Hitler Hated Communism, Socialist, Homosexuals, and Jews

Talk about "Nothing gets through your head?" lol! Your pompous interpretation and opinion means nothing. Do some real research on Hitler and the Nazis and then get back to us. Get the facts and not just more stale repetitive opinions and conjecture. READ PEOPLE! READ!
You're a big fan of reading...one question I'd like you to answer:

Have you read Mein Kampf?
Adolph Hitler was one of the greatest men the world has ever known. Unfortunately he was unable to finish the job but his dream lives on.

So, which one do you vote for?

A. Republican

B. Democrat

C. Independent

D. Don't vote

E. Other
Just more pompous opinion and interpretation. Go to the source for God's sake. Hitler's beliefs on many issues are out there for anyone who wants facts. Otherwise you're just spewing someone else's tired interpretations and opinions. Nothing more,nothing less. The facts are out there people. You just have to take some time and research.
Nothing gets through your head, does it? Apart from the fact that the Third Reich placed tremendous emphasis on the sustainment of private property, as previously mentioned, there is no viable group of "American socialists," since socialism requires the public ownership and management of the means of production.

Private property for an elite few. They confiscated the property of those who didn't toe the line, and dispersed it amongst themselves.
Just more pompous opinion and interpretation. Go to the source for God's sake. Hitler's beliefs on many issues are out there for anyone who wants facts. Otherwise you're just spewing someone else's tired interpretations and opinions. Nothing more,nothing less. The facts are out there people. You just have to take some time and research.
Are you just a broken record, or do you actually answer questions?

To repeat:

You're a big fan of reading...one question I'd like you to answer:

Have you read Mein Kampf?
Adolph Hitler was one of the greatest men the world has ever known. Unfortunately he was unable to finish the job but his dream lives on.

So, which one do you vote for?

A. Republican

B. Democrat

C. Independent

D. Don't vote

E. Other

Yukon doesn't vote in this country at all. He's a Canadian. Just another foreign retard who is intimidated by debating politics in his own country, so migrates to our boards to insult our system and tell us all the reasons we should do things which will result in the advancement of less successful entities.
Private property for an elite few. They confiscated the property of those who didn't toe the line, and dispersed it amongst themselves.

What part of "freedom of contract was generally respected; instead of using power, the state offered firms a number of contract options to choose from" was incomprehensible to you? :eusa_eh:
Nothing gets through your head, does it? Apart from the fact that the Third Reich placed tremendous emphasis on the sustainment of private property,.


Statists are parasitic in nature , so Hitler was smart enough to know that no bureaucrat could effectively manage , for example, The family business, known as Friedrich Krupp AG Hoesch-Krupp. So private industry is tolerated , of course under massive government control.

Some corrupt businessmen like fascism because they usually get to form coercive monopolies.

1. Family business? The name says otherwise.
2. The important factor is determining if the system is socialist or not is who gets the returns of production. If it goes to the state, then it's socialism. If it goes to the owners of the firm, it's not.
Private property for an elite few. They confiscated the property of those who didn't toe the line, and dispersed it amongst themselves.

What part of "freedom of contract was generally respected; instead of using power, the state offered firms a number of contract options to choose from" was incomprehensible to you? :eusa_eh:

Lovely. Just what we need, a Nazi pedophile.
Adolph Hitler was one of the greatest men the world has ever known. Unfortunately he was unable to finish the job but his dream lives on.

Since he's your hero and all, do you like women to piss on your face like he did?
Nothing gets through your head, does it? Apart from the fact that the Third Reich placed tremendous emphasis on the sustainment of private property,.


Statists are parasitic in nature , so Hitler was smart enough to know that no bureaucrat could effectively manage , for example, The family business, known as Friedrich Krupp AG Hoesch-Krupp. So private industry is tolerated , of course under massive government control.

Some corrupt businessmen like fascism because they usually get to form coercive monopolies.

1. Family business? The name says otherwise.
2. The important factor is determining if the system is socialist or not is who gets the returns of production. If it goes to the state, then it's socialism. If it goes to the owners of the firm, it's not.

Again, it is understood that the Nazi's were fascists notwithstanding their party's name.

The fascist state obtains its revenue typically through a heavy graduated income taxes.

The 5th Plank of the Communist Manifesto calls for a heavy graduated income taxduring the transition period from a free economy to a communist system.

The only thing that can accurately describes the Nazis is that they were extreme militant Nationalist hell bent on avenging WWI and willing to say ANYTHING in order to get the support of the German people. They had no real ideology - just mass propaganda.

It's my belief that what was truly at the root of Naziism is an entire generation that suffered from EXTREME post traumatic stress after 5 years of hell in the trenches.

They were as cruel and destructive to their own people and country, especially the German soldiers, as they were to everyone else.

In short, they were PLAIN FUCKING NUTS.

It is therefore obvious that they had an awful lot in common with modern day Americans Conservatives!

So there's no advocacy of the destruction of humans that you can refer to? That doesn't surprise me. Rightists' typical claims that the animal rights movement seeks to equate humans and animals are idiotic enough; yet, you've gone a step beyond that.

I'm all for being kind to animals...I love animals.

But any normal person understands that human life and animal life are not equal...

and PETA has it's priorities all skewed.
The only thing that can accurately describes the Nazis is that they were extreme militant Nationalist hell bent on avenging WWI and willing to say ANYTHING in order to get the support of the German people. They had no real ideology - just mass propaganda.

It's my belief that what was truly at the root of Naziism is an entire generation that suffered from EXTREME post traumatic stress after 5 years of hell in the trenches.

They were as cruel and destructive to their own people and country, especially the German soldiers, as they were to everyone else.

In short, they were PLAIN FUCKING NUTS.

It is therefore obvious that they had an awful lot in common with modern day Americans Conservatives!


Actually, their methodology has far more in common with the dems. Erode rights, hobnob with criminals, use fear to marginalize the opposition and to make it more palatable when you attempt to take them out of the picture.
Lovely. Just what we need, a Nazi pedophile.

I hope this post inspires rightists to support UHC, because it's becoming more and more apparent to me that mental illness and prescription drug abuse are far more rampant than cursory analysis would indicate.

After all, you having seen what I look like and having seen that I'm a fucking Native American just must plant the thought of me wanting to preserve the purity of the Volk in your mind, right? :lol:

I'm all for being kind to animals...I love animals.

But any normal person understands that human life and animal life are not equal...

and PETA has it's priorities all skewed.

I'm not familiar with any claim on PETA's part that human and nonhuman animal lives are equal. Nor can that be inferred from the ethical reasoning that forms the foundation of the animal rights movement, which has primarily been supplied by Tom Regan and Peter Singer.

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