Hitler's Rise to Power and its Lessons for Today


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
‘At home and abroad, authoritarian politicians are staging a renewed assault on the institutions of democracy. Donald Trump, waging a campaign of revenge, says his opponents belong in jail. He has vowed to be a dictator, albeit “only” on the first day of a future Trump presidency.

“The big joke on democracy is that it gives its mortal enemies the tools to its own destruction,” Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, wrote in his diary. With a high water mark of just 37 percent in Reichstag elections, Hitler secured appointment as Germany’s chancellor and began to dismantle the workings of imperfect democracy of the Weimar Republic.

A fascinating new book, Takeover: Hitler’s Final Rise to Power by Timothy Ryback, chronicles the Fuhrer’s rise to power even as his National Socialists were on the decline and nearly broke. The book is a distant mirror on today’s undermining of democracy and the enablers of authoritarianism. The Reich even had the Rupert Murdoch of its day in the person of media baron Alfred Hugenberg, who privately loathed Hitler but helped make him chancellor.

Hugenberg and fellow plutocrats felt they could use Hitler and his movement to fashion a governing majority. “So we box Hitler in,” predicted Hugenberg foolishly. Franz Von Papen, slated to be vice chancellor, predicted “within two months, we will have pressed Hitler into a corner so tight that he’ll squeak.”
“Hitler vowed to destroy democracy through the democratic process, and he did,” writes Ryback. “An act of state suicide is more complicated, especially when it involves a democratic republic with a full compliment of constitutional protections — civil liberties, due process, press freedom, public referendum. Which leaves one wondering whether any democracy could have withstood an assault on its structures and processes by a demagogue as fierce as Hitler.”’

It's naïve and foolish to believe 'it can’t happen here.’

Democracy is in fact under attack.
‘At home and abroad, authoritarian politicians are staging a renewed assault on the institutions of democracy. Donald Trump, waging a campaign of revenge, says his opponents belong in jail. He has vowed to be a dictator, albeit “only” on the first day of a future Trump presidency.

“The big joke on democracy is that it gives its mortal enemies the tools to its own destruction,” Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, wrote in his diary. With a high water mark of just 37 percent in Reichstag elections, Hitler secured appointment as Germany’s chancellor and began to dismantle the workings of imperfect democracy of the Weimar Republic.

A fascinating new book, Takeover: Hitler’s Final Rise to Power by Timothy Ryback, chronicles the Fuhrer’s rise to power even as his National Socialists were on the decline and nearly broke. The book is a distant mirror on today’s undermining of democracy and the enablers of authoritarianism. The Reich even had the Rupert Murdoch of its day in the person of media baron Alfred Hugenberg, who privately loathed Hitler but helped make him chancellor.

Hugenberg and fellow plutocrats felt they could use Hitler and his movement to fashion a governing majority. “So we box Hitler in,” predicted Hugenberg foolishly. Franz Von Papen, slated to be vice chancellor, predicted “within two months, we will have pressed Hitler into a corner so tight that he’ll squeak.”
“Hitler vowed to destroy democracy through the democratic process, and he did,” writes Ryback. “An act of state suicide is more complicated, especially when it involves a democratic republic with a full compliment of constitutional protections — civil liberties, due process, press freedom, public referendum. Which leaves one wondering whether any democracy could have withstood an assault on its structures and processes by a demagogue as fierce as Hitler.”’

It's naïve and foolish to believe 'it can’t happen here.’

Democracy is in fact under attack.
Mrs. Jones, the resident expert on Hitler.....well you do have the jackboots, brownshirt and goosestepping down pat.
‘At home and abroad, authoritarian politicians are staging a renewed assault on the institutions of democracy. Donald Trump, waging a campaign of revenge, says his opponents belong in jail. He has vowed to be a dictator, albeit “only” on the first day of a future Trump presidency.

“The big joke on democracy is that it gives its mortal enemies the tools to its own destruction,” Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, wrote in his diary. With a high water mark of just 37 percent in Reichstag elections, Hitler secured appointment as Germany’s chancellor and began to dismantle the workings of imperfect democracy of the Weimar Republic.

A fascinating new book, Takeover: Hitler’s Final Rise to Power by Timothy Ryback, chronicles the Fuhrer’s rise to power even as his National Socialists were on the decline and nearly broke. The book is a distant mirror on today’s undermining of democracy and the enablers of authoritarianism. The Reich even had the Rupert Murdoch of its day in the person of media baron Alfred Hugenberg, who privately loathed Hitler but helped make him chancellor.

Hugenberg and fellow plutocrats felt they could use Hitler and his movement to fashion a governing majority. “So we box Hitler in,” predicted Hugenberg foolishly. Franz Von Papen, slated to be vice chancellor, predicted “within two months, we will have pressed Hitler into a corner so tight that he’ll squeak.”
“Hitler vowed to destroy democracy through the democratic process, and he did,” writes Ryback. “An act of state suicide is more complicated, especially when it involves a democratic republic with a full compliment of constitutional protections — civil liberties, due process, press freedom, public referendum. Which leaves one wondering whether any democracy could have withstood an assault on its structures and processes by a demagogue as fierce as Hitler.”’

It's naïve and foolish to believe 'it can’t happen here.’

Democracy is in fact under attack.

Your fellow anti-Semites are raging at college campuses and in DemoKKKrat-run cities across the country.

Hitler is alive and well on the left.
‘At home and abroad, authoritarian politicians are staging a renewed assault on the institutions of democracy. Donald Trump, waging a campaign of revenge, says his opponents belong in jail. He has vowed to be a dictator, albeit “only” on the first day of a future Trump presidency.

“The big joke on democracy is that it gives its mortal enemies the tools to its own destruction,” Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, wrote in his diary. With a high water mark of just 37 percent in Reichstag elections, Hitler secured appointment as Germany’s chancellor and began to dismantle the workings of imperfect democracy of the Weimar Republic.

A fascinating new book, Takeover: Hitler’s Final Rise to Power by Timothy Ryback, chronicles the Fuhrer’s rise to power even as his National Socialists were on the decline and nearly broke. The book is a distant mirror on today’s undermining of democracy and the enablers of authoritarianism. The Reich even had the Rupert Murdoch of its day in the person of media baron Alfred Hugenberg, who privately loathed Hitler but helped make him chancellor.

Hugenberg and fellow plutocrats felt they could use Hitler and his movement to fashion a governing majority. “So we box Hitler in,” predicted Hugenberg foolishly. Franz Von Papen, slated to be vice chancellor, predicted “within two months, we will have pressed Hitler into a corner so tight that he’ll squeak.”
“Hitler vowed to destroy democracy through the democratic process, and he did,” writes Ryback. “An act of state suicide is more complicated, especially when it involves a democratic republic with a full compliment of constitutional protections — civil liberties, due process, press freedom, public referendum. Which leaves one wondering whether any democracy could have withstood an assault on its structures and processes by a demagogue as fierce as Hitler.”’

It's naïve and foolish to believe 'it can’t happen here.’

Democracy is in fact under attack.
says his opponents belong in jail.
who's the one on trial?

Biden or Trump?
Mrs. Jones, the resident expert on Hitler.....well you do have the jackboots, brownshirt and goosestepping down pat.
"Hitler ranted at Jews and Communists, deploying the Reichstag fire to arrest opponents and calling for a boycott of Jewish-owned businesses weeks after taking office. He used the threat of a coup to murder his predecessor as chancellor and Storm Trooper leader Ernest Roehm, in the 1934 Night of the Long Knives.

The 21st Century is witnessing a demonizing of refugees and immigrants along America’s southern border. The “threat” of being overrun by immigrants has fueled a new generation of right wing parties in Europe and is fueling the Trump movement in the United States."

The fascist right’s war on democracy is real and ongoing.
‘At home and abroad, authoritarian politicians are staging a renewed assault on the institutions of democracy. Donald Trump, waging a campaign of revenge, says his opponents belong in jail. He has vowed to be a dictator, albeit “only” on the first day of a future Trump presidency.

“The big joke on democracy is that it gives its mortal enemies the tools to its own destruction,” Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, wrote in his diary. With a high water mark of just 37 percent in Reichstag elections, Hitler secured appointment as Germany’s chancellor and began to dismantle the workings of imperfect democracy of the Weimar Republic.

A fascinating new book, Takeover: Hitler’s Final Rise to Power by Timothy Ryback, chronicles the Fuhrer’s rise to power even as his National Socialists were on the decline and nearly broke. The book is a distant mirror on today’s undermining of democracy and the enablers of authoritarianism. The Reich even had the Rupert Murdoch of its day in the person of media baron Alfred Hugenberg, who privately loathed Hitler but helped make him chancellor.

Hugenberg and fellow plutocrats felt they could use Hitler and his movement to fashion a governing majority. “So we box Hitler in,” predicted Hugenberg foolishly. Franz Von Papen, slated to be vice chancellor, predicted “within two months, we will have pressed Hitler into a corner so tight that he’ll squeak.”
“Hitler vowed to destroy democracy through the democratic process, and he did,” writes Ryback. “An act of state suicide is more complicated, especially when it involves a democratic republic with a full compliment of constitutional protections — civil liberties, due process, press freedom, public referendum. Which leaves one wondering whether any democracy could have withstood an assault on its structures and processes by a demagogue as fierce as Hitler.”’

It's naïve and foolish to believe 'it can’t happen here.’

Democracy is in fact under attack.
youre premise is a lie,,

if you changed trump for biden or any of a dozen or more demiocrats it would be correct,,
‘At home and abroad, authoritarian politicians are staging a renewed assault on the institutions of democracy. Donald Trump, waging a campaign of revenge, says his opponents belong in jail. He has vowed to be a dictator, albeit “only” on the first day of a future Trump presidency.

“The big joke on democracy is that it gives its mortal enemies the tools to its own destruction,” Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, wrote in his diary. With a high water mark of just 37 percent in Reichstag elections, Hitler secured appointment as Germany’s chancellor and began to dismantle the workings of imperfect democracy of the Weimar Republic.

A fascinating new book, Takeover: Hitler’s Final Rise to Power by Timothy Ryback, chronicles the Fuhrer’s rise to power even as his National Socialists were on the decline and nearly broke. The book is a distant mirror on today’s undermining of democracy and the enablers of authoritarianism. The Reich even had the Rupert Murdoch of its day in the person of media baron Alfred Hugenberg, who privately loathed Hitler but helped make him chancellor.

Hugenberg and fellow plutocrats felt they could use Hitler and his movement to fashion a governing majority. “So we box Hitler in,” predicted Hugenberg foolishly. Franz Von Papen, slated to be vice chancellor, predicted “within two months, we will have pressed Hitler into a corner so tight that he’ll squeak.”
“Hitler vowed to destroy democracy through the democratic process, and he did,” writes Ryback. “An act of state suicide is more complicated, especially when it involves a democratic republic with a full compliment of constitutional protections — civil liberties, due process, press freedom, public referendum. Which leaves one wondering whether any democracy could have withstood an assault on its structures and processes by a demagogue as fierce as Hitler.”’

It's naïve and foolish to believe 'it can’t happen here.’

Democracy is in fact under attack.
almost forgot,,

we are a constitutional republic not a democracy,,
"Hitler ranted at Jews and Communists, deploying the Reichstag fire to arrest opponents and calling for a boycott of Jewish-owned businesses weeks after taking office. He used the threat of a coup to murder his predecessor as chancellor and Storm Trooper leader Ernest Roehm, in the 1934 Night of the Long Knives.

The 21st Century is witnessing a demonizing of refugees and immigrants along America’s southern border. The “threat” of being overrun by immigrants has fueled a new generation of right wing parties in Europe and is fueling the Trump movement in the United States."

The fascist right’s war on democracy is real and ongoing.
Breaking existing law is illegal Mrs. Jones....that's a word you cannot seem to comprehend. And changing the law requires a process that takes place in Congress.....not at the whim of a creepy senile old cretin or in the courts of wacko progressive judges.
Where are you gonna move kookbot?
"Hitler ranted at Jews and Communists, deploying the Reichstag fire to arrest opponents and calling for a boycott of Jewish-owned businesses weeks after taking office. He used the threat of a coup to murder his predecessor as chancellor and Storm Trooper leader Ernest Roehm, in the 1934 Night of the Long Knives.

The 21st Century is witnessing a demonizing of refugees and immigrants along America’s southern border. The “threat” of being overrun by immigrants has fueled a new generation of right wing parties in Europe and is fueling the Trump movement in the United States."

The fascist right’s war on democracy is real and ongoing.
As for ranting at Jews......that ain't Conservatives we see every day attacking Jewish folk.....
‘At home and abroad, authoritarian politicians are staging a renewed assault on the institutions of democracy. Donald Trump, waging a campaign of revenge, says his opponents belong in jail. He has vowed to be a dictator, albeit “only” on the first day of a future Trump presidency.

“The big joke on democracy is that it gives its mortal enemies the tools to its own destruction,” Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, wrote in his diary. With a high water mark of just 37 percent in Reichstag elections, Hitler secured appointment as Germany’s chancellor and began to dismantle the workings of imperfect democracy of the Weimar Republic.

A fascinating new book, Takeover: Hitler’s Final Rise to Power by Timothy Ryback, chronicles the Fuhrer’s rise to power even as his National Socialists were on the decline and nearly broke. The book is a distant mirror on today’s undermining of democracy and the enablers of authoritarianism. The Reich even had the Rupert Murdoch of its day in the person of media baron Alfred Hugenberg, who privately loathed Hitler but helped make him chancellor.

Hugenberg and fellow plutocrats felt they could use Hitler and his movement to fashion a governing majority. “So we box Hitler in,” predicted Hugenberg foolishly. Franz Von Papen, slated to be vice chancellor, predicted “within two months, we will have pressed Hitler into a corner so tight that he’ll squeak.”
“Hitler vowed to destroy democracy through the democratic process, and he did,” writes Ryback. “An act of state suicide is more complicated, especially when it involves a democratic republic with a full compliment of constitutional protections — civil liberties, due process, press freedom, public referendum. Which leaves one wondering whether any democracy could have withstood an assault on its structures and processes by a demagogue as fierce as Hitler.”’

It's naïve and foolish to believe 'it can’t happen here.’

Democracy is in fact under attack.

Man, you really are scared.
‘At home and abroad, authoritarian politicians are staging a renewed assault on the institutions of democracy. Donald Trump, waging a campaign of revenge, says his opponents belong in jail. He has vowed to be a dictator, albeit “only” on the first day of a future Trump presidency.

“The big joke on democracy is that it gives its mortal enemies the tools to its own destruction,” Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, wrote in his diary. With a high water mark of just 37 percent in Reichstag elections, Hitler secured appointment as Germany’s chancellor and began to dismantle the workings of imperfect democracy of the Weimar Republic.

A fascinating new book, Takeover: Hitler’s Final Rise to Power by Timothy Ryback, chronicles the Fuhrer’s rise to power even as his National Socialists were on the decline and nearly broke. The book is a distant mirror on today’s undermining of democracy and the enablers of authoritarianism. The Reich even had the Rupert Murdoch of its day in the person of media baron Alfred Hugenberg, who privately loathed Hitler but helped make him chancellor.

Hugenberg and fellow plutocrats felt they could use Hitler and his movement to fashion a governing majority. “So we box Hitler in,” predicted Hugenberg foolishly. Franz Von Papen, slated to be vice chancellor, predicted “within two months, we will have pressed Hitler into a corner so tight that he’ll squeak.”
“Hitler vowed to destroy democracy through the democratic process, and he did,” writes Ryback. “An act of state suicide is more complicated, especially when it involves a democratic republic with a full compliment of constitutional protections — civil liberties, due process, press freedom, public referendum. Which leaves one wondering whether any democracy could have withstood an assault on its structures and processes by a demagogue as fierce as Hitler.”’

It's naïve and foolish to believe 'it can’t happen here.’

Democracy is in fact under attack.
Cheating at elections like Democrats, tends to have that effect. Thanks for warning us about the threat liberals pose.
‘At home and abroad, authoritarian politicians are staging a renewed assault on the institutions of democracy. Donald Trump, waging a campaign of revenge, says his opponents belong in jail. He has vowed to be a dictator, albeit “only” on the first day of a future Trump presidency.

“The big joke on democracy is that it gives its mortal enemies the tools to its own destruction,” Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, wrote in his diary. With a high water mark of just 37 percent in Reichstag elections, Hitler secured appointment as Germany’s chancellor and began to dismantle the workings of imperfect democracy of the Weimar Republic.

A fascinating new book, Takeover: Hitler’s Final Rise to Power by Timothy Ryback, chronicles the Fuhrer’s rise to power even as his National Socialists were on the decline and nearly broke. The book is a distant mirror on today’s undermining of democracy and the enablers of authoritarianism. The Reich even had the Rupert Murdoch of its day in the person of media baron Alfred Hugenberg, who privately loathed Hitler but helped make him chancellor.

Hugenberg and fellow plutocrats felt they could use Hitler and his movement to fashion a governing majority. “So we box Hitler in,” predicted Hugenberg foolishly. Franz Von Papen, slated to be vice chancellor, predicted “within two months, we will have pressed Hitler into a corner so tight that he’ll squeak.”
“Hitler vowed to destroy democracy through the democratic process, and he did,” writes Ryback. “An act of state suicide is more complicated, especially when it involves a democratic republic with a full compliment of constitutional protections — civil liberties, due process, press freedom, public referendum. Which leaves one wondering whether any democracy could have withstood an assault on its structures and processes by a demagogue as fierce as Hitler.”’

It's naïve and foolish to believe 'it can’t happen here.’

Democracy is in fact under attack.

Projection is deep in this one. This country has been under attack by you commies for more than 6 decades. The only danger is folks like you and xiden's handlers that are pushing for the destruction of the country.

Pack the judiciary and control propaganda:

‘Hitler created the People’s Court, its proceedings likened to a drumhead court martial, to legalize oppression. Dr. Goebbels took charge of “coordinating” the news. The CBS correspondent William L. Shirer, returning from a Swiss vacation in the summer of 1939, found Goebbels telling Germans that Poland was about to attack them. The Putin regime has shut down any and all domestic press criticism of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and created legal mechanisms by which insulting the state is a crime. Ukraine’s government, headed by a Jewish president, has been labeled Nazi.’

And in the United States the fascist right has successfully packed the Supreme Court with conservative ideologues pursuing an agenda dedicated to undermining citizens’ rights and protected liberties.

Rightwing media aggressively advances propaganda of disinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies.
Pack the judiciary and control propaganda:

‘Hitler created the People’s Court, its proceedings likened to a drumhead court martial, to legalize oppression. Dr. Goebbels took charge of “coordinating” the news. The CBS correspondent William L. Shirer, returning from a Swiss vacation in the summer of 1939, found Goebbels telling Germans that Poland was about to attack them. The Putin regime has shut down any and all domestic press criticism of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and created legal mechanisms by which insulting the state is a crime. Ukraine’s government, headed by a Jewish president, has been labeled Nazi.’

And in the United States the fascist right has successfully packed the Supreme Court with conservative ideologues pursuing an agenda dedicated to undermining citizens’ rights and protected liberties.

Rightwing media aggressively advances propaganda of disinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies.

Yet the people screaming "death to the Jews" and "we are all Hamas" are your fellow DemoKKKrats.

We ALL see it.
still waiting for proof.
The results of this failed Biden administration is proof enough. No way real people could be dumb enough to install that pedo freak as a leader of any type. Biden's meteoric fall in popularity, total collapse in confidence, and utter lack of accomplishment all point to something unnatural and likely unholy.

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