Hollywood Celebrities Plead With Movie Fans: Please Go Back To Theaters

I would not hesitate to see a new film if it looked interesting. (I'm fully vaccinated and promiscuous about such things).

The last scripted movie I saw was the Downton Abbey show...which I thoroughly enjoyed.
A. I looked at what’s playing. Crap. Total crap.

B. Your politics and virtue superiority games has everyone with a brain disgusted with you.

C. Your panic porn propaganda has worked on the sheeples. They’re terrified to step outside, let alone sit next to strangers.

So short answer: No.

Actors to general public: "you suck you're ugly and you're stupid! Oh and by the way can you please spend a tremendous amount of money at the movie theaters so that we can continue to look down upon you and piss all over you. You will still be stupid, ugly and you will continue to suck but at least you will spend your money well."


Ahh... Ten minutes later and some internet searching... FORD V FERRARI wasn't god awful. Admittedly I wouldn't have paid theater prices to see it...
I'll admit, that was a decent movie.
I'm really into cars, but I also wouldn't go to a theater to see it. ... :cool:

Ahh... Ten minutes later and some internet searching... FORD V FERRARI wasn't god awful. Admittedly I wouldn't have paid theater prices to see it...
I'll admit, that was a decent movie.
I'm really into cars, but I also wouldn't go to a theater to see it. ... :cool:
I really thought I could come up with a list of four or five movies that weren't sequels pretty easy... I... Yeah... Movies have kind of gone to shit.
Hollywood thinks white people are racist because they don't go to the theater to see movies about black people.
But like how many times do I need to see a movie about a black slave getting whipped by the evil white slave master, and then escape with the hound dogs chasing him/her? ... :cool:
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The more black centric movies they make the fewer people will go. 13% of the population cannot receive 90% of the attention and expect to make money. Wait until the black superman explodes its stinkbomb. Black entertainers will have to buy out theaters and give tickets away like they did with Black Lightning.
The last scripted movie I saw was the Downton Abbey show...which I thoroughly enjoyed.
Downton Abbey was a stelar series with superb acting.
Of course they had to make one of the lead characters a closed homo.
Gotta pander to the LGBT woke crowd. ... :cuckoo:
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Oh brother... The OP sounds like a 4 year old.

I'll be back as soon as the theaters start having movies again. The summer is looking good.
Yeah... sure ya will... if there's a theater open that hasn't gone bankrupt, then you can pay to watch the next CGI super hero, remake XVIII, with all it's SJW and virtue signaling horses shit.

I won't. 99.99% of all the movies to come out of hollyweird in the decade have been pure SHIT.
nobody cares.
And you're oblivious to the irony in your comment.

Indies and streaming services are actually filming original material and with new approaches, with overall good success.

Hollywood is still caught in remake/reboot mode, and their Progressive mannequins just can't shut up.
Amazon Prime is absolutely packed with SJW garbage and virtue signaling. They've always got something sucking up to BLM in their banner. And everyone just loved The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, until their third season where they just HAD to start writing in the SJW bull shit where she chases a black faggot singer around the country opening for him, and her parents turn into SJW's. Season 3 got mostly very negative reviews.
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I remember a few years ago when the black's were all mad because none of their movies ever win the top Oscar award.
So the academy gave some black themed movie the Oscar for picture of the year. (I can't recall the name of it)
It was a financial flop at the box office.
Even black people didn't go see the movie, because it was about a gang banger who became a homo. ... :cuckoo:
Notice in this thread...even some of the self proclaimed "patriots" .....

All they care about is whether or not something 'good" is in the theaters

They don't give a shit that going fully supports Fascism and Marxism, and even threaten their freedom.
The same losers who are still on Farcebook, then complain about Biden and democrats. sheesh
Indies and streaming services are actually filming original material and with new approaches, with overall good success.

Hollywood is still caught in remake/reboot mode, and their Progressive mannequins just can't shut up.
Amazon Prime is absolutely packed with SJW garbage and virtue signaling. They've always got something sucking up to BLM in their banner. And everyone just loved The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, until their third season where they just HAD to start writing in the SJW bull shit where she chases a black faggot singer around the country opening for him, and her parents turn into SJW's.

But you forget. I discriminate!

Those who have seen the propaganda can never unsee it.
Notice in this thread...even some of the self proclaimed "patriots" .....

All they care about is whether or not something 'good" is in the theaters

They don't give a shit that going fully supports Fascism and Marxism, and even threaten their freedom.
The same losers who are still on Farcebook, then complain about Biden and democrats. sheesh
Not my money!!!
Theaters are mostly closed up around here. The gyms went under, and a lot of little restaurants.
We need to get back to normal.

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