Holocaust II, the Jews must register......


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
It seems that the Russia supporters over in the Ukraine are trying to re-start the Holocaust......................

World leaders and Jewish groups condemned a leaflet handed out in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk in which Jews were told to "register" with the pro-Russian militants who have taken over a government office in an attempt to make Ukraine part of Russia, according to Ukrainian and Israeli media.

Jews emerging from a synagogue say they were handed leaflets that ordered the city's Jews to provide a list of property they own and pay a registration fee "or else have their citizenship revoked, face deportation and see their assets confiscated," reported Ynet News, Israel's largest news website, and Ukraine's Donbass news agency.

Secretary of State John Kerry said the language of the leaflets "is beyond unacceptable" and condemned whomever is responsible.

Leaflet tells Jews to register in East Ukraine

I wonder if Putin is going to be the next Hitler?
Somebody had to blink during the conference in Geneva attended by the EU, USA, Russia and UKRAINE. So a bunch of strikes were thrown at Putin. Strike one, Obama commented a polite, but mocking way, that Russia wouldn't stand a chance against NATO in a conventional war. Truth, Russian air defense can't stand up to NATO attacks. Russia can not defeat NATO air defense. Air superiority wins the day. Strike two, Poland makes request for more NATO forces to stand on her border with Ukraine. More troops and most importantly, more air defense and aircraft. Canada answers the call by pledging 5 F-18's and more personal. Other NATO members pledge more forces to be announced. Strike three, Russian special OP's in Ukraine placed under a microscope with the flyer demanding Jew's register. The world demands answers. Russia blinks. Agreement to disarm militia's in eastern Ukraine obtained. Russia may complain about Kiev government, but forced to recognize them as the ruling government with authority to disarm the separatist. Russia blinked.
It seems that the Russia supporters over in the Ukraine are trying to re-start the Holocaust......................

World leaders and Jewish groups condemned a leaflet handed out in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk in which Jews were told to "register" with the pro-Russian militants who have taken over a government office in an attempt to make Ukraine part of Russia, according to Ukrainian and Israeli media.

Jews emerging from a synagogue say they were handed leaflets that ordered the city's Jews to provide a list of property they own and pay a registration fee "or else have their citizenship revoked, face deportation and see their assets confiscated," reported Ynet News, Israel's largest news website, and Ukraine's Donbass news agency.

Secretary of State John Kerry said the language of the leaflets "is beyond unacceptable" and condemned whomever is responsible.

Leaflet tells Jews to register in East Ukraine

I wonder if Putin is going to be the next Hitler?

and you know putin is involved...how?
Putin plays Nazi card to marginalize Ukraine?s revolution | Fox News
Ukraine’s Jewish leaders also warn against exaggerating the role of neo-Nazis in the overthrow of Yanukovych and the turning away from Russia.They worry that a flurry of recent attacks on synagogues and the scrawling of swastikas on them is not the work of Ukrainian far right groups, but vandalism carried out by Russian provocateurs, and purposely done to provide grist to the Russian propaganda mill and to discredit Ukraine.A Jewish leader in Simferopol, Rabbi Michael Kapustin, issued a statement last week saying: *“The city is occupied by Russians. Apparently Russians intend to take over the Crimea and make it a part of Russia. If this were the case I would leave the country since I want to live in democratic Ukraine.”The rabbi of a synagogue in Crimea that was attacked just hours before Russian troops started their land-grab has urged Jews to show solidarity with Ukraine.
Ever wonder how the Holocaust could have happened in the 20th century? The German people went along with it because their information sources in the media kept it a secret or justified it. FDR must have known about it but he ignored it. The only pressure put on the Hitler regime by the US was to repay their WW1 debt and the Nazis laughed at it. When it came time to offer Jewish refugees a place to go FDR refused.
Pushilin has denied any involvement and is calling it a provocation.

The flyers were official-looking documents that carried what was presented as Pushilin’s signature, but the news site tvrain.ru on Wednesday quoted Pushilin as denying any connection to the flyers, calling them a provocation.

On Tuesday, the news website novosti.dn.ua reported that the flyers were handed out that day by three unidentified men in balaclava masks carrying a flag of the Russian Federation. According to the report, the men distributed the flyers next to a local synagogue.

The website quoted unnamed sources from the local Jewish community as saying that the flyers were an attempt to provoke a conflict and blame the attack on the separatists.

Pro-Russian Group in Ukraine Denies Use of Anti-Semitic Flyer | Washington Free Beacon
Now who do we know has a problem with Jews? Why Kiev!!! I can't see anyone other than 1776 trying to paint the BBC as a wing of the Putin propaganda machine in 2012.

Check this out.

25 December 2012 Last updated at 19:02 ET

Svoboda: The rise of Ukraine's ultra-nationalists
By David Stern BBC News, Kiev

Here we go with the leader of Svoboda.

In 2004, Tyahnybok was kicked out of former President Viktor Yushchenko's parliamentary faction for a speech calling for Ukrainians to fight against a "Muscovite-Jewish mafia" - using two highly insulting words to describe Russians and Jews - and emphasising that Ukrainians had in the past fought this threat with arms.


Another blast from Svoboda's past.

n 2005, he signed an open letter to Ukrainian leaders, including President Yushchenko, calling for the government to halt the "criminal activities" of "organised Jewry", which, the letter said, was spreading its influence in the country through conspiratorial organisations as the Anti-Defamation League - and which ultimately wanted to commit "genocide" against the Ukrainian people..


Title - Stop the Criminal Activities of Organised Jewry
Signed by Tyahnybok and 17 others

Lists Jewish businessmen, who got rich in the 1990s, and claims they control Ukrainian media

Describes Zionism as "Jewish Nazism" and warns of "genocide" through the impoverishment of Ukrainians

Demands investigation into the activities of Jewish organisations headed by people "suspected of serious crimes"

Special eh? But wait there's more history. Nothing like idolizing Goebbels.

Other Svoboda members have also courted controversy. Yuriy Mykhalchyshyn, a parliamentary deputy considered one of the party's ideologues, liberally quotes from former Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, along with other National-Socialist leaders.

BBC News - Svoboda: The rise of Ukraine's ultra-nationalists

Ever wonder how the Holocaust could have happened in the 20th century? The German people went along with it because their information sources in the media kept it a secret or justified it. FDR must have known about it but he ignored it. The only pressure put on the Hitler regime by the US was to repay their WW1 debt and the Nazis laughed at it. When it came time to offer Jewish refugees a place to go FDR refused.

Some very brave people broke the law to help Jews get to safety. Those criminals.
Ever wonder how the Holocaust could have happened in the 20th century? The German people went along with it because their information sources in the media kept it a secret or justified it. FDR must have known about it but he ignored it. The only pressure put on the Hitler regime by the US was to repay their WW1 debt and the Nazis laughed at it. When it came time to offer Jewish refugees a place to go FDR refused.

Also, the Allies did not think it was any big deal that Jews had to register. They didn't even think anything was so terribly wrong when they were rounded up and sent to 'work' camps. (After all, the Americans had put American Japanese citizens in 'camps.') It was only much later when the rumors were swirling that these were death camps when the Allies began to think there was a serious problem.

However, this isn't 1941. The paper that tells the Jews to register contains almost identical directives as in 1941. That suggests it is a hoax as the people who are supposedly in charge of this directive would know the world would not accept such a thing again. Also, according to the article I cited, no one has obeyed the directive and nothing has happened to them for ignoring it.

BTW, it is hindsight to criticize countries who didn't take Jews as refugees. No one knew or believed the Jews were being sent to death camps or that the Nazis' plan was to annihilate the entire Jewish population of Europe. The Holocaust is something we know about now, afterwards: at the time it wasn't known and rumors were not believed until years after it had been going on.
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