"We don't have inflation because the people are living too well, we have inflation because the government is living too well."

So first you blame Biden for people still dying while vaccine is available, then you blame him for doing all he can to get people vaccinated.

What the fuck is your malfunction? :cuckoo:
I commented on his record. Why are you so uneducated?
Biden fans wanted a no, that Trump vaccines took care of the problem and a good president would have no deaths due to CV19 by now. Biden has failed. The press fails us by keeping his secret.

SurferH2O Can you read that?

Clearly Robert W was crediting Trump for the vaccine that is supposedly a fix-all that Biden somehow failed to implement.

You then posted about how Biden was working overtime to force people like you to get vaccinated, contradicting his silly thesis.
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SurferH2O Can you read that?

Clearly Robert W was crediting Trump for the vaccine that is supposedly a fix-all that Biden somehow failed to implement.

You then posted about how Biden was working overtime to force people like you to get vaccinated, contradicting his silly thesis.
I was talking of having no deaths by now. Trump created Warp Speed. If you study it, it confirms what I say. I posted a link to a site proving that in about a year, Biden lost over 600,000 to the disease. And you don't want Biden held accountable.
I was talking of having no deaths by now.

Because you are an ignorant nutbag as I've already explained.

No president could ever do such thing, even one like Biden who tried all he could to get people to get vaccinated.
Because you are an ignorant nutbag as I've already explained.

No president could ever do such thing, even one like Biden who tried all he could to get people to get vaccinated.
Nope, my main thesis is it was wrong to blame Trump. And given you have no brains at all, you stomp your feet and piss your pants. Biden had to be blocked or he would no doubt require all of you get vaccinated.
Ant, you need to understand. Seriously, you lack understanding.
I understand that you credited Trump for the vaccine that you claimed to be a fix-all that Biden failed to implement, so therefore it is Biden's fault there are still Covid-19 deaths today.

What is it you think I didn't understand?
Nope, my main thesis is it was wrong to blame Trump. And given you have no brains at all, you stomp your feet and piss your pants. Biden had to be blocked or he would no doubt require all of you get vaccinated.

Thats nice, but what the hell does your blaming of Biden for Covid-19 deaths have to do with your thesis?

You are a brain dead fool and everyone here knows it.
If I had said there that we were 34t dollars in debt under Reagan you might have had a point.

But I did not do that. I stated the fact that Reagan added 180% to the national debt. Only 2 presidents have ever added a higher percent.

Reagan is also the man that started us on this path to 34t in debt.
Not true. The great society expanded exponentially from its inception. The tax savings for the peasants was massive as we were nearing total serf status. The Tipster promised social cuts and did not keep his promise. A Progs prog. Like today. We will have a two trillion-dollar deficit this year in part because of those past decisions. We are a debtor nation not unlike most nations in the Western Hemisphere, Africa and many Asian nations. Only we are near last in line to implode as we are top gun and are decline has much more room to fall. Leaders soon enough will reign in spending at some point out of necessity. Perma ghettos prove the stupid spending.

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