Holy cow - Reid Aide Admits Sham Marriage to Lebanese Terror Suspect


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
An aide to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid repeatedly lied to federal immigration and FBI agents and submitted false federal documents to the Department of Homeland Security to cover up her illegal seven-year marriage to a Lebanese national who was the subject of an Oklahoma City Joint Terror Task Force investigation, FoxNews.com has learned.

Diana Tejada, Reid’s Hispanic Press Secretary, admitted to receiving payment for “some of her expenses” in exchange for fraudulently marrying Bassam Mahmoud Tarhini in 2003, strictly so he could obtain permanent U.S. residency, according to court documents.

FoxNews.com - EXCLUSIVE: Aide to Harry Reid Lied to Feds, Submitted False Documents About Sham Marriage

Check out her resume. Worked for "La Raza". Wonder how many sham marriage she helped arrange with them.

Unbelievable. No vetting for some I guess.
"A Reid Aide",
yes and as posted by CG "Interesting Timing", anything that can be linked to even a 'super dork' notable such as Reid will always surface during an election, knowing that most people link the NAME with the corruption even if it wasn't a direct result of those like Reid, they linked their names with a negative influencing the minds of many of the weak-minded and uninformed voters. :tongue:
The fact that any "aide" even an intern, could got a job working for one of the most powerful men in the world without being properly vetted, should be alarming to anyone. Nefarious associates aside, this sham marriage should have been a red flag.
It just seems to me.... Here we have a seriously tight race and both sides are battling like hell to scrabble for votes when, hey presto, sham marriage shit connected to Reid. Don't get me wrong, I want Reid gone but I'm really suspicious about the timing of this. Whether there is truth in the allegations or not, why does it come out right now?

The terror investigation just came to light a few weeks ago. That was the feds. And of course opponents are digging for dirt. But this isn't a maid who was hired through an agency at 23 bucks an hour. This woman had influence. I'll be curious to see if it gets the same coverage as Whitman's "non scandal" did.

I get the feeling that the HOUR Dept at JC Penney does more thorough background checks.

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