Hitler's 'last living relative' convicted of paedophilia after kissing girl, 13


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2017
It must be heredity.

A man who claims to be the last remaining relative of Adolf Hitler has been convicted of paedophilia after kissing a 13-year-old girl.

Romano-Lukas Hitler claims to be the only man alive bearing the name of the murderous Nazi leader and claims to be related to the Fuhrer through Hitler's father Alois.

Romano-Lukas, from the East German city of Goerlitz, says that Alois had a younger brother, and that the grandson of the younger brother who fled to Slovakia after the war was his dad.

But now the 69-year-old Hitler has been convicted of a sex attack on a child, known only as Ania.

Prosecutors took the case to court after a complaint by the girl's father.

The angry dad said: "I had put a garage up for sale and Hitler answered the advert. But when he turned up he didn't seem to have much interest in the garage, only in Ania. He lured her to his flat with sweets, brought her clothes and plastic flowers and even offered to marry her."
The dad said when their daughter had told them he had kissed her, they banned her from seeing him and filed a complaint with the cops.

Hitler however defended himself, saying he simply enjoyed the company of the child and that when he kissed her it had simply been the usual sort of greeting that was normal in Germany and was harmless. He insisted: "I'm innocent".

But that was rejected by Judge Ulrich Schettgen, 62, who found it proven that Hitler had "kissed" the girl "against her will on both the neck and cheek".

Hitler, who claims he ended up in a Monastery when his parents died and was adopted by a Polish family before moving to Germany as an adult to train as a ships helmsman, has said he will appeal the conviction.

He has always insisted it is bad for him to have been related to the German dictator, claiming that his surname was the reason why he struggled to find work. He added: "The name is like a cross to bear and I wish that on nobody."

However despite apparently lamenting his connections at his home he has a picture of the dictator on his wall alongside an image of Angela Merkel.
Hitler's 'last living relative' convicted of paedophilia after kissing girl, 13

They only convicted him because he was named Hitler.
I thought that it was because of the picture of Angela Merkel on his wall.He has to be a strange person in order for him to hung a portrait of Angela.
I am still alive and doing fine. I am related to adolf so the story is a lie.
They only convicted him because he was named Hitler.

I don 't know. If some guy named "Hitler" came to look at my garage, I'd have a hard time keeping myself from shooting him in the face, just for general purposes.
how is it heredity ?

Maria Reiter, the daughter of an official of the Social Democratic Party, was born in Berchtesgaden on 23rd December 1911. The death of her mother meant that she had to leave school and work in the family clothes shop in Obersalzberg.

When she was sixteen Maria met Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi Party. Hitler appears to have been strongly attracted to teenagers
. Maria Reiter

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that's a longshot/reaching

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