Hollywood Celebrities Plead With Movie Fans: Please Go Back To Theaters

On YouTube there is a "no holds barred" movie critic that effectively sums up my opinion on most of the recent releases from Hollywood.
The Critical Drinker...

The guy is funny but you actually have to own an expanded vocabulary to understand him most of the time. (Wifey and I both do)

Some of the best movies lately have been made by the subscription services. Netflix makes a ton of crap but every so often knocks one out of the park...Same thing with Amazon Prime.
Disney has failed at everything they have touched lately. Same thing with DC comics and even Marvel. The last decent Marvel movie was "Logan"...where he died.
Black Widow is crap... don't waste the money or the time...I can have more fun by cleaning toe jam than focusing on that piece of trash. Maybe I can go down to the local homeless shanty town and spend the money starting bum fights...that probably would be more entertaining than watching Black Widow.
On YouTube there is a "no holds barred" movie critic that effectively sums up my opinion on most of the recent releases from Hollywood.
The Critical Drinker...

The guy is funny but you actually have to own an expanded vocabulary to understand him most of the time. (Wifey and I both do)

Some of the best movies lately have been made by the subscription services. Netflix makes a ton of crap but every so often knocks one out of the park...Same thing with Amazon Prime.
Disney has failed at everything they have touched lately. Same thing with DC comics and even Marvel. The last decent Marvel movie was "Logan"...where he died.
Black Widow is crap... don't waste the money or the time...I can have more fun by cleaning toe jam than focusing on that piece of trash. Maybe I can go down to the local homeless shanty town and spend the money starting bum fights...that probably would be more entertaining than watching Black Widow.
The critical drinker is brilliant. One more reason Hollywood is failing ie because of people like him.

One used to have to rely on professional critics like Ebert and his partner whoever it used to be. But then the internet casme along and anyone can be a critic and do a better job than the handful who used to have little competition and wbho were basically idiots.

Now with all the amateurs one can get a real sense of how good or bad a film is without ever watching it.
The motion picture industry has largely told Deplorable Americans to "F off" and not show up, as they seek to cater to a woke, urbane, sophisticated liberal audience.

Any actors who embrace conservatism are immediately blacklisted, even successful ones like Mel Gibson.

Really, the fault for the decline in movies belongs to the left, they egged the film industry on to go far left, but then they don't support.

Just like with the Dixie Chicks, who told conservative fans to get lost as they wanted liberal listeners only. And the libs didn't tune in or buy concert tickets.
On YouTube there is a "no holds barred" movie critic that effectively sums up my opinion on most of the recent releases from Hollywood.
The Critical Drinker...

The guy is funny but you actually have to own an expanded vocabulary to understand him most of the time. (Wifey and I both do)

Some of the best movies lately have been made by the subscription services. Netflix makes a ton of crap but every so often knocks one out of the park...Same thing with Amazon Prime.
Disney has failed at everything they have touched lately. Same thing with DC comics and even Marvel. The last decent Marvel movie was "Logan"...where he died.
Black Widow is crap... don't waste the money or the time...I can have more fun by cleaning toe jam than focusing on that piece of trash. Maybe I can go down to the local homeless shanty town and spend the money starting bum fights...that probably would be more entertaining than watching Black Widow.
The critical drinker is brilliant. One more reason Hollywood is failing ie because of people like him.

One used to have to rely on professional critics like Ebert and his partner whoever it used to be. But then the internet casme along and anyone can be a critic and do a better job than the handful who used to have little competition and wbho were basically idiots.

Now with all the amateurs one can get a real sense of how good or bad a film is without ever watching it.

Believe it or not but lately my wife and I have been enjoying "Wicked Tuna" reality show...no actors, just real people doing a real job. Some of the back-stories are difficult to find out...but these are just ordinary people who are average in every way possible. None of them are focus group tested...their lines are scripted only by themselves.

We find it a lot more refreshing than anything Hollywood has produced. It's on Disney plus which is the real shocker.
The motion picture industry has largely told Deplorable Americans to "F off" and not show up, as they seek to cater to a woke, urbane, sophisticated liberal audience.

Any actors who embrace conservatism are immediately blacklisted, even successful ones like Mel Gibson.

Really, the fault for the decline in movies belongs to the left, they egged the film industry on to go far left, but then they don't support.

Just like with the Dixie Chicks, who told conservative fans to get lost as they wanted liberal listeners only. And the libs didn't tune in or buy concert tickets.
Most great works of literature have a moral theme to them which was current and is current to life today...I don't fault a movie for having one. Especially when, like the classics, both sides of the argument are presented with passion and ACCURACY.

Hollywood forgot about the accuracy part because of their "cancel culture". They never listened to begin with like some sort of adolescent getting a lecture from their parents on why not cleaning up their room is wrong.

Old television classics like the original Star Trek were great in their day and time...they usually had at least 5 different themes in one episode that today will have half of one theme.

On top of this...
Movies require money to produce. Someone has to invest money in them...then they have to be promoted and distributed. (Again more money)
The broken cog is the distribution... only a handful of people who are the gatekeepers and they are refusing to allow anything but woke, LGBTQ crap out that nobody wants to see.
Which is why some of the best movies and programs have found alternative outlets like Amazon Prime and Netflix...and soon enough others are coming with popularity.
(Free Market economy eventually fixes issues...it just takes a while)

No big movie stars..no easily recognized names...just good theatre.
Podcasts exploded when radio stations refused good programs...same with Vlogging and etc. (Public Access was discovered to be not that publicly accessible)
Now that the "social media" outlets have been caught selectively editing with political agendas and are not worthy of the protections the government has granted them...things will change some more.

You can only suppress quality for so long...it always gets discovered and rises to the top.
Oh brother... The OP sounds like a 4 year old.

I'll be back as soon as the theaters start having movies again. The summer is looking good.
So you ARENT worried about unvaxinated people spreading COVID? Its good to see you are finally being honest.
On YouTube there is a "no holds barred" movie critic that effectively sums up my opinion on most of the recent releases from Hollywood.
The Critical Drinker...

The guy is funny but you actually have to own an expanded vocabulary to understand him most of the time. (Wifey and I both do)

Some of the best movies lately have been made by the subscription services. Netflix makes a ton of crap but every so often knocks one out of the park...Same thing with Amazon Prime.
Disney has failed at everything they have touched lately. Same thing with DC comics and even Marvel. The last decent Marvel movie was "Logan"...where he died.
Black Widow is crap... don't waste the money or the time...I can have more fun by cleaning toe jam than focusing on that piece of trash. Maybe I can go down to the local homeless shanty town and spend the money starting bum fights...that probably would be more entertaining than watching Black Widow.
Red Letter Media did a good break down and review of The Black Widow. They said it is too mature for kids…to childish for adults. And well…not good. They don’t recommend it either.

As for going to movies? No thanks… Not supporting an industry that hates me.
A. I looked at what’s playing. Crap. Total crap.

B. Your politics and virtue superiority games has everyone with a brain disgusted with you.

C. Your panic porn propaganda has worked on the sheeples. They’re terrified to step outside, let alone sit next to strangers.

So short answer: No.

Being shills for china does not sit well with US movie goers either
I may go see a movie if it wasn't full of woke shit, if the actors didn't make fools of themselves being Left Wing assholes and maybe if most of the actors in the movie weren't Negroes or queers.
Oh brother... The OP sounds like a 4 year old.

I'll be back as soon as the theaters start having movies again. The summer is looking good.
Ah, so obviously you live in a Leftard State.
Have fun paying to watch Godzilla.

And it wasn’t me who told Hollyweird to make the plea.

Again, you sound like a 4 year old. Why are you so angry? Every post...a complaint about something. Get a life loser.

Pot, meet fucking kettle.
R rated movies are a sure sign of no ability to create a good movie. It must be filled with language, sex and violence to compensate and dress over the lack of storytelling
Look through this list. You just have to look harder. Independent movies are in a big age of art. Studious are commercially driven but there’s a lot of art (some good some bad) being produced.


Never Rarely Sometimes Always​

First Cow​

Lovers Rock​

I’m Thinking of Ending Things​



Da 5 Bloods​

Martin Eden​


First Cow was actually a pretty darn good movie. Don't mess with the man's cow.
The Limousine Liberals aren't making enough money now so they want you to buy their woke dribble to help them fund the remodel of their $200 million mansion.
Maybe things aren't going so well in Tinsel Town. Tom Sellick is making minimum wage (just kidding) selling insurance. Jen Anniston is selling junk skin cream that she probably doesn't use herself , Kelsey Grammar is selling something, I forget and a handfull of other actor hacks are using their limited acting talents to sell us something or other.
All of those actors you mentioned are TV actors and have been for decades.
A. I looked at what’s playing. Crap. Total crap.

B. Your politics and virtue superiority games has everyone with a brain disgusted with you.

C. Your panic porn propaganda has worked on the sheeples. They’re terrified to step outside, let alone sit next to strangers.

So short answer: No.

Actually, I went to the theater this last weekend to see Black Widow, just because I actually missed the movie-going experience.

I had checked out of the MCU a while back, but just wanted to sit down, watch a movie on the big screen.

And it was kind of okay.

Now, I think the biggest problem with Hollywood is that movies have to be "big" now, which means there aren't a lot of movies to see in the theater.

Used to be, you could see a cheap movie in a theater, and it was fine, but streaming services are full of cheap movies.
To which I reply....starve Muthafukkers!......go get a job and actually work for a living.

A. I looked at what’s playing. Crap. Total crap.

B. Your politics and virtue superiority games has everyone with a brain disgusted with you.

C. Your panic porn propaganda has worked on the sheeples. They’re terrified to step outside, let alone sit next to strangers.

So short answer: No.

Actually, I went to the theater this last weekend to see Black Widow, just because I actually missed the movie-going experience.

I had checked out of the MCU a while back, but just wanted to sit down, watch a movie on the big screen.

And it was kind of okay.

Now, I think the biggest problem with Hollywood is that movies have to be "big" now, which means there aren't a lot of movies to see in the theater.

Used to be, you could see a cheap movie in a theater, and it was fine, but streaming services are full of cheap movies.
Lull before the storm. A bunch will come out I bet. Movies are best experienced in the theater in my opinion. I have a $20 subscription and can see as many movies a month as I want which opens me up to odd movies I wouldn’t have paid full price. Stadium seating for that price too.
If you like uncreative cookie cutter nonstop action with no story and lots of stupid CGI of jumping out of 6 story buildings and landing on your feet and running away, you’ll have a blast at movie theaters.
Yeah um ... there's nothig actually to go see anymore....all the creativity has ceased to exist in favor of sex, violence and political correctness.

If you like uncreative cookie cutter nonstop action with no story and lots of stupid CGI of jumping out of 6 story buildings and landing on your feet and running away, you’ll have a blast at movie theaters.

Um, okay. Are you seriously arguing you don't like movies because they aren't "realisitic"? That's the point. We've wanted to see these unrealistic characters since the movies began. That's why it's called escapism.

You must be one of those folks who think everything sucks now and it all used to be better. That’s lazy. There are great movies and entertaining movies being made. Yes there are commercial money grabs that are poor attempts but there are great movies being made.

Point well taken. Somone will wax nostalgic for that golden memory.

Let's take 1977. We all remember Star Wars came out in 1977.

Here's a list of other movies that came out in 1977. Some of them were real stinkers.

Now, Hollywood does produce a lot of crap.

The thing about this Black Widow movie, is if you ask me what the plot of if was next year, I'll have a hard time remember key plot points because it wasn't that memorable.
On YouTube there is a "no holds barred" movie critic that effectively sums up my opinion on most of the recent releases from Hollywood.
The Critical Drinker...

The guy is funny but you actually have to own an expanded vocabulary to understand him most of the time. (Wifey and I both do)

I like some of his reviews... but really, all he's doing is a weak imitation of Red Letter Media's Mr. Plinkett character. Ha, ha, I'm doing this exaggrated character reviewing movies.

The guy has his funny moments, but he's pretty much the picture of White Fragility... just watch him carry on about a movie like Captain Marvel or Black Widow. And YouTube is thick with these kinds of man-babies.

(Even Red Letter Media has largely abandoned the Plinkett character and moved on to more conventional reviews.)

Some of the best movies lately have been made by the subscription services. Netflix makes a ton of crap but every so often knocks one out of the park...Same thing with Amazon Prime.
I think they've done some good stuff, but they are actually benefiting by the limitation of budget. They have to concentrate more on story and character because they don't have the huge FX and stunt budget a big release has.

Disney has failed at everything they have touched lately. Same thing with DC comics and even Marvel. The last decent Marvel movie was "Logan"...where he died.
Logan wasn't made by Disney, it was made by Fox because they refused to return the X-Men rights to Marvel/Disney until Disney bought them out.

So let's look at the non-Marvel/Disney attempts to develop Marvel IP's (Intellectual Properties).

Four failed attempts to make a Fantastic Four movie.
Spiderman- Five movies made by Fox (Stop killing Uncle Ben, Dammit!!!!) of which maybe two were actually good.
X-Men - Most of them sucked.

Now, keep in mind, the X-Men, FF and Spiderman were considered the "Crown Jewels" of Marvel, the characters that even non-comic nerds have heard of. When Marvel started making their own movies, they had to go with 'Second stringers" like Iron Man, Thor, Guardians of the Galaxy, and they were brilliant!!!

Black Widow is crap... don't waste the money or the time...I can have more fun by cleaning toe jam than focusing on that piece of trash. Maybe I can go down to the local homeless shanty town and spend the money starting bum fights...that probably would be more entertaining than watching Black Widow.

That you would consider a Bum Fight entertainment kind of says a lot about you, but nothing good.

The Movie was okay. Johannsen was likeable in the role. The story was okay, had some funny moments. It was ultimately meaningless in that we already know that BW dies in a different movie that takes place after this one.
The critical drinker is brilliant. One more reason Hollywood is failing ie because of people like him.

One used to have to rely on professional critics like Ebert and his partner whoever it used to be. But then the internet casme along and anyone can be a critic and do a better job than the handful who used to have little competition and wbho were basically idiots.

Now with all the amateurs one can get a real sense of how good or bad a film is without ever watching it.

If the Critical Drinker was brilliant, he wouldn't have to rely on his "Drunken Scotsman" character to sell his reviews. And as stated, this kind of thing all started with Red Letter Media and their Plinkett Reviews of the Star Wars movies. Come up with a funny character, have him do some funny bits, slip in some movie criticism in there.

No, YouTube critics aren't bringing down Hollywood.

Hollywood is having to change it's business model, to be sure. But it's been doing that since someone said,
"Hey, you know what this movie needs? Sound!"

Some people in Hollywood thought Talkies were a fad that would never catch on.

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