Hollywood director Rob Reiner says America is in a civil war

Reiner needs to spend some time at Gettysburg, and see what Civil War is all about. Or Bosnia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba, and every other country that fought within each other, and died.
Reiner needs to spend some time at Gettysburg, and see what Civil War is all about. Or Bosnia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba, and every other country that fought within each other, and died.

No, history is not a strong point for Leftists. They are either willfully ignorant of the history of Left winged regimes or are deluded enough to think that it could work just this one time.
Hollywood director Rob Reiner told MSNBC’s Katie Tur that America is “in the last stage of a civil war.”

Accusing Donald Trump of inciting anger and violence against the media and immigrants, Reiner chastised Trump’s supporters, remarking, “They’re just angry, their people are angry, and he will feed them
Hollywood Director Rob Reiner Says America is in a “Civil War”

Accusing Trump is nothing new just remember anything going wrong in your life even if it's been the past ten years , it is all Trumps fault and he caused it all.

Once you can accept that Trump is to blame for every wrong thing your entire life things will get much better for those who can deal with lies be truth mottoe lol.

Some of this information is a little bit over the top for the Trump haters they aren't able to see pyschological war taking place right upon them themselves that's how patheticall dumbed down these dumbasses are.

They are the victims being used and don't even know it OMFG LMFAO!!

After all look at the quote in my profile.

“The Revolution won’t happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.” – Max Horkheimer
I agree, except the Left began the civil war to "transform America" the day after Obama became president.
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Meathead has no clue what real civil war looks like. He'd better hope he never finds out...the moron will be on the losing end
We are in a silent, cultural and ideological non shooting civil war, that could turn violent and ugly very fast. Both sides, especially the Democrats, are highly emotional, irrational, and dug in, and very inflexible and intolerant of anybody within their ranks talking to or agreeing with the other side.

This is how civil wars get started. Look at history.
remember all the protests after Trump was elected?
all the hate from the left??
no---our man got elected....why would WE be angry??--if our man got elected??
he's a dumbass
One must consder that when Reiner appeared in "All In The Family" he was not acting. Merely being himself.

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