'Hit Iran now. Hit them hard,' U.S. Senator Lindsay Graham calls on Biden to strike Iran

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
It was just a matter of time. Lindsey is in orgasmic ecstasy right now wanting to push the Usurper into attacking Iran. The only reality is none of our enemies are afraid of Biden.

Well, the fact of the matter is our enemies big or small are not scared of us. Iran just gave us the biggest taunt sending a message throughout the world. I have a feeling this Biden regime will fail us again just like the Afghanistan debacle. That Blinken guy is a wimp who will blink on any decision... pun intended. For any Biden apologist you need to shut up and understand your president failed this country worse than any other president. This is going to be a long 12 months if it takes voting Trump back in to restore strength back to the country.
It was just a matter of time. Lindsey is in orgasmic ecstasy right now wanting to push the Usurper into attacking Iran. The only reality is none of our enemies are afraid of Biden.

You almost get the feeling that some people have a poster of a missile being fired, or an image of Hiroshima from the sky well positioned as they flag their bishop.

Iran is going to need to be confronted. Attacking them could very well set off WWIII thanks to CHina and Russia. Does Graham understand this potential?

The West needs to fund proxies in the region to create problems for Iran.
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It was just a matter of time. Lindsey is in orgasmic ecstasy right now wanting to push the Usurper into attacking Iran. The only reality is none of our enemies are afraid of Biden.

I disagree with Sen. Graham on this.

He needs to remember that the useless Sleepy Joe is in charge. The mullahs will call him out on it.

Since he'll back down against his fellow libs, any threats by Biden would be empty. And nothing is more ineffectual than an empty threat.
Biden is Usurper now. He doesn't want deterrence despite this attack that wouldn't have happened with Trump president.
It did happen with Trump as president, dumbass. That's why Donald Trump assassinated Qasim Soleimani. He ‘hit them hard’. How did that work out for our ‘deterrence’?
Donald Trump assassinated Qasim Soleimani. He ‘hit them hard’. How did that work out for our ‘deterrence’?

Actually, it worked out tremendous for us. Iran didn't authorize their proxy group, Hamas, until after President Trump left office. He really scared the shit out of the mullahs and kept them from doing any more major shit.
I disagree with Sen. Graham on this.

He needs to remember that the useless Sleepy Joe is in charge. The mullahs will call him out on it.

Since he'll back down against his fellow libs, any threats by Biden would be empty. And nothing is more ineffectual than an empty threat.
As soon as Trump becomes president, all those attacks are over.

Our enemies have no idea what Trump would do from one minute to the next. Therefore they fear him.

To show, I’m not partisan, I said exactly the same thing about Hillary Clinton when she was running against Trump.

Biden is 100% predictable. He will talk and do nothing else. I don’t know if Democrats on here are aware of this, but our enemies are not afraid of talk.

They’re not afraid of condemnation, they’re not afraid of you and disapproval, they’re not afraid of someone saying “they need to be confronted”

our enemies, fear, sudden, unexpected death has happened to queasy, salami. Death for themselves that is. As a masses demonstrating for a couple of months running, the leaders do not care what happens to the people.
Donald Trump assassinated Qasim Soleimani. He ‘hit them hard’. How did that work out for our ‘deterrence’?
It worked out awesome. Peace in the Middle East was kept during his term.

Your guy is a lifelong warmongering idiot who does whatever the CIA wants.

Why did Biden have troops on the Jordan border?
Graham is a corrupt MIC sycophant.


Yes, lets start another war. Yippie! Spend more billions to kill brown people 10 time zones away.
To the extent that Iran aided the scumbags who struck our troops in Jordan, it is absolutely fair to hit Iran back and hard. Like a punch that rattles their skull followed by a kick to the knee and a kick in the balls.

But let’s not just react on pure emotionalism, like Goober Graham. Let’s make sure we’ve got it right.

Also, whoever actually fired the weapons at our troops deserves even more attention than Iran.

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