history will show

History will show that history can't be changed. It is repeated over and over and over again as if there are no lessons of history. Or, at least those in the present imagine they know better and will do it right this time.

History won't care that obama's black, or a democrat, or that the left worshipped him like a god.
And just what facts about this adminstration are worthy of anything but a disaster rating? Have you seen the jobs market? Did you see that Jan 2013 had the biggest drop of family income? Have you seen gas prices? Do you know what Obamacare will do to the economy and top quality healthcare in this country? Have you noticed an increase of 6 trillion in debt? Or are you just drinking the kool-aid?

Compared to where my GOP neo-con party had the country at the end of 2008 with a devastated economy, losing wars, a busted budget, and employers shedding 700,000 jobs a month?

That is the baseline against which Obama will be judged, HomeInspect, by the historians, nothing else.

Nothing demonstrates the division of the United States better than the way Americans - mainly the press - treated George W. Bush since about 2007 - and the way they adulated Obama since 2004, for his empty sloganish nonsense speech. His "no red state or blue state" speech was designed to corral the simpletons who bought "if the glove don't fit you must acquit". Or the slime spewed by Jesse Jackson: "Don't end it, mend it".

The "losing war" was supported by Democrats.

You have identified yourself with the corralled.
There will be a time in the future when political correctness, affirmative action and proponents thereof will be - justifiably - viewed as the Ku Klux Klan is today. Frankly, because those proponents are no better, morally, spiritually and politically than the proponents of the KKK of yesteryear.

Sadly, though, by that time shakedown artists like Jesse Jackson, political hacks like Al Sharpton and anti-American Muslims lie Louis Farrakhan, along with the despicable racists in the Black Congressional Caucus and the even more racist criminals in the NAACP will have been rich enough not to give a care about the unfortunate on the streets of Detroit and Chicago and Harlem and Watts and Washington, DC and the inner core of any city whose misguided population fell for the Democratic mantra and elected time after time a Democrat for mayor who gives not a shit about them.
Compared to where my GOP neo-con party had the country at the end of 2008 with a devastated economy, losing wars, a busted budget, and employers shedding 700,000 jobs a month?

That is the baseline against which Obama will be judged, HomeInspect, by the historians, nothing else.

Nothing demonstrates the division of the United States better than the way Americans - mainly the press - treated George W. Bush since about 2007 - and the way they adulated Obama since 2004, for his empty sloganish nonsense speech. His "no red state or blue state" speech was designed to corral the simpletons who bought "if the glove don't fit you must acquit". Or the slime spewed by Jesse Jackson: "Don't end it, mend it".

The "losing war" was supported by Democrats.

You have identified yourself with the corralled.

I remember that in 1995 my wife and I were on the road, listening to the radio about the OJ Simpson trial, and the fact that the jury is about to come in with the verdict. I remember - referring to the majority of the jury - saying to my wife: They will NEVER convict a brother. I am still working hard to earn forgiveness from her for being so absolutely correct.

So, if I am corralled, what and who are those who succumbed to a mesmerizing snake oil salesman communist organizer? Was is it the free rent paid out of "Obama's stash"? Or was it the free phones? Or was it the rent that was to be paid from the same source? Or was it plain idiocy, based on historical and willful ignorance promoted by low-lifes, like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Sheila Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters, Keith Ellison and/or James Clayburn?
There will be a time in the future when political correctness, affirmative action and proponents thereof will be - justifiably - viewed as the Ku Klux Klan is today. Frankly, because those proponents are no better, morally, spiritually and politically than the proponents of the KKK of yesteryear.

Sadly, though, by that time shakedown artists like Jesse Jackson, political hacks like Al Sharpton and anti-American Muslims lie Louis Farrakhan, along with the despicable racists in the Black Congressional Caucus and the even more racist criminals in the NAACP will have been rich enough not to give a care about the unfortunate on the streets of Detroit and Chicago and Harlem and Watts and Washington, DC and the inner core of any city whose misguided population fell for the Democratic mantra and elected time after time a Democrat for mayor who gives not a shit about them.

An interesting but misguided nonsense. Nothing new here.

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