Hitler Hated Communism, Socialist, Homosexuals, and Jews

Nuclear weapons used to prevent the Japanese from bombing the shit out of us again.

And research the Manhattan Project. A huge percentage of the scientists weren't American.

Actually.....we dropped the "A" bombs because a land invasion would have meant casualties the likes of which we have never seen.

I see, so if you do something to me I can kill your entire family, right?


Are you sober....????

Japan was never going to stop....we had to take the fight to them. If we had invaded their main land.....I guarantee you more would have died than in the droppin o both of those bombs.

And yes....if your family sends killers to attack my family....I'll kill your whole fuckin family plus some.
As a German, I have to make several corrections:

1: The Nazi Party was backed up by "Big Buisness" most notably IG Farben and Krupp.
2: These Big buisness had to pay a bit of a price in Jews, but they did not mind at all.
3: These Buisnesses got filthy rich by exploiting the conquered areas
4: As a matter of fact, IG Farben Krupp or BASF has more power during the Nazi times than during Weimar. This is quite the proof that they werent "socialist" at all.

P.S. On a funny sidenote, IG Farben had a semiofficial truce with the USA. Their connections with US financial institutions and their industry were enough to prevent "Bombing accidents" on IG Farben installations for a majority of the war.

In precisly which "socialist dictatorship" does Big Buisness get to make "unofficial peace treaties" during war time?
The fact was so widly known in Germany that people tried to get close to IG Farben in order to be safe from US bombs....

For the record, the more or less socialist elements of the NSDAP were eliminated during the Roehm affair.
Considering the Bomb, dropping it had much more to do with showing some 300 well lead, experienced and perfectly equiped Russian divisions that they shoudl reconsider the Holiday plans on the Cote Azur.
Considering the Bomb, dropping it had much more to do with showing some 300 well lead, experienced and perfectly equiped Russian divisions that they shoudl reconsider the Holiday plans on the Cote Azur.

if you're referring to the Hokkaido landing, you would be correct that it was a benefit. But it was far secondary to ending the war with Japan, as the top historians agree.

Let's see Hilter had black hair and since some Republicans have black hair Republicans are Nazis!

But wait Hitler was short! Since some Liberals are short therefore they are Nazis!

We are all Nazis!

If anyone or any party has ANYTHING in common in any way with the Nazis that makes them Nazis!


That seems to be the gist of this message board.....:cuckoo:
Considering the Bomb, dropping it had much more to do with showing some 300 well lead, experienced and perfectly equiped Russian divisions that they shoudl reconsider the Holiday plans on the Cote Azur.

if you're referring to the Hokkaido landing, you would be correct that it was a benefit. But it was far secondary to ending the war with Japan, as the top historians agree.

I am referring to Operation Augst Storm (Soviet Invasion of Manchuria), in which a Japanese force on 1 million soldiers ceased to exist in a matter of roughly 2 weeks.
A US source on the affair:
Leavenworth Papers No. 7 (August Storm: The Soviet 1945 Strategic Offensive in Manchuria)

Also, the Soviets held a clear conventional superiority along the "iron curtain", which actually prompted Churchill to keep captured German units "ready" for a clash with the SU, in direct violation of a number of allied agreements, and in a ridiculous show of bad faith.

Given that August Storm was bound to happen (it was agreed beforehand that the USSR would open a northern front 3 months after Germanys surrender), the Bomb had 2 main goals:
1: Make sure Japan surrender to the US, not to the USSR¨
The Japanese could guess that the western alllies would be a bit pissed concerning Japanese war crimes, however, Japanese crimes against Russian were much more limited, so they could have considered a surrender to the USSR in order to prevent persecution.
2: Show the USSR that their conventional superiority can be countered.

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