Hitler-promoting anti-Semites will speak at Trump's Miami Hotel alongside Trump family

Fuentes is an outspoken critic of the lib agenda to brown America by flooding the country with dirt poor hispanics

Which is enough for lying libs to label him a white supremacist
he gets that label because he is a anti-semite and holocaust denier.
Thank you I had never heard of him until a year ago.... So you mean they aren't shoving Jews into ovens????
LOL Libs argue like 2 year olds... why do we waste our time...
Of course not,

though I suspect he does not like powerful far lefties who are also Jews

Its unfortunate to confuse their religion with the politics of Jews like George Soros

So I will never claim that Fuentes is perfect or without fault

As Bill Parcells used to say, dont take the cheese

Besides I doubt if many of these so-called Jews even believe in God
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So? That's his daughter. Trump never married a Jew.
His grandchildren are Jewish dumb ass... unlike Biden who won't even meet his grand daughter and denies her very existence because she was conceived out of wedlock... what a scumbag Joe is... Trump loves his grand kids no matter what religion or ethnicity they are... What's grandpa Joes problem?....
His grandchildren are Jewish dumb ass... unlike Biden who won't even meet his grand daughter and denies her very existence because she was conceived out of wedlock... what a scumbag Joe is... Trump loves his grand kids no matter what religion or ethnicity they are... What's grandpa Joes problem?....

Again, not his choice, rambtard.
His grandchildren are Jewish dumb ass... unlike Biden who won't even meet his grand daughter and denies her very existence because she was conceived out of wedlock... what a scumbag Joe is... Trump loves his grand kids no matter what religion or ethnicity they are... What's grandpa Joes problem?....
Would it surprise libs to learn that Jews are not always the most lovable people you will meet?

They are usually very smart and ambitious

And very successful

But often with rough edges

They are God’s chosen people but if they will argue with Him, they will step on anyone’s toes to get where they are going

That rubs some non Jews the wrong way and plays into the hands of Jesus’ No 1 enemy, Satan

But make no mistake

Jews are God’s chosen people, and central to the story of humanity and human redemption
Denial first............when will you support it. We know that's coming.
You know what’s coming?
A conference where people will speak freely?
Of course I support a person’s right to speak, regardless of whether or not I agree with them.
Do you?
GOP NAZIs are cool, eh?
/----/ No such thing as GOP Nazis. But, the democRAT agenda is closely aligned with the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
And here's the MAGAt anti-semitism that we can all see, tho many will deny exists.
I am not an “anti-Semite”. Plenty of Semitic people are Christians. I am only against anti-Christians.
The left often denies the existence of God which led to the holocaust

the point is that a true anti-jew racism is indicated by holocaust denial
Trump's daughter son in law and grandchildren are Jewish you idiot... lol mediamatters.org ... too bad truth don't matter to media matters....

Unlike some people, I will not pretend to know what is in people’s hearts and minds. But in the case of trump, he has no heart and not mind. For that matter no soul either. He will say and do anything that will endear him to his loathsome supporters. He is an empty shell of a sub human being with no core values or principles

On the other hand, you most certainly can know a person by the company that they keep and this gaggle of miscreants speaks volumes about who Trump is. You can defend Trump and deny what he is or is not but this event is real and there is no denying what these people stand for.

As for his Jewish family members, notice they are not on the guest list, and they have note been seen or heard from in a while and in fact have disassociated themselves from Trump. You do not know what their relationship is like with Trump these days or how they feel about him
Unlike some people, I will not pretend to know what is in people’s hearts and minds. But in the case of trump, he has no heart and not mind. For that matter no soul either. He will say and do anything that will endear him to his loathsome supporters. He is an empty shell of a sub human being with no core values or principles

On the other hand, you most certainly can know a person by the company that they keep and this gaggle of miscreants speaks volumes about who Trump is. You can defend Trump and deny what he is or is not but this event is real and there is no denying what these people stand for.

As for his Jewish family members, notice they are not on the guest list, and they have note been seen or heard from in a while and in fact have disassociated themselves from Trump. You do not know what their relationship is like with Trump these days or how they feel about him
look... Trump was Israel's biggest hero... so to say he pals around with Nazi's and hates Jews even though his daughter married one is utterly ridiculous....
We just laugh at you TDSers....
Of course not,

though I suspect he does not like powerful far lefties who are also Jews

Its unfortunate to confuse their religion with the politics of Jews like George Soros

So I will never claim that Fuentes is perfect or without fault

As Bill Parcells used to say, dont take the cheese

Besides I doubt if many of these so-called Jews even believe in God
Way to show you are an anti-semite.
His grandchildren are Jewish dumb ass... unlike Biden who won't even meet his grand daughter and denies her very existence because she was conceived out of wedlock... what a scumbag Joe is... Trump loves his grand kids no matter what religion or ethnicity they are... What's grandpa Joes problem?....
Notice how Ivanka is slowly distancing herself and her family from daddy? She has to protect her children.

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