious Left is a tragic case. Herb Romerstein, the veteran investigator of the communist movement and authority on the Venona papers, calls the Religious Left “the biggest suckers of them all.” It would be laughable if it weren’t so tragic. These liberal Christians were sheep led to the slaughter. The brooding communists privately held them in contempt for their breathtaking gullibility.

7. Explain the harm that these progressive dupes have caused? And when you say they have aided America’s enemies, do you believe this was their intention?

It wasn’t their intention. That’s the very essence of being duped: you’re unwittingly misled. A dupe has been deliberately manipulated — preyed by those with concealed purposes not disclosed to the dupe. This can have the ultimate effect of helping the enemy, ...

The dupes are culpable, to some degree, but they are really innocent. They’re oblivious.
10 questions with “DUPES” author Paul Kengor | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment
you read too much rightwingnut garbage. it's rotting your brain. *shakes head*

Oh, shucks....I guess that means you won't want a copy for Chanukah...??

But...you don't doubt every historical reference in the tome, do you?

(If you change your mind, Amazon: DUPES: How America's Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century [Hardcover]
Paul Kengor
you read too much rightwingnut garbage. it's rotting your brain. *shakes head*

He may be a conservative, but he's a pretty smart guy... at least what he claims is fact, actually is fact. His research is impressive and, while you may not like what he has to say, you might want to read some of his shit before you assume he's a rightwingnut.
I got this far and then I couldn't go on anymore. It was just too stupid.

Ayatollah (Iran) in 1979 — the latter’s Islamic revolution basically birthing modern Islamic terrorism

What started "modern Islamic Terrorism" was the discovery of "Middle Eastern Oil". Did that really need to be explained to right wing nitwits? Guess so. Talk about "dupes". I bet the majority of Republicans still believe Saddam was behind 9/11.
I got this far and then I couldn't go on anymore. It was just too stupid.

Ayatollah (Iran) in 1979 — the latter’s Islamic revolution basically birthing modern Islamic terrorism

What started "modern Islamic Terrorism" was the discovery of "Middle Eastern Oil". Did that really need to be explained to right wing nitwits? Guess so. Talk about "dupes". I bet the majority of Republicans still believe Saddam was behind 9/11.

:lol: You're so dumb it's actually funny.
I got this far and then I couldn't go on anymore. It was just too stupid.

Ayatollah (Iran) in 1979 — the latter’s Islamic revolution basically birthing modern Islamic terrorism

What started "modern Islamic Terrorism" was the discovery of "Middle Eastern Oil". Did that really need to be explained to right wing nitwits? Guess so. Talk about "dupes". I bet the majority of Republicans still believe Saddam was behind 9/11.

Deanie- you read? You actually read!!!
Hey...are you just braggin'?

I'm not sure what the Lexile rating is for this book, but I'm pretty sure it's beyond yours...you might want to check this out:

"Enter your Lexile measure, select your interests, and find books you'd like to read!"
The Lexile Framework for Reading | Lexile.com
Sounds like a book I need to put on my reading "wish list" - which seems to have lengthened rapidly the last couple of years.
Some right wing townhall guys book about commies coming out of the woodwork is not my idea of a scholorly read.

Hes a religious nutter who hates half of his own countrymen.

merry christmas con style.
America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives... have all of the weekly columns written by Obama’s mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.
Frank Marshall Davis wasn't Obama's trusted counselor or guide.

"In his memoir Dreams from My Father, Barack Obama wrote about "Frank", a friend of his grandfather's. "Frank" told Obama that he and Stanley (Obama's maternal grandfather) both had grown up only 50 miles apart, near Wichita, although they did not meet until Hawaii. He described the way race relations were back then, including Jim Crow, and his view that there had been little progress since then. As Obama remembered, "It made me smile, thinking back on Frank and his old Black Power, dashiki self. In some ways he was as incurable as my mother, as certain in his faith, living in the same sixties time warp that Hawaii had created."[19] Obama also remembered Frank later in life when he took a job in South Chicago as a community organizer and took some time one day to visit the areas where Frank had lived and wrote in his book, "I imagined Frank in a baggy suit and wide lapels, standing in front of the old Regal Theatre, waiting to see Duke or Ella emerge from a gig." [20]

In the opinion of Gerald Horne, a contributing editor to the CPUSA publication Political Affairs, Davis was "a decisive influence in helping Obama to find his present identity" as an African-American.[21] Claims that Davis was a political influence on Obama were made by Jerome Corsi in his anti-Obama book The Obama Nation.[22] A rebuttal released by Obama's presidential campaign, titled Unfit for Publication, confirmed that "Frank" was Frank Marshall Davis, but disputes those claims about the nature of their relationship.[23]

20.^ Barack Obama, Dreams from My Father, Paper Back Edition, Chapter 8, Page 145
21.^ Gerald Horne, Rethinking the History and Future of the Communist Party, Political Affairs Magazine, March 28, 2007 (deleted from Political Affairs Magazine website; but still available at Archive.org)
22.^ The Obama Nation, Jerome Corsi, p. 85, Simon and Schuster (2008)
23.^ Unfit for Publication (pdf)
Frank Marshall Davis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

his books, Obama admits attending “socialist conferences” and coming into
contact with Marxist literature. But he ridicules the charge of being a
“hard-core academic Marxist,” which was made by his colorful and outspoken 2004
U.S. Senate opponent, Republican Alan Keyes.

through Frank Marshall Davis, Obama had an admitted relationship with someone
who was publicly identified as a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA).
record shows that Obama was in Hawaii from 1971-1979, where,
at some point in time, he developed a close relationship, almost like a son,
with Davis,
listening to his “poetry” and getting
advice on his career path. But Obama, in his book, Dreams From My Father, refers to him repeatedly as just “Frank.”

reason is apparent: Davis was a known communist
who belonged to a party subservient to the Soviet Union.
In fact, the 1951
report of the Commission on Subversive Activities to the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii identified him as a
CPUSA member."
Obama’s Communist Mentor

"Maya Soetoro-Ng, Obama's half-sister, told the Associated Press recently that her grandfather had seen Mr Davis was a "point of connection, a bridge if you will, to the larger African-American experience for my brother". Confederate Yankee: Obama Mentor Frank Marshall Davis an Admitted Child Rapist

Feel free to retract your post.
America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives... have all of the weekly columns written by Obama’s mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.
Frank Marshall Davis wasn't Obama's trusted counselor or guide.

"In his memoir Dreams from My Father, Barack Obama wrote about "Frank", a friend of his grandfather's. "Frank" told Obama that he and Stanley (Obama's maternal grandfather) both had grown up only 50 miles apart, near Wichita, although they did not meet until Hawaii. He described the way race relations were back then, including Jim Crow, and his view that there had been little progress since then. As Obama remembered, "It made me smile, thinking back on Frank and his old Black Power, dashiki self. In some ways he was as incurable as my mother, as certain in his faith, living in the same sixties time warp that Hawaii had created."[19] Obama also remembered Frank later in life when he took a job in South Chicago as a community organizer and took some time one day to visit the areas where Frank had lived and wrote in his book, "I imagined Frank in a baggy suit and wide lapels, standing in front of the old Regal Theatre, waiting to see Duke or Ella emerge from a gig." [20]

In the opinion of Gerald Horne, a contributing editor to the CPUSA publication Political Affairs, Davis was "a decisive influence in helping Obama to find his present identity" as an African-American.[21] Claims that Davis was a political influence on Obama were made by Jerome Corsi in his anti-Obama book The Obama Nation.[22] A rebuttal released by Obama's presidential campaign, titled Unfit for Publication, confirmed that "Frank" was Frank Marshall Davis, but disputes those claims about the nature of their relationship.[23]

20.^ Barack Obama, Dreams from My Father, Paper Back Edition, Chapter 8, Page 145
21.^ Gerald Horne, Rethinking the History and Future of the Communist Party, Political Affairs Magazine, March 28, 2007 (deleted from Political Affairs Magazine website; but still available at Archive.org)
22.^ The Obama Nation, Jerome Corsi, p. 85, Simon and Schuster (2008)
23.^ Unfit for Publication (pdf)
Frank Marshall Davis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

his books, Obama admits attending “socialist conferences” and coming into
contact with Marxist literature. But he ridicules the charge of being a
“hard-core academic Marxist,” which was made by his colorful and outspoken 2004
U.S. Senate opponent, Republican Alan Keyes.

through Frank Marshall Davis, Obama had an admitted relationship with someone
who was publicly identified as a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA).
record shows that Obama was in Hawaii from 1971-1979, where,
at some point in time, he developed a close relationship, almost like a son,
with Davis,
listening to his “poetry” and getting
advice on his career path. But Obama, in his book, Dreams From My Father, refers to him repeatedly as just “Frank.”

reason is apparent: Davis was a known communist
who belonged to a party subservient to the Soviet Union.
In fact, the 1951
report of the Commission on Subversive Activities to the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii identified him as a
CPUSA member."
Obama’s Communist Mentor

"Maya Soetoro-Ng, Obama's half-sister, told the Associated Press recently that her grandfather had seen Mr Davis was a "point of connection, a bridge if you will, to the larger African-American experience for my brother". Confederate Yankee: Obama Mentor Frank Marshall Davis an Admitted Child Rapist

Feel free to retract your post.
Your post proves you wrong and Micky correct.
Yeah those Soviets duped the bejesus out of us, didn't they?

That must be why they're the only superpower left standing, I guess.
Some right wing townhall guys book about commies coming out of the woodwork is not my idea of a scholorly read.

Hes a religious nutter who hates half of his own countrymen.

merry christmas con style.

Just thought you might be interested in the opinions of some other folks, those who read the book. From Amazon.com...

"I can't emphasize how impressed I was when I looked at the endnotes of this book. Students of history will appreciate the fact that nearly all of the sources used in this book are primary! A rare find for an academic book these days! The author gives everyone, those who will agree and disagree with him, the chance to look at publicly available sources and draw their own conclusions. As a result, I could hardly disagree with any of his conclusions."

" Professor Kengor's latest scholarly, thoroughly documented work, based upon recently released Soviet archives and FBI files, provides powerful evidence of how a number of American liberals directly contributed to the advancement of world-wide Communism - doubtless history's deadliest ideology, ultimately claiming more than 100 million lives. "

"As with all of Professor Kengor's books, Dupes is well written, thoroughly researched and thought-provoking. Moreover, he has, with this book, performed a great historical and public service - helping us to better understand the threat we still face as a nation, as our leaders choose to let their ideology, rather than the overwhelming evidence laid out clearly before them, guide their foreign policy decision-making."

"Dr. Kengor, through much fact sifting, proves why he is an authority on communist era history."

"The book is extremely well-researched by a brave historian and has many photos of the documents examined-here for the first time-and should serve as a warning for both camps,the Left and the Right,about the way the adversaries of America have succeeded-and still continue-in manipulating the brains of those who are naive enough to believe lies."

And, Ms. Truthie, knowing how you like to be fully informed, I have no doubt you will be reading the book shortly.
The best part, for which I give the Soviets boatloads of credit, is that the vast majority of the Democrats can't even tell their party was body snatched by Moscow.

I admire the grace and elegance of taking over an entire political party and having 98% of its members seamless support the new organization.

Kudos to Moscow!
Only a "useful idiot" would consider the Soviets a reliable source! :rofl:
Frank Marshall Davis wasn't Obama's trusted counselor or guide.

"In his memoir Dreams from My Father, Barack Obama wrote about "Frank", a friend of his grandfather's. "Frank" told Obama that he and Stanley (Obama's maternal grandfather) both had grown up only 50 miles apart, near Wichita, although they did not meet until Hawaii. He described the way race relations were back then, including Jim Crow, and his view that there had been little progress since then. As Obama remembered, "It made me smile, thinking back on Frank and his old Black Power, dashiki self. In some ways he was as incurable as my mother, as certain in his faith, living in the same sixties time warp that Hawaii had created."[19] Obama also remembered Frank later in life when he took a job in South Chicago as a community organizer and took some time one day to visit the areas where Frank had lived and wrote in his book, "I imagined Frank in a baggy suit and wide lapels, standing in front of the old Regal Theatre, waiting to see Duke or Ella emerge from a gig." [20]

In the opinion of Gerald Horne, a contributing editor to the CPUSA publication Political Affairs, Davis was "a decisive influence in helping Obama to find his present identity" as an African-American.[21] Claims that Davis was a political influence on Obama were made by Jerome Corsi in his anti-Obama book The Obama Nation.[22] A rebuttal released by Obama's presidential campaign, titled Unfit for Publication, confirmed that "Frank" was Frank Marshall Davis, but disputes those claims about the nature of their relationship.[23]

20.^ Barack Obama, Dreams from My Father, Paper Back Edition, Chapter 8, Page 145
21.^ Gerald Horne, Rethinking the History and Future of the Communist Party, Political Affairs Magazine, March 28, 2007 (deleted from Political Affairs Magazine website; but still available at Archive.org)
22.^ The Obama Nation, Jerome Corsi, p. 85, Simon and Schuster (2008)
23.^ Unfit for Publication (pdf)
Frank Marshall Davis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

his books, Obama admits attending “socialist conferences” and coming into
contact with Marxist literature. But he ridicules the charge of being a
“hard-core academic Marxist,” which was made by his colorful and outspoken 2004
U.S. Senate opponent, Republican Alan Keyes.

through Frank Marshall Davis, Obama had an admitted relationship with someone
who was publicly identified as a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA).
record shows that Obama was in Hawaii from 1971-1979, where,
at some point in time, he developed a close relationship, almost like a son,
with Davis,
listening to his “poetry” and getting
advice on his career path. But Obama, in his book, Dreams From My Father, refers to him repeatedly as just “Frank.”

reason is apparent: Davis was a known communist
who belonged to a party subservient to the Soviet Union.
In fact, the 1951
report of the Commission on Subversive Activities to the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii identified him as a
CPUSA member."
Obama’s Communist Mentor

"Maya Soetoro-Ng, Obama's half-sister, told the Associated Press recently that her grandfather had seen Mr Davis was a "point of connection, a bridge if you will, to the larger African-American experience for my brother". Confederate Yankee: Obama Mentor Frank Marshall Davis an Admitted Child Rapist

Feel free to retract your post.
Your post proves you wrong and Micky correct.

Ravi- you been drinkin' again????

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