"We don't have inflation because the people are living too well, we have inflation because the government is living too well."

Not exactly sure what you're trying to imply but I agree with you that BOTH parties continually spend more. But, democrats are the ones who continually talk about spending trillions and trillions more. And, the tax cuts did not decrease tax revenues collected so that is just a lie spread by the left.
What I'm trying to imply is pretty straight forward: No tax raises are needed for Feds to increase spending. Your logic is bust.

Here is what works that Republicans base and leaders have turned down time and time and time again:

Grand Bargain - where spending cuts are accompanied by tax raises. Everyone gives some, everyone sacrifices some and ONLY THEN will therre be any sort of serious dent made in reversing our national fiscal problems.
In the early 1970's my teacher explained that inflation was caused by deficit spending and that the government would pay U.S. bond holders back with money that was cheaper than that which they'd originally invested.
What I'm trying to imply is pretty straight forward: No tax raises are needed for Feds to increase spending. Your logic is bust.

Here is what works that Republicans base and leaders have turned down time and time and time again:

Grand Bargain - where spending cuts are accompanied by tax raises. Everyone gives some, everyone sacrifices some and ONLY THEN will therre be any sort of serious dent made in reversing our national fiscal problems.
Ah, now I understand what you're saying. You're saying that taxes aren't really needed for spending because we can just add all spending onto the national debt or print more money, so, who needs taxes? Sadly, you're right on that, except for the fact that all Americans pay for all of that debt through inflation.
Holy shit you are out to lunch.

You are. You blame Trump when there were no vaccines, yet put no blame on Biden despite his having enough vaccines. Out to lunch was blaming Trump at all.
You are. You blame Trump when there were no vaccines
Quote me bullshit peddler.

Although research scientists are ultimately to credit for vaccine development, Trump's administration made meaningful efforts in funding and pushing through vaccine aprovals, followed up by Biden administration doing pretty well in ensuring smooth distribution and mandating it where it could be.

Biden did what I wanted him to do. What the hell do you want me to blame him for? People refusing getting vaccinated and vaccines having limitations in effectiveness? :cuckoo:
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Quote me bullshit peddler.

Although research scientists are ultimately to credit for vaccine development, Trump's administration made meaningful efforts in funding and pushing through vaccine aprovals, followed up by Biden administration doing pretty well in ensuring smooth distribution and mandating it where it could be.
Say you do not blame Trump. Trump did not do research, as you admit, he speeded up testing. Biden is still losing many patients and my point has been not to blame Trump.
Say you do not blame Trump. Trump did not do research, as you admit, he speeded up testing. Biden is still losing many patients and my point has been not to blame Trump.
Bullshit, you specifically said this:
Trump vaccines took care of the problem and a good president would have no deaths due to CV19 by now. Biden has failed. The press fails us by keeping his secret.

That is what I was commenting on because that's just ignorant nonsense.

Good president can't force most people to get vaccinated and good president can't make vaccine more effective than it is.
Bullshit, you specifically said this:
You say vaccines are not working, don't you. And are you denying Biden has had many more killed in the USA? Trump for many months had no vaccine at all yet he got blamed. It is fair to blame Biden a lot more given he has the Trump approved vaccines.
Read up on Biden's failures.

This was a bit more than a year into his presidency.

WASHINGTON, May 12 (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday commemorated the COVID-19 deaths of 1 million people in the United States, marking what he called "a tragic milestone" and urging Americans to "remain vigilant" during the ongoing pandemic.
In a statement, Biden acknowledged the impact of the deaths on families left behind and urged the country not to "grow numb to such sorrow."
The United States on Wednesday reached more than 1 million COVID-19 deaths, according to a Reuters tally, crossing a once-unthinkable milestone about two years after the first cases upended everyday life. The loss represents about one death for every 327 Americans, or more than the entire population of San Francisco or Seattle. read more
This quote should be taught in school.

If Trump was wise he would borrow some of these quotes, give open credit to Reagan either during a debate, a rally or both. He can test it out during a rally and see how it goes.

America wants Reagan back. Since he cannot, Trump needs to be as close to his approach as possible, quotes and all. They are timeless.

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How does that work ? It seems to have no basis in reality.
How does that work ? It seems to have no basis in reality.

Of course is has a basis in reality. If you inject trillions of dollars into an economy, a la the I.R.A, money supply increases significantly which leads to inflation. Much of this money is for the expansion of government entities and bureaucratic functions.

The IRA was supposed to decrease inflation. Ask the average citizens if they benefited from this mass increase in debt. You can be sure those in certain segments of the government did.

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