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Hitler, Palestinian Arab Nazism, and Modern IslamoNazism:

Nazism wasn't a muslim movement. It was Christian.


In fact, nazism is inherent in both "christian law" (ie justinian law which became
canon law of the christian church) and in Shariah. Anyone interested simply review
laws in JUSTINIAN LAW that apply to non christians and ---laws in Shariah law that apply
to non muslims (dhimmia) -----they are identical to the nuremberg laws. If you analyze
the nuremberg laws----they virtually legalize genocide. Historically---christians and muslims combined comitted almost all the genocides that took place on the planet i
in the past 1700 years ------CONSTANTINE DID IT
Without Hitler, Israel never get formed after WWII.

Without Hitler, the Jews never learn the lessons from the Warsaw Ghetto to use on the arabs in Gaza and the WB.

Without Hitler trying to take Russia, he maybe holds off the Allies long enough to finish you all off.

There should be a statue of Hitler in Israel so you folks can remember who led you to the promised land.
Idiotically stupid.

lol, you know she is right now! And Israel is so desperate right now, I bet they are trying to pay a Palestinian to be a suicide bomber, they do not look very good murdering so many children, while Hamas is killing none, not one single child killed in the past year! 522
children killed in the past 5 years by Israel compared to 1 by Hamas! We all see who threatens life of children in Palestine!

I bet sherri pays people to murder children ---I bet sherri would like
to tie a bomb on her own stinking whore ass-----but then she gets
"cold feet" ---so she is looing for a volunteer. Sherri loves to dance
on the dead bodies of babies in HONOR OF ISA----just like the sluts
of Toulouse-----sherri is disgusting filth----Notice she cannot bear the
fact that Israeli children spend so much time in shelters and fortified
rooms to avoid what SHE LIKES BEST-----getting their brains liquefied
in honor of ISA and for her orgiastice pleasure. We all see who
are the perverted shit of the world
Idiotically stupid.

lol, you know she is right now! And Israel is so desperate right now, I bet they are trying to pay a Palestinian to be a suicide bomber, they do not look very good murdering so many children, while Hamas is killing none, not one single child killed in the past year! 522
children killed in the past 5 years by Israel compared to 1 by Hamas! We all see who threatens life of children in Palestine!

I bet sherri pays people to murder children ---I bet sherri would like
to tie a bomb on her own stinking whore ass-----but then she gets
"cold feet" ---so she is looing for a volunteer. Sherri loves to dance
on the dead bodies of babies in HONOR OF ISA----just like the sluts
of Toulouse-----sherri is disgusting filth----Notice she cannot bear the
fact that Israeli children spend so much time in shelters and fortified
rooms to avoid what SHE LIKES BEST-----getting their brains liquefied
in honor of ISA and for her orgiastice pleasure. We all see who
are the perverted shit of the world

Total gibberish.
Idiotically stupid.

lol, you know she is right now! And Israel is so desperate right now, I bet they are trying to pay a Palestinian to be a suicide bomber, they do not look very good murdering so many children, while Hamas is killing none, not one single child killed in the past year! 522
children killed in the past 5 years by Israel compared to 1 by Hamas! We all see who threatens life of children in Palestine!

I bet sherri pays people to murder children ---I bet sherri would like
to tie a bomb on her own stinking whore ass-----but then she gets
"cold feet" ---so she is looing for a volunteer. Sherri loves to dance
on the dead bodies of babies in HONOR OF ISA----just like the sluts
of Toulouse-----sherri is disgusting filth----Notice she cannot bear the
fact that Israeli children spend so much time in shelters and fortified
rooms to avoid what SHE LIKES BEST-----getting their brains liquefied
in honor of ISA and for her orgiastice pleasure. We all see who
are the perverted shit of the world
Fear not...one of these days Sherri will be called to perform the long awaited "mission for Allah" and strap a bomb to herself in anticipation of those 72 high powered virgin vibrators with batteries that last for eternity. Poor Sherri, as you can imagine no normal, sane human being would get within ten feet of her, so she has to "cross over" for satisfaction, if you know what I mean.
The Arabic Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin Al Husseini with Adolf Hitler. Amin Al Husseini meets Heinrich Himmler, Head of Nazi SS. Amin Al Husseini at Nazi meeting in Berlin during WW II. Bosnian Nazi Muslim Flag under Amin Al Husseini. The pictures above shows Bosnian Muslim SS-soldiers in their Handschar Muslim uniforms. Muslim Nazi troops in traditional Muslim prayer (1943). Pictures above show the Arabic Grand Mufti of Jerusalem with Bosnian Muslim SS-soldiers. Yasser Arafat (far-right) at Amin Al Husseini's funeral (with Mufti of Lebanon). Palestinian soldiers under Yasser Arafat doing Nazi salute. Palestinian Police give Nazi Salute. Mein Kampf, written by Adolf Hitler, is a best-seller in the Arab and Muslim World including; Egypt, Palestine,[1] "moderate" Turkey,[2][3] and is also selling well in London areas with a large Arab population.[1] It is often sold along-side religious literature and strangely enough, Mein Kampf can be translated as "My Jihad" in Arabic. Other anti-Semitic literature like Protocols of the Elders of Zion,[3] a 19th-century anti-Semitic tract are also hugely popular. Mein Kampf is selling as well as Dan Brown's latest novel in Dhaka, Bangladesh,[4] where sales soar towards Eid, as it is bought by many as gifts. Nazi salute (West Bank, Jenin, June 19, 2007) A Muslim mother in Melbourne Australia with her daughter (2009). Hizballah Salute. Arab Muslim police give the Nazi salute (May 9, 2006). Samir Kuntar on arrival in Lebanon (2008). During a "cartoon" protest in London UK (2006).

Images:Islamic Nazism - WikiIslam
Hate to break the news to you buddy, but you can add the Pope, the US, Canada, Britain and all the other countries that refused to take in Jews during or after the war. Why do you think the western powers backed your play in Palestine? Geez buddy, get a grip on reality. then please try again.
Hate to break the news to you buddy, but you can add the Pope, the US, Canada, Britain and all the other countries that refused to take in Jews during or after the war. Why do you think the western powers backed your play in Palestine? Geez buddy, get a grip on reality. then please try again.

Hate to break the news to you, but Haj Amin al-Husseini actively supported Hitler. The others that you mentioned didn't, and in fact, many very respected historians (including Sir Martin Gilbert) believe that the Pope saved half a million or more Jews from the Nazis and his Islamic supporters.

Denial ain't a river.
Hate to break the news to you buddy, but you can add the Pope, the US, Canada, Britain and all the other countries that refused to take in Jews during or after the war. Why do you think the western powers backed your play in Palestine? Geez buddy, get a grip on reality. then please try again.

Hate to break the news to you, but Haj Amin al-Husseini actively supported Hitler. The others that you mentioned didn't, and in fact, many very respected historians (including Sir Martin Gilbert) believe that the Pope saved half a million or more Jews from the Nazis and his Islamic supporters.

Denial ain't a river.
Then stay away from it, you obviously can't swim.:D
"Zionist factions competed for the honor of allying to Hitler. By 1940-41, the “Stern Gang,” among them Yitzhak Shamir, later Prime Minister of Israel, presented the Nazis with the 'Fundamental Features of the Proposal of the National Military Organization in Palestine (Irgun Zvai Leumi) Concerning the Solution of the Jewish Question in Europe and the Participation of the NMO in the War on the Side of Germany.'”

51 Documents » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Hate to break the news to you buddy, but you can add the Pope, the US, Canada, Britain and all the other countries that refused to take in Jews during or after the war. Why do you think the western powers backed your play in Palestine? Geez buddy, get a grip on reality. then please try again.

Hate to break the news to you, but Haj Amin al-Husseini actively supported Hitler. The others that you mentioned didn't, and in fact, many very respected historians (including Sir Martin Gilbert) believe that the Pope saved half a million or more Jews from the Nazis and his Islamic supporters.

Denial ain't a river.
Then stay away from it, you obviously can't swim.:D
I present cold, hard, verifiable facts.

That makes you sad.

I understand.
Early in 1935, a passenger ship bound for Haifa in Palestine left the German port of Bremerhaven. Its stern bore the Hebrew letters for its name, "Tel Aviv," while a swastika banner fluttered from the mast. And although the ship was Zionist-owned, its captain was a National Socialist Party member. Many years later a traveler aboard the ship recalled this symbolic combination as a "metaphysical absurdity."/1 Absurd or not, this is but one vignette from a little-known chapter of history: The wide-ranging collaboration between Zionism and Hitler's Third Reich.

Common Aims

Over the years, people in many different countries have wrestled with the "Jewish question": that is, what is the proper role of Jews in non-Jewish society? During the 1930s, Jewish Zionists and German National Socialists shared similar views on how to deal with this perplexing issue. They agreed that Jews and Germans were distinctly different nationalities, and that Jews did not belong in Germany. Jews living in the Reich were therefore to be regarded not as "Germans of the Jewish faith," but rather as members of a separate national community. Zionism (Jewish nationalism) also implied an obligation by Zionist Jews to resettle in Palestine, the "Jewish homeland." They could hardly regard themselves as sincere Zionists and simultaneously claim equal rights in Germany or any other "foreign" country.

Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), the founder of modern Zionism, maintained that anti-Semitism is not an aberration, but a natural and completely understandable response by non-Jews to alien Jewish behavior and attitudes. The only solution, he argued, is for Jews to recognize reality and live in a separate state of their own. "The Jewish question exists wherever Jews live in noticeable numbers," he wrote in his most influential work, The Jewish State. "Where it does not exist, it is brought in by arriving Jews ... I believe I understand anti-Semitism, which is a very complex phenomenon. I consider this development as a Jew, without hate or fear." The Jewish question, he maintained, is not social or religious. "It is a national question. To solve it we must, above all, make it an international political issue ..." Regardless of their citizenship, Herzl insisted, Jews constitute not merely a religious community, but a nationality, a people, a Volk. /2 Zionism, wrote Herzl, offered the world a welcome "final solution of the Jewish question."/3

Six months after Hitler came to power, the Zionist Federation of Germany (by far the largest Zionist group in the country) submitted a detailed memorandum to the new government that reviewed German-Jewish relations and formally offered Zionist support in "solving" the vexing "Jewish question." The first step, it suggested, had to be a frank recognition of fundamental national differences: /4
Zionism and the Third Reich
Yet you cannot refute the truth of the matter

Within less than two months after Hitler took power, American-British militant Jewish organizations and their boot-licking Christian Zionists declared war against German people on March 24, 1933 – as they’re repeating similar sanctions against Iranian people. They called for ‘crippling boycott’ of German goods as part of blackmailing the new German government to help World Zionist movement to establish the Zionist entity in British mandate Palestine. As result of severe western economic sanctions, in August 1933 – the Hitler regime agreed with Chaim Arlosoroff of the World Zionist Organization to let tens of thousands of German Jews to migrate with their wealth to British occupied Arab Palestine. This agreement is known as the Haavara (Hebrew for “transfer”). The Agreement allowed 60,000 German Jews to immigrate to Palestine and settle on Arab land during 1933-1941.
On this basis of their similar racist ideologies about ethnicity and nationhood, National Socialists and Jewish extremists (Zionists) worked together for what each group believed was in its own national interest. As a result, the Hitler government vigorously supported Zionism and Jewish emigration to Palestine from 1933 until 1940-1941, when the Second World War prevented extensive collaboration.

he Haavara (Transfer) Agreement was agreed to by the German government in 1933 to allow the Zionist movement, in the form of the Haavara company to transfer property from Germany to Palestine, for the sole purpose of encouraging Jewish emigration from Germany. The Haavara company operated under a similar plan as the earlier Hanotea company. The Haavara Company required immigrants to pay at least 1000 pounds sterling into the banking company. This money would then be used to buy German exports for import to Palestine.

The Haavara Agreement was thought among certain circles to be a possible way to rid the country of its supposed "Jewish problem." The head of the Middle Eastern division of the foreign ministry, Werner Otto von Hentig, supported the policy of concentrating Jews in Palestine. Von Hentig believed that if the Jewish population was concentrated in a single foreign entity, then foreign diplomatic policy and containment of the Jews would become easier.[4] Hitler's support of the Haavara Agreement varied throughout the thirties. Initially, Hitler criticized the agreement, but shortly reversed his opinion, and continued to support it, in the face of opposition, through 1939.[5]

After the invasion of Poland and the onset of World War II in 1939, the practical continuation of the Haavara agreement became impossible. In 1940, representatives of the underground Zionist group Lehi met with von Hentig to propose direct military cooperation with the Nazis for the continuation of the transfer of European Jews to Palestine
Haavara Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Paying blackmail isn't quite the same as Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem:

Haj Amin Al-Husseini, the Palestinian leader, drafted a proposal during WW2 (1941), requesting that Germany and Italy acknowledge the Arab right to settle the question of the Jewish elements in Palestine, and other Arab countries, in accordance with national and racial interests of the Arabs, and along lines, similar to those used to solve the Jewish question in Germany and Italy." In other words, let the Nazis and Arabs kill all the Jews.

(Fritz Grobba, Peoples and Powers in the East, pp. 194-7, 207-8, Berlin, 1967; 1988).


Back in the summer of 1940 and again in February 1941, al-Hussayni submitted to the German government a draft declaration of German-Arab cooperation, containing a clause:

Germany and Italy recognize the right of the Arab countries to solve the question of the Jewish elements, which exist in Palestine and in the other Arab countries, as required by the national and ethnic (völkisch) interests of the Arabs, and as the Jewish question was solved in Germany and Italy.

Haj Amin al-Husseini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In his memoirs after the war, Husayni noted that

"Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish problem in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: 'The Jews are yours'."

The Iraq coup of Raschid Ali in 1941, the Mufti Husseini and the Farhud (Farhoud)

“'Hitler's Holocaust Plan For Jews In Palestine Stopped By Desert Rats'” (14 April 2006)
<b><a href="http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/hitlers-holocaust-plan-for-jews-in-palestine-stopped-by-desert-rats-474080.html">'Hitler's Holocaust Plan For Jews In Palestine Stopped By Desert Rats'</a>

&#8230;Klaus-Michael Mallmann of the University's Ludwigsburg research team and his assistant Martin Cüppers said they had spent three years studying German wartime archives, including those at the foreign office in Berlin which had hitherto remained sealed.

&#8230;Mr Mallmann and Mr Cüppers said the Nazis had planned to exploit Arab friendship for their plans.

"The most important collaborator with the Nazis and an absolute Arab anti-Semite was Haj Amin al-Husseini, the mufti of Jerusalem," they say in the book. He was a prime example of how Arabs and Nazis became friends out of a hatred of Jews.

Al-Husseini had met Adolf Eichmann, Adolf Hitler's chief architect of the Holocaust, several times to settle details of the slaughter. In the academic work they draw on documents from the Reich Main Security Office showing "Einsatzgruppe Egypt" was standing by in Athens and was ready to disembark for Palestine in the summer of 1942&#8230;

'Hitler's holocaust plan for Jews in Palestine stopped by Desert Rats' - Europe - World - The Independent

Read a very detailed report about Husseini here:

SS leaders and Husseini both claimed that Nazism and Islam had common values as well as common enemies&#8212;above all, the Jews.


In fall 1943, it says, Husseini went to the Croatia, a German ally, to recruit Muslims for the Waffen-SS.

&#8220;During that trip he told the troops of the newly formed Bosnian-Muslim 13th Mountain Waffen-SS division that the entire Muslim world ought to follow their example,&#8221; the report states.

Husseini also organized a 1944 mission in which Palestine Arabs and Germans would carry out sabotage and propaganda after German planes dropped them into Palestine by parachute.

&#8220;Husseini insisted that the Arabs take command after they landed and direct their fight against the Jews of Palestine, not the British authorities,&#8221; according to the report.

The nature of al-Husseini's support for the Axis powers, and his alliance with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy is hotly disputed. Some, like Renzo De Felice, deny that the relationship can be taken to reflect a putative affinity of Arab nationalism with Nazi/Fascist ideology, and that men like Husseini chose them as allies for purely strategic reasons.
Haj Amin al-Husseini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, and don't forget to take some pictures while your still in Palestine
Last edited:
Jos Quote:
Early in 1935, a passenger ship bound for Haifa in Palestine left the German port of Bremerhaven. Its stern bore the Hebrew letters for its name, "Tel Aviv," while a swastika banner fluttered from the mast. And although the ship was Zionist-owned, its captain was a National Socialist Party member. Many years later a traveler aboard the ship recalled this symbolic combination as a "metaphysical absurdity."/1 Absurd or not, this is but one vignette from a little-known chapter of history: The wide-ranging collaboration between Zionism and Hitler's Third Reich.

Common Aims

Over the years, people in many different countries have wrestled with the "Jewish question": that is, what is the proper role of Jews in non-Jewish society? During the 1930s, Jewish Zionists and German National Socialists shared similar views on how to deal with this perplexing issue. They agreed that Jews and Germans were distinctly different nationalities, and that Jews did not belong in Germany. Jews living in the Reich were therefore to be regarded not as "Germans of the Jewish faith," but rather as members of a separate national community. Zionism (Jewish nationalism) also implied an obligation by Zionist Jews to resettle in Palestine, the "Jewish homeland." They could hardly regard themselves as sincere Zionists and simultaneously claim equal rights in Germany or any other "foreign" country.

Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), the founder of modern Zionism, maintained that anti-Semitism is not an aberration, but a natural and completely understandable response by non-Jews to alien Jewish behavior and attitudes. The only solution, he argued, is for Jews to recognize reality and live in a separate state of their own. "The Jewish question exists wherever Jews live in noticeable numbers," he wrote in his most influential work, The Jewish State. "Where it does not exist, it is brought in by arriving Jews ... I believe I understand anti-Semitism, which is a very complex phenomenon. I consider this development as a Jew, without hate or fear." The Jewish question, he maintained, is not social or religious. "It is a national question. To solve it we must, above all, make it an international political issue ..." Regardless of their citizenship, Herzl insisted, Jews constitute not merely a religious community, but a nationality, a people, a Volk. /2 Zionism, wrote Herzl, offered the world a welcome "final solution of the Jewish question."/3

Six months after Hitler came to power, the Zionist Federation of Germany (by far the largest Zionist group in the country) submitted a detailed memorandum to the new government that reviewed German-Jewish relations and formally offered Zionist support in "solving" the vexing "Jewish question." The first step, it suggested, had to be a frank recognition of fundamental national differences: /4
Zionism and the Third Reich
from: YKohen
How fitting that you rely on a neo-Nazi for your "information".

from: Jos
Yet you cannot refute the truth of the matter

from: SAYIT
It is not required to refute the words of a known Nazi such as Weber. They are by definition of no value to anyone but a like-minded slug but I do appreciate your willingness to expose yourself and your sources (IHR), NaziBoy. :D
Learn how to use the quote feature
If it were not the truth, you would be able to refute it, zionaziBoi
Jews have been NEGOTIATING with stinking shit for centuries----In fact the jews of YATHRIB even NEGOTIATED with the filthy disgusting RAPIST PIG MUHUMMAD
IBN ABDULLAH AL KANZEER in order to hold on to their homes for a few decades
after that disgusting LUMP OF SHIT attacked, raped and pillaged the town of
YATHRIB-----which the dogs who lick his ass later called "medina"

the famous historian which christians liked so much that they INSERTED a
fake paragraph into his writings noting a "miracle person named jesus"
JOSEPHUS FLAVIUS survived the filth of the romans BECAUSE HE NEGOTIATED

what else is new? when confronting a pig----one finds ways to survive both
the violence and the stench
Thats not very nice Ironie91, insulting the King of the jews on his birthday!
Thats not very nice Ironie91, insulting the King of the jews on his birthday!

what is the "insult" ? Jesus was termed "KING OF THE JEWS" by the roman pigs who later gave you the laws which those of your creed used to commit genocide upon hundreds of millions Jesus was a victim of the same filth as were those hundreds of millions----- An interesting reality of "culture" Jews do not consider victims to be
"shamed" by being victims-----nor do they consider rapists and murderers to be
TRIUMPHANT HEROES as do the ass lickers of muhummad the rapist. Jesus was
a victim of the same kind of filth that you advocate----as were thousands of others
during his life time

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