"Holy crap it's cold today. D*mn global warming"

Dear little twink, no one is making anything up. The glaciers are receding worldwide, the oceans are warming and becoming more acidic, and nine of the ten warmest years have been since 2000. And in my 71 years, Oregon and Washington have become progressively warmer and drier. That is direct personal observation in all parts of both states.

Yet you've managed to survive all that. Go figure? Look, you wanna spend your own money and live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman, that's on you. But don't force the rest of us to. It's a beautiful day where i'm at today. I'm gonna live it to the fullest. I don't fear the Global Warming Boogeyman at all. And i never will.
Dear little twink, no one is making anything up. The glaciers are receding worldwide, the oceans are warming and becoming more acidic, and nine of the ten warmest years have been since 2000. And in my 71 years, Oregon and Washington have become progressively warmer and drier. That is direct personal observation in all parts of both states.

Yet you've managed to survive all that. Go figure? Look, you wanna spend your own money and live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman, that's on you. But don't force the rest of us to. It's a beautiful day where i'm at today. I'm gonna live it to the fullest. I don't fear the Global Warming Boogeyman at all. And i never will.

Evidently, lots of people are with you...............


Kinda laughable............though whats funnier is all the concern with ISIS. Consensus reality cuts across many interesting paths!!!:boobies::boobies::2up:
Dear little twink, no one is making anything up. The glaciers are receding worldwide, the oceans are warming and becoming more acidic, and nine of the ten warmest years have been since 2000. And in my 71 years, Oregon and Washington have become progressively warmer and drier. That is direct personal observation in all parts of both states.

Yet you've managed to survive all that. Go figure? Look, you wanna spend your own money and live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman, that's on you. But don't force the rest of us to. It's a beautiful day where i'm at today. I'm gonna live it to the fullest. I don't fear the Global Warming Boogeyman at all. And i never will.

Evidently, lots of people are with you...............

Kinda laughable............though whats funnier is all the concern with ISIS. Consensus reality cuts across many interesting paths!!!:boobies::boobies::2up:

It's all about fear & control. They want their massive World Government power-grab. But even if their Global Warming Boogeyman is a real threat, most are now concluding there's nothing that can be done to reverse it. So it's a done-deal. Case closed. The endless hysterical fear mongering isn't necessary. And it's definitely time to get the fear mongering out of the schools. The kids don't deserve to be frightened that way. They already have enough on their plates.

In the end it's pretty simple. Humans will either adapt and survive... Or they won't. That's the way it is, and always has been. So i won't be going along with the Globalist Elite power-grab. I'll take my chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman instead. I don't fear him. I'll survive. Bet on that.
Dear little twink, no one is making anything up. The glaciers are receding worldwide, the oceans are warming and becoming more acidic, and nine of the ten warmest years have been since 2000. And in my 71 years, Oregon and Washington have become progressively warmer and drier. That is direct personal observation in all parts of both states.

Yet you've managed to survive all that. Go figure? Look, you wanna spend your own money and live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman, that's on you. But don't force the rest of us to. It's a beautiful day where i'm at today. I'm gonna live it to the fullest. I don't fear the Global Warming Boogeyman at all. And i never will.

Evidently, lots of people are with you...............

Kinda laughable............though whats funnier is all the concern with ISIS. Consensus reality cuts across many interesting paths!!!:boobies::boobies::2up:

It's all about fear & control. They want their massive World Government power-grab. But even if their Global Warming Boogeyman is a real threat, most are now concluding there's nothing that can be done to reverse it. So it's a done-deal. Case closed. The endless hysterical fear mongering isn't necessary. And it's definitely time to get the fear mongering out of the schools. The kids don't deserve to be frightened that way. They already have enough on their plates.

In the end it's pretty simple. Humans will either adapt and survive... Or they won't. That's the way it is, and always has been. So i won't be going along with the Globalist Elite power-grab. I'll take my chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman instead. I don't fear him. I'll survive. Bet on that.

ISIS........global warming..........yada...........yada...........all fear mongering my friend. It fast tracks the NWO. The amount of sheep in 2015 is jaw dropping!!:2up:
Dear little twink, no one is making anything up. The glaciers are receding worldwide, the oceans are warming and becoming more acidic, and nine of the ten warmest years have been since 2000. And in my 71 years, Oregon and Washington have become progressively warmer and drier. That is direct personal observation in all parts of both states.

Yet you've managed to survive all that. Go figure? Look, you wanna spend your own money and live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman, that's on you. But don't force the rest of us to. It's a beautiful day where i'm at today. I'm gonna live it to the fullest. I don't fear the Global Warming Boogeyman at all. And i never will.

Evidently, lots of people are with you...............

Kinda laughable............though whats funnier is all the concern with ISIS. Consensus reality cuts across many interesting paths!!!:boobies::boobies::2up:

It's all about fear & control. They want their massive World Government power-grab. But even if their Global Warming Boogeyman is a real threat, most are now concluding there's nothing that can be done to reverse it. So it's a done-deal. Case closed. The endless hysterical fear mongering isn't necessary. And it's definitely time to get the fear mongering out of the schools. The kids don't deserve to be frightened that way. They already have enough on their plates.

In the end it's pretty simple. Humans will either adapt and survive... Or they won't. That's the way it is, and always has been. So i won't be going along with the Globalist Elite power-grab. I'll take my chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman instead. I don't fear him. I'll survive. Bet on that.

ISIS........global warming..........yada...........yada...........all fear mongering my friend. It fast tracks the NWO. The amount of sheep in 2015 is jaw dropping!!:2up:

Fear = Control. Always has, always will. Once you stop living in fear, you realize you don't have to go along with the NWO Globalist Elite plans. The Global Warming Boogeyman is only a real threat in the minds of frightened sheeple. We'll survive. Life will go on. That's the reality.
It doesn't show the skin because of the scale. But all the rest of what you say, to a point is accurate. The warming the deep water is where your assertions fail. IR can't warm water below a meter at best. That's with all the wind mixing and everything that that entails. Period.

In other words, the oceans are warmed by UV, and not IR which means the AGW claims are false.

Semantic games. If the absorbed IR stops the heat lower down from leaking out into the atmosphere, and it does, it effectively warms the oceans.

Which means AGW theory is fine, and your claims have problems.

No semantics at all. Long wave IR simply can't penetrate deep enough into water to warm anything more than the bare surface. That then rapidly cools with the atmosphere.

Wave mixing and evaporation lay the IR heat theroy waste. Convection works very well at night and waves break surface tension allowing cooling. The math simply does not work for the alarmists. The energy balance is not positive by empirical review where IR is the source. Water mass simply dwarfs any potential increase and convection works much faster than IR reflection effectively a loss of heat globally, even in the equatorial regions.
First of all, nothing is going to be done unless people agree to sit down and figure out what to do. Secondly, China has already agreed to clean up their act, and have already started compliance work. It isn't as much as we'd hoped for, but the Chinese themselves understand they have a problem because their own people are dying from the pollution.

Yep some time in 2030 they MIGHT start to comply. until then we get the finger and we are told to destroy ourselves, our economy, our military, OUR SOVEREIGNTY.. What kind of idiot believes this propaganda? Alarmists shills and communists that's who along with fools.
It's all about fear & control. They want their massive World Government power-grab.

Sadly, these kinds of bogeymen are all deniers and libertarians have now. On any topic. Modern libertarianism is now mostly about attempting to terrify the sheeple over a wide range of topics. The real world is most unkind to all the very peculiar libertarian claims, hence their constant invocation of bogeymen to convince the sheeple to retreat from the real world into the libertarian conspiracy bubble.

Now, let's check that real world.

Hmm. Some spots are warmer than normal. Some spots are colder than normal. The northeast is going to get particularly hot soon.

Wait, didn't the deniers just say the northeast being cold proves global warming was a hoax? If I was just as flagrantly dishonest, I could point to that warm spot as proof of global warming. However, I refuse to stoop to the level of deniers. Deniers all think it's justifiable (for the greater good, of course, comrade) to use fraud-by-cherrypicking, but no ethical person acts that way. Instead, I'll be intellectually honest and look at the global average. Which is +0.69C. Quite warm.
It's all about fear & control. They want their massive World Government power-grab.

Sadly, these kinds of bogeymen are all deniers and libertarians have now. On any topic. Modern libertarianism is now mostly about attempting to terrify the sheeple over a wide range of topics. The real world is most unkind to all the very peculiar libertarian claims, hence their constant invocation of bogeymen to convince the sheeple to retreat from the real world into the libertarian conspiracy bubble.

Now, let's check that real world.

Hmm. Some spots are warmer than normal. Some spots are colder than normal. The northeast is going to get particularly hot soon.

Wait, didn't the deniers just say the northeast being cold proves global warming was a hoax? If I was just as flagrantly dishonest, I could point to that warm spot as proof of global warming. However, I refuse to stoop to the level of deniers. Deniers all think it's justifiable (for the greater good, of course, comrade) to use fraud-by-cherrypicking, but no ethical person acts that way. Instead, I'll be intellectually honest and look at the global average. Which is +0.69C. Quite warm.

Poor little commie got its nickers in a twist... All you have is denigration and Alyinsky tactics. You dont have a lick of science to back up your position. The IPCC has be shown fraud and politically motivated. WE use facts and observations to prove you fools wrong and all you do is post adhoms and denigrate.

You couldn't be intellectually honest about anything.. 0.69 deg C rise in over 150 years and well below what empirical testing shows CO2 could drive. In fact it is 50% less than what the LOG chart shows it should be. Thus, showing us that water vapor is not a positive feed back and why alarmist drivel is all wrong..

The CO2 boogie man is dead... now lets see you be intellectually honest about the empirical evidence you say you embrace.
No ,it isn't a clear and present danger. I have studied it.

It's about time we go back to the impending Ice Age as projected in the 80's.

Lots of folks have staked their careers on Global Warming/Climate Change/ hoopla ... Not like they are ever going to admit they might be a little off.
The same type folks that want to express driving a Prius here will go further towards fixing Global Warming than any of the other countries we share the globe with cleaning up their act.

It is all headed for United Nations bull ... Won't be long until we are trading Carbon Credits on Cricket Futures ... Cleaning up the air and feeding the poor at the same time.

It doesn't show the skin because of the scale. But all the rest of what you say, to a point is accurate. The warming the deep water is where your assertions fail. IR can't warm water below a meter at best. That's with all the wind mixing and everything that that entails. Period.

In other words, the oceans are warmed by UV, and not IR which means the AGW claims are false.

Semantic games. If the absorbed IR stops the heat lower down from leaking out into the atmosphere, and it does, it effectively warms the oceans.

Which means AGW theory is fine, and your claims have problems.

No semantics at all. Long wave IR simply can't penetrate deep enough into water to warm anything more than the bare surface. That then rapidly cools with the atmosphere.

of course it's semantics.

does the atmosphere DIRECTLY heat the oceans? no, IR only penetrates a fraction of a millimeter of the surface. the absorbed energy goes into the pool of energy used to cause evaporation, which then causes convection that carries the latent heat up to the cloud tops.

does the atmosphere INDIRECTLY heat the oceans? yes, by supplying some of the energy necessary for evaporation of water at the boundary less heat is conducted to the surface by conduction. the temperature of water is controlled by both the amount of input and the amount of output. increasing input or decreasing output both cause higher temps, and vice-versa.

Warm water rises. So much for conduction Ian.
It doesn't show the skin because of the scale. But all the rest of what you say, to a point is accurate. The warming the deep water is where your assertions fail. IR can't warm water below a meter at best. That's with all the wind mixing and everything that that entails. Period.

In other words, the oceans are warmed by UV, and not IR which means the AGW claims are false.

Semantic games. If the absorbed IR stops the heat lower down from leaking out into the atmosphere, and it does, it effectively warms the oceans.

Which means AGW theory is fine, and your claims have problems.

No semantics at all. Long wave IR simply can't penetrate deep enough into water to warm anything more than the bare surface. That then rapidly cools with the atmosphere.

of course it's semantics.

does the atmosphere DIRECTLY heat the oceans? no, IR only penetrates a fraction of a millimeter of the surface. the absorbed energy goes into the pool of energy used to cause evaporation, which then causes convection that carries the latent heat up to the cloud tops.

does the atmosphere INDIRECTLY heat the oceans? yes, by supplying some of the energy necessary for evaporation of water at the boundary less heat is conducted to the surface by conduction. the temperature of water is controlled by both the amount of input and the amount of output. increasing input or decreasing output both cause higher temps, and vice-versa.

Warm water rises. So much for conduction Ian.

I wonder how thermoclines in the ocean are overcome. Seems to me it would take massive amounts of heat or large amounts of out gassing to turn over the layers. I wonder how heat would magically make it under one of those thermoclines without forcing? I guess I dont know Thermal or Liquid dynamics... [/sarcasm]
It's all about fear & control. They want their massive World Government power-grab.

Sadly, these kinds of bogeymen are all deniers and libertarians have now. On any topic. Modern libertarianism is now mostly about attempting to terrify the sheeple over a wide range of topics. The real world is most unkind to all the very peculiar libertarian claims, hence their constant invocation of bogeymen to convince the sheeple to retreat from the real world into the libertarian conspiracy bubble.

Now, let's check that real world.

Hmm. Some spots are warmer than normal. Some spots are colder than normal. The northeast is going to get particularly hot soon.

Wait, didn't the deniers just say the northeast being cold proves global warming was a hoax? If I was just as flagrantly dishonest, I could point to that warm spot as proof of global warming. However, I refuse to stoop to the level of deniers. Deniers all think it's justifiable (for the greater good, of course, comrade) to use fraud-by-cherrypicking, but no ethical person acts that way. Instead, I'll be intellectually honest and look at the global average. Which is +0.69C. Quite warm.

Well then live in fear of your Global Warming Boogeyman. That's your call. I won't stop you. Just don't try to force your massive World Government power-grab on the rest of us. We don't want more Government control. We need less at this point.

You're welcome to live in fear and beg for more Government control of your life. But i'm gonna take my chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman instead. Bring him on. I'll survive. Bet on that.
Semantic games. If the absorbed IR stops the heat lower down from leaking out into the atmosphere, and it does, it effectively warms the oceans.

Which means AGW theory is fine, and your claims have problems.

No semantics at all. Long wave IR simply can't penetrate deep enough into water to warm anything more than the bare surface. That then rapidly cools with the atmosphere.

But it can warm the surface very effectively; and the thermal conductivity of water along with ocean convection does the rest.

I guess you forgot the fact that warm water rises. That escaped you huh?

And when it can't rise any more, what do you think happens? It expands, raising sea levels, and spreads out, etc. The ocean is a very dynamic place. When you add energy to it, things happen.

When it can't rise anymore it interacts with the atmosphere which cools it to ambient. That's how physics works.

Except when the atmosphere is warmer than the sea. Then it can't cool that way. See how that works?
First of all, nothing is going to be done unless people agree to sit down and figure out what to do. Secondly, China has already agreed to clean up their act, and have already started compliance work. It isn't as much as we'd hoped for, but the Chinese themselves understand they have a problem because their own people are dying from the pollution.

Yep some time in 2030 they MIGHT start to comply. until then we get the finger and we are told to destroy ourselves, our economy, our military, OUR SOVEREIGNTY.. What kind of idiot believes this propaganda? Alarmists shills and communists that's who along with fools.

Enjoy your false flag.
No semantics at all. Long wave IR simply can't penetrate deep enough into water to warm anything more than the bare surface. That then rapidly cools with the atmosphere.

But it can warm the surface very effectively; and the thermal conductivity of water along with ocean convection does the rest.

I guess you forgot the fact that warm water rises. That escaped you huh?

And when it can't rise any more, what do you think happens? It expands, raising sea levels, and spreads out, etc. The ocean is a very dynamic place. When you add energy to it, things happen.

When it can't rise anymore it interacts with the atmosphere which cools it to ambient. That's how physics works.

Except when the atmosphere is warmer than the sea. Then it can't cool that way. See how that works?

Really? You might want to reconsider that post.
First of all, nothing is going to be done unless people agree to sit down and figure out what to do. Secondly, China has already agreed to clean up their act, and have already started compliance work. It isn't as much as we'd hoped for, but the Chinese themselves understand they have a problem because their own people are dying from the pollution.

Yep some time in 2030 they MIGHT start to comply. until then we get the finger and we are told to destroy ourselves, our economy, our military, OUR SOVEREIGNTY.. What kind of idiot believes this propaganda? Alarmists shills and communists that's who along with fools.

Enjoy your false flag.

Enjoy your ignorance...

Building on strong progress during the first six years of the Administration, today President Obama announced a new target to cut net greenhouse gas emissions 26-28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025. At the same time, President Xi Jinping of China announced targets to peak CO2 emissions around 2030, with the intention to try to peak early, and to increase the non-fossil fuel share of all energy to around 20 percent by 2030.

Obama is such a nice guy stating we'll cut our own throats and you do what you like.... Moron

It's about time we go back to the impending Ice Age as projected in the 80's.

No, by 1980, it was all warming predictions from the real scientists.

Of course, deniers arrived soon after, and started their endless string of failed ice age predictions, which continue to this day. Their record of failure spans decades now.
It doesn't show the skin because of the scale. But all the rest of what you say, to a point is accurate. The warming the deep water is where your assertions fail. IR can't warm water below a meter at best. That's with all the wind mixing and everything that that entails. Period.

In other words, the oceans are warmed by UV, and not IR which means the AGW claims are false.

Semantic games. If the absorbed IR stops the heat lower down from leaking out into the atmosphere, and it does, it effectively warms the oceans.

Which means AGW theory is fine, and your claims have problems.

No semantics at all. Long wave IR simply can't penetrate deep enough into water to warm anything more than the bare surface. That then rapidly cools with the atmosphere.

of course it's semantics.

does the atmosphere DIRECTLY heat the oceans? no, IR only penetrates a fraction of a millimeter of the surface. the absorbed energy goes into the pool of energy used to cause evaporation, which then causes convection that carries the latent heat up to the cloud tops.

does the atmosphere INDIRECTLY heat the oceans? yes, by supplying some of the energy necessary for evaporation of water at the boundary less heat is conducted to the surface by conduction. the temperature of water is controlled by both the amount of input and the amount of output. increasing input or decreasing output both cause higher temps, and vice-versa.

Warm water rises. So much for conduction Ian.

I wonder how thermoclines in the ocean are overcome. Seems to me it would take massive amounts of heat or large amounts of out gassing to turn over the layers. I wonder how heat would magically make it under one of those thermoclines without forcing? I guess I dont know Thermal or Liquid dynamics... [/sarcasm]

You have no understanding of either, no sarcasm, just plain truth. Here, for free, learn something, maybe you can use it getting a GED.

Thermohaline circulation[edit]

Further information: Deep ocean water and Thermohaline circulation

Coupling data collected by NASA/JPL by several different satellite-borne sensors, researchers have been able to "break through" the ocean's surface to detect "Meddies" -- super-salty warm-water eddies that originate in the Mediterranean Sea and then sink more than a half-mile underwater in the Atlantic Ocean. The Meddies are shown in red in this scientific figure.
Horizontal and vertical currents also exist below the pycnocline in the ocean's deeper waters. The movement of water due to differences in density as a function of water temperature and salinity is called thermohaline circulation. Ripple marks in sediments, scour lines, and the erosion of rocky outcrops on deep-ocean floorsare evidence that relatively strong, localized bottom currents exist. Some of these currents may move as rapidly as 60 centimeters (24 inches) per second.

These currents are strongly influenced by bottom topography, since dense, bottom water must forcefully flow around seafloor projections. Thus, they are sometimes called contour currents. Bottom currents generally move equator-ward at or near the western boundaries of ocean basins (below the western boundary surface currents). The deep-water masses are not capable of moving water at speeds comparable to that of wind-driven surface currents. Water in some of these currents may move only 1 to 2 meters per day. Even at that slow speed, the Coriolis effect modifies their pattern of flow.
No ,it isn't a clear and present danger. I have studied it.

It's about time we go back to the impending Ice Age as projected in the 80's.

Lots of folks have staked their careers on Global Warming/Climate Change/ hoopla ... Not like they are ever going to admit they might be a little off.
The same type folks that want to express driving a Prius here will go further towards fixing Global Warming than any of the other countries we share the globe with cleaning up their act.

It is all headed for United Nations bull ... Won't be long until we are trading Carbon Credits on Cricket Futures ... Cleaning up the air and feeding the poor at the same time.

You do realize how completely full of shit you are, correct? Here is what Dr. Hansen published in 1981, the link leads to the full article, so you can educate yourself as to what the scientists were really stating in the '80's.


Summary. The global temperature rose by 0.20C between the middle 1960's and
1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is
consistent with the calculated greenhouse effect due to measured increases of
atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar
luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend
of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming
should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the
century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980's. Potential effects on
climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North
America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West
Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the
fabled Northwest Passage.

Lacis et al. 1981
Lacis, A., J. Hansen, P. Lee, T. Mitchell, and S. Lebedeff, 1981: Greenhouse effect of trace gases, 1970-1980. Geophys. Res. Lett., 8, 1035-1038, doi:10.1029/GL008i010p01035.

Increased abundances were measured for several trace atmospheric gases in the decade 1970-1980. The equilibrium greenhouse warming for the measured increments of CH4, chlorofluorocarbons and N2O is between 50% and 100% of the equilibrium warming for the measured increases of atmospheric CO2 during the same 10 years. The combined warming of CO2 and trace gases should exceed natural global temperature variability in the 1980s and cause the global mean temperature to rise above the maximum of the late 1930s.


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