Hitler Hated Communism, Socialist, Homosexuals, and Jews

Both in theory and practice, National Socialism opposes liberalism.

Joseph Goebbels, 1933.

So, the challenge is, for some of you, to show that Nazism wasn't anti-liberalism when even Nazism's own founders and practitioners believed otherwise.
OK Vern, Let's dissect the Nazi Platform:

7. We demand that the State make it its duty to provide opportunities of employment first of all for its own Citizens. If it is not possible to maintain the entire population of the State, then foreign nationals (non-Citizens) are to be expelled from the Reich.

Aren't the zombified persecuting Our Mexican Alien Friends; Aren't the Know Nothings demanding that aliens be excluded from Obama's Hellcare. Didn't President Hoover expatriate Hispanics of Mexican Descent even if they were US Citizens?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Had to go all the way back to Hoover?

Lets just nip this in the bud here.

Just because certain parts of Hitler's, the Nazi,'s Stalin's, the Communist's (fill in the blank with your favorite hated regime in history) platform happens to be pretty analogous to certain parts of a modern American political party's platform does not mean that the modern American political party is comparable to all that those regimes stood for. If the Nazi's declared that water is indeed wet, does that then make it evil that H2O tends to actually be a bit moist? If the Nazi's wanted a strong military, does wanting a strong military make one a Nazi? If the communists did not want religion in the government, does that make wanting a non-religious government communistic?

It's intellectually dishonest. And those that purvey this view are either a) knowingly intellectually dishonest themselves b) trolls or c) just plain stupid.

Multiple choice. Take yer pick.

I see, so the fact that the US has a huge welfare/warfare state apparatus is a mere coinkidink ?


Sweden is Nazi??
Self-description is not a sufficient validation, unless you consider the Soviet-controlled German "Democratic" Republic or the "People's Republic" of China to be legitimately such. Even the populist elements of the Nazi party weren't legitimately socialist, and they were all destroyed on the Night of the Long Knives anyhow.

Yea, it's hard to call yourself a socialist, then run around killing all the communists and socialists.

It seems a bit, um...contradictory.

Man, republican worlds of misinformation are crashing all around these Jonah Goldberg fans. Jeez, just looking at his titles is enough to make one know the books aren't worth reading. Seriously, liberal media? Who are you kidding, that little canard has been exposed long ago for a big pile of BS.
perhaps you should tell your liberal friends on here to stop calling the republican party the "confederate party".

Maybe you could have a few words with your side...(but be careful)

You can start with discussing their chosen flag.*


*not all, some.
In reference to links by Alliebaba:

This is why you people are so dishonest. To even suggest that Democrats are for killing old people is ridiculous. Look at the first article you link to. It begins with "Allocation of very scarce medical interventions such as organs and vaccines is a persistent ethical challenge."

Republicans don't even know that. They want to turn "scarce organs and vaccines" into "pull the plug".

Scarce: (skârs)
adj. scarc·er, scarc·est
1. Insufficient to meet a demand or requirement; short in supply: Fresh vegetables were scarce during the drought.
2. Hard to find; absent or rare: Steel pennies are scarce now except in coin shops.
Barely or hardly; scarcely

The problem is Republicans don't know how to debate because they are always looking for an "Ah ha" moment, they don't even put it in context.


Racist Democrats left the party and swelled the ranks of the Southern Confederate Republican party. Don't try to pretend otherwise. Macaca, ho, Obama signs with ribs and fried chicken - it's all there. There and plain to see. The intention is clear. Don't call a sow's ear a can of tomatoes.

Look at well known Republican and conservative Scalia: The ruling (ending laws aimed at gays), Scalia said, “held to be a constitutional right what had been a criminal offense at the time of the founding and for nearly 200 years thereafter.”

Of course, at the time, we also had slavery and women were property and couldn't vote. The Confederate Republican "good old days".

The truth is, Republicans discriminate and they come up with ZERO solutions. Health Care is bankrupting our country - no solutions. They are anti gay, anti black and anti education. The result from that is clearly demonstrated by the FACT that less than 6% of scientists ARE Republican. They even want to teach "mysticism" in place of science.

Now, the question I have is"

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so you were defending the democrats, not attacking the republicans in that statement?
For a new perspective, perhaps you should consider not starting your next presumption with so.

perhaps you should tell your liberal friends on here to stop calling the republican party the "confederate party".

Actually, I got that name from well known conservative and life long Republican Kathleen Parker. A person who is upset that the Republican Party has been hijacked by the Religious Right. She refers to the Republican Party as either the Confederate Party or the party of "Ooga booga".

As long as the anti black, anti science crowd is in charge, the Republican Party, once the party of scientists and "the party of ideas" is now, most definitely, the Confederate Party or the party of "Ooga booga". Get used to it. Change it or own it.
In fact, he went after them before he started exterminating Jews. So, who hates communism, socialism, and homosexuals more, democrats, or republicans. Here is an excerpt from a book, you know, a good, historical account, rather than a right-wing idiot paid to mislead you, so you can get all irritated about something that isn't even true, and look like a dummy.

Begin excerpt:

Perhaps to emphasize this anti-capitalist focus, and to align itself with similar groups in Austria and Czechoslovakia, the party changed its name in February 1920 to the National Socialist German Workers’ Party; hostile commentators soon abbreviated this to the word ‘Nazi”, just as the enemies of the Social Democrats had abbreviated the name of that party earlier on to ‘Sozi’. Despite the change of name, however, it would be wrong to see Nazism as a form of or an outgrowth from, Socialism. True, as some have pointed out, its rhetoric was frequently egalitarian, it stressed the need to put common needs above the needs of the individual, and it often declared itself opposed to big business and international finance capital. Famously, too, anti-Semitism was once declared to be ‘the socialism of fools’. But from the very beginning Hitler declared himself implacably opposed to Social Democracy and, initially to a much smaller extent, Communism: after all, the ‘November traitors’ who had signed the Armistice and later the Treaty of Versailles were not Communists at all, but the Social Democrats and their allies.
The ‘National Socialists’ wanted to unite the two political camps of the left and right into which, they argued, the Jews had manipulated the German nation. The basis for this was to be the idea of race. This was light years removed from the class-based ideology of socialism. Nazism was in some ways an extreme counter-ideology to socialism, borrowing much of its rhetoric in the process, from its self-image as a movement rather than a party, to its much-vaunted contempt for bourgeois convention and conservative timidity. The idea of ‘party’, suggested allegiance to parliamentary democracy, working steadily within a settled democratic polity. In speeches and propagandas however, Hitler and his followers preferred on the whole to talk of ‘National Socialist movement’, just as the Social Democrats had talked of “workers’ movement” or, come to that, the feminists of the ‘women’s movement’ and the apostles of prewar teenage rebellion of ‘youth movement’. The term not only suggested dynamism and unceasing forward motion, it also more than hinted at an ultimate goal, an absolute object to work towards that was grander and more final than the endless compromises of conventional politics. By presenting itself as a ‘movement’, National Socialism, like the labor movement, advertised is opposition to conventional politics and is intention to subvert and ultimately overthrow the system within which it was initially forced to work.

By replacing class with race, and the dictatorship of the proletariat with the dictatorship of the leader, Nazism reversed the usual terms of socialist ideology. The synthesis of right and left was neatly symbolized in the Party’s official flag, personally chosen by Hitler in the mid-1920’s: the field was bright red, the color of socialism, with the swastika, the emblem of racist nationalism, outlined in black in the middle of a white circle at the centre of the flag, so that the whole ensemble made a combination of black, white, and red, the colors of the official flag of the Bismarckian rejection of the Weimar Republic and all it stood for; but by changing the design and adding the swastika, a symbol already used by a variety of far-right racist movements and Free Corps units in the postwar period, the Nazis also announced that what they wanted to replace it with was a new, Pan-German racial state, not the old Wilhelmine status quo.

The Coming of the Third Reich, by Richard J. Evans pp. 173-74

I might just add, there was a entirely different party, called the Socialist Party, in Germany. Nazis were "National Socialists." They were nationalist, country first above all things, you must believe my ideas, or watch what you say, we'll torture you, kind of people. They were Fascists, not Socialists, and Fascism is that endpoint of the spectrum when Republicans keep on moving to the right, as they did during the Bush years.

I would say I'm surprised that people can be so uninformed, but with FOX, Limbaugh, and the host of other misinformation sites out there, I understand it perfectly. They are willing to fine a quick flash of Janet Jackson's nipple, but they allow corporate media to flood the airwaves with lies, and misinformation, without penalty. No wonder?
why don't we just stick to comparing hitler to hitler.
The Dems or Repubs are nothing like Nazi's or Hitler and all we do when try to compare them is creating fear.
Hitler Hated Communism, Socialist, Homosexuals, and Jews?

Wow, sounds like a Republican. Don't they hate all those things?

I bet that's why all the KKK and the Aryans belong to the Republican Party, or as some now refer to it, the "Confederate Party".

I think I've heard everything the Confederate Party is against, besides forced religion and tax breaks for the rich, what are they for?

and you sound like an idiot. but you always sound like an idiot, so you're shooting par.

Yea, okay, so I'm an idiot. But still, KKK and Aryans consider themselves more Republican than Democrat. Republicans want school prayer, tax breaks for the rich. Republicans hate Communism, Socialist, Homosexuals and are not very fond of the Jews. Republicans are anti education (they want to teach "mysticism" is equal to "science").

And for those that say Hitler wanted a "final" solution and neither Democrats or Republicans are like that, I believe it's only because of the law. If Republicans thought they could enforce a "final solution" against the gays, does anyone believe that wouldn't? If they had the opportunity? You only have to read what they believe on this site alone.

All you have to do is a search on "Gay final solution Republican" and you get lots of people like Scott Renfroe:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsQZiKyJgmw]YouTube - Scott Renfroe Compares Being Gay to Murder[/ame]

I just wish I understood why Republicans are so dishonest.

I'm not sure why so many dismiss this as invalid argumentation, since there are republicans at these meetings calling Obama a Nazi. I think it's important we decide which party is more like the Nazis, in order to avoid going down that road any farther. And you can compare unlike things--is an orange more like a grapefruit, or is an orange more like an apple? Clearly, in ways that matter, an orange, while not exactly being a grapefruit, is more like the grapefruit, in texture, substance, and even taste. It has cells, and is juicy.

Anyway, yes, of course they'd exterminate gays if they could, my God, have you seen the people out there at these meetings? Birthers, deathers, obvious racists, toting guns. These people are the most backward that live in the states, and for the most part, the least educated.

Republicans wanted these wars of aquisition, republicans sometimes base the wars on "we've got a better way," so it's okay to kill you folks to put our system in place. Republicans torture, openly embrace torture, and make fun of decent people who don't see it as a preferred method. Republicans use the government to kill people, through the death penalty. Republicans do hate homosexuals, Socialists, Communists, and though the democrats are going pretty corporate these days, the Republicans are pretty corporatist, and if there is one word to describe Fascism, it'd be corporatist, where the government does everything to help corporations along, even providing them with wage-slaves, cutting back wages, paying for them to move to third world countries, with cheap labor, and no environmental or safety standards, even though it obviously hurts America. I mean, we've got an unofficial unemployment rate of 19 percent now, shouldn't we start looking at what is good for Americans, not America, the corporation?

Yea, it's important to have this discussion, and no, no one is exactly like NAZIS, obviously. But in the face of morons going out and calling Obama a NAZI, some response is required, and one can only conclude we evicted the Nazis in 2008. I might add, Bush/Cheney was as close to a dictatorship we've ever had.
The Dems or Repubs are nothing like Nazi's or Hitler and all we do when try to compare them is creating fear.

1- Are there over 2,200,000 inmates in US prisons?

2- Do we have a massive domestic standing army as amply demonstrated by the Davidians invasion?

3- Hasn't the federal government USURP plans to declare martial Law and/or complete control by the scumbags inside the DC Beltway?


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